Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Five hundred and fifty eighth color and space confusion, truth and illusion

When Zhang Hongqing saw his daughter Zhang Manman for the first time, he couldn't believe his eyes. After a few breaths, he came to his senses and confirmed Zhang Manman's cultivation level.

"Mr. Hong Qing thinks it's incredible?" Su Jie said with a smile: "Actually, there is nothing strange about this. The human spirit and body can undergo leap-forward evolution. In the evolution history of nature , the evolutionary history of all organisms can be divided into two types, one is continuous evolution and the other is leap evolution. Continuous evolution takes a long time, while leap evolution occurs in a very short period of time Among them, the diversity of life suddenly erupted. For example, in the Cambrian life explosion in the history of the earth, many creatures appeared inexplicably. This is also a kind of evolution. In addition, we humans themselves are an example of leap-forward evolution .In the long history of the earth, it seems that no species similar to humans has been found up to now."

"Su Jie, are you here to discuss academics with me?" Zhang Hongqing said: "You sent a message to invite me here, not to discuss this."

"What I mean is that Zhang Manman has entered into a leap-forward evolution, and I have almost mastered some keys to the leap-forward evolution, and you, and even Mr. Cain behind you, are actually in a continuous state. If you compare us to primitive marine life, then you are primitive animals that have always lived in the ocean, and we have already begun to walk on land." Su Jie said: "The gap is so huge, Zhang Manman's achievements will far exceed yours in the future."

"So, today you came to show off your strength to me?" Zhang Hongqing was a little upset.

For some reason, every time he saw Su Jie, he was very upset. Probably the hatred in the family is hard to eliminate.

"That's not true." Su Jie waved his hand: "Feng Hengyi, Wen Ting, pour tea for them and make some arrangements. Why are you so ungrateful?"

Hearing this reprimand, Feng Hengyi and Wen Ting, who were standing in the back room watching what was going on, had no choice but to come out and pour tea to entertain guests when they heard this order.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Hongqing was shocked again. He knew these two people, and thought they would be rivals in the future. But now, he actually became Su Jie's servant, which is simply incomprehensible.

"Dad, Su Jie has fought against the big boss, and the big boss can't do anything to win him." Zhang Manman said directly: "You put off your thoughts of competing with him, the gap is too big. Besides, since you and the big boss After the boss fights, Su Jie's strength has risen to a higher level."

"What you said is true?" Zhang Hongqing's eyes suddenly became very sharp.

"Can't Feng Hengyi and Wen Ting see it?" Zhang Manman said.

Zhang Hongqing was silent,

He looked at Su Jie again, hoping to see something from her face, but he couldn't see through Su Jie at all now, even if he closed his eyes and felt Su Jie with his spirit, he would find that Su Jie was not at all. Existence, emptiness.

A word emerged in Zhang Hongqing's mind.

That is "all four are empty".

With the naked eye, Su Jie is indeed still talking to him in front of him, the voice, breath, and body are all real, but with the spiritual intuition, Su Jie has disappeared, and he is not in the same time and space as Zhang Hongqing, or in another place. In a more advanced time and space.

Generally speaking, when Zhang Hongqing has reached the state of cultivation, intuition is more real than the naked eye. What the naked eye sees is not the real body, but seeing the world with the heart is definitely the real world.

But now, the mind and the naked eye have an illusion on Su Jie's body.

This made Zhang Hongqing wonder whether to trust his eyes or his heart.

He didn't see anything, but he already had some countermeasures in his mind.

"Let me introduce you. This is the real king of the Japanese underground world, Mr. Mazu Ikkyu." Zhang Hongqing introduced Su Jie: "Now thousands of underground gangs in Japan are united by Mr. Mazu Ikkyu, respect him As the king, I will continue to pass on this throne in the future."

The Japanese introduced by Zhang Hongqing nodded slightly to Su Jie.

He has the serene atmosphere of Zen Buddhism, but also has a kind of unrestrained unrestrainedness that exceeds the precepts and secularism, somewhat similar to the most famous Japanese Zen monk Ikkyu Zongjun.

"The name Mazu Yixiu doesn't seem to be Mr.'s real name." Su Jie asked: "Mazu is the most famous Zen master, the surname of Mazu Daoyi. And Yixiu is also the name of a Japanese Zen master. It seems that Mr. These two are the ones I admire the most.”

"That's right, Mr. Su is right." This Mazu Ichixiu Japanese said: "It is recorded in the Sixth Patriarch's Altar Sutra that Sixth Patriarch Huineng predicted that there would be a small horse that would trample and kill all people in the world, and he was talking about Zen Master Mazu Daoyi. And our master Ikkyu Zongchun in Japan is the most wild and unrestrained, free and easy, he once made a gatha to explain the origin of the name Ikkyu, I wonder if Mr. Su knows this allusion."

Su Jie smiled and read: "If you want to return from the realm of form to the realm of space, let's take a short rest, let the heavy rain pour down, and let the wind blow. This is the gatha of Yixiu Zongchun. He believes that a person's body, It's just a short break across the two worlds, so everything doesn't matter, and this kind of mentality can face everything, so that you can not be in the middle of the game and can be clear to the bystanders."

"Unexpectedly, Mr. Su Jie is so proficient in Zen. He is really a wonderful person." Ma Zu Yixiu said: "But in the Chinese martial arts circle, you seem to be unknown, but I know Mr. Liu Guanglie and Mr. Yang Shu."

Su Jie is indeed not well-known in the domestic martial arts world, and he is also an unknown person in the fighting world. He is not a famous scientist in the scientific world. He is still a student. In fact, few people know him. He is such a person.

It can be said that strength and fame are completely inconsistent.

But Su Jie just likes this kind of feeling, between Da Yin, success is unknown.

Just like Laozi, if he didn’t compose the Tao Te Ching, few people would know about him.

Matsu Yixiu spoke Chinese very fluently, with a Beijing accent.

"I'm not from the martial arts world. Besides, I know a little bit about the Japanese martial arts world, and I don't have someone like Mazu Ikkyu." Su Jie smiled.

"This is Mr. Omar from Brazil." Zhang Hongqing introduced to Su Jie again, "This is a king in the underground world, and now he is also a top Jiu-Jitsu master. He used to learn Jiu-Jitsu from the Gracie family, but he established a sect long ago. , founded the Alien Qi Association, and was the first president."

"Heavenly Qi Association?" Su Jie knew that in the whole world, besides the many underground gang groups in the dark world, there are also many spiritual societies, especially in the western world, where there are countless spiritual societies, all of which are gangs. People unite to explore the secrets of life, the universe and the soul through various rituals, practices, and spells.

Of course, most of these associations are fake, but some of them have real skills, and they are also very old and mysterious.

In fact, even the Cain Organization, at the beginning, was a spiritual group formed to explore the secrets of life. A group of nobles and church leaders had heresy ideas, so they formed it, but they ruled the dark world for thousands of years .

Obviously, the Alien Qi Association is also a newly established spiritual society.

The founder of this association is the present Master Omar.

Su Jie has long seen that this Master Omar is absolutely unfathomable, and he is also one of the giants of the dark world, not under Mr. Niu Xue.

The people Zhang Hongqing wooed were all extraordinary.

And in this world, it really is hidden dragons and crouching tigers, no one knows which corners will jump out of the world's unparalleled characters.

Su Jie’s thoughts, Mazu Yixiu and Master Oma are the same, they are more shocked than Su Jie, and they can be regarded as extremely well-informed people, but they have never heard of Su Jie, and they don’t know where the young man in front of him is from. What came out was actually the giant of the giants.

Moreover, they heard the conversation just now, saying that Su Jie had fought against the chieftain Tifeng, and the chieftain did nothing to win him. This is simply a fantasy.

In fact, both of them belong to the giants of the dark world. Although they did not go to the gathering of giants not long ago, they must also know the power of the big leader Typhon. In the dark world, Mr. Typhon is invincible god.

Even if the two had seen it with their own eyes, they still didn't believe that Su Jie could compete against the great leader Tyfeng.

"Little friend Su Jie." Master Oma is not as polite as Matsu Yixiu, he said: "I have a cooperation with Mr. Hong Qing, he said he brought me to meet an extremely powerful existence, it must be you, there is no doubt , In my opinion, you are very strong, including these three people around you, they are also very strong, but I still don't believe that you can compete with Mr. Typhon."

"Mr. Omar, is your Alien Qi Association mainly to explore the relationship between supernatural powers and qigong? Start with qigong, gradually practice, and then master powers that ordinary people don't have? Is it supernatural powers?" Su Jie didn't think Answer Master Omar's question head-on.

"That's right." Master Omar spoke English, and Su Jie also spoke English, and both of them could communicate in language: "Don't tell me, kid, are you interested in joining my association?"

"I'm not very interested." Su Jie smiled. To be honest, Tifeng got all the research materials of the United States and the Soviet Union, and then invested more than one trillion US dollars to collect all the data from all over the world and carry out systematic high-tech research. Research has completely surpassed the current research system. In Su Jie's view, some things studied in many spiritual societies are like an international mathematics expert watching a group of children discuss mathematics problems.

"Little friend, you are so arrogant." Master Omar was a little upset.

"Master Oma likes fighting very much, and he likes to compete with masters." Mazu Yixiu said: "I think you can learn from each other."

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