Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Six hundred and sixteenth state is the heaviest, the hairy phoenix is ​​not as good as the chicken

His voice grew louder until at last it seemed that the mountains echoed.

Between heaven and earth, only his voice remained.

This was a scene that Tie Kunlun, Tie Zhongyang, and even Bu Lie had in the back of their minds. They felt that Su Jie's voice covered everything.

Afterwards, Su Jie's voice was even more thunderous: "Bu Lie, you are full of greed, hatred and ignorance, and you have not yet attained wisdom, emptiness, no form, no wish, true suchness, dharma realm, reality, and equality. If you don't turn back, you will become more When will it be?"


The sound stopped, and everything returned to normal. What happened just now was just an illusion.

But Tie Kunlun found that Bu Lie was sitting on the ground, his eyes were lifeless, and his temperament disappeared without a trace, as if he had retreated from a Bodhisattva to an ordinary person.

Bu Lie's original spiritual temperament is like the scorching sun in the sky, unstoppable, and he travels around the world. People who get close to him feel like they are in a furnace and are about to be melted.

And if you look at Bu Lie from a distance, you will feel that he is so glamorous that you should not look at him closely. Especially the more advanced the state of the person, the more he can find that the spiritual coercion of this person is almost endless.

Experts have their own temperament, the more expert, the more attractive the temperament.

Not to mention masters in practice, even high-ranking officials or wealthy people in real life have their own aura, which is different from the mental outlook and temperament of ordinary people.

This is especially true for practitioners. Think about it, a practitioner with outstanding ability and high social status, under the general trend, gradually transforms his temperament towards the direction of the gods, or "extraordinary".

For a person like Bu Lie, even if his wealth and social status completely disappear and he becomes a beggar, he can stand out from the crowd of beggars and will never be buried.

But now, with his spiritual realm lost, he really has nothing. All his social status and wealth are all rootless duckweed.

In ancient times, emperors and sons of heaven needed great talents to be able to control them. Without their own strategy and talents, they would only be played by courtiers, or even lose power, and finally be usurped by others, and they would not even be able to keep their heads.

Therefore, Tie Kunlun, Bu Lie, and even Tie Zhongyang all understand that in society, one's own ability is the most important. If one's ability is strong, the wealth of the world can be taken by you. There is no saying in the world that talents are underappreciated.

You are out of luck,

It means that you have no talent at all, or that your strengths are not suitable for this society. In other words, your wisdom has not yet seen through the rules of society, and your personality has great flaws.

But the current Bu Lie has completely lost his spiritual temperament, that is to say, he has fallen into the realm and knocked down the mortal world. The current Bu Lie is like an old man on the street, without the slightest temperament at all.

This decadent state can be seen even by ordinary people.

"What's going on here?" Even if he was as high as Tie Kunlun, he still couldn't figure out what was going on.

According to the truth, the realm of practice is stable, and it is the hardest to fall.

People's wealth and status are easy to get and even easier to lose, but their own spiritual wisdom is with them for life.

"The three armies can take away their commander, but an ordinary man can't take away his aspirations." Tie Zhongyang also obviously saw this scene, and he was also tall.

Hands, profound practice, nurtured since childhood, one can tell by looking at people's aura, at this moment, Bu Lie has completely lost his aura and spiritual realm, why can't he see it? "What kind of power can take away people's energy? Take away people's ambition!"

A creepy feeling rippling in Tie Zhongyang's heart.

His body took a step back involuntarily.

At this moment, he was really scared.

He is not afraid of failure, because failure is to gain experience and lessons, and is the source of future progress, but he is afraid of losing his own practice, which is an irreversible fall.

If an ordinary person looked at Bu Lie at this time, he would only feel that Bu Lie, who had a compelling figure just now, suddenly lost his energy and spirit, and must have suffered a great psychological blow.

But the Irons can see something deeper.

Bu Lie's thinking frequency, even the hidden threats, all disappeared. And Tie Kunlun can also feel that Bu Lie's physical fitness seems to be declining, and the vitality in his body seems to be aging rapidly.

After a person's spiritual energy is sucked out all at once, they will quickly decline physically. For example, when a high-ranking official is in the position, he is full of energy and gives advice, but suddenly retreats, and he will grow old in a few years look.

"What did you do?" Tie Kunlun seemed to want to pounce on Su Jie, but he held back because he already felt Su Jie's terror.

"It's just knocking down his realm, demoted to a mortal." Su Jie's tone was very calm, looking at Bu Lie who was already sitting on the ground in disbelief, and said: "I said that the spiritual realm is the easiest to regress. Wealth and status are not safe, because people's thoughts are easy to be overjoyed and sad, and their emotions fluctuate, reaching heaven in a while, and going to hell in a while. Of course, there are very few people who can knock down the realm, and I am one of them. I I don't want to do anything to you, but you really touched something that shouldn't be touched. By the way, Bu Lie, your social status is very high and you have many connections. Now you can sue me. Say that I have knocked down your realm, see if anyone will care about you?"

At this time, Su Jie was in control.

"I..." Bu Lie now only feels that his brain is very chaotic, not sharp at all, and his thinking has become sluggish. He has suddenly become an ordinary person from a very high-level powerhouse. This kind of mental gap, even if Even he couldn't stand it.


Standing up fiercely, stepping forward, he was about to attack Su Jie.

His boxing skills are still very sharp, and his strike speed has already surpassed that of world-class professional fighters. His various movements and postures are very standard, and he can also hit many ordinary people.

However, when Bu Lie shot, Tie Kunlun couldn't help but shook his head.

In his opinion, this kind of boxing is simply clumsy.

For a real master, the most powerful thing in boxing is a wave of mental oppression.

Tie Kunlun knew that the most powerful part of Bu Lie's boxing was when he punched. Before the punch reached his side, the mental aura had completely locked on the opponent, making the opponent as hot as if he was in an oven. The feeling of physical exhaustion, dehydration, and fainting in the depths of the desert.

If it was a person with a slightly weaker will, the whole person would have passed out before the punch arrived.

Bu Lie's boxing style is as its name suggests. Its momentum is as fierce as tempering red-hot steel. The heat waves are rolling and directly roasting people's souls. In fact, Tie Kunlun doesn't want to fight against Bu Lie, because it is too uncomfortable to fight with him. .

But now, Bu Lie's boxing method is still the same boxing method, the moves have not changed, but the spirit is completely gone, what's going on?

Boxing without spiritual temperament is like a sports car without an accelerator, unable to refuel, and can only move forward slowly at a speed of 20 kilometers per hour.

Not to mention the confrontation between people, even if it is a military confrontation, morale is also very important. In historical wars where the weak can defeat the strong, tens of thousands of troops beat the enemy's hundreds of thousands of troops to pieces.

When Su Jie saw Bu Lie's attack, he just dodged slightly, as if he was teasing a child. Not to mention that Bu Lie's current boxing skills have lost his spirit, even in his heyday, it was difficult to touch the corner of his clothes, because The two parties are not at the same level at all.

While dodging, Su Jie said: "Yes, yes, your physical fitness is very strong, it can be seen that it has been tempered and maintained for a long time, and it will not fall due to the decline of the mental state for a while, but it is gone. With the support of the spiritual realm, the physical body will age quickly. I used to only study the regulating effect of the mind on the body of ordinary people. I have never done experiments on experts. Today I would like to thank you for giving me precious experiments Data. You should know that the spirit and soul of a person have a great effect on the body. The most typical example is that after a person dies, the bioelectricity disappears, and the person will decay rapidly, and the same is true for all living things. In fact, it is because people The bioelectricity generated by the spiritual soul in the body balances the bacteria. After death, this balance is broken and it rots rapidly."

Bu Lie at this time, how can he still listen to such words, blindly attacking, vigorously, becoming more and more fierce, and the speed is amazing.

But seeing this kind of movement, not only Tie Kunlun, but even Tie Zhongyang felt that he could completely defeat Bu Lie. A boxing method without spirit and aura is just a puppet swing, without spirituality.

The more this happened, the more Tie Zhongyang, Tie Kunlun and his son felt that Su Jie was terrifying.

They had never seen such a terrifying person.

Su Jie continued to dodge, still talking: "Your spiritual realm can keep your physical strength from growing and not declining. If you lose your spiritual realm, many chemical reactions in your body will not be able to explode, and will gradually decay. Human movement, in fact It is the chemical reaction of the body, and the speed, agility, and reaction of the movement all depend on the intensity of the chemical reaction. The master switch that can adjust the chemical reaction is the spiritual realm of a person. Which kind of spiritual realm is the best? , is actually still under study. Of course, your spiritual realm is based on fire, and your will is strong. Under the fist, everything will be burned. The power is indeed huge, and it is also very useful. The more you practice, the more people Your heart will also be broad-minded, like the scorching sun that warms people, nourishes infinite creatures, and doesn't care about what the creatures ask for. But you seem to be wrong, so your retreat is inevitable."


At this time, Bu Lie had only one thought in his mind, which was to kill Su Jie. He completely lost his calm analysis, and he was unable to use his mind to control his emotions, which increased the power of his punches, just like a lunatic chasing and killing Su Jie.

This is like a crazy man's eight punches.

Tie Kunlun couldn't bear to watch it.

.. m.

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