Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter Four Hundred and Twenty Seven

"What's wrong with him? Is he okay?" The two students talked with Su Jie for a long time, but the foreigner Lorraine still hadn't come to his senses, so he couldn't help asking worriedly: "He's a foreigner, we can't get rid of our responsibility for what happened."

City B attaches great importance to the safety of foreigners, even if they are scratched a little, they will be treated like a national treasure, a panda.

"It's okay, it's just a little stuffy in the head, the nerves are temporarily short-circuited, I act with discretion. This kind of stun is very common in fighting competitions, and I think you have been stunned before." Su Jie didn't care, he knew that Lorraine was dead No, not even a major injury, not a concussion or anything like that.

Su Jie's technique was exquisite and he controlled it with ease.

It's just a short circuit of the cranial nerve segment, and it can be fully recovered after ten minutes.

The strength of this foreigner Lorraine is very high. If it is not for Su Jie, there is no one in the Minglun Martial Arts School who can do nothing to defeat him.

According to Su Jie's estimation, the strength of the foreigner Lorraine is about the same as that of the dragon mask youth. Then even if Liu Guanglie made the move himself, the outcome would be hard to say.

Although Liu Guanglie has reached the ninth sense, he is a little old after all, and he is not good at fighting skills. If it is Tai Chi pushing hands, or a formal martial arts competition, it is not a big problem to deal with Lorraine, but life and death fighting is not enough.

Only a young man like Su Jie, with an extremely advanced level, can subdue Lorraine in one fell swoop.

The foreigner's name, Lorraine, is probably a pseudonym, and Su Jie's real identity needs to be further verified.

"Your strength should be ranked among the top three in the world fighting world." The two students said: "You can easily defeat this foreigner Lorraine, why don't you go to the competition? It's too great not to see you in the world competition." Pity."

"The strength of the world's fighting circles does not represent the highest level." Su Jie said: "There are still some circles with higher levels in this world."

"I think this is a false proposition." A student shook his head, disapproving of Su Jie's theory: "The current No. The nutritional science of the Chinese martial arts far surpasses our traditional martial arts, and even the modern combat sports system established in China far surpasses ours in theory and in practice. I don’t think there is any institution in the world that can surpass it. This is a specialized research system. After all, we are in this industry. In Solo's club, the annual research expenses are tens of millions of dollars."

Su Jie smiled and shook his head, but did not refute the student's opinion.

The student did not know Typhon,

I don't know about Honey Badger, but that's normal. In the fighting world, the world's No. 1 Solo Club does represent the highest level.

Even the world's top agents have no advantage in the Solo Club. Maybe the agents have advantages in marksmanship, assassination, investigation, eavesdropping, etc., but professional fighters must take advantage of the ring fighting. This is also a skill industry. There are specializations.

"He's awake, you can ask him."

While speaking, Lorraine, the foreigner with sapphire eyes, shook his head and stood up abruptly. Sure enough, he was not injured, but the way he looked at Su Jie was obviously different.

"Sit down and have a chat." Su Jie said, "How was my Tongbei fist strength just now? Is it better than yours? When using my Chinese Kung Fu in the future, you must remember the fundamentals, and don't just learn the method of Fajin. Let’s just say it’s a new type of fighting technique. I admit that your Tongbei fist strength is very good, but there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond the human.”

"Who are you?" The foreigner Lorraine asked, "Code name."

The code name mentioned by the foreigner Lorraine should be the code name of the dark world.

"Pipi Shrimp." Su Jie remembered a code name Zhang Manman gave himself.

"Pippi shrimp?" The foreigner Lorraine frowned, he had never heard of such a person in the dark world.


"I didn't lie to you, it's the code name." Su Jie smiled: "We won't talk about this, I hope you keep your promise, don't poach people in Minglun Martial Arts School, don't learn the essence of Chinese Kung Fu, change your face, say It's your own."

"I remember you." The foreigner Lorraine said: "Unexpectedly, there are such strong men as you in Minglun Martial Arts Academy. I will keep my promise, but I hope you can go to my Matthew Academy for exchanges. After ten years Today is the day of the local martial arts school league competition, and this time it is held at the expense of our Matthew Academy, when the time comes, I will invite you to our arena to show your Chinese kung fu."

"Very happy." Su Jie agreed.

He knew that Lorraine, a foreigner, had no good intentions in inviting him, but he was brave enough to agree. The "Ma Taiyuan" came here to open a martial arts school to destroy the local feng shui, seize luck, and make the country's martial arts the best. On the contrary, the popular city b has the highest level of martial arts schools run by foreigners.

Of course Su Jie couldn't see it, and wanted to attack.

The best way to fight is to defeat the masters one by one.

Besides, Su Jie also wanted to see what the origin of this "Mataiyuan" was, and who was behind it.

The foreigner Lorraine nodded, shook hands with Su Jie without losing his grace, and left here quickly.

Su Jie looked at the back of him leaving, stood up too, and said to the two students: "You two train well, if you have any difficulties in fighting, you can ask me, I have been traveling here these days."

"We want to learn the Tongbei fist fighting technique." A student hurriedly said, "The foreigner's Tongbei fist attacking us just now is a completely different way of exerting force, which can be used in fighting."

"Wearing gloves in the ring fight, the air resistance is too great, even if you have practiced the back fist, it is useless. Even if it is mma, wearing finger gloves will affect the penetration of the airflow." Su Jie said: " In high-speed sports, even a little obstacle will lose a thousand miles. Therefore, this fighting technique is not very useful for your arena fighting. It is also very difficult to learn, and it is completely different from your current boxing and kicking Sanda system. Wait until you really practice Sanda boxing Once you get home, practice will be much better."

"Then let's go." The two students were still in a hurry to train.

"Go." Su Jie waved his hand.

Seeing the two students leave, Su Jie wanted to leave, but he didn't leave, but sat down on the stone bench again, as if he was waiting for someone.

"The foreigner just now is called Seraphim, and his real name is Andrew Luo. He is very famous in the dark world. You were able to defeat him in one move, without even giving him any chance to fight back. No wonder the old principal said you were The most thoughtful man he has ever met."

A voice came.

Su Jie didn't look back: "Thinking? How do you say it? Isn't it a genius?"

"It doesn't really matter whether a person's talent is good or not. What's important is to have his own ideas and thoughts. Otherwise, no matter how good his talent is, he won't be able to reach the end. If you think about it, if you go the wrong way, the faster you run, the closer you will be to the end." On the contrary, it is not a good thing to go farther. On the contrary, as long as the road is correct, crawling slowly is much faster than people who take a detour." The voice said.

This voice walked in front of Su Jie. It was a young man in his twenties. His appearance was very ordinary, and there was nothing unusual about it. He belonged to the kind who walked among the crowd and was not noticed at all, even with a pair of eyes. , and there is no energy, as if covered by dust, similar to some overworked sub-healthy white-collar workers.

But Su Jie could see that this was just a superficial phenomenon, the man's cultivation method was to deliberately make himself dusty, it should be a mental method of "harmony with light and dust".

In the practice of Taoism, there is indeed this kind of making oneself no different from ordinary people, the energy is hidden inside, and the pearl is covered with dust.

This young man seemed to know Su Jie very well, so he came up to speak directly.

"You are the one wearing the Wukong mask, right? The old principal's successor." Su Jie was not surprised. In fact, even if this young man was wearing the Wukong mask, Su Jie could still see his true face through the mask, and Even if the other party had plastic surgery, Su Jie could still tell.


Even "burned to ashes", Su Jie can also know through some special soul induction.

Reaching Su Jie's state is really a miracle.

This young man was the Wukong masked man who defeated Ma Taiyuan Pa Kui in the arena, and he also borrowed his "only walk on the west" kick.

"You don't mind me stealing your reputation and wearing a Wukong mask?" the young man asked.

"Anyone can wear the Wukong mask. I will pass it on to you now." Su Jie didn't care. "You can wear it forever. Minglun Martial Arts School has such a mask that has been passed down from generation to generation to increase the sense of mystery."

"My name is Xu Changshou." The young man said his name.

"Then you must have been weak and sickly when you were young, and your family helped you choose this name." Su Jie laughed.

"The old principal said that your practice can already observe fate. Is it true?" Xu Changshou, a young man, questioned. His practice is extremely high. It is the final feeling of Liu Guanglie's training for Minglun Martial Arts School. From Su Jie's point of view, he His cultivation base is not much better than Zhang Jinchuan's now.

You know, the current Zhang Jinchuan is in the realm of the living dead.

"The realm of thought has improved, and sometimes time can be ignored, or in the spiritual world, the factor of time can be eliminated." Although this young man Xu Changshou is also in the realm of the living dead, Su Jie knows that he must not understand himself. say what.

Because after the concept of time is removed, it will completely subvert people's world view, and this obstacle is extremely difficult to break. Even Liu Guanglie has not been able to completely remove the time factor from the spiritual world.

Because, this cannot be done by ancient practice.

"The old principal asked me to ask you how to reach your level." Xu Changshou asked.

Su Jie said: "It is no longer feasible for you to take the ancient practice path. To reach my level, you must understand the most cutting-edge science, understand the mutual conversion between wave function particles in the quantum microscopic field, and understand human consciousness interfering with the microcosmic. Various phenomena, and thus extended to the macroscopic, and finally in the spiritual world, completely broke his original world view, and overlapped with the truth of the world from a logical perspective."

"I can understand every word of yours, but when you connect them, I don't know what it means at all." Xu Changshou said.

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