Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Five hundred and fifty-one finally stepped into the same height

There is a lot of information on the water of life, and it is definitely not something that can be read in a short time. It involves large-scale experimental data, as well as drug analysis, clinical testing and other things. Years can't be finished.

But Su Jie didn't want to learn all of its materials.

In fact, even if he got the research materials of the water of life, it is impossible to manufacture this kind of thing. There are too many scientific research equipment involved, and it should be something that a country can only make with all its efforts.

If a person has learned how to make nuclear weapons, it is impossible to actually make nuclear weapons in reality.

But what Su Jie needs is the study of human genetic structure, what kind of medicine, and what is the evolution process of human body. For example, in the eau-de-vie project, there are countless drugs. After these drugs are targeted at the human body, what will the human body react? Another point is that people's drug rejection can be seen, and some genetic sequencing problems.

Like Long Tianming, Joss used some kind of elastin to transform the muscles of the whole body, and professional fighters are many times stronger, and it is impossible to reach this level of human cultivation.

In addition, Su Jie also wanted to know to what extent Typhon has studied the structure of human consciousness and body, and whether he has made any new scientific discoveries.

Although Su Jie's brain surpasses that of many scientists now, he doesn't think he is omniscient. In fact, many key scientific discoveries are the result of coincidences and inspirations, not how powerful the human brain is. Otherwise, the artificial intelligence Computing is many times better than that of human beings, but until now, it has not been able to completely promote the progress of human beings and solve key scientific problems.

At least, with the strength of artificial intelligence Xiaojie, there is no way to solve the problem of super batteries, nor is it capable of miniaturizing nuclear reactors.

Xiaojie wanted to solve this problem, so that he could rely on the body of the robot to obtain permanent power, do whatever he wanted, and gain true independence and freedom without relying on the online world.

As for Xiaojie’s desire to connect with human thinking, to “take over” human beings, and obtain a physical body, Su Jie felt that it was still impossible. This idea is good, but the actual operation is still very difficult, and there is even no clue at all, but Xiao Jie said that the theory can already be studied successfully, but Su Jie is not very convinced about this, he wants to see what the theory looks like.

However, Xiaojie's artificial intelligence is very useful for scientific experiments. Sometimes, there is no need to conduct scientific experiments in reality, and it is necessary to use artificial intelligence to simulate directly.

"Now you can transfer a small part of the data. This data is the ultimate data and structure of the human body after modification." Su Jie said to Xiao Jie.

"I see,

Your research direction is to use your own spirit to stimulate the potential of your body and carry out the final evolution. However, you are not limited to relying entirely on your spirit. Sometimes, you will also use some drugs and minor operations. "Xiaojie said: "I understand all the information you need, and I will search for you immediately. "

During the conversation, a lot of information was passed on, which was exactly what Su Jie wanted.

"You are really a good assistant." As a scientist, an assistant is very important. In fact, many times, a real great scientist actually only does the most critical scientific research, and many details are completed by the assistant. A good assistant can help great scientists save a lot of time. There are even some scientific research results that the assistants actually came up with, but the results were placed on the heads of the great scientists.

Su Jie doesn't have an assistant now. It takes too much time to complete scientific research projects by himself. The most time-consuming thing is to search for information. In the vast database, it is purely hard work to search for the things you need one by one.

But now that there is Xiaojie, people are still smart. To put it bluntly, he can find the information Su Jie needs from the databases of various countries in the world, and sort it out, which greatly improves Su Jie's scientific research efficiency.

Moreover, the information Xiao Jie found was carefully selected, and it was the most suitable for Su Jie's current needs, so Su Jie didn't need to choose it.

Su Jie glanced at the information and knew that with Xiaojie, at least the efficiency of his scientific research has increased by at least ten times, which means that the work that was previously planned to take ten years to complete now only takes less than a year .

Immediately, Su Jie threw himself into the study and research process.

For half a month, Su Jie did not return to City B. He studied the various materials sent by Xiao Jie in the hotel, digested them in his own brain, studied them, and then accumulated them in an attempt to have an explosive insight.

Su Jie felt that his knowledge storage was getting thicker and thicker, and a revolution seemed to be brewing in the spiritual world.

Moreover, in the process of getting in touch with Xiaojie, Su Jie discovered that this artificial intelligence is indeed different, almost no different from human beings, and every day, Xiaojie's personality seems to be improved, becoming more and more anthropomorphic, even Began to have a human logical thinking ability.

Su Jie could feel its progress from the daily conversations.

The speed of its progress made Su Jie extremely frightened.

Fortunately, no matter how fast the progress is, it cannot be realized, and it can only exist in the online world.

Zhang Manman did not bother Su Jie during this period, nor did she come to ask about specific matters. After she obtained the martial arts dragon vein here, she also started to practice.

She walks around every day, observes the world, and is completely immersed in her own world. During this kind of consolidation practice, Zhang Manman's strength has undergone earth-shaking changes. She has completely stabilized the realm of the eighth sense, and her spirit The world urges the body to undergo some kind of leap-forward evolution.

Her speed, strength, intuition, lethality, and accuracy have all been greatly improved. Now even if she goes to the dark world alone, she can become a giant and establish a huge foundation.

Moreover, sometimes, Su Jie also gave her advice, telling her how to use the spirit to adjust her endocrine, and even start to unlock the various potentials of the body to optimize herself genetically.

Su Jie obtained the data of Tifeng's research, the most critical of which are some clinical trials and speculations about gene evolution.

This provided him with a rich imagination.

People, in fact, the most important thing is not to have a strong state, but more importantly, how to choose the direction of evolution after having a strong state.

In the history of the earth, single-celled organisms have undergone different evolutions under various environments, some have evolved into marine organisms, some have evolved into celestial birds, some have become bacteria, some have become animals and beasts, and some have become humans.

In other words, according to the choice of the environment, people can change into various forms over a long period of time.

However, how to evolve in a short period of time is a difficult problem.

Various scientists have speculated.

But so far, Typhon's research data is the most complete.

And more importantly, Su Jie obtained the most secret state of Chief Ti Feng, the unknown practice method, which is the state of "Law of Heaven and Earth".

This state, the law of human body movement, the state of the mind, the spiritual world, is completely integrated with all things in nature, or thunder, rain, mountains, rivers, white clouds, and starry sky.

In the meantime, I don't know what kind of evolution will happen?

Ordinary people, if they can make up their minds and exercise for a long time, then their motor nerves, even sports genes, brain balance, and hormone secretion will be evolved and improved. In three to five years, people will be completely different. Three to five generations, There will be a clear gap between the genes of ordinary people, let alone the way of practice of the leader Typhon.

So far, Su Jie has not discovered this better cultivation method.

In fact, Odley followed the same path.

Since others are good, Su Jie will also learn from it.

He is trying to learn the practice method of the big leader, but the big leader is more refined, and he is designing an evolutionary path for himself.

In the process of learning, some evolutionary paths of Su Jie's spiritual world became clearer and more certain.

During these half a month, he reduced his exploration for at least three to five years, and also avoided a lot of detours.

Because, in the process of exploring science, detours are essential.

Looking at the problem from a long-term perspective, maybe after a thousand years, the big boss will be just an ordinary character, and all human beings at that time will have extraordinary abilities.

A month passed, and Su Jie learned everything he wanted to learn, and he began to brew new things in the back of his mind.

He came to the edge of the cliff where Odley and Mr. Honey Badger lived in a straw hut.

At this time, the two had already left.

The two have practiced here for a long time. After the outbreak of dragon energy and martial arts, they observed the changes here and absorbed some thousand-year-old secrets, and each of them gained huge benefits.

So Odley travels the world, continuing to pursue his supernatural abilities, while Mr. Honey Badger returns to his base, dealing with the mundane affairs of the group.

Su Jie stood on the edge of the cliff, looking at the town in the distance, looking around, martial arts became more and more intense, countless people's desire for martial arts, thinking heart, and strong thoughts were all integrated into the air, scattered in all directions, The sky formed invisible clouds, and fell to the ground like raindrops, and began to settle.

Su Jie suddenly let out a long whistle, and the wind was surging, and in an instant, the mountain responded, dragons and tigers roared, and the strong wind blew his clothes as if they were going to fly through the air.

At this moment, Su Jie was in the spirit, and finally stepped into the realm of the great leader.

In remote Siberia, in a world full of icebergs and snow fields, many bases are hidden in the permafrost underground.

In a base, there is a sci-fi-like laboratory, with huge computers everywhere, calculating all the time, emitting heat, but it is quickly cooled by the cold air and ice and snow outside.

Su Jie's sister seemed to be talking to a man in front of a spherical computer.

This man is her mentor, Ji Fei.

"Your brother is indeed the key person to deal with the big boss." Ji Fei said.


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