Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Five hundred and ninety-nine, Ma Yuetanxi has made great progress and has surpassed God

"This person has the talent of a dragon and a phoenix." Su Jie is good at reading faces, and he has already seen that this Chu Feng has a dragon appearance, which is very extraordinary. If in ancient times, he was either a prince or a minister of the court. And good at protecting one's life wisely, one can enjoy wealth forever, and even benefit future generations.

In addition, on Chu Feng's body, there is also a faint layer of nobility, which is extremely thick and can resist all kinds of aggression, even evil spirits.

In Su Jie's eyes, the noble aura on Chu Feng's body was like golden light, covering his whole body. In the void, countless harmful information wanted to invade, but they were all bounced off by the golden light, and could not enter it.

This is Su Jie's realm.

He can see "ghosts and gods" that ordinary people cannot see.

The so-called "ghosts and gods" are actually a lot of information that fills the void all the time. These information can sometimes invade people's spiritual world consciousness, causing people to have many thoughts and ideas inexplicably, thus affecting people's behavior.

The "nobility" in Chu Feng's body is actually his own self-cultivation, coupled with his huge family power and rich background, even if he is a little out of line, he can completely resolve it. Compared with ordinary people, he has much more ability to resist risks.

This is pretty much the essence of "nobility".

"This person has a long number and can be drawn into the camp. He is also a talent. Riding and arching horses is indeed an important course in ancient martial arts practice, but it is too much money and experience in modern times. Who would practice martial arts to raise horses and archery? There is no such venue "There is no bow horse training in Su Jie's training camp, not because bow horse is not important, but because it is too expensive and costly.

However, he sees that Chu Feng is a talent and an extremely important role in this circle, so he can win him over and let him join his camp.

But the other party is also in the realm of the living dead, and quite advanced, he is the dragon and phoenix among men, the proud son of heaven, how can he submit easily, only by defeating him at what he is best at, and making him convinced, will he be subdued Effect.

After turning his mind a little, Su Jie nodded: "I also practice martial arts, but I have never practiced bow horse, but I would like to see it."

"Riding and archery is extremely dangerous, but since your kung fu is above Tang Yun's lottery, I feel that even if you encounter danger, you can resolve it. There is a horse farm nearby. I often practice riding and archery there. It's better to go now, this is also a banquet item." Chu Feng put forward his opinion.

"Alright." Su Jie nodded.

"Let's go, I'll make arrangements." Chu Feng sent a message and invited Su Jie to go out.

Seeing Chu Feng and Su Jie go out, many young disciples followed, even some old people came out and watched with great interest.

"Chu Feng is going to compete with this person in riding and archery. This party show is wonderful. What is the origin of this person? Why did it arouse Chu Feng's interest?" A young girl asked.

"It is said that this person is called Su Jie, and he is extremely powerful. Even Tang Yun's lottery is his subordinate. He helped Tang Yun's lottery to improve his spiritual level, and the Tang family dared to fight against the Wu family because of his power. And the Wu family seems to have conceded defeat."

"Him? What is his origin? Even the Wu Family has surrendered?"

"It is said that his influence is not at home, but abroad, and he is the real giant of the dark world."

"The dark world? It's an unfathomable social class, full of fish and dragons, and without any legal constraints. Many of the giants also have prominent identities in the real world. In Europe and the United States, many congressmen, members of Congress, also It is the giant of the dark world."

"Chu Feng went to the dark world on the west side for a while. I don't know what kind of training he received. After returning, he far surpassed us and became a real noble. It is said that there are many high-tech in the dark world. Even the surgical transformation of the human brain, combined with the injection of certain psychotropic drugs, can enhance the potential of the human brain and develop it, so that people's intuition, memory, thinking, and reaction will be greatly improved, and they will become superhuman. I don't know if it is true real."

"Superman can't do it, but it's true that physical fitness and intuitive thinking are much better than ordinary people, even those super special forces. In fact, the Superman project was started in Europe, America and the Soviet Union before World War II. Now, there must be results. I just don't know the top ones now. What level is the level."

"Anyway, I think Feng Hengyi is a superman. So is Wen Ting. I train in their club, and they play me in their hands. Anyway, I learned all kinds of fighting since I was a child, and my current level is even comparable to that of the country. The team members competed to compete, but in the hands of Feng Hengyi and Wen Ting, they are no different from children. Tang Yun's lottery can actually defeat Feng Hengyi and scare Wen Ting away. How strong is that? Only then did I know that there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people."

The conversations and whispers of these young and powerful children fell into Su Jie's "ears".

In fact, Su Jie no longer listens with his ears, but these conversations and thought fluctuations will all become information, permeating the void. He uses his "thinking touch" to capture, pull back, and reach his own spiritual world. Analyze this information.

In fact, with Su Jie's current state, even if he is deaf, blind, and all sense organs fail, he can still live as usual, and he is still countless times more sensitive than ordinary people.

This is the real heart to feel the world.

The sense of thinking and touch is much more sensitive than the naked eye, and more sensitive than any animal.

Snakes use their tongues to perceive the world around them, as well as their own infrared scanning. Dogs rely on their noses, bats rely on ultrasound. Animals each have their own unique skills, and some are dozens of times more sensitive than humans, but these all rely on their own flesh and blood senses. But human beings have evolved to the limit, just like Su Jie, the spirit and mind that all kinds of perception rely on, this is a phenomenon of the existence of advanced species separated from living things.

Now Su Jie has gradually grasped some of the essence of evolution.

"Let's go and have a look, this party is very interesting." Some old people in the room also stood up.

Tang Nanshan was the most energetic. He just won a round and pulled many families into his chariot. The Tang family was promoted to a higher level, which was something he could never dream of.

"It seems that sometimes, I still have to fight. If I hadn't categorically rejected the Wu family, I'm afraid I would have been reduced to a laughing stock now. The battle of establishing a country requires tough battles, and the battle of establishing a family also requires tough battles. Otherwise, the country will not be right, and there will be disaster. "Tang Nanshan thinks about the ancient history, sometimes it is really wonderful.

Su Jie and Chu Feng arrived at the door.

At this time, at the door, two men in black knight uniforms walked over leading two horses.

Both of these two horses were tall and strong, with strong bodies, well-developed limbs, and shiny fur. They looked like top-notch horses. In ancient times, these horses were definitely at the level of Chitu.

There are also bows and arrows on the horse, which are somewhat similar to ancient bows, but the materials are made of modern materials, which are more elastic and powerful than ancient bows. In addition, there is a quiver immediately, which contains more than ten arrows.

"This horse is not cheap." Su Jie looked at the horse brought over. This horse is different from ordinary horses, and has more explosive power and endurance. Even in ancient times, this kind of superior war horse was very valuable. In the ancient Central Plains Why is it difficult to fight against the cavalry on the grassland? There is still a lack of war horses in essence. It is extremely difficult to train a war horse. It is not just a random horse that can be used for battle. It takes a long time to train. According to human nature, the death rate of this kind of training horses is also high.

In other words, in ancient times, the money to raise a good horse could raise more than ten soldiers, or even more.

Modern horse breeding and riding training is something that nobles and rich people can only do, and it is much more expensive than raising famous cars.

A horse needs several people to serve it, and it also needs a huge horse farm land. How can ordinary people have such wealth?

"Fortunately, it's not very expensive. Modern breeding technology and medical conditions are also very mature, and I know how to raise horses so that they don't get sick." Chu Feng got on the horse, holding the whip, and pointed to a horse farm at the foot of the mountain in the distance : "Let's go now."

His movement of riding a horse and whipping his whip, in an instant, is like an emperor who swallows the world, and his spirit is completely different from before.

Su Jie just smiled, he touched the horse, and the horse's eyes seemed to reveal an extremely tame, even willing to die for him emotion, as if some kind of fanatical fan met an idol.

Su Jie touched it a little, and his spirit had already communicated with the horse.

All things have spirituality, and the spirituality of horses is relatively strong among animals. It is rumored that horses have the blood of dragons.

Su Jie has never ridden a horse, but he has read a lot of books on equestrianism. Kung fu and equestrianism are closely related, so it is impossible for Su Jie not to know. He got on the horse in one step, and he didn't seem to turn over, just like this.

His action made Chu Feng even open his mouth.

Judging from the movements, Chu Feng got on the horse, and his movements have been tempered and honed. At first glance, he looks like a "violent general" who has experienced countless times. But Su Jie's movements were like a fairy's. As soon as he moved his body, he "floated" onto the horse. Even the stirrups were useless. Even after he got on the horse, the horse didn't feel any weight at all, and it was still so relaxed.

"What's going on here?" Chu Feng was a little surprised. His mastery of riding skills can be said to be a master. After a person is on a horse, the weight is close to two hundred catties. The horse will change no matter what, but now the horse under Su Jie There was no reaction at all, it seemed that Su Jie was not a human, but a ghost, without weight, he seemed to be riding a horse, but actually he was floating in the air.


Chu Feng flicked the whip and pinched the horse, but the whip didn't hit the horse, it was just a false swing, and the horse rushed out like a whirlwind.

Su Jie didn't even use the whip, and didn't pinch the horse's belly, so he nodded. The horse fully understood what he meant, suddenly exerted strength, leaped violently, and flew into the air, like a horse leaping over the Tanxi River, surpassing Chu Feng in an instant . (https:)

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