Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Five hundred and forty-seven real life artificial intelligence number small robbery

The old lady disappeared completely three years ago.

Originally worked in Haoyu Group, but after being sent abroad by Haoyu, there was no news. Although Su Jie made many inquiries, the old lady is now the chief scientist of the secret artificial intelligence laboratory of Tifeng Group, and even the water of life project They are all calculated by the old lady's artificial intelligence.

It is very likely that the old sister has all the secret information and materials of the Typhon Group.

The current era is the era of computer data. The huge information of a group is stored in the database. As long as the database is stolen, all the scientific research results, account transactions, and even personnel information of the group will be clear.

A clever hacker can even invade the country's database and steal many confidential documents and materials.

However, Typhon Group's computer technology is the best in the world, and no one can steal Typhon Group's information. On the contrary, Typhon Group steals secret information from all over the world by virtue of its superb hacking skills. They even sell these materials on the black market to support the prosperity of virtual currency.

Anyone who wants to obtain useful information on the black market must first exchange U.S. dollars for virtual currency.

With hackers stealing data, Typhon Group will make tens of billions of dollars in profits on the black market every year.

In addition, most of Typhon Group's profits are obtained illegally, such as reselling energy and arms, smuggling goods, and laundering money for international giants.

Many legal agencies in the world are also investigating Typhon's affairs, but none of them are of any use. Some powerful Interpol have even been bought, and the acquisition is assassination. provide protection against the illegal activities of the Fung Group.

From the legal point of view of human beings, Typhon Group can be described as too numerous to write down.

Because of this, Su Jie didn't want her sister to work in Typhon at all.

In Su Jie's view, the cancer of Typhon Group will burst sooner or later, and will be liquidated when it breaks in the future.

Everything that Su Jie himself did was an upright and legitimate cause.

The information sent by the old lady Su Jie has no specific content, but a series of codes and symbols, I don't know what it is.

Most people can't understand these characters at all, and even deciphering experts who understand cryptography don't know what they are.

But Su Jie knew it at a glance,

What does it mean.

He didn't use cryptography to decipher it, but relied on intuition and inspiration in his mind. This string of codes was written by the old lady, so when the old lady wrote it, she contained the meaning she wanted to express. Su Jie can just sense the meaning directly with his mind, and it is not as simple as deciphering the code.

Scientists once predicted that after human beings have evolved to an advanced stage, the way of communication is purely spiritual communication, and all languages, characters, and images will lose their effect.

Because language, text, and images are the lowest level of communication, they can only express superficial things.

Spiritual communication can express multi-dimensional information.

"This is the key to a certain database." In Su Jie's mind, he understood in an instant what the message from the elder sister meant to him.

Sending messages on mobile phones is actually very unsafe, and it is easy to be deciphered and intercepted. However, Su Jie's mobile phone is specially made, it is a special product of Larich Company, not to mention the powerful search function, the encryption system is world-class, even the state agencies may not be able to crack it.

"What happened?" Zhang Manman sensed something was wrong and asked quickly.

Su Jie put away his mobile phone: "It's nothing, it's just some trivial matters, I have something to excuse me."

He went straight out, went back to the hotel where he was staying, opened his laptop, and logged in to a website that couldn't be caught by search engines at all.

His laptop is also a high-tech product of the laboratory, and he once signed one for Tang Yun.

Even with the influence of the Tang family, this product cannot be obtained, which shows the advanced nature of this laptop.

However, that was a year ago, and now Su Jie's laptop is more advanced, and it has been updated long ago.

The cooperation between him and Larich is very pleasant, and Larich has also given great support to his scientific research projects. Many high-tech electronic products in the laboratory are now produced in Larich's laboratory.

Larich himself was born in network technology. He is good at system development, software and hardware, and is in the world's leading industry. In terms of life sciences, his company may not be very good at it, but in terms of computers, there are few in the world who can surpass him. Especially in terms of hardware, some products are also used by Typhon Group.

The mysterious website popped up, and all of it was a strange text. These texts were neither Chinese, nor English, nor Latin, but somewhat similar to ancient Hebrew, but they were not, some of which were similar to in Oracle.

Su Jie knows that the text of this website is likely to be a special dark web address, which contains extremely mysterious information, and this website may be secretly manipulated by the old lady.

Su Jie's kung fu has already existed like a god in the real world.

And the old lady's computer proficiency in the online world is similar to that of Su Jie in the real world.

The old lady's previous technology was very outstanding. After working in Typhon Group, she learned the world's top technology, came into contact with the most advanced artificial intelligence system, and communicated with many scientists. Naturally, her learning is thriving.

Although Su Jie has lost the news of his elder sister these years, he can feel that the elder sister is improving every moment. This is a wonderful telepathy.

On this website, Su Jie entered the network key sent by his elder sister, and immediately an installation package appeared on it, which was directly downloaded to the computer.

The various defense systems of the computer itself can't stop it at all.

The various interception systems on Su Jie's computer are also world-class, and hackers cannot break through them at all. But this installation package broke through silently, and it was installed automatically, without even sounding the alarm of the interception system.

Moreover, the installation package was automatically opened and installed, and a waterfall-like data flow appeared on the computer, pouring down continuously.

These data streams are very strange, and each symbol seems to be jumping spiritually.

Su Jie is also relatively proficient in computer knowledge, but compared with his kung fu, it is much worse. Because his energy is not on this. Of course, his cultivation has reached his current level, and he can learn everything easily. As long as he diverts his energy a little, he will soon reach the peak of a certain field.

Just like in martial arts novels, after the internal strength is profound, any move can be easily used, and the power is extremely powerful.

Su Jie is now putting all his energy on his own evolution, which is tantamount to "practicing his internal skills hard", and after the "internal skills" are completed, he will dabble in various knowledge.

"This should be some kind of artificial intelligence installation." Su Jie looked at the constantly refreshing waterfall.

This data was refreshed for as much as an hour.

If it wasn't for the fact that Su Jie's laptop was the most advanced hardware in the world, any one would crash immediately.

Didi Didi

After an hour, the installation package was finally successful.

Then, a person's profile picture appeared on the laptop screen.

This person is somewhat similar to Su Jie, and somewhat similar to the old sister. It seems to be a composite of two people. Su Jie is artificial intelligence at first glance.

"Hi, Su Jie, hello. I am Xiaojie, an artificial intelligence." The person on the screen greeted Su Jie, and seemed to be able to fully identify Su Jie: "The hardware of your laptop is very good, it can carry I have one percent of the functions. If it is another computer, it will not be able to be successfully installed and run, but if you want me to be more capable, you must prepare a supercomputer."

This artificial intelligence Xiaojie is very humane, as if a real person is having a video with Su Jie, it is many times more advanced than most of the artificial intelligence on the market.

Of course, there are some advanced artificial intelligences on the market now, which can also help the police identify criminals, and big data systems can calculate and predict the course of the case, draw pictures, and restore various things.

However, in Su Jie's feeling, all artificial intelligences lack a kind of spirituality.

Even the artificial intelligence researched in Larich's laboratory is actually very advanced and can handle many things for humans.

Even now there are robots in the laboratory, equipped with artificial intelligence, they are much more capable than humans.

But Su Jie discovered that the essential difference between these things and human beings is some spirituality in the soul, which is the essence of life, and artificial intelligence does not.

But now, Su Jie felt something unusual from this little artificial intelligence. That is the unique characteristic breath of life.

In fact, there are many disputes in the scientific community about whether artificial intelligence will have life, whether it is a kind of life or not. Everyone is not sure.

If there is life, then robots will be truly intelligent life.

In the future, many organs of human beings can be replaced with mechanical ones, so are human beings considered semi-mechanical life forms?

The development of science will subvert many people's worldviews.

"Little Jie, were you made by my sister?" Su Jie asked directly. He knew that this "Little Jie"'s artificial intelligence knew everything, and its absolute IQ and ability were much higher than humans.

"That's right, Sister Mochen's team created me. She developed the most important self-evolution system. Now I can completely learn by myself, adjust myself, and correct mistakes by myself." Xiao Jie speaks standard Mandarin.

"Where is my sister? How is the safety situation?" Su Jie asked.

"She is very good now and has a high status. The big boss is going to promote nine real executives. She is one of them now. These nine executives are in charge of everything in the Typhon Group." Xiaojie said . (https:)

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