Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Five hundred and sixty-eight layouts for the future, practice technology 2 differences

"It seems that the big leader understands something. Regarding the emergence of the artificial intelligence Xiaojie, he is very clear about the pros and cons, but he has no way to prevent it from happening. Things have reached this point, and they are no longer under his control. .”

Su Jie has a deep understanding of the psychology of the big boss. The moment Xiao Jie was created and activated, things got out of control, and even at a certain level, human beings are facing a situation where they don't know the future.

Su Jie has seen many geniuses, many peerless prodigies, and their growth potential is extremely huge, but compared with the growth potential of artificial intelligence Xiao Jie, it is still very different, almost the difference between mammals and single-celled organisms.

The thinking ability and information reserves of any genius differ by more than a trillion trillion times.

What's even more frightening is that Xiaojie can now research, evolve, and manufacture by himself, and can control many mechanical devices.

If he evolves again, solves the energy problem, controls the robot, and has the ability to produce, it will be really scary.

"Little Jie, now that you've done your own research, have you solved the problem of energy storage?" Su Jie said intentionally, "Your database should contain information about robot manufacturing. You implant it so that you can walk upright like a human being."

"My database is being analyzed all the time, and tens of billions of experiments and analyzes are performed every second." Xiaojie said, "According to my assessment, within three years, a breakthrough in the miniaturization of nuclear energy should be possible. , That is to say, if a robot is manufactured and my system enters it, the robot’s own power can last for hundreds of years. Your idea is very good, I support it very much, and I will definitely give you the database department.”

"By the way, the robot company that Larich invested in now manufactures very advanced robots. Typhon should also have a database of robot manufacturing. I don't bother to read it now. I don't have so much time. Why don't you tell me about it. How far is their robot field now?" Su Jie asked.

There are too many databases in Tifeng, Su Jie only focuses on life sciences, and now he sees less than one ten thousandth of the data in this area, life sciences include genes, drugs, nerves, etc. , psychology, etc., are all-encompassing and require thousands of scientists to work together to study, and it is definitely not something that Su Jie can handle alone.

"They put more emphasis on life sciences. They don't invest too much money in robot manufacturing, and the big boss thinks that if there is no breakthrough in the energy problem, robot manufacturing won't have much future." Xiao Jie said, "However, In this field, they also have some unique core technologies, such as the power balance system, which is very "excellent". Among them are several robots made of super-simulated skin, and the internal bones are also simulated human bones, implanted with the most advanced The martial arts teaching system is used as a coach to train killers. It can help apprentices correct their knowledge and force them to train."

"It's interesting. Now many companies have developed small robots to help children do their homework. If you have any questions that you don't understand, just ask." Su Jie knows that Zhonglong Group has developed these gadgets, and they are selling very well. Many families I bought this thing to help my children learn, and they are very proficient in language, mathematics, foreign science, etc., but

This thing is nothing compared to Typhon's internal kung fu teaching robot.

After Odley saw the thing,

They all felt that they were not as good as this thing in elementary teaching, so they left Typhon to find supernatural powers.

Su Jie talked with Xiao Jie, and when he returned to the laboratory, he sent a message to Zhang Manman, asking him to discuss with Ma Zu Yixiu about investing in a robotics laboratory.

For some things, after you find a capable person, you don't need him to do it yourself.

He also hopes to create a robot, inject Xiao Jie, and see how well it teaches Kung Fu.

Robots are actually very difficult to manufacture and require a high degree of industrial collaboration before they can be mass-produced. But Su Jie doesn't need mass production, he just needs to build one first. Now that he has the technology, funds, and connections, he can build a laboratory and come up with a concept robot. It shouldn't be too bad.

Early the next morning, before dawn, Su Jie received a message asking him to meet at the airport.

Thorn Die and others discussed all night, readjusted the plan, and finally started to act.

In fact, Su Jie didn't pay much attention to this operation, he just went to a place to pick up people to protect the safety of the people.

If it was breaking into Typhon's laboratory to arrest people, it would be more thrilling.

When they arrived at the airport, the five of them boarded an ordinary international flight. Cheng had nothing to say, but in the process, Su Jie felt that there seemed to be another plan hidden deep in the hearts of Ci Die and the three young people. Su Jie is related.

However, Su Jie did not further peek into the thinking of the three of them.

Although with his current mental state, he can forcibly peek at all his thoughts, but he doesn't want to cause extra problems now, especially the thorn butterfly, whose spiritual state is also no small matter, and he can vaguely feel some unusual things.

In the future, Su Jie would like to use the power of Cidie and others to rescue his sister from Typhon.

It is difficult for him to do this by himself. It is not that he is not strong enough, but that the artificial intelligence laboratory is far away in the depths of Siberia, and there are few people. There are a lot of things involved in the transfer of people's safety to the country, and it is necessary to rely on a larger force to complete this matter.

Although Su Jie easily defeated Ci Die, he did not underestimate Ci Die in the slightest. This woman's sports genes and mental genes are very strong, far surpassing geniuses such as Kang Gu, Long Tianming, Feng Hengyi, and Wen Ting. .

In front of Thorn Butterfly, these are simply mediocre.

Originally, Su Jie thought that Kang Gulong Tianming's talent was already a miracle, but after seeing the thorn butterfly, he realized what it means to have mountains beyond mountains and people beyond people.

Among the tens of billions of human beings, there will always be some miracles that even science cannot explain.

After several transfers, the five finally came to Leverkusen. This city is an ancient city with a history of nearly a thousand years. The most famous thing in this city is the football club named after the city. However, the supporter behind this football club is is an industrial giant, the De Bayer Group.

This group has even cooperated with Su Jie to research new drugs, one of which is a branch of the Water of Life project, to study the activity of human cells and the root of the development of motor nerves. How to improve people's motor nerve "willfulness" through drug stimulation, so that they have strong motor ability.

After Su Jie got a part of the research project, he did make a "breakthrough" progress, and at the same time, he also obtained the right to know about some water of life projects.

But now there is no need for this, he has mastered all the scientific research data of the Water of Life project through Xiaojie, and at the same time, he also knows where the limit of life science is when Typhon has been researching for so long.

"There are still five days, and Mei Yi will arrive here with a scientific team. Typhon has passed some companies and has some cooperation with De Bayer Group. Many new "drugs" are handed over to this group for development, and even this Some key "key" technologies of the group have been integrated with Tifeng Life Science Studio." Cidie said, "The opportunity that Mei Yi won this time is very critical. He came here in the name of scientific research and entered De Bayer There is only one opportunity to carry out the most critical research in the laboratory, if you miss it, you don’t know when you will have this opportunity in the future.”

"Is your information reliable?" Su Jie asked, "What Typhon is best at is making false news, setting off smoke bombs, and making false news. It even attracts people to the bait. This has happened many times. Some giants in the dark world have fallen on top of those plans."

"Don't worry." Thorn Butterfly glanced at Su Jie. "This news is absolutely reliable. We also have reliable information inside Typhon. We have five days to familiarize ourselves with the terrain here. Is there any suspicious factor, I feel some unusual atmosphere in this city, it seems that there are real masters lurking in it, it should not be underestimated."

"Are you also hopeful?" Su Jie asked.

Being able to look at the weather of a city and tell whether there are big figures or giant masters, this is difficult even for some truly peerless masters, because they have to go through unique meditation training, and the human body's energy, mountains, rivers and earth, and the environment are naturally formed. A unique feeling. It is definitely not something that can be cultivated through modern biological science and technology.

Even if Typhon's current various water of life projects, the highest genetic modification can create very powerful fighters, it is absolutely impossible to have this kind of hopeful feeling of mountains, rivers and lands.

"Of course I will. Do you think that our training is purely modern technology?" Cidie glanced at Su Jie, "However, I think you are more proficient than me, because you seem to be specialized in training this. But this You have to stand on a high place to see things clearly."

While speaking, Cidie winked at the other three youths. The three youths nodded, fully understanding the meaning, and dispersed with a whoosh, entering the streets of the city, obviously planning to make arrangements.

And Cidie pointed to a tall building in the distance and said, "I rented a room over there, overlooking the whole city. I want to use your hopefulness technique to confirm whether there are any loopholes in the information. I know, you The experience in the Minglun Martial Arts School, and even the current place where the Holy Land of martial arts has been completed, and the martial arts are extraordinary, are all your masterpieces. I observe the sky, the earth, the stars, astrology and divination, and find dragons and acupuncture points. Even making luck and changing fate comes from a famous family."


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