Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Five hundred and seventy-three strong suction of dragon veins, Shi Lin's test knife is broken

Su Jie walked slowly on the streets of a foreign country, thinking about his future plans and paths.

The reason why I talked so much with Thorn Butterfly is because this variable is too big, not to mention that Thorn Butterfly's own strength is extremely powerful, and she has great potential in the future. Maybe after obtaining Typhon's genetic secrets, she will be as thorough as Su Jie and the big boss. The state of the world, this is fine, the most important thing is that she represents a huge force behind her.

In any case, Su Jie should also pay attention to this power.

While chatting with Cicada, he actually cleverly used psychological tactics to let the other party know his strength and character, and successfully created an impression in Cicada's heart.

That is, Su Jie himself is incredibly powerful, but has an extremely gentle personality. He belongs to the kind of hermit who does not come out of the world. He is not harmful to society and even has great contributions. Moreover, Su Jie is a scientist who is more precious than Mei Yi.

Su Jie himself had an idea, to learn from Odeli to travel all over the world and use his own spirit to communicate with human geography around the world. This is also the best practice, which can enrich the spiritual world, refine the soul, and find the most Good vibes.

When he came here, he naturally wanted to savor it carefully.

This is an old city in Germany, which contains the spirit of the Germans, as well as the madness and extremes engraved in the genes of the Germanic blood.

Walking in this city, Su Jie let go of his spirit completely, and many humanistic breaths came one after another and entered his spiritual world. In a trance, Su Jie felt the breath of this nation, rigorous and patient, but deep down Face has a very crazy personality. Once it is under external pressure for survival, it will burst out with amazing fighting power and creativity. This is actually a manifestation of an internal gene. The deep genes of this nation are different from other races.

There are many human races, and each race has its own strengths, and of course it also has its own shortcomings. If the strengths can be gathered and the weaknesses eliminated, a perfect human gene can be formed without any conflicts.

Su Jie's spirit slowly let go, like an overwhelming net, absorbing the humanistic atmosphere that has settled down here.

This is the headquarters of the De Bayer Group, which has been rooted here for many years and is also the leader of biopharmaceuticals in the world.

Su Jie could tell just by looking at his luck, that above the city, the aura formed by the condensed spiritual thinking penetrated to the ground, forming a special dragon vein of Qi.

There are many kinds of dragon veins. There is a kind of magnetic field condensate that is naturally formed, but it is more of a humanistic trend of thought that is condensed after humans have lived in one place for a long time.

This happens all over the world, not just China.

In the town of Minglun Martial Arts School, what gathers is the dragon vein of martial arts. If a person obtains it and incorporates it into his spiritual realm, it can greatly help his understanding of martial arts and kung fu in the spiritual realm. Under this condition, the sports genes of the whole body will also be fundamentally evolved.

This is the result of Su Jie's research. It can be seen from Zhang Manman's body that Zhang Manman obtained the dragon vein of martial arts, and within a few months, her sports genes have indeed grown explosively. Although it is not as good as Thorn Butterfly's talent, given time, it will definitely not be inferior to Thorn Butterfly.

And Tang Yun signed the century-old literary fortune of B University and Q University, which is also profound in wisdom and conducive to practice. The spiritual world reflects the real world. The two confirm each other, and there must be a radical change.

From Su Jie's point of view, the dragon veins in this ancient German city are also extremely powerful, which contains the essence of countless scientists making medicines and studying creatures. If they are integrated into the depths of their own spiritual world, they will definitely get great benefits.


Su Jie used his spirit to slowly sense, calling for the dragon veins condensed by the humanistic atmosphere here, but his spirit penetrated into every inch of the land and the sky, but he found that it was empty, the most intense, freshest, most mellow, most The fragrant spiritual thoughts condensed and exploded humanistic dragon veins have been absorbed by people.

Although the original humanistic spirit has still accumulated a lot, just like after the volcanic eruption, some diamonds and gold erupted from the ground were picked up by people, and the rest were some volcanic ash and magma, which were not very valuable.

In other words, someone has absorbed the dragon veins from this place.

This is definitely not an easy task. It is definitely not a simple city that can gather humanistic thoughts into dragon veins, and finally spurt out a big explosion. Even in China, there are actually only a few of them.

After all, most of the people are mediocre, distracted, just passing by every day, and they are not ideological at all, so naturally it is impossible to condense humanistic thoughts.

And even if it is condensed into a humanistic trend of thought, it is difficult for those who are not predestined to absorb it.

Su Jie single-handedly promoted the explosion of martial arts luck near the Minglun Martial Arts School. At the right time, he obtained the dragon veins and incorporated them into himself. However, when the dragon veins erupted, he did not absorb them, but re-integrated into the earth , allowing many masters to obtain.

This is an extremely broad and broad mind, but the mentality of creation, success without possession.

Of course, with his current spiritual state, he can definitely forcibly absorb thoughts and dragon veins.

For example, Odley and the big boss traveled around the world, forcibly absorbing them wherever they went, and even some prehistoric relics could absorb key remnants from them.

The big leader even obtained some residual information of ancient prehistoric civilizations, and he could even learn how prehistoric humans fought fierce beasts by looking at the tools of the prehistoric stone age, so as to comprehend the most primitive fighting instinct.

"It is definitely a top expert who can forcibly absorb the humanistic trend of thought here, and it seems that the time to absorb it is within a month." Su Jie peeked out a lot of secrets while walking here.

With his current mental state, even what happened in the past, he can use an extremely profound wisdom to restore it.

In ancient times, it was rumored that some cultivators knew the circle of light, that is, put a bowl of water in front of them and use spells to move it, and the past events will appear in the bowl of water, vividly. Just like the real playback of modern monitoring.

This spell is actually a metaphor.

"There are almost very few people in the world who can forcibly absorb the flow of humanistic thoughts without relying on fate. Who are they?" Su Jie thought carefully.

Suddenly, a throbbing was born from his spiritual world, and his body shifted automatically.


A dagger came through the air, and it just happened to be inserted in the place where Su Jie was hiding just now.

It was someone who sneaked up on him.

However, Su Jie himself has reached the point where he is skilled in circular motion. Not to mention daggers, even bullets, he can easily distinguish the trajectory, so that he can dodge at the peak, and he can always predict the enemy's opportunity, and he doesn't need him Come to think, the body automatically responds, and its reaction speed is no less than artificial intelligence.

whoosh whoosh

The daggers continued to shoot, each with a howling piercing through the air, and the series of shots were shot at precise angles, blocking all of Su Jie's evasion routes.

But Su Jie didn't care, as he walked casually, the dagger would always fail.

Within a few steps, avoiding nine daggers, he saw a person.

This man was tall, with a hood and tight clothes, so he couldn't tell who he was at all.

He fired the dagger just now, with the Nine Stars Lianzhu technique, if it wasn't for an expert like Su Jie, if it were someone else, the giants of the dark world would probably end up in front of this dagger.

"That's right, give me another knife."

Seeing that the dagger fell into the air, the man nodded, and made a low voice under the mask. The voice spoke German, like a German.


This person rushed forward in a few steps.

During the rush, a saber appeared in his hand. This saber was as long as one arm. Holding it in his hand, it seemed that his arm was twice as long. It was just right for attacking people.

The pace of this person's rushing, like the trampling of a dragon and horse, when he landed, the sound was like the iron hooves of a war horse, smashing the ground, like an invincible general, which only existed in ancient mythology.

There seemed to be nine more war horses under his feet, and it was like stepping on rolling waves, and the tide of the river came violently.

With a wave of his saber, he pierced the sky, cut through time and space, and was in front of Su Jie in an instant.

The power of this knife gave off an aura of opening up the world.


When the knife was chopped down, it kept vibrating. It seemed to be the excited long sound of the knife itself. This knife appeared spirituality in this person's hand. Between one knife and one knife, there were ghosts and gods attached to the knife body, condensing the knife. The soul.

There are quite a few people who wield knives in the world, but Su Jie was the first to see someone who could use knives to such an extent.

With just one strike, Su Jie discovered that this person is a true sword god.

With a knife in hand, the sun and the moon will be broken, and a new sky will be opened.

Su Jie nodded, and didn't dodge. He let the saber come, and at the moment the blade was close to him, he suddenly punched out.

This punch, like a long rainbow penetrating the sun, flew across the sky.

This fist, with a forceful three thousand strikes, was truly born out of nowhere and hit the side of the knife.

Su Jie resisted the sword with his fists and intercepted it with precision.


The moment Su Jie intercepted this astonishing blade, Su Jie's fist hit the blade, and the entire long blade let out a mournful cry, and then exploded, turning into many fragments and flying around.

Su Jie smashed the saber with just one punch, making the tall man lose his weapon.

However, Su Jie didn't take advantage of the momentum to attack, but fixed his body with a smile on his face: "Father, how come your kung fu has progressed so fast, and you still speak German to hide it from me."


The tall man grabbed off his hood and revealed his true face, that is Su Jie's father Su Shilin.

"My boy, your strength has actually reached this level. I can't believe it. Dad is no match for you even with a knife." Su Shilin seemed to be in disbelief, but looking at the broken knives all over the floor, he couldn't believe it. Do not believe.

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