Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Six hundred and four, almost black art, 3 big dragon veins and 3 punches


Su Jie raised one hand and caught Tie Kunlun's punch, and did not move a muscle, nor did he fight back, waiting for Tie Kunlun's next attack.

"Are you able to easily receive my punch?" Tie Kunlun suddenly received it. Although he did not use all his strength under the blow just now, there are few people in the world who can receive it.

He retreated abruptly, fixed his eyes on Su Jie, his momentum was rising, and he kept brewing, the next blow would probably be even more earth-shattering.

Su Jie's expression was very idle, as if he was not fighting, but chatting and drinking tea with his friends.

He was really happy to see Liexin.

This Tie Kunlun gave him some surprises.

In the artistic conception of Tie Kunlun's boxing, in addition to the crushing trend of the steel torrent, there is also a suppression like Kunlun Mountain, the source of the ancestors, and the ancestral vein of Fengshui.

He didn't need any Feng Shui at all, because Feng Shui was born by himself.

This general trend is actually very difficult to practice.

In the artistic conception of boxing, it is not that the bigger the imagination, the stronger the momentum. Because something too big lacks a realistic foundation, it is difficult to peek at the whole picture, and it is difficult to deeply understand the spirit of it, and it is difficult to extract its essence.

For example, the sun is vast and boundless, and it exerts light and heat all the time. If someone can integrate the spirit of the sun into his spiritual world, then after all, he can be invincible and sweep away everything.

But this is very difficult, because the sun is too far away from people, and we don't even know what it is. It is not as good as a boulder on the side of the road, a mountain in front, and a big tree. It is very easy to choose the artistic conception.

In history, there has actually been a practice of collecting the essence of the sun and the moon.

In fact, collecting the essence of the sun and the moon is not because there is any substantial energy in the sun and the moon that can be absorbed into the body, but to use the spiritual world to communicate with the sun and the moon, so as to obtain a kind of psychological food that is beneficial to the body. From mental health to physical strength.

For example, people look at the sea with an open mind, see the clear wind and white clouds, feel at ease, watch the tide of the river, and feel passionate. These are all good reasons for physical health and mental health.

People in ancient times observed the spirit of the Five Mountains, kept them in their chests, felt the spirit, and carried the power of the Five Mountains in their demeanor, which in itself was a very difficult thing.

Not to mention incorporating the true meaning of Kunlun into the power of the spiritual world, but also releasing it to the whole body, training the body with the mind, and training the spirit with the momentum.

In fact, Su Jie already knew when he saw Chief Tifeng practicing boxing. Chief Tifeng had already reached the point where he could observe any kind of things in the world, and immediately be able to intercept the essence of the spirit and use it for himself.

And Tie Kunlun in front of him is naturally not as good as the leader Tifeng, but his realm and boxing skills are also extraordinary. Especially the true meaning of Kunlun, this kind of realm is definitely not something that can be cultivated overnight, but it takes a long time to realize, go to Kunlun Mountain to walk all over the peaks, look for dragon veins, observe the earth's atmosphere, blend with human emotions, watch the snow, Look at the stone, look at the water, look at the cloud, look at the vastness, look at the source of the river, and finally achieve great success.

This process will take at least ten years.

Su Jie didn't think about defeating Tie Kunlun directly, but wanted to fight him more, to see what his enlightenment in the spiritual world was, and by the way, he could make a copy and steal Tie Kunlun's insights from traveling all over Kunlun for ten years.


It's like copying and pasting papers written by others with one click.

With this kind of understanding of walking all over Kunlun, Su Jie's spiritual world will be richer in understanding, which is actually one of the various aspects of life.

In fact, this is not stealing, nor is it opportunistic, but a necessary process of learning.

Adopt the strengths of a hundred schools of thought.


Tie Kunlun attacked again. This time his footsteps were erratic, seemingly soft, but actually the heaviest. In one step, his body and arms seemed to be lengthened many times. Then his fist first reached Su Jie's chest, and suddenly After a change, it actually turned into three punches, directly attacking Su Jie's upper, middle and lower three strikes.

Under the aura of aura, Su Jie was even more unable to retreat and dodge.

In the process of this punch giving birth to three punches, Nie Shuang, Wang Zhao, and even Tie Zhongyang seemed to have seen the three major Chinese dragon veins suddenly flowing out of Kunlun Mountain, the Yangtze River is the South Dragon, the Yellow River is the North Dragon, and the Yellow River is the North Dragon. Qinling is Zhonglong.

These three fists, three dragon veins, are incomparably imposing, in charge of the rise and fall of China for thousands of years, the dragon veins decline, China is weak, the dragon veins are strong, and China prospers. The geography and humanities contained in them are wonderful.

But now, Tie Kunlun has actually comprehended this indescribable thing. His boxing technique contains the truth of rise and fall, honor and disgrace, and it seems that he wants to comprehend the highest secret of the ups and downs.

Once enlightened, Tie Kunlun might become a real new human just like Su Jie.

"This Tie Kunlun's realm has reached such a level. It is enough to take over the position of the principal of Minglun Martial Arts School by relying on his cultivation alone, and he can definitely carry it forward. His life of traveling and practicing, I am afraid that he has really traveled all over the country, tracing the origin of Kunlun, and going all over the place. Reading history, using the ups and downs in history to verify the ups and downs of Feng Shui, and finally confirming the ups and downs in two, I came to a conclusion. Only with a deep understanding in my heart can I have this spiritual state. Not to mention, he is even more interested in sports. With a profound understanding of learning, precise and subtle force exertion, and no flaws, there is such a strange person in the world."

During these three punches, Su Jie peeped into the process of Tie Kunlun's cultivation.

If you hadn't traveled all over Kunlun first, and then from Kunlun, traveled all over the Yangtze River, Yellow River, Qinling Mountains, and the cities along the way, studied human geography, historical changes, worried about the past and the present, and compared dynasties, you would never have developed such a mind and momentum.

The rise and fall of ethnic groups depends on geography.

However, Su Jie was able to catch these three punches.

Su Jie didn't give in at all, he also blocked with one hand, ordinary, extremely ordinary, just like an ordinary person raising his hand unintentionally, and then lowering it, without any complicated artistic conception, just relying on instinct.

It was such a natural raising of his hand that he blocked three punches.

Tie Kunlun's powerful punch was unexpectedly blocked by Su Jie's blandness.

Moreover, Su Jie was still fighting with one hand, and against Tie Kunlun, Su Jie was fighting with one hand from beginning to end, which was a huge disadvantage in the contest.

"This..." Wang Zhao's vision is the most brilliant. When he saw Su Jie's ordinary block, he saw that no matter the world's rise or fall, the most ordinary people in the head of Guizhou are living day after day. Year after year of hard life, the vitality is so tenacious. The most ordinary people are almost like ants in the face of the power of the world and the dragon veins, but this tiny vitality has tenaciously survived.

Although the grass is pressed down by the big rock, it can still break through the rock and even overturn the big rock.

Su Jie's block contained the tenacious vitality of the most ordinary, ordinary and most humble people, which would not be exhausted for thousands of years.

Things that seem weak can also become strong in time.

Su Jie used the most ordinary boxing artistic conception to face Tie Kunlun's most vast and powerful momentum, but he did not lose the wind. This made Wang Zhao's evaluation of Su Jie deepened again.

"How dare you hit my father with one hand." Tie Zhongyang was furious, but he didn't step forward. He was knocked out by Su Jie's punch. Now that he thinks about it, he still doesn't see clearly how he was knocked out. , Where exactly did Su Jie hit him?

He mentally observed his whole body and found that there was no injury.

He has already undergone a long period of training in mental observation of the body. His own mind is the most accurate scanning instrument. Trauma, internal injury, and any pathological changes can be known at the initial stage.

This is a very special training method.

"The gap between me and this person is so big? I have been trained since I was a child. I don't know how much I have endured, and I have not slackened in the slightest. What I have received is also the most advanced training method in the world. How can there be such a huge gap between him and him?" ?” Tie Zhongzhong was extremely dissatisfied deep in his heart, and an inexplicable jealousy grew stronger and stronger.

At this moment, Tie Kunlun started to attack continuously.

The three punches were blocked, his movement changed, and he made a sudden charge, another three elbows, coming close to him, entering the enemy's camp, and engaged in hand-to-hand combat.

Tie Kunlun's aura is getting stronger and stronger, and he didn't fail because the offensive was blocked. On the contrary, it stimulated his desire to fight. Many hormones in his body are soaring. If there is an instrument to test the chemical reaction of the human body at this time, maybe It's off the charts.


Under the continuous bombardment of three elbows, Su Jie still faced the enemy with one hand. His upper body shook slightly, and the five fingers of one hand were spread out, and the palm was sunken.

The elbow that was originally as fierce as a gun, after being pressed by Su Jie, all the strength seemed to be absorbed by the sunken palm, and it suddenly became weak and powerless.

Tie Kunlun suddenly felt that the strength was not crowded, and he was taken aback, and quickly backed away.

Su Jie didn't go after him either.

Tie Kunlun didn't make any more moves, but looked at Su Jie's palm, thinking that he was performing a sorcery.

This method is close to sorcery.

"Do you think I know some kind of star-absorbing method in martial arts, and suck away your power? In fact, this is just a clever use of power, which makes your consciousness contrast, thinking that all the power in your body has been sucked away by me. That's all." Su Jie said: "This actually exists in the principles of Taijiquan, but it is difficult for ordinary people to perform it."

"You only use one hand, don't you underestimate me?" Tie Kunlun seemed to be thinking about Su Jie's three blocks.

In these three attacks, Tie Kunlun had already displayed 90% of his abilities, only some desperate killers did not activate, but Su Jie didn't even move his footsteps. At this time, Tie Kunlun already knew that Su Jie's cultivation was in his own Above, but he couldn't believe that a young man's strength was so high, and it was too ridiculously high.

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . Nine Heavens Emperor

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