Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Five hundred and thirty-three: Exploring the essence, knowing the self is not me

"What kind of theory is this?" Zhang Manman asked humbly.

There are definitely not many people in the world who can afford to invite Godmaker Odley to give lectures, and the giants of the dark world may not have this face, it depends on Odley's mood.

Especially now, Ou Deli seems to have connected heaven and man, and the realm of thinking can break through all shackles, and has reached the deepest level of esoteric meaning.

"Our control over the body is too weak, and the operating authority is too little." Odley said: "Just like increasing the strength of the body, we must first perform the most primitive repetitive exercises, and endure the pain again and again, so that Muscle growth and coordination increase will increase strength, but in fact, if you can strengthen your motor nerves yourself, and then control the stomach to absorb what should be absorbed, and strengthen the balance ability of the cerebellum, then you don’t need to exercise at all, and your muscle toughness will be strengthened Many times, on the contrary, compared with this repetitive training, it is like slash-and-burn farming and modern mechanical farming, which is inefficient."

"Yes, I have come into contact with traditional Chinese culture these days, and I have gained a deeper understanding of it. In fact, I have also been in contact with Zhang Hongqing on this issue before, and I have a certain understanding of traditional Chinese culture. In China Among practitioners, kung fu practice is actually a low-level evolutionary model, and more advanced models include self-cultivation and inner alchemy. You have a culture of alchemy in China, which pays attention to collecting the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, enters the dantian, and transports it through your own blood. Wander through various parts of the body, turn them into great medicines, brew and ferment them, and form the inner alchemy. Once the inner alchemy is complete, you will have the ability to transform your body and reborn, which is much more powerful than the development potential of martial arts." Mr. Honey Badger took over Ou Deli if.

"Mr. Honey Badger, you also study our Chinese inner alchemy?" Su Jie asked.

"That's right, in fact, in our culture, there is also spiritual practice, which is very particular, but in my opinion, whether it is inner alchemy or spiritual practice, it is just a guess of the ancients, and there is basically no operability. This is similar to medicine. Our Western medicine was in a very ignorant state in the Middle Ages and even in the last century. Even Madame Curie, in order to show everyone that radium is not harmful, even carried radium with her in her pocket. , This is all due to lack of knowledge, so I find it hard to believe that ancient people could really research the inner alchemy that makes the body have special abilities through practice, or it is spiritual practice." Mr. Honey Badger said: "If people are right The operation authority of one's own body has been improved, and some useless genes can be knocked out, and the gene chain can be optimized, so that one can truly have special abilities. Unfortunately, no one can have the operation authority now, not even the big leader Tifeng."

"It is true in theory." Su Jie nodded: "However, in order for human beings to reach this point, in my guess, it will take at least a hundred years of research, and during this period, human society will not be able to experience large-scale turmoil. The progress of the research was interrupted. But, coach, have you researched a whole new set of theories, completely different from Mr. Liu Guanglie's practice system?"

"Liu Guanglie's practice system is indeed very good. Starting with the practice of the mind and spirit, step by step is meticulous, calm, quiet,

An, Duan, Ming, Enlightenment, Empty. It can be said that the seven realms have reached a level of insight. However, in my opinion, even if one reaches the realm of emptiness, it is actually a process of finding oneself. "Odeli said: "And this process of finding oneself doesn't need to be so complicated at all. "

Su Jie nodded without interrupting.

Odley said again: "When we talk about the control over our own body, we must figure out who is the real controller. Our body is not our own, but the core that controls our body is the real one. Me, on this point, many people have not figured it out, even those who have cultivated the seventh sense, eighth sense, or even the ninth sense have not fully understood what is the real me. Let alone control thing."

"What is the real me." Zhang Manman absolutely didn't figure it out.

Odley held out a hand and asked, "Is this me?"

"According to the right to control the body, this is only my wealth, not the real you." Zhang Manman said.

"That's right, the human body is part of the wealth of the self. We now have very little right to use this wealth, and there are many obstacles to using it. For example, if we use it too much, it will cause fatigue. Emotions prevent us from using it, or it causes pain, which aggravates the behavior that prevents us from using it. It can be seen that many emotional things are blessed by the body and not owned by us. Therefore, first understand What is the real me is to strip away all the emotions given to us by the body through meditation practice, leaving only the most primitive will. This will is the real me. Then we use a series of methods to make this With a strong will, you will gradually have more control authority, only in this way will your body be truly unlocked." Odley said.

"That's right, this is a new set of theories and methods that Mr. Odley and I are researching. The initial practice starts with understanding yourself, and then gradually seizes control." Mr. Honey Badger said: "But , this brand new set of theories is still in its infancy and needs to be studied further.”

"I can feel it." Su Jie nodded: "Understanding what is the real self is no longer an easy task. It is even more difficult to strengthen the self-will, and to unlock the various permissions of the body requires a lot of complicated things. Learning, even if it is me, I don’t have much control right now. At most, I can turn white hair black, and even have some difficulties in regenerating lost teeth. As for using self-awareness to knock out some useless genes on the body, it is not possible now. It can be done."

"Don't talk about this, Su Jie, have you really grasped the spirit of the big leader?" Zhang Manman remembered the most critical question.

If Su Jie succeeds, it means that he can really compete with the big boss, which is an earth-shattering event.

Although in human society, the power of an individual is actually very weak, insignificant, and can't even decide any major issues. But Zhang Manman knew that this pattern was gradually changing. Before the seventh sense, people were indeed very weak. Even super special soldiers had extremely fragile lives and were easily killed.

But after the seventh sense, it is very difficult to be killed by ordinary people. It does not mean invulnerability and super powers, but anti-reconnaissance ability, action ability, premonition ability, learning ability, affinity for people, leadership ability, self The aura is many times higher than that of ordinary people.

To put it bluntly, people who have reached the seventh sense, even if they are sent to prison, can quickly gather a large group of "believers", even prison guards can be persuaded by him and become loyal fans.

Not to mention Ou Deli, people like Su Jie are many times stronger than people with the seventh sense.

If Su Jie had ambitions, he could instantly become the real boss of the dark world, call the wind and rain, and become the hero of the world, but Su Jie didn't want to. To a certain extent, his personality was similar to Odeli's, He only wants to explore the mysteries of life, and he is unwilling to enjoy and seize other wealth.

"Just now, in an instant, I caught his breath, but then he disappeared, obviously he was aware of my induction." Su Jie said: "I can find him, but I can't lock him completely , it can be seen that my spiritual realm is less round and flawless than his, but theoretically speaking, I have completely touched his realm, and I can fully understand what kind of state he is in now. I I am more confident about the next practice. At least on the spiritual level, I can catch up with him very quickly."

"I'm very pleased." Odley sighed: "You have finally come into contact with Mr. Typhon's realm and understood his mental state, but compared with him, you have three major disadvantages, one is that the spiritual realm is still inferior, and two That is, the physical fitness is also poor, and the third is that the experience is much worse."

"There is no disadvantage in physical fitness." Zhang Manman asked: "Mr. Tifeng is at least fifty years old, or even sixty years old, while Su Jie is only twenty years old now. There is such a big difference in physical fitness. Su Jie's advantage is huge."

"Tifeng's technological advantage is definitely not that simple." Su Jie waved his hand: "I can see Long Tianming's legs. His leg muscles have undergone special transformation and are so powerful that even Kang Gu is no match for him. This is the tip of the iceberg of Tifeng Life Science and Technology. Even your father, after receiving Mr. Cain’s surgery, is much younger in terms of life form. Not to mention Tifeng’s technology, in fact, my current physical disadvantage should be Big."

Su Jie knows the horror of life science and technology in Typhon Group.

Especially after his sister created a brand new artificial intelligence, Typhon's technology has improved to a higher level.

Over the years, although Odeli is No. 2 in Typhon's name, he has not been in touch with the deepest level of life science transformation, so he can't specifically understand the extent of Typhon's biotransformation technology.

The leader of Tyfeng deliberately asked Long Tianming to return to Su Jie's laboratory for some purpose. He wanted Su Jie to see how advanced Tifeng's technology was. Get further inspiration from Su Jie's research.

"Then can you find out where he is now? Do you want to meet him?" Zhang Manman asked.

"No need to go, he will come to me." Su Jie waved his hand.

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