Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 430 The rivers and lakes are still there, there are dragons and snakes in the grass

"Jianghu?" Su Jie said: "Is there still a Jianghu now? This social class is interesting. According to the theory, people who practice martial arts gather together and communicate with each other, which can be regarded as a small Jianghu. However, most people who practice martial arts now They are all hobbies and have their own careers, even if it is a kung fu sect, it is difficult to make ends meet, only large-scale martial arts schools can survive."

Indeed, the Jianghu sects of today are quite different from those of ancient times.

The ancient Jianghu sects lived purely on kung fu.

This is no longer possible in modern times. Most boxers have another job. When they are free, they take a few apprentices to play in the park. Whether the apprentices give money or not, it’s just a hobby.

Even if it is a martial arts gym, it has its own small venue, more than a dozen disciples, and it is just a miserable operation.

In ancient times, boxers and kung fu people could go to the darts, even become local gangs, and some gathered to help the imperial court with water transportation. The worst thing is to perform a show, performing boulders on the chest or something. \u003ci\u003e\u003cahref="/1939/"\u003eGenesis no pop-up window\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/i\u003e

All in all, the low-level kung fu boxers in the past were considered a craft, but it is not the case in modern times.

Su Jie really didn't know what Jianghu Xu Changshou was talking about.

"Believe it or not, there are still many strange people among the people." Xu Changshou said: "Some people, on the surface, are office workers, but behind the scenes, their identities are ancient secret agents who can unknowingly steal things from people. stole them all. There are also people who appear to be university professors, but in fact are extremely powerful fortune-tellers."

"That's true." Su Jie nodded, remembering that his father, Su Shilin, was just a security captain, but his real identity was the dragon mask of a mysterious organization.

It is strange that these people of all kinds form a Jianghu.

"There is a dark world in the West." Xu Changshou said: "Many people may be Wall Street elites and big bankers on the surface, but their identities in the dark world are killers, agents, or the heads of a mysterious organization. There are many unspeakable secrets in him. There is a dark world in the west, and there are rivers and lakes here.”\u003ci\u003e\u003cahref="/1940/"\u003eCatalogue of Qi Zhi Tian Xia Works\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/i\u003e

"What are you trying to do by telling me these things?" Su Jie asked.

"It's very simple. This has something to do with the Matthew Court." Xu Changshou said: "They are wantonly absorbing some people from the Jianghu for their own use. I hope you can stop it with me. I have two friends from the Jianghu, one is a thief, He is so powerful that with a series of bells tied to his body, he can climb over the wall and across the courtyard without making a sound. He also has some secret techniques that even dogs can't find him. As long as he goes out, there are very few things in this world that he can't steal Stuff. His highest record is stealing a woman's panties and underwear in the car without the other party noticing. He can use two fingers to instantly pick up a slippery rice field eel from the water .”

"This is indeed a bit powerful." Su Jie said: "However, if your friend does such a thing, I'm afraid it's not a good thing."

"He is indeed not a good person, but after being arrested and released after serving his sentence, he reformed himself, and that time he was just helping a friend to take revenge, and he was not an obscene person." Xu Changshou said: "But now I This friend from the rivers and lakes has already been spotted by the people in the Matthew Academy, and they paid him to recruit him to teach him some secret stealing skills."\u003ci\u003e\u003cahref="/1941/"\u003eTianmai Shengang Chaos World Record Wu popup\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/i\u003e

While speaking, Xu Changshou walked up to Su Jie and touched him slightly.

Su Jie felt that the wallet, mobile phone, and other things in his pocket disappeared, as if they were teleported instantly.

But he didn't stop it.

This is the art of stealing, even the art of stealing.

Sure enough, in Xu Changshou's hands, many items from Su Jie's body appeared. He returned these items to Su Jie: "If you stop it, I won't be able to steal it."

He knew that Su Jie's mental state was unimaginable, and he knew everything he thought, let alone stealing, but Su Jie just wanted to see his stealing methods.

Stealing techniques are different from kung fu, but there are some similarities.

It's just that the purpose of the two is different, kung fu is to knock down others, and stealing is to take other people's things. \u003ci\u003e\u003cahref="/1942/"\u003eThe latest chapter of the long song of controlling the sword\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/i\u003e

Su Jie knows that in ancient times, thieves and pickpockets were the oldest occupations. People in this industry specialize in the study of stealing techniques and various practice methods. There are some masters who pick people's wallets on the bus.

However, after the rise of mobile payment now, there is no cash, and the profession of thief is not easy to mix.

Today's thieves don't have any technical content, and some even turn into robbery, grabbing people's mobile phones and running away.

Su Jie felt that although the act of stealing was against the law, it was still possible if it was just a performance by researching techniques. The ancient art was extensive and profound, and many techniques could be preserved.

From the perspective of foreigners, it is also something that Su Jie cannot tolerate if they want to incorporate them all into their own system.

"I also have a friend in the Jianghu. His concealed weapon technique is also excellent, a hidden weapon handed down in his family. I also learned my concealed weapon technique from him." At this moment, Xu Changshou suddenly moved, and two bullets flew into the cone. He went out and aimed at the two wild birds on the big tree next to him. \u003ci\u003e\u003cahref="/1943/"\u003eStrange Tales\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/i\u003e

bang bang!

The two stones came first, and the two bullets were sent flying.

The night bird on the big tree was startled and flew up.

"Don't hit the bird." It was Su Jie who casually kicked up the stones on the ground and intercepted Xu Changshou's hidden weapon.

Xu Changshou's hidden weapon technique is amazing, but in front of Su Jie, he is still as childish as playing house with a child. Su Jie's hidden weapon kung fu is truly unique.

"In terms of technique alone, your hidden weapon is very wonderful." Su Jie also saw that Xu Changshou's technique is unique, and the moment it is launched, it can move to reach the whole body, which is a good way to practice.

"You can shoot with your feet?" Xu Changshou was even more shocked: "Is this the way to use Xigui? Can you still use it like this? Then when fighting, I can kick stones and raise dust, and I can take advantage of it." "\u003ci\u003e\u003cahref="/1944/"\u003eShameless family no pop-up window\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/i\u003e

Xu Changshou has reached his current state, but he is still thinking of some dirty tricks, which can be said to be his original intention.

"My friend has mastered a lot of hidden weapon techniques, and now he is recruited by the Matthew Academy. After the Matthew Academy learns all these techniques, they will change their appearance and become theirs just like Tongbeiquan." Xu Changshou Said: "I can't convince these people, but you can. I hope you can help."

"It's not helping, it's my duty." Su Jie said, "However, what kind of organization or alliance is there in the rivers and lakes you mentioned just now? For example, these strange people of all kinds hidden among ordinary people, Behind them there is a character who is equivalent to the leader of the martial arts. If the Matthew Court recruits this character, then many people with unique skills will be recruited."

"That's right, there is such a person." Xu Changshou said: "And in the past few decades, all kinds of people in the world have been in contact with each other and have meetings. That's why I'm telling you this."\u003ci\u003e\u003cahref= "/1945/"\u003eLeague of Legends Super God Auxiliary Works Catalog\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/i\u003e

"Who is that?" Su Jie asked.

"Peng Lianshan." Xu Changshou said a name: "It is the family of Tongbeiquan, he passed the Tongbeiquan to the people in Mataiyuan, communicated with them, and also used the advanced technology of Mataiyuan to train Peng family son."

"Peng's family?" Su Jie knew that in this area, the Peng's family was very famous. It was a typical family of martial arts, and their ancestors had practiced Tongbei Fist for generations, as well as various saber techniques, especially hidden weapon darts. In the small arena three years ago, he also fought against the young master Peng Haidong who was a Tongbeiquan.

"The Peng family was a family that specialized in doing business for the imperial court. In the Qing Dynasty, it was the Peng family who arrested thieves for the imperial court, cleared up the bandits, and contacted the underworld. , made field feats, and won the title." Xu Changshou said: "Because of this, the Peng family has a very deep heritage, and the family is very large, spreading branches and leaves, spreading all over the seven provinces north of the Yellow River. At the end of the Qing Dynasty, There are two green forests, and there is even a saying of Nanzhang and Beipeng.”\u003ci\u003e\u003cahref="/1946/"\u003eShishen has no pop-up window\u003c/a\u003e\u003c/i\u003e

The Zhang family, in fact, is Zhang Hongqing's family, who have been doing water transportation for the imperial court in the south.

And the Peng family, in the north, helped the imperial court arrest thieves, all kinds of bandits, bandits, and even secretly monitored the movements in the rivers and lakes for the imperial court, what kind of rebels in the white lotus.

"I remember that during the Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty, there was a martial artist named Huang Tianba who helped the court with affairs, and later became a second-rank official." Su Jie said.

"There is such a person." Xu Changshou said: "You know the martial arts anecdotes of the old society very well. However, the Peng family was very powerful at that time, and it is the same now. The old principal Liu Guanglie opened a martial arts school here. However, the Peng family refused to let him open. Later, they had an appointment with the old man of the Peng family and defeated him, and then opened the Minglun Martial Arts School. However, the Peng family never forgot about this matter. At that time, Peng Lianshan was still young. , Now that decades have passed, he has become a powerful man, I think there is also a reason for the cooperation between the Peng family and the Matthew Court."\u003ci\u003e\u003cahref="/1947/"\u003eWar Catalog\u003c/a\u003e\u003c /i\u003e

"You want me to persuade Peng Lianshan?" Su Jie asked.

"Yes, only you can convince him." Xu Changshou said: "His strength is still higher than that of Seraph, even the old principal may not be his opponent now, because he is still in his prime. Only you can stabilize the situation." Be sure to subdue him."

"What I want to know is, how did he become the big boss in this area?" Su Jie asked.

"The Peng family itself is very prestigious." Xu Changshou said: "And the Peng family has been in contact with various underworld powerhouses for the imperial court since ancient times. In our area, there are actually many powerful people who have mastered the unique skills that have been passed down. Respected by the Peng family, the green forest powerhouses in many provinces north of the Yellow River even come to the Peng family to worship the mountains every year. If you think about it, no matter how strong the Matthew Academy is, it is impossible to open a martial arts school here. After all, a strong dragon does not overwhelm a local snake."

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