Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Six hundred and two: Kunlun Minglun, the black hand behind the scenes looms

"When will I meet the person who is going to replace the old principal, and see what kind of character and ability this person has, and he can be the principal of Minglun Martial Arts School?" Su Jie felt that it was really necessary for him to meet this person.

"Look, the fighters invested by Kunlun are here." Nie Shuang pointed to a person who had just entered the ring.

This person is a fighter who has just turned twenty years old. He is at the peak of his power. His eyebrows are raised upwards, like two sharp swords. Not to mention very heroic, he also has the power to sweep thousands of troops.

He was wearing clothes, which were a little roomy, sportswear, not really suitable for fighting, but they came up.

Facing Andre, this person just nodded slightly, and then launched an attack.

This group arena match is fast-paced, there is no nonsense, and the time is not long, and there is no boxing scene where you come and go, you have to fight for seven or eight rounds, and the final point wins.

It is precisely because of the fast pace and stronger appreciation, in fact, it is more in line with real actual combat.

This person came up to attack, his whole body's clothes shook, as if a breath of energy had been squeezed out of his body, creating an effect similar to that of violent clothes.

The power of the shock is so violent.

Accompanying Zhenyi's attack was his fist.

With a punch of the iron fist, he opened the way, and finally stomped his feet, shaking the entire arena as if it was about to burst, stomping his feet like an avalanche.

The dragon elephant trampled on it.


This person's boxing is unprecedentedly strong and ferocious, like a living god of war, like a machine rolling forward like a torrent of steel.

Su Jie has seen the boxing techniques of many masters, but in terms of fearlessness, this person's will is the purest.

If it wasn't for this person's thinking and living flesh and blood, Su Jie would almost think that this person is a robot, advancing bravely without dodging at all, and he doesn't know how he tempered his martial arts will like iron ambition.





It's a chain attack.

There seems to be a metallic sound vibrating in the body.


The last knee hit Andre's body, and Andre couldn't resist it, and the whole person was knocked unconscious.

Andre, who had been majestic for a long time, finally encountered a hard stubble.

Pushed back and forth, it took less than five seconds.

Andre is actually not inferior to this person in terms of technology and strength, but he is completely crushed in terms of momentum. How can a flesh and blood body withstand the torrent of steel?

"This kind of martial arts?" Nie Shuang was shocked: "This is the strength of Kunlun investors? How did they train it? This boxing technique has many flaws, but its aura is unparalleled. It is definitely not something that can be trained by ordinary training. This aura cannot be achieved by killing."

"That's right, I was a little surprised." Su Jie nodded: "Even if you fight in the dark world, and you are in the bloody storm all day long, the momentum you get is just cold and cruel. It is absolutely impossible to fight so fiercely." No one, no flesh and blood, only fists like a torrent of steel. I want to study how this is done. The people behind Kunlun Investment are definitely not ordinary people."

"Of course, it's easy for someone who can spy on the Minglun Martial Arts School?" Nie Shuang asked.

"Tie Zhongyang wins." At this moment, victory had been announced on the ring.

This person immediately stepped down without saying anything superfluous, and he came and went quickly.

"The level of the group arena is getting higher and higher now." Su Jie looked at the back of Tie Zhongyang leaving: "I'm afraid even if the world fighting champion comes to this arena, he may not be sure to win."

"Would you like to come on stage and play?" Nie Shuang asked.

"It doesn't make sense." Su Jie waved his hand.

"I'll take you to see the old principal, let's discuss this matter in detail." Nie Shuang suggested.

"It's not necessary, just meet the new principal directly." Su Jie looked at Nie Shuang: "You came to me, it must be for this matter, to ask me to suppress that person. But in fact, this is useless, because it is impossible Kill him. It is also impossible to prevent him from becoming a shareholder of the Minglun Martial Arts School. But I still want to meet, from this Tie Zhongyang, I can tell that this person is probably a real giant."

"Then come with me." Nie Shuang said hastily: "At this moment, the Kunlun investors are still in the town. They have built an office building. It seems that they will be stationed here for a long time."

Su Jie nodded, followed Nie Shuang out of the gymnasium, walked quickly, and soon saw an office building at the other end.

This office building is built in an ordinary way, and there is no taste of Feng Shui.

"It's amazing." Su Jie looked at the office corridor.

"What's so great? There's no Feng Shui at all here, the location is ordinary, and the buildings are also very ordinary.

It can be said that it is the office building with the worst Fengshui in the town. It is ridiculous to look at. Many Fengshui masters say that the people who work here can't develop at all. "Nie Shuang said.

"What about now?" Su Jie asked.

"The Kunlun Group is very mysterious and prosperous, and it is aggressive towards our Minglun Martial Arts School. It doesn't seem to have the slightest decline." Nie Shuang sighed.

"That's it. My ancestors said long ago that the right time is not as good as the right place, and the right place is not as good as the harmony of people. The buildings here all pay attention to Feng Shui, but they don't talk about it. It's not that they don't understand it, but they don't care about it. One's own will and strength can completely ignore the weather and the location." Su Jie said: "These people seem not to be afraid of the sky, not afraid of the earth, and they don't respect ghosts and gods. It can be seen from the boxing technique of Tie Zhongyang. In line with the current general trend and mainstream values ​​of human beings, to transform the world, even mountains and rivers, oceans and suns, are pushed over by a torrent of steel."

"They actually contain such a general trend?" Nie Shuang said in shock.

"That's right, otherwise, you won't be able to swallow Minglun Martial Arts School, and you won't be able to control it." Su Jie and Nie Shuang came to the front of the office building, just in time to meet Tie Zhongyang who just defeated Andre.

When Tie Zhongyang saw Nie Shuang, his face was expressionless: "What are you doing here?"

This is very rude.

He already knew that Nie Shuang was very hostile to the people of the Kunlun Group.

In fact, the Kunlun Group's entry into the Minglun Martial Arts School also took advantage of Liu Zihao's flaws, and even said that it was designed to frame Liu Zihao.

Of course, Liu Zihao's dishonesty was also one of the reasons why he was deceived.

"Talk to your father." Nie Shuang said: "To be honest, if your father wants to be the new principal, he must obtain the approval of all members of the board of directors of our Minglun martial arts school, otherwise, we old people in the martial arts school will never allow it." You are in charge."

"It's not up to you to decide." Tie Zhongyang seemed to be a big figure in the Kunlun Group as well.

Su Jie could also tell that with his strength, he could dominate wherever he went.

From Nie Shuang's words, it can be heard that Liu Guanglie's successor is his father.

It can be seen from his age that his father is about forty years old, just entering middle age, and his life experience and spiritual realm have reached the peak.

The so-called "forty not confused" is just like that.

Know your own way, without any doubts.

"You use despicable means to try to take down Minglun Martial Arts School, do you really think you can succeed?" Nie Shuang sneered.

"Can you go?" Tie Zhongyang didn't say anything superfluous, and he didn't argue with Nie Shuang. His character was to crush the past directly. Under the will of steel, right and wrong, good and evil were all shattered into powder.

This is also an extreme, even more extreme than the self-hypnosis of the Death Organization.

Because the psychological suggestion of the Grim Reaper Organization itself is based on the virtual world, and it collapses very quickly. Without a basis in reality, it is just a castle in the air.

But the people who invested in Kunlun are different. Their philosophy is close to the essence of human civilization development.

Human beings have been going all the way, just like this.

"Do you think your kung fu is invincible?" Su Jie smiled and stepped forward, "Although Minglun Martial Arts School is not a large commercial group and does not have much assets, its spiritual value is definitely not something ordinary people can afford Yes. The word Minglun is heavy, and you may not be able to resist it."

"Nonsense!" Tie Zhongyang squeezed his body, stomped his feet, and arrived in front of Su Jie, and the aura of the torrent of steel rolled over again.

Su Jie didn't even look at it, and with a slight twist of his body, he deflected Tie Zhongyang's attack.

Tie Zhongyang turned around fiercely, raised his momentum again, and was about to use the strongest means to quickly knock down Su Jie.

However, at this moment, a voice came from the door: "Stop!"

Tie Zhongyang abruptly stopped in mid-air.

A middle-aged man came out from the door. He looked somewhat similar to Tie Zhongyang, but he was more majestic and unstoppable.

This middle-aged man's imposing manner is incomparably tall and straight, as high and unattainable as Kunlun, and his imposing manner is so high that he can't even look up.

"This is Tie Zhongyang's father." Nie Shuang said to Su Jie, "He is also the one who will become the principal of our martial arts school in the future. Look at his aura."

"It's like Kunlun, it's unstoppable." Su Jie said: "The Fengshui of the entire country, the three big dragon veins all originated from Kunlun and flowed into the sea. Kunlun is the source of Fengshui. I know why he doesn't care about Fengshui anymore, because he Treat yourself as the source of feng shui, all feng shui comes from me."

"That's right, his name is Tie Kunlun." Nie Shuang said.

While Nie Shuang and Su Jie were talking, the middle-aged man Tie Kunlun came in front of them, but he didn't show any aura, just nodded: "You two, please come in, how about we chat?"

"Yes." Su Jie nodded.

The two followed Tie Kunlun into the office building.

The interior decoration of this office building is also very simple. It can be said that there is basically no decoration. If people who come to discuss business see the scene here, they will definitely think that Kunlun Investment is a fraudulent company with no strength.

Tie Zhongyang also entered it.

Tie Kunlun walked into his office, greeted Su Jie and Nie Shuang to sit down, and immediately said, "Who do you think is the most popular word between Kunlun and Minglun?"

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