Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter Five Hundred and One

"Do you know where he is?" Wu Xinyu heard this, and his understanding of Su Jie's strength deepened in his heart.

"I don't know, but if he enters City B, I will definitely feel it. In fact, the realm has reached our level, and there is a feeling for each other. If one party wants to kill the other party, there is only an upright conspiracy. Others Some of the tricks are useless. For example, the confrontation between two superpowers can only be crushed with the advantages of political system, economic strength, and even technological progress. The first two are actually laying the groundwork for the last one. The foundation." Su Jie said.

The confrontation between countries ultimately depends on the strength of science and technology.

The support of scientific and technological strength is the political system and economic strength. Only the best political system can improve the economy, and when the economy is good, there will be resources to develop science and technology.

The operation of the country is so, and the practice of individuals is even more so. They are interconnected and communicate with each other, and there are many places that can be used for reference.

"So, if Chief Tifeng steps into city b and wants to attack us, you can stop him in advance. But if you can't stop him, so what?" Wu Xinzhou asked.

"If I can't stop him, then you can only run as far as you can, but in the world, no matter where you go, the big boss can find you, so in a word, if I can't stop him If he says it, you will die." Su Jie said very seriously, his words were not alarmist talk, but facts.

Wu Xinyu now has no intention of besieging and killing the big boss.

They immediately turned their minds around, knowing that their understanding was wrong, and their boxing techniques couldn't do any harm to Su Jie, which meant that there were indeed people of this level in the world.

His current thinking is to protect himself.

"Then we can only pray for you to improve again and be able to stand up to the big boss?" Wu Xinhong said.

"That's the truth." Su Jie sighed and said, "So I hope to join forces with you, and both parties can obtain each other's research materials. I hope that I can get inspiration from it and raise another level. At that level, I should be able to compete with you The big leader is on the same level, but if you want to kill him, there is still not much hope."

"I heard you say that, and I feel that the chief is not a human being, but a real demon god." Wu Xinhuang smiled wryly.

"Actually, it's about the same. For ordinary people, he is indeed a demon god." Su Jie nodded: "It's also easy to understand. Hundreds of years ago, people saw that we can perform heart replacement surgery and internal organ replacement. That is a myth. Maybe Decades from now, what we think of as myth,

People in that era would also feel ordinary. "

"That's the truth." Wu Xinyu said: "But I have a lot of doubts. I have realized a lot of things in today's battle. According to the truth, spiritual cultivation is divided into several levels, and the division of the dark world I still use the method of describing and dividing in many ancient religious books, the sixth sense, the seventh sense, the eighth sense, and the ninth sense. And I know that Liu Guanglie from the Minglun Martial Arts School also has his own understanding of practice, and divides this into fixed , Jing, An, Duan, Ming, Enlightenment, and Emptiness. According to reason, our current state is the ninth sense, or the state of emptiness. But why you are obviously superior to us, let alone the big leader. Could it be that after the ninth sense, there is the realm of the tenth sense, what is the thinking mode of this realm? How does the spirit view the world, and how does it fit with matter?"

In fact, the more you practice to the end, the higher the realm, the more confused you are.

Because the higher you stand, the farther you see, the more you know the world is wider.

Su Jie also had many questions in his mind, but no one could answer them for him, only he was struggling to figure it out, and so was Ou Deli. Presumably the big leader is even more so.

They are like great philosophers, struggling to explore the sparks generated by the human soul and reality, exploring many unknown secrets.

Wu Xinyu and the others also had a lot of confusion in their hearts, and they couldn't wait to find someone to answer them.

"I once imagined many situations of the tenth sense, and even believed that the tenth sense is that the spirit can control matter, and it is the kind of detachment that can control matter. Later, I overthrew my own theory. To frame and shape my system, I think that the tenth sense is to see that everything in the world has wave-particle duality, and is in a superposition state of waves. But later, I also overturned my theory, thinking that if this continues, It is very likely that I will become a neuropathy myself." Su Jie said: "Up to now, what I think of as perception is that I can see all the information connected in series on the timeline, and absorb information related to myself from it. Of course, maybe in the near future In the future, this theory will also be overthrown by myself. But scientists are like this, they conceive a plan by themselves, and then repeatedly demonstrate and test repeatedly, and overthrow their own assumptions during the demonstration and test."

After a pause, Su Jie continued: "Actually, the state of the ninth sense, as you feel now, can predict things related to yourself to a great extent, and then through meditation, put this thing in the brain However, you have not completely seen the ocean of information, let alone the ability to search from it. In other words, your spiritual world is not rich enough, the gravity is not enough, and the tentacles are not long enough. When you can When you use your own spiritual world to feel the ocean of information, you can absorb the information you need from it, and avoid harmful information from invading your brain, then you will go one step further. If you want to use Taoist terms, this state It is called the good fortune of seizing the heaven and the earth, and the so-called good fortune is just one piece of information."

"If this is the case, you can get future technological information? Or what is the future like? I just want to know, will people live forever in the future? You can get this information, right?" Wu Xinyu asked with great anticipation .

"I can't take in this information." Su Jie shook his head: "The information of the future is too far away from us, and the changes in the future are diverse and there are no rules to follow, just like the infinite and non-circular in mathematics. However, I can see that the future is very exciting, an era that our current thinking cannot imagine. I hope we can live into that era, and human beings will not be extinct due to large-scale wars."

"So, it is very likely that there will be wars in the future? Humans will become extinct because of this? Or will technology be lost on a large scale, so that they will go back to the Stone Age, or will they go back to the feudal age?" Thinking of this, the masters of the martial arts also have some panic.

"We can do our best to prevent this from happening. According to your age, you can live up to the age of fifty, and if you live longer, you can live to the age of seventy." Su Jie said: "And I, about the normal life Go on, if you don't die, you can live a hundred years without any problem, and you should be able to see the vicissitudes of human beings in your lifetime."

"From your body, I really want to see that you have lived for more than a hundred years." Wu Xinhuang suddenly said surprisingly.

"That's right. You should be able to tell from your realm." Su Jie nodded: "I have absorbed the rich life experience of a centenarian and integrated it into our spiritual world. If you insist on It is not impossible to say that my lifespan is more than a hundred years old, the age of a person does not depend on the vitality of the body, but mainly depends on the time span of the spiritual world."

"Then you have to be careful." Wu Xinyu said: "Our Wu family actually has a secret research, that is, the life span of a person is not determined by his body, but by the time in his spiritual world, that is to say , you are now twenty years old on the surface, but your mental age is already over a hundred years old, that is to say, you will die at any time. Many old people have no physical problems, but die suddenly, that is actually because of this. "

"I knew this theory a long time ago, but I didn't believe it, so I did an experiment myself, and found that this theory is not very correct, because I haven't felt the sign of death yet." Su Jie said: "So, people's Lifespan should be a resonant effect of body and soul, if a person’s spirit determines a person’s lifespan, then people will not die if they are destroyed.”

"You actually did the experiment yourself? Don't you fear death?" the four masters of the Wu family said in amazement.

"Science should have a spirit of devotion. Don't you know that you can die when you hear the Tao? If you don't have this spirit of seeking Tao, how can you have a high level of cultivation?" Su Jie didn't care. I haven’t figured it out at all, what exactly is death?”

"After all, there is still some gap between our realm." Wu Xinyu sighed: "Since this is the case, from now on, our Wu family will really turn our hostility into friendship with you. In dealing with Tifeng, we can advance and retreat together, and even study together. Qu, you are in charge of this matter, inject capital into his laboratory, and hope that our Wu family can also get some shares."

"There is no problem with this. I also hope that the Wu family can come up with data to make our scientific research work to a higher level." Su Jie knew that the Wu family has an extremely rich background. can make up for many data deficiencies.

This time, I really surrendered to the Wu family and convinced them. In the end, everything was a lie. The only way to convince them with realm and strength is king.

"Let's go to recover and treat the injury." Wu Xinyu walked into the cave. It seemed that there were some special equipment in the cave.

Su Jie knew that this was probably a research base of the Wu family.

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