Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Six hundred and twentieth three great harm 0 hard work is easy

"Look at how he died?" Thorn Butterfly's tone was filled with killing intent.

Su Jie stepped forward to watch, and did not touch the corpse with his hands. After watching for a while, he seemed to be thinking about something, and then asked, "What did the forensic doctor say?"

"I want to hear your judgment." Thorn Butterfly asked.

"This person is due to a sudden emotional outburst, multiple emotions resonating together, resulting in a serious overload of the body, the glial cells in the brain cannot protect the neurons, the biological current in the synapses is stimulated too much, and then died in an instant. This person His strength is very strong, even higher than yours, and his realm is extremely unpredictable, otherwise it would be impossible to have such a powerful emotional fluctuation in an instant, his muscles, heart and lung function, and even his brain are by no means ordinary people." Su Jie Said: "It is also possible to be called the world's top master."

"Then did he commit suicide or homicide?" Cicada asked again.

"According to the forensic identification, this person committed suicide. He did not know what kind of strong stimulus he had received in an instant, his mood swings were overloaded, and a large number of chemical reactions in his body destroyed many delicate structures of his body tissues, and he collapsed in an instant. Bert's tears are somewhat similar, very strong, even bullets can't pierce them, but as long as you grab the tail and shake it a little, it will fall apart. In fact, when a person's spiritual realm is strong, it seems indestructible, but at a certain point, But it is very fragile, as long as it grasps a certain weakness in the spiritual world, it will collapse very quickly. That's why it is said that one thought becomes a demon." Su Jie said.

"I'm not here to listen to your academic theories, but I want to ask you whether he committed suicide or homicide." Cidie asked.

Su Jie was not angry either, but said: "Of course he killed him."

"Who killed it?" Thorn butterfly asked.

"A truly peerless master. It can be said that he invaded his brain with his spirit, causing his emotional fluctuations and causing his own death. The principle is that hackers invade the computer, suddenly increase the o The current expanded and burned the hardware." Su Jie said.

"Who is this master?" Thorn Butterfly asked again.

"There are no more than five people in the world who have this kind of ability." Su Jie said, "I don't know who they are. I'm not a god, so I really think I have the ability to see through the past and predict the future?"

"You said that there are no more than five people in the world who have this ability, so are you one of them?" Cidie asked, seeming to regard Su Jie as the murderer.

"Of course I am one of them." Su Jie was not very modest: "Do you think I am a murderer?"

"If only five people in the whole world have this ability,

You said you were one of them, so are you suspected? "The thorn butterfly said.

"I don't think you should be so stupid." Su Jie said: "Tell me, what do you want me to help you? Do you want to find out who the murderer is and arrest the real murderer? But I want to tell you, even if Even if the real culprit was caught, he could not be tried because there is no evidence at all, so how do you prove that he was the murderer?"

"So, I don't need to arrest him for trial, just kill him directly, and you repay him with the same method, and kill him in this way." Cidie said.

"Sorry, I never kill people. Also, I may not be able to defeat this kind of master, let alone retaliate in the same way.

Shibi is dead. "Su Jie waved his hand: "His realm is at least on par with mine. "

"So you really don't want to help?" Ci Die said.


Su Jie heard Cidie's tone, and suddenly uttered a note.

The note fell into the ear of Thorny Die, and the whole person seemed to have a concussion, buzzing, as if someone covered it under the big clock, and then hit it violently, the sound waves would have shocked her to death.

Thorn Die backed away again and again, not expecting that Su Jie's simple voice would have the effect of killing people. She instinctively felt that if Su Jie wanted to kill her, she really only needed to say it.

"This kind of character is really terrifying." An idea in the heart of Thorn Die became more and more firm.

"Brother Su, why do you have to be as knowledgeable as a little girl." At this moment, an old man walked in. It was Shang Lao. The extremely high-level old man who had a conversation with Su Jie.

"She's not a little girl, she's a bit older than me." Su Jie's words made Ci Die unhappy again.

However, what Su Jie said was the truth. He is only in his early 20s and has not yet graduated from university. He is now a junior and will be a senior next year. According to the general rules, he is now about to start looking for a job or start the postgraduate entrance examination. However, he also has some arrangements for his future, and he still wants to go to a high-end university to exchange and study with some top professors in life sciences.

"This is my son." Looking at the corpse, Elder Shang said in a calm tone, "He is my youngest son, and I have the greatest expectations for him, but unexpectedly, he is sent by a white-haired man to a black-haired man."

"My condolences." Su Jie said.

He has already sensed that Lao Shang's spiritual cultivation has not fluctuated at all, and he thinks that life and death are very common things.

"Do you think Mr. Tifeng did this or someone else set the blame?" Old Shang asked Su Jie: "Actually, the thorn butterfly rescued Mei Yi, which was a major blow to Tifeng's research. Mr. Tifeng It is natural to launch retaliatory behavior, but the more natural it is, the more conspiracy it contains. Moreover, according to my speculation, even if Mr. Typhon strikes, the first one will not be aimed at my son, but Come directly to me. His personality is not so dark, and he still acts like a hero."

"Then who do you think it is?" Su Jie asked.

"I know that you have fought against the latest giant in the dark world. This person is also a young man with vicious tactics and no bottom line in doing things. Do you think it is him? Because in this world, people who can reach this level are indeed It is very rare. You will never do such a thing." Old Shang said.

"That's right." Su Jie nodded: "This person is also suspected, but I defeated him. According to the logic, if he wants to take revenge, he should come to me or my family, but there is no warning sign in my heart. He probably didn't think about it."

"Your spiritual realm is extremely high, and you are not tempted by interests. From a certain point of view, you should be the most sober person among all the giants. So I hope you can show me who killed it. My son, it's not a matter of revenge for my son, but that this person has such means and no bottom line, and his appearance in City B will bring serious security risks.

Yes, they must be arrested and besieged. Old Shang said: "But this kind of person kills people invisible." It is almost impossible to catch him. Must be a real master. After thinking about it, only you are the most suitable. "

"Yes." Su Jie agreed.

"What conditions do you have?" Elder Shang didn't expect Su Jie to agree so quickly, almost without thinking, he was stunned for a moment.

"There are no conditions." Su Jie waved his hand: "This person dares to kill people in City B, which is extremely dangerous. It can be seen that he is a lawless person. I have already said that even if his cultivation has reached the level of unbridled The real world must follow the rules of the game, otherwise, it will have a very bad impact on the entire ethnic group, and even destroy the development of the ethnic group. Even if extraordinary people really appear in the future, it will not be able to destroy the foundation of the entire ethnic group."

This is Su Jie's philosophy.

In fact, Su Jie and others, including Chief Tifeng, claim to be "new human beings", but they are not "transcendents".

I still have to eat, drink and sleep every day.

At most, they are physically stronger than ordinary people, and their ideological realm is higher. Even most masters do not have the ability to interfere with the thinking of ordinary people.

However, if you look at it in a long-term perspective, in a few hundred years, there are likely to be many people who surpass Su Jie now. In fact, it can be seen from the comparison of sports. The 100-meter sprint champion a hundred years ago saw the current 100-meter champion. I am afraid that it is absolutely impossible.

"I heard some news, it is said that you have some conflicts with the old god's association. I can help you mediate." Old Shang said.

"No need." Su Jie knew what Shang Lao was talking about as soon as he heard it. The "Old God" in his mouth was a strong man named God, and this strong man was also the big brother Tie Kunlun and Bu Lie said: "This kind of trivial matter What kind of mediation do you want? In fact, some people in this world just don’t know how powerful they are, and they always regard other people’s tolerance as weakness.”

"You knocked Bu Lie down?" Old Shang knew a lot of things, and his well-informed knowledge was indeed amazing.

"That's right." Su Jie didn't deny it either.

"Bu Lie, I know that he has practiced hard for decades, and it is not easy. In order to hone his strong will, I know that he once put himself in the stove room in the summer, even naked, watching in the steelmaking workshop. Exercising his will with the red-hot molten steel in the furnace, he passed out countless times before he finally broke through, and he also went to the crater to observe the lava at close range, and burned his whole body many times. His fists are fierce and unparalleled , The artistic conception is like a melting pot of the scorching sun, it is really a pity that you knocked down his realm like this." Shang Lao seemed to be pleading for Bu Lie.

"It's your own fault." Su Jie smiled: "Mr. Shang, this is none of your business. Don't meddle in this matter. I fell into the realm of falling down, but I just wanted to see if anyone could save him. .Do you think your friend can rescue him?"

"It's hard." Old Shang shook his head.

"That's right, once one's realm falls, one cannot recover. In fact, the same is true for ordinary people. Falling in life is nothing. The most fearful thing is the depression of one's own will. Once the will is depressed, even gods cannot save them." Su Jie smiled.

.. m.

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