Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Six hundred and twentieth IX Demon-breaking training, young and old disagree 1

"Duan Bo, do you think we fought too hard?" The man with the surname God said: "But the current situation in the world, if we don't fight hard, I'm afraid we won't even have a sip of the soup, because others are fighting more fiercely than us." You see, in order to compete for some technology and talents in Tifeng, the son of Shang Lao was killed in front of me. How to reconcile with people? Actually, what I am most afraid of now is that person will come to kill me. I can't resist at all. Brother Shang's strength is about the same as mine, and I can't gain any advantage over him. His life is taken away in front of me as easy as picking something out of a pocket, so what should I do."

"You are different." Duan Bo waved his hand: "First, you have your father. Your father is still in the prime of life, and his realm is extremely high. He is more terrifying than Shang Lao. Second, Shang Lao attacked them too hard. Poached away Mei Yi. And through cooperation, you may even help them solve their financial crisis. With these two points, you will not encounter poisonous hands at all."

"So, Brother Shang's death was caused by Mr. Tifeng?" the man surnamed God asked.

"That's not necessarily the case." Duan Bo said: "According to common sense, it should be him who did it, because the people in the world who can kill people invisible can actually be found by stretching out five fingers. But these people kill one Junior, at least Mr. Tifeng should not be able to do such a thing. There is no need for him to risk his life to come here. He is also flesh and blood. If he wants to learn from the ancient swordsman, it is impossible to take the head of someone thousands of miles away .”

"Tell me, can this Su Jie, who defeated Uncle Bu Lie, be able to do this?" the man surnamed God asked.

"Of course he can." Duan Bo said: "Actually, things like knocking down a realm are more difficult than killing people, and you don't have to worry. If you have prepared yourself in advance, there will be a confrontation in your heart, and all aspects of your body will be destroyed." It is not an easy task for others to kill you by self-healing and saving the brain. In fact, Shang Lao’s son suffers because of the sudden attack, when he is most relaxed. He The brain has no time to react, just like a master fighter who is easily attacked and killed by gangsters when he is slack on the street. If you are always on guard and train a little bit, you can break this kind of magic and prevent being violated."

"How to train?" the man surnamed God asked quickly.

"I will train you later. As long as you form an instinctive reaction, your foundation is very strong, and you can master it with just a few hours of training." Duan Bo said: "This is not kung fu, but a spiritual way to break demons It's just that among the ancient practitioners, most of them should practice, that is, to break the demonic barriers when the demons appeared suddenly, and even the ancient practitioners divided these demonic barriers into many types, among which the most detailed records are in the Shurangama Sutra. The article is called the Demon-Breaking Code. You can study it carefully when you have time. After understanding the essence, you can guard against spiritual invasion after a long period of practice. In fact, you don’t have to be too afraid. The spiritual realm is not as good as the enemy, but you can defend. Protecting oneself is still somewhat effective. It's a pity that this son of Shang Lao's carelessness did not deserve to die at all."

"Duan Bo,

Is it really impossible for me to recover? "Bu Lie's eyes were extremely resentful: "I have been concentrating these days, trying to find the previous state of cultivation. I think that as long as I find the state of the spiritual state, I will be able to return soon, but it is impossible at all. I have entered the state of mind and feeling that I had when I practiced before. "

"As I said, your foundation has been necrotic, and it's hard to go back." Duan Bo said, "If a person is seriously ill, even after heals, it's hard for his body to return to the way it was before. There's no way around it. Anyway, I can't find a way to restore your realm, but I want to remind you that you have to tie the bell to untie it. If you go to that young man, maybe he really has a way. I think this young man The action was just a little punishment, and it didn't really kill me, so we can still talk about it."

"Don't you teach him a lesson?" Bu Zhixuan was still uneasy.

"Teach me a lesson?" Duan Bo reprimanded: "Children don't know the heights of heaven and earth. It's easy for this kind of person to kill you, and you can even say as many deaths as you want. I think I need to tell my brother."

"Zhixuan, don't disobey Duan Bo." Bu Lie reprimanded.

"Yes." Bu Zhixuan didn't dare to say more. "

"In the evening, you go to my place to practice with me." Duan Bo said to the man surnamed God: "I still have something to do. Think about what I said just now."

While speaking, the old man walked out.

"If we don't get revenge on this matter, I'm afraid everyone will think that we are weak and can be bullied." After seeing Duan Bo left, Bu Zhixuan was still unwilling to reconcile, and raised his opinion to the man with the surname of God: "And Duan Bo is old. The older we are, the less courageous we are, if we swallow everything, aren't we worthless?"

"The most urgent thing is to restore your father's spiritual state. Duan Bo said just now that the person who untied the bell must tie it. I am going to find this person. Talk to him. If he can restore your father's state, then Everything is easy to say, if he does not compromise, then there is no way. Your father is our elder, and there is no organization elder who will not come back after being treated like this. If this is the case, then the hearts will be scattered." The man with the surname of God Said coldly.

Afterwards, he said to Bu Lie on the hospital bed: "Uncle Lie, there is always a way for you to recover well. My father will come to City B in a few days. When he visits you, there must be a way."

"Of course, big brother is omnipotent." Bu Lie had a kind of blind worship and trust in the father of the god-surnamed man.

"Tomorrow, Zhixuan, follow me to find that Su Jie, I want to see if this person really has three heads and six arms." The man with the surname of God said.

"It's okay. He hurt my father, and I can't share the sky with him. Even if he only breathes one breath, I will hurt him ten times." Bu Zhixuan has never seen Su Jie, but in his plan, it is necessary. He wanted to take Su Jie under his command, and even the laboratory, so he went to threaten Liu Shi.

Unexpectedly, before the plan started, something went wrong with his father Bu Lie.

Just like a country started to plan to attack others, but before it started, the emperor was beheaded by others. How can we fight this battle?

"You have to be careful." Hearing this, Bu Lie recalled the terrifying scene he faced Su Jie: "If this person attacks you, you will be doomed forever."

"I forgive him for not daring to do that." The brows of the godly man were also filled with anger. Their organization is almost invincible, and they have never suffered such a big loss, and he has no empathy for Su Jie's methods. , unlike Tie Kunlun and his son, who have been completely convinced.

"There is one more thing, I have to say, although it is suspected of provoking." Bu Lie said: "Tie Kunlun seems to have changed his mind. He was persuaded by Su Jie's son. Because Su Jie promised that he could go one step further and become a new humans."

"Don't say such things." The man with the divine surname immediately said: "Uncle Tie is still loyal to my father, not inferior to you, and now you are all sincerely cooperating, I don't want to hear such words in the future."

"Hey..." Bu Lie sighed.

"You stay here with your father, I'll go out and get ready." The man surnamed God said something to Bu Zhixuan, and then walked out.

After he left completely, Bu Zhixuan's face changed greatly: "Dad, your realm is gone, and your weight in the organization has been greatly reduced. I can already feel the warmth and warmth of human feelings. Just now you said that Tie Kunlun When it was time, it was obvious that this Young Master had more weight on Tie Kunlun than you."

"That's right." Bu Lie nodded. In fact, although he is lying on the hospital bed, his body is fine. The brain is better than ordinary people: "However, I have been with my brother for so long, and he will definitely try his best to recover for me, otherwise many brothers will be chilled. Besides, I know very well that brother will not give up on him. Brother, compared with the big brother's mind, it is still too far behind. In fact, the big brother still lacks an heir. If his sons can have one-third of his mind and means, then we will be convinced. But now We're not convinced at all."

"Then what should we do in the future? Will Uncle Shen let his son take over?" Bu Zhixuan asked.

"If the son does not live up to expectations and finds it difficult to take on the big responsibility, the elder brother will never let his son take over. I know this. On the contrary, if one of our brothers has a son who stands out, the elder brother will definitely train him to be the heir. The realm of the elder brother I have already seen through the barriers in the blood, which is why we treat him like a god. It is absolutely impossible for the eldest brother to do such a thing as a family, so although I have lost my realm, there is still you. If you can stand out, If you have become the best among many juniors, if this is the case, if your eldest brother takes a fancy to you and trains you to be his heir, then you will really ascend to the sky in one step." Bu Lie can still see clearly on this point.

"Uncle Ren really doesn't want to leave the foundation to his son?" Bu Zhixuan still couldn't believe it.

"If your son doesn't live up to his expectations, or if your means and cultivation surpass his son in all aspects, he will never leave it to his own son." Bu Lie said: "Otherwise, why do you think we old brothers follow him so hard? ?”

"I see." Bu Zhixuan nodded: "Tie Kunlun's son, Tie Zhongyang, is brave and foolhardy. Although the other juniors are also outstanding, none of them surpass me. We are all fighting now. But how I’m making progress by leaps and bounds, but I still can’t find a way to improve.”

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