Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Five hundred and ninety life and death 2 limits, consciousness and physical body are indispensable


Mei Yi's palm technique changed, he raised his hand suddenly, his whole body seemed to be jumping, but he suddenly moved forward and suppressed it.


This one is actually the intention of "hoeing the head".

The majestic mountains and rivers, the mountains and the rocks are broken, and when they fall down, the airflow condenses into groups, as if being separated from both sides, just like Moses parting the Red Sea, there is a sense of prophets and saints leading the ethnic group to open up new paths.

Although this trick is simple, there are thousands of artistic conceptions, each of which is different. Some are old farmers plowing the ground, some are unpretentious, some have the ruthless intention of hating the sky and the earth without rings, some have the grandeur of a rooster singing the world white, and others There is a righteous act of splitting the mountain to save the mother.

However, Mei Yi's artistic conception is really different, opening up the way for the ethnic group, leading the ethnic group to a new life.

This artistic conception is worthy of Su Jie's reference.

Therefore, when Mei Yi urged this move, Su Jie's eyes lit up again.

In fact, the combination of movement and artistic conception is ever-changing, and there are fundamental differences in the changes produced by the human body.


Facing Mei Yi's move, Su Jie was delighted to see Lie Xin, and he also played the same move in an instant.

Su Jie's strike didn't have any artistic conception, nor did he have any intentions contained in it. It was just empty, as if without a soul, just a mechanical blow. However, there seemed to be a deeper level contained in it, as if When the world first started, or before it started, when there was no thought at all in the world, it was a purely natural movement.

The two exchanged in the air.


Mei Yi took a few steps back, while Su Jie remained motionless.

At this moment, it showed that Su Jie's power was higher than that of Mei Yi.

According to the theory, Mei Yi is the most scientific about the enhancement of strength. The joint work of bones, muscles, and various soft tissues of the human body is strength. He can use the most scientific methods in the world to exercise strength, and even improve and transform his body to maximize his strength.

But under such circumstances, his strength is still not as good as Su Jie, which is really surprising.

But Mei Yi was not surprised at all.

Because he knows that people like Su Jie are "new humans" who can use their spirit to evolve their genes, and this "new humans" have begun to break through the limits of what "old humans" can recognize.

It is not uncommon for Su Jie to control his height, shortness, fatness, and thinness at will, automatic detoxification, tooth regeneration, etc.

He has opened many permissions that cannot be unlocked by the human body.

Nowadays, people can break away from their own planet through technological means, but they cannot completely control their own bodies, and their bodies do not belong to them. This is actually a sad thing.

It's easy to get out of the planet, but it's hard to control your body.

Perhaps, human technology has gone astray.

Mei Yi is now on the right path.

And Sue

Jie has already gone one step ahead.

"Okay." After being shocked by Su Jie, Mei Yi waved his hand. "My strength and speed are all right, but I'm not a real fighter. I'm still not good at fighting experience. However, if I implant a special combat With the chip in his head, he can compete with you."

"Is there anything else like this?" Su Jie asked.

"That's right, it's actually not a high-tech thing. Human implanted chips are very developed now. Microelectronics technology has actually been used since the 1960s, but Typhon's chip technology is not very developed. This aspect can be said to be weak, and the strongest is the U.S. military. Some agents have implanted microchips in their bodies. The lesions can be fed back to the supercomputer of the central system, and then targeted treatment can be carried out. Any disease can be prevented at the smallest level." Mei Yi said.

"This is a good thing. With it, people can basically kill all diseases at the initial stage, and humans can even live their entire lives without being troubled by diseases." Su Jie said, "Unfortunately, this technology can only be used for the time being. To be enjoyed by high-level people. However, the chip you just mentioned can be implanted in the body and can be used for fighting. This is many times more difficult than the chip for detecting human disease. First of all, the information on the chip must be able to communicate with the human brain. Docking is a huge problem, and then the information on the chip needs to strengthen the human body's response. This is not something that ordinary technology can do."

"Yes, this technology still has a lot of difficulties that have not been overcome, but Xiaojie has obtained the latest research results of the US military, and it has designed a set of plans by itself. As long as it can be produced, it can be implanted into the human body. Among them, it strengthens the transmission of electrical signals in the human body, and can even replace the human brain to respond in battle, this chip is called the second brain." Mei Yi said.

"Little Jie didn't tell me about it," Su Jie thought to himself.

Artificial intelligence like Xiao Jie is a god in the online world, and it can do whatever it wants. It has a lot of secrets. Su Jie can look up a lot of information through him, but it also has many secrets that it hides from Su Jie.

Of course, Su Jie didn't care about these things. For him, Xiao Jie was just an auxiliary tool, not an indispensable thing. Before Xiao Jie, he was still at the top.

"In your research, how much potential do people like you have?" Mei Yi said.

"Are you talking about me as an individual, or the future ethnic group." Su Jie asked.

"Of course it's about you personally." Mei Yi said, "Your current physical function can definitely see the next century, and it is still possible to live to be a hundred and twenty years old. This is almost the limit that a person can reach. Your genes are very strong, but part of your lifespan is not controlled by your genes. As long as you are in the form of a human, your lifespan will fluctuate up and down for a hundred years, and it will definitely not be too outrageous. During this time, what can you evolve Do you have an estimate? If it is an ethnic group, then there is an infinite possibility of evolution. Human beings after a thousand years will definitely be very different from our current form."

"I shouldn't be able to change my life form, a hundred years is too short." Su Jie said, "I'm also studying the connection between genes and lifespan, hoping to make a breakthrough, the determinant of human lifespan

There are many things, such as genes, mentality, environment, magnetic field, and even the people you come into contact with, will all have an impact on your lifespan. This requires an accurate analysis, but you are right, even if it is perfect, it is actually only a hundred years old. It fluctuates up and down, and it will never exceed that ceiling. This is the limit. If you want to break through this limit, you must start from another level. "

"What level?" Mei Yi immediately became excited, "Could it be that you have a new idea? Let me hear it? I know that there are laboratories that are now researching the separation of the human body and consciousness, taking out the consciousness separately and storing it in the computer." In order to achieve the result of being able to live forever, although this is just an idea, and there is no research result yet, I think it is not feasible, because it has been shown in high-end life sciences that human consciousness and consciousness do not exist alone. Human consciousness is actually a chemical reaction of many organs and nervous substances. When the chemical reaction is the strongest, a mutation suddenly occurs, and consciousness is born. Even if the research is successful in the future, the consciousness can be stripped away, Injected into other places, but that consciousness, the moment it leaves your own, is actually no longer your own, but has become another piece of consciousness. I have not found a way to break through the lifespan of the human body until now.”

"The secret of consciousness is not like this. Whether consciousness and space exist independently or can be separated, there are deeper secrets that can be discovered. I actually agree with some of your points of view. Human beings have a time limit for existence. In fact, Consciousness also exists, and the time limit of consciousness is even shorter than that.” Su Jie said, “In history, most people who died of life told us that consciousness preceded the limit, so it is actually a false proposition to transplant and discard consciousness. May die sooner."

Su Jie saw very clearly that lifespan is the result of double resonance with consciousness, and it can even be said that both are indispensable. At the beginning, he witnessed the death of Mr. Zhang Nianquan with his own eyes.

"According to what you said, you actually haven't found a good way to break through the limit of lifespan." Mei Yi said, "You haven't even come up with a research direction, which is really a pity."

"Did the chief study this with you?" Su Jie asked. "According to reason, he is most concerned about this. After all, I have a relatively long life span, and I have a lot of time to think about this issue calmly."

"He and I often talked about this matter, but we didn't find a good idea." Mei Yi shook his head. "Actually, we need to find a correct idea before we can start the research. Otherwise, it will waste manpower, material and financial resources. It will be useless."

"What about Xiao Jie?" Su Jie knew that Xiao Jie had one set of information for himself, and another set of information for Mei Yi.

"I only know that Xiao Jie is studying the means of implanting his own consciousness into the human body." Mei Yi said, "This is a reverse operation. If it can be successful, it will also be of great value to our research."

"It's not consciousness right now." Su Jie said, "I believe you can also understand that there is actually an insurmountable gap between consciousness and programs. Even if Xiao Jie becomes more intelligent, its realization is still a program. rather than awareness."

"Not necessarily, I feel that he already has some elementary characteristics of consciousness, which is completely different from other programs, perhaps the most primitive consciousness. It hasn't fully grown yet, I think you can also feel his difference." Mei Yi and Su Jie hold different views.


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