Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Four hundred and seventy-five chapters: 3 masters, as if no one is confident

Zhang Hongqing's temperament is completely different from before. His spirit, energy and spirit have all risen to a higher level. It is obvious that he has made a major breakthrough. Zhang Hongqing himself is an extremely strong man. Once he breaks through now, he can already rival Liu Guanglie. Among Su Jie's divisions, he It is the strong of the ninth sense.

The Ninth Sense is an extremely extraordinary state, able to understand people's hearts, and even to make one's mind as clear as ten thousand years of black ice, without a single thought, it can see everything in the world, and can even receive a lot of information from the past and the future. Almost like a super computer, it can analyze all kinds of complicated people and things extremely thoroughly, perfectly control every part of the body, and through practice, it can prolong life and make the physical strength extremely powerful.

Once you reach this state, there is no problem at all to live to one hundred and twenty years old, let alone any disease. If you are a little more stable, you may be able to live to one hundred and fifty years old. This is the meaning of Minglun's seven characters. airspace.

Goku already.

Throughout human history, there are very few people who can reach the seventh sense, let alone the ninth sense.

Even though Zhang Hongqing is too old, once he has entered the ninth sense, his strength can still be greatly improved. Among the Honey Badger Group, he can already surpass Mr. Abubi and directly catch up to Mr. Honey Badger.

Moreover, Su Jie also discovered that Zhang Hongqing's body seemed to be full of vitality, as if he had been injected with some kind of drug, which increased the vitality of the cells, making him more than ten years younger.

This kind of medicine is very rare, and it is only available in the Water of Life project. Su Jie cooperated with De Bayer Group and learned a lot of secrets. Now in Typhon, the most core secret can indeed make people many years younger. The drug has been developed, but the manufacturing cost is too high, and it must go through a very strict treatment process and observation period, and there is a possibility of failure. The cost of failure is quite high, and it can even cause premature aging.

For example, Zhang Hongqing's injection for this project should last half a year. If it fails, the cells may lose their vitality, their own gene chain will become chaotic, and they will die in the extremely painful process.

All in all, the water of life project, and even many high-tech institutions now have anti-aging, life-enhancing, and gene-repairing drugs and technologies that are immature and cannot be used in clinical practice.

Only the most daring will take the risk.

Zhang Hongqing actually tried it, and it succeeded.

This cannot but be said to be a miracle.

However, Su Jie knew that in the world of science, relying on miracles would not work, and even miracles must be supported by extremely profound scientific and technological backgrounds.

Obviously, behind Zhang Hongqing there is a huge technical force.

This technology is not available to the current honey badger.

Honey Badger has invested in many life science laboratories, and Su Jie has obtained the data in them, but it is impossible to improve human vitality to this level, and it is impossible to make Zhang Hongqing's body look more than ten years younger.

Of course, even if Zhang Hongqing was more than ten years younger, Su Jie didn't care much. Even if he is thirty years younger, there will be no fluctuations in Su Jie's heart.

"Where's Zhang Manman?" Su Jie asked Zhang Hongqing.

"You'll never see her again." A cold smile appeared on Zhang Hongqing's face: "However, you seem to be good at physiognomy, and even Old Man Mao is willing to bow down to you, why don't you figure it out, where is she now? It was beyond my expectation that you were able to get here by yourself without relying on any information from the Honey Badger."

"I just asked this question." Su Jie sighed: "I can find here, so I know a lot of things. These things are not obtained from intelligence, but I can capture the information in the air. This The information on the spiritual level in the world is much richer than that in the real world. I am like a child standing by the sea. From time to time, I can pick up exquisite shells on the beach, but I dare not go deep into the truth. In the ocean. Zhang Hongqing, although you have reached the realm of the ninth sense, you have not seen the gathering of countless information in this world, in this time and space, let alone you get useful information from it. Your realm Still a long way to go."

Su Jie said this in front of Zhang Hongqing, not to mock his low level, but to tell the truth.

In this invisible void, there is a huge amount of information all the time. On the scientific level, China has built sky-eye telescopes to receive information from the solar system and even beyond the Milky Way at all times.

However, these are all information on the real level. Su Jie knows that the human brain accepts the most extensive information, and can even accept information from multiple dimensions without being blocked by time and space. Some information from places that are not recognized at all.

People's understanding of the universe and time and space is too superficial. After seeing Zhang Hongqing's improvement, Su Jie thought that he was already at the pinnacle of the world in his heart. It is not a good thing for practice, Su Jie kindly reminded him.

"How old are you? How many things have you experienced? It's really funny to point out the country here." Zhang Hongqing said coldly: "Then have you figured out that your end today will undoubtedly be death?"

"It's not enough to rely on you alone." Su Jie said: "Call Mr. Cain out."

"How do you know..." Zhang Hongqing was taken aback for a moment, he never expected that Su Jie would say this crucial name.

"I said, in this void, there are countless information. In fact, everything is truly displayed in the void, but the human brain cannot capture it. There are countless treasures in this void ocean, and everything you want The information I need. But even with my current cultivation base, I can only capture some information related to me. I can't do anything else." Su Jie said: "But what do you want to do, your plan is What, how many people have you contacted this time, what kind of traps have you set up, if I can't even capture these things that are related to my wealth and life, isn't it of a lower grade than you?"

"What kind of state are you in?" Suddenly, Zhang Hongqing felt terrified. He originally thought that he could be on an equal footing with Su Jie, and with his rich experience, he could defeat him, but now he realized that the distance between himself and Su Jie It seems to be getting further and further away.

He couldn't understand the realm Su Jie expressed in his words.

"Don't scare me here."

At this moment, a man came in from the door, a young man wearing a dragon mask.

It is the young man with a dragon mask who has been under house arrest for a long time by Su Jie. Su Jie also named him Su Long and asked him to train Liulong Kanggu and others. After several months of his training, Liulong Kanggu has made great progress.

Later Su Jie let him go.

Unexpectedly, he actually appeared here today, and joined forces with Zhang Hongqing.

What's more frightening is that the cultivation base of the dragon mask youth has also improved a lot, and he is not inferior to Zhang Hongqing.

"It's you, Su Long." Su Jie didn't feel surprised: "It seems that the information I received is correct, what? Is Mr. Cain still not showing up? With the combination of the two of you, in my hands Up, it won't last more than thirty seconds."

Dragon Mask is the strongest killer in the Cain organization. It used to rank first in the dark world. Disappeared.

But now it seems that the dragon mask young man is going to make a comeback again and reproduce the glory of the dragon mask.

"My name is not Su Long. Because of this name, I have to kill you." The tone of the young man with the dragon mask showed killing intent.

"Mr. Cain, if you don't come out again, I will abolish these two people. Don't you think that these two people can keep me here? Besides, you seem to want to talk to me about something to cover up It's too dishonest not to show up." Su Jie said to a waiter in the bar.

This waiter, who has been wiping the wine glass, is inconspicuous. He is placed on the street, and this kind of person is everywhere. He is a standard American western cowboy. No one will notice him. A drop of water is hidden in the ocean. Among them, it is the least likely to be discovered.

But Su Jie found him.

The waiter slowly raised his head, put down the cup in his hand very lightly, and smiled with white teeth all over his mouth: "How did you recognize me?"

"It's very simple. No matter how much you hide, the lighthouse in the darkness in your soul can't hide it from others, but it can't hide it from me. In this world, perhaps only Lord Typhon can hide it from me, except Besides, there is no one else." Su Jie's words revealed a sense of domineering, but it just made people feel that it was so natural.

"Very good. No wonder Odley has taken a fancy to you, and wants you to become the king of the dark world, succeeding the leader of Typhon." The waiter said, "You do have this ability, but you don't have this kind of thought, it's very frustrating." Odley was disappointed. For this reason, Odley had to find another person. But how could he find this?"

"Do you think you are suitable?" Su Jie said: "Your Cain organization once ruled the dark world for thousands of years, but in your previous generation, you suddenly lost the right to rule the dark world. Of course you are not reconciled and want to take it back. "

"It's not my previous generation, it's me." The waiter corrected Su Jie.

"It's not you. Although your genes are the same, he is him and you are you." Su Jie said: "The cloned individual is a separate life, and the difference in the essence of the soul is the most critical existence."


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