Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter Four Hundred and Eighty-Two

"It should have been a long time ago to attack the Feng family."

At the meeting, Liu Guan was the first to agree.

Liu Guan is also one of the investors of the entire laboratory. These days, he often hangs out in the laboratory and has gained a lot of benefits. He can see with the naked eye that there are more and more talents in the laboratory, which shocks him.

However, although he has received many pointers from the realm of the living dead, he has not been able to reach the realm of the seventh sense of the living dead.

This is because his savings are not enough.

The realm of the living dead is not so easy, even if Su Jie's research has reached the level of meticulousness, it is impossible to reach this realm by just helping people casually.

"Liu Guan, you've made great progress recently." Su Jie looked at Liu Guan, full of energy, brave and strong inside, he knew that he had started to stabilize his primordial spirit by practicing a Taoist qigong, the energy was hidden inside, solidified into a ball, It will be scattered, this is a very good start, and it represents that Liu Guan's kung fu has really begun to enter the room.

Liu Guan's original combat power was very strong. He learned from Master Heishui and knew the art of fighting. However, that kind of strength is external strength, that is, relying on his own physique, not relying on the inner true energy and spirit to gather into a ball. the kind of strong.

Of course, the external strength cannot be ignored. Liu Long did not advance to the realm of the undead back then, but he was very strong. If he fought in the arena, even if the Taiji master Yang Shu was in the realm of the undead, he would not be Liu Long. opponent.

However, the external physique is strong, it is strong for a while, and as the years go by, people will decline rapidly. However, the inner strength, although it will also decline due to the passage of time, can decline relatively slowly.

Liu Guan's ability to turn external strength into internal strength shows that he has also comprehended the true meaning of inner martial arts, and he is not far from spiritual improvement.

"It's because the atmosphere in this laboratory is good." Liu Guandao: "However, I think before attacking the Feng family,

The dispute with the Wu family must be resolved first. "

"I think so too." Tang Yun signed: "Otherwise, the Wu family will interfere with it, and I'm afraid there will be great trouble."

"I've made a lot of money recently." Lin Tang's temperament is also completely different, "Wu Qu comes to the laboratory every day to teach me something as promised, but I compete with him in the financial market , Very enjoyable, according to my personal thoughts, I actually want to continue fighting with the Wu family. In the international financial market, the Wu family was bitten by two fierce tigers. In fact, it has begun to show its passiveness. I make money on both sides, and I can still squeeze a lot Wool down."

Su Jie listened quietly, and nodded: "The Wu family has a strong foundation, and it is not that easy to defeat them all at once, but for the time being, you can calm down and release your goodwill. The so-called courtesy first, soldiers later, if they want to go their own way, I'd be more than happy to fight with them." Let's fight again. However, if we want to encircle and suppress the Feng family, I would like to hear your opinions."

"Since the Feng family failed to invade the Hedao Group, they have begun to transfer, sold and transferred a large number of assets, all cashed out, and invested overseas, which is tantamount to a large transfer. In the country, they only maintained some investment business "Lin Tang stood in front of the screen and played the information he wrote: "So if we want to attack the Feng family, we must take the lead from abroad. In this regard, we have an advantage. Of course, although the property of the Feng family is abroad, But their people are in the country, the company has undergone a complete transformation, and these days they have invested in a lot of profitable projects, disrupting the wind and rain. I have already thought of a series of attack plans. The first step is to attack by public opinion. Feng Yu, two members of the Feng family Xuan, Feng Qianzang have done a lot of ridiculous things, you can dig out some old things and make them stink, the first step is completed, and the next step will be easy."

Lin Tang was very organized and showed the style of a financial genius. He listed out specific plans one by one, which made everyone feel invulnerable.

Both Zhang Jinchuan and Tang Yunzhu nodded. It seems that Lin Tang has improved a lot.

After Lin Tang finished speaking, Zhang Jinchuan also got up and said: "Actually, the Feng family transferred assets overseas through various means. This matter itself has a big problem. The Feng family was lucky in the first 20 years, and the ghosts and gods bless you." , so no one is investigating all kinds of illegal methods. Now it is going downhill. As long as someone stirs up the flames, it will be out of control. I also have some preparations here. The most important thing is to find evidence of their violations, seize the opportunity, and strike Fatal. Let everyone in the Feng family go to prison."

"It seems that you are doing right and standing firmly." Liu Long sighed: "When people are lucky, they can do whatever they want, but when they are on the downhill road, the previous debts have to be repaid. Fortunately, we did not Doing evil is actually accumulating merit.”

"That's right, it seems that Su Jie was right to focus on scientific research at the beginning." Liu Guandao: "My dad is also reflecting on these days. The business world is ups and downs. Sometimes, if you want to survive, you have to use some treacherous methods. This is not the work of a benevolent person. , you will definitely have to pay it back in the future. If you are engaged in scientific research, education and other causes that are beneficial to social progress, then society will give you something back in the future.”

"Being able to see this shows that your father is also enlightened, at least his spiritual cultivation will improve a lot in the future." Su Jie nodded and said: "However, the Feng family's counterattack must be expected, if I guessed correctly , The Feng family is probably starting to disturb the wind and rain now. We are fighting with the Wu family, and with the eyes and ears of the Feng family, we will definitely be able to obtain information, and we have already started contacting the Wu family."

Just when Su Jie called everyone to have a meeting here, also in City B, in the side courtyard of the Wu family, in a house, a visitor ushered in.

This person is obviously the current head of the Feng family, Feng Shoucheng.

Feng Shoucheng's mental temperament is very ordinary. It seems that he has been hit by his career and has become decadent. But if it is a truly discerning person, you can tell that this person is keeping a low profile, using his own low-key to resolve the temporary bad luck, waiting for time, and soaring into the sky again.

Feng Shoucheng came in with a person. This person was also a middle-aged man with a serious look and a calm demeanor. Even though he entered the Wu family, he was not at all inferior to the Wu family's atmosphere. It seemed that he was born in the same family as the Wu family.

"Mr. Wu Jin, I brought someone to see you."

In the inner courtyard, the middle-aged man said to Wu Jin who was standing in the courtyard.

Wu Jin is Wu Qu's elder brother, and he has a lot of energy in the Wu family. Although his cultivation level is not as good as Wu Qu's, he still looks like a leader.

The martial arts are full of talents, and masters are like clouds. This martial arts is not the realm of the living dead, but its own spirit is also extremely majestic, like a snowy river and mountain, covering the sky and covering the sky, the sky is full of snow, and the cold air is oppressive.

"A member of the Feng family?" Wu Jin glanced at Feng Shoucheng, and his tone was very calm: "The Feng family has been lucky all these years, but they met their nemesis and finally started to go downhill. Now that they see an opportunity, do you want to take advantage of me?" That nemesis that Wu family dealt with you?"

As soon as Wu Jin opened his mouth, he spoke very directly, without any polite words.

Feng Shoucheng knew that although the Feng family was considered a dark horse in the business circle, it was nothing compared to big families like the Wu family, not to mention their Feng family, even if Liu Shi, Xia and Shang were combined, they would not be considered by the Wu family. Scholars, farmers, businessmen, business circles are simply the bottom of the bottom line.

Although Wu Qu of the Wu family is also engaged in finance and belongs to the business circle, the Wu family still looks down on businessmen in their bones, and Qi Wu Qu thinks that doing finance in the depths of his heart is a method of cultivation, and Qi is a means of strategists. Manipulate the world situation.

Feng Shoucheng knew that the Feng family was nothing in front of the Wu family, whether it was wealth, status, strength, or talent, but he didn't have any stage fright, and he showed a calm demeanor, and said slowly: "Mr. Wu Jin, Su Jie this child is not only the nemesis of our Feng family, but also your Wu family's nemesis. This person has a Jie in his numerology. Wherever he goes, accidents will happen. Commonly known as the broom star, the Sangmen star is this person. But if If you can conquer this calamity and use it for yourself, the Wu family will at least rise to a higher level, I am here today to give gifts, why are you so rude and superior?"

"Sure enough." Wu Jin looked at Feng Shoucheng, "You are neither pretending to be humble nor arrogant, nor are you trying to be calm, but you have a big trump card deep in your heart. With this trump card supporting you, do you think you are brave? In fact, the family is not inferior to our Wu family, so it does not fall behind in terms of momentum. The Yin Fu Jing says that the control of birds is in the air. Your own confidence is quite sufficient, which makes me very curious, sit down."

As soon as Wu Jin waved his hand, observing Feng Shoucheng's momentum, he eased up a lot in terms of language.

"The Wu family did not disappoint me. They really have a dignified demeanor. Mr. Zhou, thank you for introducing me." Feng Shoucheng said to the guide.

"It's easy to say." The surname of this guide is Zhou, which is the same name as the Wu family. Somehow, the Feng family got in touch with the Wu family through this line.

The three sat down, Wu Jin said: "Feng Shoucheng, what's your intention, just tell me directly, don't waste time."

"Okay, refreshing, the Wu family pays so much attention to efficiency." Feng Shoucheng nodded: "In this case, I will open the skylight and say that the Wu family is facing a crisis this time. The root cause is Su Jie's son, in the international financial market , Typhon, and Cain are all attacking the financial group of your samurai family, and some international short-selling speculators are also hovering around like hyenas. As long as your samurai family shows signs of decline, they will swarm you and divide them up completely. Of course, Even if your Wu family gives up the financial system, you will live comfortably, but in the future, I am afraid it will be difficult to achieve your Wu family's goal."

"Go on." Wu Jin was not angry.

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