Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Five hundred and thirty-seven, goodbye Joss, kicking a dead fly like a god

Su Jie also knows about Cold Steel Company. He is an American martial artist who loves cold weapons. He thinks that the world's sword forging technology should be combined with the concept of modern metal. He believes that modern smelting technology can definitely be forged beyond the ancient times. The magical weapon.

And that's true.

The toughness and sharpness of the metal on the sword in ancient legends are miraculous when described in various languages, but in fact, modern smelting technology can completely surpass it.

After all, the modern understanding of metal has exceeded the ancient times by many times.

It's just that there is no market for forging swords, so there is no company specializing in this, so Cold Steel appeared. This company relies entirely on feelings, but some swords and weapons produced by the company are indeed magic weapons.

"In ancient Chinese kung fu, fists and feet are the lowest level, and weapons are kingly. When going out, who doesn't carry weapons? All boxing techniques are evolved from weapons. Even in ancient times, human beings did not rely on bare hands. Those who fight against wild beasts will use primitive bows and spears. In modern times, hot weapons appeared, and cold weapons withdrew from the stage of history, but this does not prevent cold weapons from becoming a symbol of an era, from primitive society to slave society, In feudal society, cold weapons dominated warfare for thousands of years, knives and guns, bows and horses, riding and shooting, these things constitute the fundamental elements of kung fu. Just these three words can definitely occupy a lot of energy."

While Su Jie was speaking, he walked in.

The door is open, and it seems that people can watch it at any time, or sign up to study.

But there are few people here, and there is no sign of prosperity. Zhang Manman will never believe that this place can surpass Minglun Martial Arts School.

After entering it, there is a flat ground with many weapon racks, on which various weapons are slowed down, such as eastern and western spears, shields, even hammers, and even all kinds of giant swords that only appear in novels and film and television works .

In this flat ground, there are seven or eight students and two coaches.

Of these two coaches, one is a foreigner and the other is an Asian.

Now, the foreigner is teaching the students. He is holding a pair of sledgehammers that look like classical Chinese weapons, and he is practicing hammering techniques.

This pair of sledgehammers seemed to be made of pure iron. Each hammer weighed sixty to seventy catties. Most people couldn't even lift it, let alone swing the pair of hammers in their hands.

But this foreigner seems to be holding a straw in his hand, dancing it easily, like a windmill, with a shake of his hands, the sound of the hammer is blowing,


The hammering techniques practiced by foreigners seem to be somewhat similar to many moves in Taijiquan, such as moving block hammer, finger crotch hammer, and plant hammer. Each stroke is powerful and can break the enemy's armor.

No matter how thick the enemy's armor is, it can be shocked to death with a single blow.

This is completely a means of fighting among thousands of troops.

Think of a fierce general, with iron armor all over his body, infinite strength, holding double hammers, like a tank, rolling around in the enemy camp, that can definitely break through the enemy camp, and make people frightened.

"This kind of kung fu is not a fighting technique. It is a heavy weapon used in ancient times to break through the enemy's camp. The most important thing is momentum and strength." At this time, the Asian next to him

Said in Japanese, obviously a Japanese, "Think about it, if you were in ancient times, if thousands of people, or even tens of thousands of people, were fighting in a large army, the boxing, jumping, and dodging footwork that you have learned now would be useless at all." The only usefulness is courage, going forward, breaking the enemy's thoughts, knives smash knives, guns break guns, horses kill horses, people hammer into flesh. When practicing this set of hammering, you have to abandon it. For all moves, only courage is left in my heart. You must use your own momentum to shatter the enemy's liver and gall. After you have practiced for a long time, abandon the double hammer and fight in the ring. Even if the boxing is not superb, the opponent will collapse with the momentum .”


After practicing a set of hammering techniques to the end, the foreigner shook his arms and touched the hammers. The huge sparks and the clanging of gold and iron almost stunned people. People who were within ten steps of him were probably ears. Everyone will be shocked to hear no sound, or even deaf.

During this touch, the foreigner retracted the hammer and exerted force, sparks flew everywhere, like a god.

"This hammering method really has the momentum to block people, and gods to split gods." Zhang Manman was a little shocked.

She could already see that the foreigner's mental state had reached the seventh sense, and even the Japanese coach was at the same state.

"Coach, we can't dance with this hammer, and we can't put ourselves into the role of a fierce general who holds a pair of hammers and rushes to kill thousands of horses. However, I heard that the head coach's kicks can kill flying in the air. Mosquitoes and flies or bees, is it real or not?" a student asked.

This student is a young Chinese. I don't know why he didn't go to Minglun martial arts school to study, but came to this cold weapon martial arts hall.

"Wait until the head coach comes out to give you a show." The foreigner gently put down the sledgehammer, "Huh? The head coach has come out."

At this moment, another person came out from the room, also a foreigner.

When the foreigner came out, Zhang Manman was even more surprised, because the head coach foreigner was the Joss she knew. He used to have a very good relationship with Su Jie, and even Su Jie was able to be first enlightened by Joss.

If it hadn't been for Qiao Si to train with Su Jie, Su Jie would not have been able to understand the use of the hoe in Gu Yang's mind at first.

"Su Jie, are you here?" When Joss came out, he saw Su Jie watching at the door, and couldn't help but smile on his face. He seemed to have known that Su Jie would come here.

"Did you drive this cold weapon? Are you partnering with someone?" Su Jie stepped forward and asked. In fact, he has been in intermittent contact with Joss over the years. At the beginning, Joss became Feng Hengyi's subordinate. , but later broke away and returned to England to inherit the family business, as if he had given up his pursuit of martial arts.

But now it seems that Joss' strength and realm have exceeded his expectations.

Joss' mental state is no longer below Zhang Manman's, he has reached the eighth sense, and more importantly, his physical fitness has reached an unbelievable level.

If Long Tianming's legs were not human at all, then many parts of Joss' body had surpassed Long Tianming's.

This is a special kind of biological technology. It can be said with certainty that only the Typhon Group can possess this kind of technology, and it is very likely that it has just been successfully researched.

In fact, Joss himself has a very deep foundation. Before Su Jie knew kung fu, he had already traveled all over the world, learning various fighting skills, and even his own strength was already at the national professional level, but he was still unable to break through a Just a pass.

As long as one breaks through that threshold, one's progress will be rapid.

The same is true for Su Jie.

Moreover, Joss's obsession with kung fu and martial arts is very deep, otherwise he would not abandon the wealth of his family, walk around and study alone, and finally came to Minglun martial arts school.

His devotion to kung fu was much earlier than Su Jie's.

It's just that the current Su Jie has long since stopped sticking to kung fu, but is pursuing the evolution, optimization, and change of the human body itself.

"That's right, I opened this cold weapon. I got a large investment and established a headquarters here with Cold Steel to spread the knowledge of cold weapon kung fu." Joss nodded.

"Joss, your kung fu has improved a lot." Su Jie was very pleased. "It seems that you have finally found the best training method, and you have figured out some things. Your coach is very powerful, where is he now? Shall I see you?"

Su Jie can be sure that Joss's coach must be Mr. Typhon, otherwise, Joss' body cannot be transformed to such a degree.

"My coach is very mysterious." A strange light flashed in Joss' eyes. "He just left here, about half an hour ago." Joss looked at his watch and continued, "I know, yours The coach is Mr. Odley, which is why you were able to catch up with me in a short time. I learned a lot from Feng Hengyi, but after I met the coach, I realized that those things of Feng Hengyi, It's just a child playing. I want to compete with you again, but my coach told me that I am still not your opponent. And it is very difficult to catch up with you in this life. He said that your thinking realm has been out of touch Kung Fu is the most primitive and lowest level of evolution. And I'm still stuck in it."

"He's right. Kung fu is actually a lot of repetitive movements, coupled with thinking training. It has existed since ancient times. It is an instinct of animal evolution. It is indeed very primitive and relatively low-level." Su Jie nodded, "Earth In the biological evolution of the world, the external environment determines the trajectory of movement, and the trajectory of movement determines the change and evolution of the human body. All in all, evolution is not to make oneself stronger, but to adapt to the environment so that oneself can survive. I have to Let’s say, until now, the evolutionary method of Kung Fu has fallen behind, but at this stage, the new evolutionary method has not fully emerged, so its existence cannot be lacking. Your thinking still has the deepest superstition about Kung Fu. I firmly believe that kung fu, practice, and the mind can create miracles. This is actually an obstacle. At the beginning, it can push you to make progress, but it is a stumbling block when you reach this point.”

Su Jie's words were difficult for people to understand, but Joss could hear the meaning.

At this moment, a fly flew by here suddenly. The fly flew very fast, and with a buzzing sound, it was about to leave.

But at this moment, Joss's foot moved, and when he moved, there was a snap, like a whip bursting out in the air.

When his leg fell, the fly also fell to the ground, motionless, and was kicked to death... (https:)

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