Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter Four Hundred and Fifty-Seven: Words Confused Mind 1 Cough Like a Stick

Wu Qu is a very mysterious person. Only people in the financial circle know him. Those who have really penetrated into the trading circle know that he is the "God of Trading". He trades stocks, futures, bonds, hedging, etc. Trading virtual currency, various techniques, amazes those who really know how to do it.

However, he is not very famous, because he is not an entrepreneur, far inferior to people like Liu Shi and Larici who are world famous, and anyone can recognize him.

In this regard, Wu Qu is somewhat similar to Ou Deli.

Odley taught many martial arts masters, and those fighters are world-famous, but few people in Odley know about them. Famous only in the dark world.

Odley may be a person with the same identity in the dark world as in the real world, and he doesn't need to hide anything at all, and he is not afraid of someone's revenge. Of course, Odley has never done anything in the dark world, he is just a harmless coach .

Wu Qu can also be said to be one of Lin Tang's idols. According to reason, he should be happy if the idol invites him to dinner, but now he wants to poach himself, which makes him very embarrassed.

"Your trading methods are not bad. I have read your delivery orders over the years. Although the timing of each transaction is slightly flawed, I have already seen your own unique operating philosophy and methods. You are better at learning from the general trend. Start from the top, judge the situation, make accurate shots, pull out your teeth, and switch from long to short, and there are some ups and downs. This is not something that humans can learn. It is because you have an extremely keen intuition about the world's finances in your brain. This is not what training can do. Achieved, this is talent." Wu Qu looked at Lin Tang and said, "So I personally invite you to join my fund as a trader. As for the remuneration, you don't have to worry about your status."

Wu Qu snapped his fingers.


A woman in professional attire next to her took the contract and handed it to Lin Tang.

This professional woman is a frosty beauty. She is tall and capable. The major companies in the world and the markets of various countries are very researched. If you don't make a move, you will be fine.

Lin Tang didn't look at the contract either, and pushed on the table, "I'm sorry, Mr. Wu Qu, I'm working very well now, which means I'm starting my own business, and I don't want to join any company. This disappoints you. No matter how good your conditions are, I won't quit."

"Really?" Wu Qu's eyes pierced fiercely. "You really don't want to read the contract? There are clauses in this contract that you didn't expect. I guarantee that after you read it, your heart will be moved immediately."

There seemed to be some kind of magical power in Wu Qu's words, which made Lin Tang move his hands involuntarily, wanting to take the contract on the table to watch.

However, just when he had this strong idea, the usual training took effect.

Su Jie carefully taught him the real art of calming the mind, and he practiced hard every day.


In his mind, a tall golden idol appeared. This idol held a sword in one hand and a rosary in the other. His whole body was mighty, supporting the heaven and the earth. It is Fudo Mingwang.

This is the special training given to him by Su Jie based on his xinxing, so that he can meditate day and night without being able to touch the king of Ming, and the root seal formula of the king of Ming, so that the energy of the whole person is as immovable as a mountain, and the karmic fire of the three realms is in the air. The surroundings are burning and cannot be moved, but it is becoming more and more pure.

He does financial transactions very dangerously, and spends every day getting rich overnight and going bankrupt overnight.

Even just click the mouse, you may get rich immediately, or you may go bankrupt.

Devils and angels are in fierce conflict in his mind all the time.

At this time, you must have an extremely firm mind to maintain it, so you need to practice.

Su Jie has trained Lin Tang for a long time, so that Lin Tang can be extremely calm and analyze accurately. He not only maintains the sobriety of a robot, but also maintains the inspiration, accurate judgment, and extremely powerful intuition at all times.

In this way, Lin Tang became more energetic as he practiced, and he was naturally invincible in the market.

The image of King Fudo Ming flashed past in his heart, and immediately suppressed the impulse, Lin Tang said, "Mr. Wu Qu, I know that the conditions you offered must be very generous, but I really don't need it, but we can cooperate."

Seeing that Lin Tang was able to hold back from looking at the contract, the eyes of the woman in professional attire next to Wu Qu flickered with surprise.

But Wu Qu seemed to recognize Lin Tang's thoughts.

He said slowly, "Your practice of Fudo Mingwang method is not bad. This method is derived from Tibetan secret practice, and there are many complicated movements and secrets. Get the essence of Zen."

"It can be seen that Mr. Wu Qu is also a master." Lin Tang didn't dare to take it lightly, he was a little afraid that he would be persuaded by Wu Qu, although he made up his mind that no matter what Wu Qu said, he would not agree, but He felt that there was a kind of magical power in this Wuqu, which made it possible for him to agree.

"When we trade, we are walking on the edge of life and death every day. Some people say that people's intuition can be exercised more in the hail of bullets. In fact, trading is more dangerous than the hail of bullets. There are many traders. Happiness, but as long as one mistake is not careful, the family will go bankrupt immediately, and everything will be lost. The next life will be more uncomfortable than death, and it is better to die. I came to you this time because I saw the flaw in your transaction. Weaknesses, and you have no signs of correcting them, your flaws are not at risk for the time being, but when you encounter changes in the market, your flaws will turn into fatal wounds. Do you want to know what your flaws are?" Wu Qu Speaking slowly, the magic power in the tone is even stronger.

"Flaws?" Lin Tang's heart skipped a beat. After so many years of trading, he has formed a set of mature operating techniques and concepts, has a fixed thinking pattern, and understands the entire world financial system according to his own set of logic. His thinking logic is highly consistent with the current world financial system, so he can predict the ups and downs and make a lot of profits from it.

He has not developed any flaws in his logic so far.

If someone else said that to him, he must have laughed secretly in his heart, even if it was Su Jie who said that to him, he would probably not take it seriously, because Su Jie didn't know how to trade.

But it was Wu Qu who said so to him.

The real god of trading, in front of Wu Qu, Lin Tang is just a junior, still very immature.

Wu Qu must have seen his flaws, and would never deceive him with words.

This state is the most difficult. Lin Tang thought that he had no flaws, but now he was shaken, but he couldn't find where his flaws were. After others brought it up, he really wanted Wu Qu to guide him, but he knew this A contract must be signed.

Therefore, Lin Tang was silent.

"The hound eventually died on the mountain." Wu Qu said, "When we do business, we walk on thin ice all the time. What we fear most is self-righteousness. When you think you have no flaws, it is the moment of your death. I think you can understand this truth." Understood. In this world, the authority we have is the greatest. Even if it is war, it is actually just a continuation of finance. When finance reaches a dead end, war begins. And the financial collapse , is much more terrifying than war, and the loss of a financial crisis will exceed that of a world war. Do you know what my ideal is?"

"What is it?" Lin Tang asked involuntarily.

"Through financial means, there will be no war in the world." Wu Qu said, "The way of finance is actually the golden mean. As long as you grasp the most balanced line, grasp the balance, and adjust it all the time, then the war will last forever." It will not come. Of course it is very difficult, but people must have a goal, an ideal. I have taken a fancy to your talent and intuition, and you can do this great thing with me, and it is not necessary for you to come Change jobs. You can continue to be your fund. In my opinion, the wealth you manage is not much, and it doesn’t deserve my attention. What I care about is you. I want to pass on my trading methods to you. "

After saying these words, Lin Tang was immediately tempted.

"Also, don't you really read what is written in the contract? So far, some of your inner reactions are all within my expectations. You practice kung fu, which is also psychology. You guess your own psychology, but To make a deal is to understand the psychology of everyone in the world and make a trade-off from it." Wu Qu said again.

At this time, Lin Tang stretched out his hand, and was about to open the contract to watch.


At this moment, a cough seemed to be transmitted from a distance, and this cough seemed to have a magical power, directly bombarding into Lin Tang's heart.

There is a cleverness in his heart, and his mind seems to be much clearer.

He pushed the contract away again, with a smile on his face, "Mr. Wu Qu, I don't think so, I already understand what my weakness is."

"Huh?" Wu Qu also heard the cough, his expression was moved, and he could already tell that the sound of the cough was extremely powerful, and it woke Lin Tang up in an instant, like a drum in the evening and a bell in the morning.

"Sorry, I still have a party here, and I will cooperate with Mr. Wu Qu next time I have a chance." Lin Tang stood up and walked out of the room.

The people around Wu Qu seemed to want to stop them, but Wu Qu stopped them with his eyes.

Wu Qu also stood up, "I didn't expect that there is a real expert behind you, this time I just take this opportunity, let me see it too."

With that said, he walked out of the room with Lin Tang.


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