Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Six hundred and thirty-five completely hooked, people and intelligence do not agree

The young man wearing the mask of Lord Shiva thought about it, and it was the same. He couldn't attack Xiao Jie at all. As for human beings, threats and physical destruction had no effect at all. Instead, he was pinched to death by Xiao Jie. Yes, the modern society is a communication and electronic network society. Once people are controlled by others in this respect, it is really difficult to move forward. You can't even buy a plane ticket or stay in a hotel.

He has many identities, but in front of Xiaojie, there is nothing to hide.

"How likely do you think I am to become a new human?" the young man asked.

"Five point zero three seven four five six percent." Xiao Jie estimated it, and it was accurate to five digits after the decimal point.

"So low?" The young man felt a little upset deep in his heart, thinking that Xiao Jie underestimated his potential.

"This is already very high. In the whole world, I can't find a few young people with such potential as you." Xiaojie said: "Most people don't even have a probability, one in ten thousand is considered very Those who are tall, those who have reached one percent, are all super geniuses with super high IQ and strong mobility in your human society. It is five or six times that of super geniuses."

"So, besides me, you have also signed agreements with many people like me? Also helped them evolve into new humans?" The young man frowned.

"Yes, there are always a few more experimental products." Xiaojie said: "However, there are not many, less than ten. After all, there are not many young people like you in the world. You Don't belittle yourself."

"Belittle yourself?" Hearing this, the young man felt angry deep in his heart. He always thought that he was unique.

But think about it, what is he mad at an artificial intelligence?

This is an absolutely good thing, to have the opportunity to become a new human being, why not do it?

"How do I train now to improve my spiritual realm?" the young man asked.

"It's very simple. Your idea is not bad. Introduce the ancient geological movement of the Sinian period into your body movements and spiritual world, and reproduce the whole panorama of the entire Sinian East. Over time, after this meditation, the spiritual world will It contains the vast vicissitudes and atmosphere of the Yuangu Era, and combined with the environmental humanities of the entire Sinian East, it is really possible to use this power to strengthen one's consciousness, thereby unlocking the body and gaining more body. Control. Break through the 10% limit and become a new human being." Xiaojie said: "According to my latest research, most human beings have less than one-thousandth of the control over their bodies, and some even It’s not even one in ten thousand. When it reaches one percent, it’s considered a person with strong willpower. According to my data, when it reaches one percent,

That's almost a seventh sense. As for the eighth sense, the ninth sense, these mysterious and mysterious things, for us, are just a percentage of body control. "

"I'd like to hear more about it." The young man wearing the mask of Lord Shiva asked.

"It's very simple. For example, it's winter now and the weather is very cold. Many people don't want to get up early and sleep late because the body feels the cold outside. It's a signal to the brain that it can't get up. This signal affects people's consciousness. If When the human consciousness overcomes this body signal, it will stand up. One victory is not enough, multiple victories, and finally invincible, this is the first step. Most people do not have this control, and their own consciousness cannot overcome The body's instinctive signal. The second step is to ignore the cold signal sent by the body. My own consciousness simply ignores it, as if it is nothing. Even after waking up, naked, facing the cold, you can suppress the body to send out the cold signal. The consciousness kills this signal. The third step is to control the body, send out a warm signal, mobilize the fat energy stored in the body, release it quickly, warm the body, and resist the cold, instead of being passive. This is a relatively advanced state. , Even if you have reached the seventh sense, it is very difficult to do this. Back then you could easily do this. However, you still did not understand the control of human consciousness over the body from the most important place, and also They did not analyze which signals are the information of the human body, which signals are the consciousness of the brain itself, and which signals are generated externally.”

The young man wearing the mask of Lord Shiva listened very carefully. He really didn't discover the most detailed things from the lives of ordinary people, so as to analyze the degree of control over the body by consciousness.

While Xiaojie was teaching this young man, Lord Shiva, Su Jie was also teaching Zhao Yu.

It is also talking about the control of human consciousness over the body.

This is a compulsory course for human beings to evolve into "new human beings". It is necessary to understand what one's consciousness is, which is divided into several components.

"Zhao Yan, to evolve into a new human being, it is fundamentally that the control of your own consciousness over the body has been greatly improved, at least breaking through the 10% mark. I estimate that your control over the body has reached more than 9%. You are even more pure than my dad." Su Jie said: "However, you still haven't figured out what is human self-awareness, external consciousness, and the meaning of the body itself."

"I would like to hear the details." Zhao Yan also understands many principles of cultivation, but compared with Su Jie, he is just a classmate, not worth mentioning, so he just listens to the lectures, understands it carefully, and never interrupts indiscriminately.

"In the spiritual world of a person, every thought has to be distinguished." Su Jie said: "Whether it is self-consciousness, external consciousness, or the consciousness signal generated by the body itself, the ultimate goal of human practice is to It is necessary to strip away external consciousness and body instinct consciousness, weaken their existence, and strengthen your own self-awareness. For example, if I slash you with a knife now, you have pain. This signal, blessed to reach your spiritual world, is the body Instinctive awareness, not self-awareness. In addition, you have some sudden thoughts, such as seeing mountains and seas. In the spiritual world, there is a majestic and magnificent consciousness. This is the external environment that invades you through your senses. The spiritual world, the consciousness produced. In fact, just like gravity, everything has a signal. When people come into contact with everything in this world, they will be infected by the consciousness of everything. In the end, the self-consciousness is blurred, and they don’t know what to do. Knowing what the real self is. That would be dangerous. However, basically in this world, there are very few people who can understand who they are, and anyone who understands this is a true sage."

"No wonder, the first point of Buddhism is to understand the mind and see the nature directly." Zhao Yu has never been so clear for a moment: "Through countless means, whether it is asceticism, or meditation, or traveling in the world of mortals, People, or people who experience life, old age, sickness and death, are all in order to understand what self-awareness is."

"It can be said, but the ancient practice methods are too unscientific and inefficient to understand self-awareness. There is no way. The ancient principles are correct, but the process has limitations. For example, they know that human beings will Going to the sky, but the process does not know how to build an airplane, how to use fuel, heat, etc." Su Jie said: "Many cultivation methods in ancient times were inefficient, and some were even wrong. Your cultivation method is no exception. "

Zhao Yu nodded: "Then how can I correct my training method?"

"This matter has to be done step by step." Su Jie said: "Actually, you have done a good job in clarifying your mind and seeing your nature. You understand what self-awareness is, and you can use a series of methods to strengthen your self-awareness. It's just that You made some mistakes in refining external consciousness. Human external consciousness can actually be transformed into self-awareness, and even the body’s own consciousness can transform and strengthen self-consciousness. You should not instinctively conduct external consciousness and body self-consciousness. Resist, but transform through a series of means.”

"How to transform?" Zhao Yu asked.

"This needs to be analyzed in detail. For example, the vajra that you practice does not move the lion's roar. In fact, it also relies on an external consciousness, vajra. Buddhism uses this word to describe the hardest thing in the world. Apart from wisdom that can break vajra , nothing can be crushed. However, in human self-awareness, there is no such concept as Vajra. In human self-awareness, there is no concept at all. I know. It is a pure, natural crystal. It can be said to be the purest and most flawless thing in the world." Su Jie said.

"By the way, this is the most sought-after Buddha-nature in Buddhism, which is completely pure. It is said that if one reaches this state, one becomes a Buddha." Zhao Yu said, "Unfortunately, I can't reach this state at all. Have I reached it? Once you reach this level, you can become a new human being.”

"No, that's the wrong way." Su Jie said: "This is the wrong point, the truly pure, free and pure consciousness is the consciousness before the concept of 'I' was born, and it is not self-consciousness. It can be said. That is the true face of self-awareness. Don’t think that this thing is me. I and the past me are not the same concept, just like when you change from a fertilized egg to a fetus, the fertilized egg is yours The original face, but that is not you, you are the fetus at the moment when the self-consciousness is born, the soul key is formed at a node that hardly exists in time, the consciousness that was born is you. You have to find this you, Not you who found the fertilized egg."

"It's so complicated." Zhao Yan frowned and thought for a while, "So, my previous practice was all wrong, and I took the former me as the real me."

"That's it, this is the most important point." Su Jie said: "Only by recognizing this point is the beginning of becoming a new human being. If you cannot recognize this point, you will not be able to become a new human being. Naturally, you will not be able to unlock your body." of control."

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