Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Six hundred and twenty-sixth, born of a fierce jerk, there is a miracle in breaking free from the sh

"Hello, my name is Zhao Jie." The man who guarded Mei Yi and never left her, introduced himself to Su Jie. The voice is not loud, but the words are sonorous, like gold and iron, with a penetrating quality.

This is an extreme manifestation of internal breathing practice. The interior is slightly oscillating, the airflow bursts out and rubs, and the sound rushes out, which can crack gold and stone, like a tsunami.

In ancient times, eminent monks who had cultivated to the highest level could do a lion's roar, and with a loud roar, they could directly shock tigers to death. Even when encountering a group of bandits, a single roar can shock them all to death.

The strength of the breath can be seen.

Even this sound can destroy evil spells.

To put it simply, it can break some blindfolds and mental interference.

"Zhao Yu's brain is naturally much stronger than ordinary people, and he is also very sensitive spiritually. His family has practiced Kung Fu since childhood, and he used to be a royal guard. He practiced the esoteric Vajra Lion Roar. The sorcery was directly dispelled, and even made people suffer." Mei Yi said with a smile: "It is said that his mother once saw Shi Jie on the Huabiao, and dreamed that Shi Jie fell into her arms for many consecutive nights, and then gave birth to a child. He. This time, all the sons of Shang Lao were killed, and they suffered a mental attack, so he was asked to protect me, and only he can interfere with mental fluctuations and persecution."

"Born from a dream?" Su Jie remembered what Liu Guanglie said about Wang Zhao.

This Wang Zhao was also rumored to be the mother who dreamed of Leibu Zhengshen Wang Lingguan throwing herself into her arms, thus giving birth to him. It is true that he practiced quickly, and his comprehension of Taoist Leifa was extremely profound.

However, there are many such records in history. The founding emperors of all dynasties had supernatural occurrences, some of which were true and some of which were false, and they cannot all be wiped out.

Even Emperor Xuanyuan, it was his mother who dreamed that the Big Dipper fell on her body and gave birth to him.

This is a mystical phenomenon. Su Jie's scientific research scope has not yet reached this point, but he believes that there are all kinds of wonders in the vast world, and the transmission of information will cause many miracles in birth.

The human brain can sometimes accept the countless information in the void, and sometimes it cannot. When the life is brewing in the matrix, it is also a process of forming the soul key. In this process, it is interfered by external information, which makes the composition of the soul key have some particularities. It is not surprising that this kind of thing happens.

From the perspective of scientific speculation, this kind of thing can also be justified.

"He will be by my side all the time.

Mei Yi said: "It's no exception even when I go to the bathroom." "Speaking of which, Mei Yi felt a little helpless.

"It's an extraordinary time, so there's nothing wrong with being careful." Su Jie said, "Not to mention these things, I recently obtained two precious experimental data, you can take a look."

While speaking, he brought Mei Yi to the large-screen computer. This is a science laboratory, and both of them put on white coats to enter.

"Your laboratory is really crude." Mei Yi surveyed the surrounding environment.

"It's considered very good. For many research institutions outside, my laboratory is world-class, and of course it can't compare with Typhon's laboratory." Su Jie said: "You have obtained great achievements in Typhon. experimental conditions."

In all fairness, Su Jie's laboratory has a huge investment, and the materials are all the most advanced. Zhang Manman obtained a lot of the latest good stuff from the black market and shipped them back to China.

Mei Yi smiled, and then looked at the data recorded by Su Jie. These data are countless chemical reaction equations, which ordinary people cannot understand, but Mei Yi can understand them immediately. This is a record of human psychological and emotional changes. many data.

Through these chemical equations, it is possible to study the impact of a series of human psychological activities on the human body.

"The chemical reaction triggered by human mental activities is so intense? This is the first time I have seen such data, and the sudden drop in thinking has caused the body's functions to degenerate drastically, and even affected the improvement of genes." Mei Yi deserved it As a super scientist, he immediately found some unique relationships among many complex body reactions, and at the same time began to design a plan for research.

Su Jie was also doing research together. The two designed data and performed deduction, and a waterfall of data appeared on the computer screen.

The master Zhao Yu next to him couldn't understand it at all.

He originally thought that Su Jie and Mei Yi would talk about kung fu, so that he could still understand it, but now, the data and symbols they researched are like a bible.

When the two of them started researching, they just forgot to sleep and eat, and didn't care about the passage of time outside, the sun rose and the sun set. Anyway, Su Jie prepared a lot of water and food in the laboratory, and these are good things with extremely rich nutritional content.

The two ate some when they were hungry, completely immersed in scientific research.

And Zhao Yu was calm and relaxed, watching Su Jie and Mei Yi's research, always paying attention to the movement around him, not daring to slack off in the slightest.

"Zhao Jie, you can rest for a while." Mei Yi said to Zhao Jie during the break of research: "With Su Jie here, no one in the world can do anything to me."

"My responsibility is to ensure your safety. On this point, I will not relax at all." Zhao Yan shook his head. He glanced at Su Jie slightly when he was speaking, and there was also some distrust in his eyes. mean.

Seeing this look, Mei Yi was delighted: "Zhao Yan, I know that you are a real master of the inner circle, and the training you have received is beyond the limits of the human body, and you are also selected from more than one billion people. The real outstanding ones, you have always believed that the real masters are not in the private sector, nor in some commercial fighting clubs and martial arts schools, but those cultivated by the national system. I admit this, in terms of overall quality, indeed It is far beyond the average level, but the real master is born randomly, I would like to see how the two of you compete? I am collecting data here, which can also be used as an important research."

"It's not impossible." Zhao Yu nodded.

It can be seen from this sentence that he is an extremely belligerent person.

"Alright." Su Jie also nodded.

Su Jie didn't have any competitive ambitions in his heart, but he wanted to see Zhao Ji's physical fitness, psychological quality, and various conditions of the brain, which were also precious data.

"Actually, I know you." Zhao Yan looked at Su Jie and said, "One of my coaches is Teacher Wu Xinyu. When he was training us, he once said that if someone can be called the best in the world, you must be There is a chance. I never believed it, but I never had the chance to meet you, and now I finally see you."

"Then how do you feel?" Su Jie smiled.

"It feels like you don't know kung fu, but you are just a scientific researcher." Zhao Yan said.

"Your comprehensive strength has actually surpassed Wu Xinyu." Su Jie said.

"This does not prevent him from being our coach." Zhao Jie respected Wu Xinyu very much.

"That's true." Su Jie nodded, "Mei Yi, record all the data. This is not a competition, but a scientific experiment."

"No problem." Mei Yi had already made preparations.

"Go ahead." Su Jie said to Zhao Yan with a smile.

"Aren't you ready?" Zhao Yu looked at Su Jie who was wearing a white coat. He was actually a little awkward. He seemed to want to beat up a scientific researcher by doing it now. He couldn't do this kind of thing.

"That's it." Su Jie waved his hand.

"That's good." Zhao Jie's body trembled, and there seemed to be air flowing through his back. In Su Jie's spiritual world, Zhao Jie really had wings on his back, and his aura was like a big roc spreading its wings, holding mountains and seas, soaring straight up, and hitting the water in an instant Ninety thousand miles.

"Don't move." Su Jie said three words without making a move.

In an instant, Zhao Yan only felt that his thinking stopped for a moment, and his brain seemed to have received another instruction, and he really couldn't move his hands and feet.

It was at this moment that his thinking stopped, and a wave of anger immediately rose from the depths of Zhao Yan's heart, and he roared: "Zha!"

With this roar, the sound waves mixed with his own emotions, and shattered his shackles fiercely. All the spiritual shackles were broken in this roar.

It can even be seen that during the roar, a wave of air violently spread out from the center of the body, forming a shock wave.

This is the roar of the lion, the anger of the Vajra.

In an instant, the mind and spirit were condensed to the extreme, creating a state of fearlessness.

Get rid of all evil spirits.

This is the Secret Vajra Method, the real practice, the pure yang in the heart, and the suppression of the devil. Possessing great might and virtue, the third life does not move, the heart sticks firmly, the sky is clear, and the sun is like fire.

"Wonderful." Su Jie's mind moved, and his mental restraint was actually broken. It can be said that his brain information interference has been tried and tested. There is no doubt that his realm is completely higher than that of Zhao Yan. With the interference of brain information, Zhao Yu should not have the ability to fight back.

This is the law in science.

The interference of brain information is like two computer hackers fighting, one of them is highly skilled, and the other has no power to fight back. This is the horror of spiritual confrontation.

However, at this moment, Zhao Yu reacted instinctively, his body sensed danger, and suddenly a large number of chemical reactions erupted automatically, and this chemical reaction was fed back to the brain, which activated the thinking of the brain instead.

This is like a war between two countries. The emperor of one country was arrested, but the other courtiers of this country refused to surrender and fought desperately. Instead, they killed the enemy and rescued the emperor.

This is an incredible thing in history.

Now, this is the situation of Zhao Yan, the brain has been captured, but the rest of the body quit, and the instinct broke out suddenly, saving the brain.

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