Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Six hundred and forty-seven crimes of non-war psychology as early as in the budget

"I lost, I actually lost."

Along the way, Bu Zhixuan was in a daze, he didn't look like a master at all. In fact, his strength is also very strong. He has received very rigorous training since he was a child. He has kept improving both mentally and physically, and he has the most brilliant masters to guide him.

He has also stepped into the realm of the seventh sense, even close to the eighth sense, and his combat power is even more tyrannical. Among the younger generation, he even feels that he can look down on the world and compete with the heroes.

But now watching Su Jie, I feel that I am smaller than an ant, not worth mentioning at all.

Bu Zhixuan had absolute confidence in Shenyueren. This time he was going to see Su Jie kneeling down and begging for mercy, and vented his anger, but he didn't expect that the godlike Shenyueren would be defeated, and he was fighting with others. Defeated under siege.

This is simply an unacceptable shame.

Now Bu Zhixuan is thinking, if when the mysterious man in black attacks, the Shenyue people take the initiative to step aside, don't attack, and accept as soon as they are good, they can still keep their prestige, but now, the prestige has been lost to almost nothing, and has become Became an absolute clown.

"Dad, how is your health?" Shenbo didn't speak on the way, his mind was full of senses, shame, pity, hard to accept, and worry about the future, full of negative emotions, Lingering.

With his cultivation base, it is easy to wipe away all negative emotions. Even if he is facing a desperate situation, he can still calmly think of countermeasures and find a chance of survival.

But now, he couldn't control his negative emotions, because what he relied on in his heart had completely collapsed. It is equivalent to losing the spiritual support all at once, so what should I do?

"Don't worry, I won't die." Shenyueren was still majestic. He sat in the car, his posture was stable, and the bones in his body were gone. It seemed that he had connected the bones himself.

"Do you want to go to the hospital?" Shenbo asked.

"No need." The Shenyue people didn't know what they were thinking in their eyes. They seemed to be thinking about whether they could find a chance to defeat Su Jie in the battle just now: "Although I am seriously injured, I can take care of myself." On the bone, the release of bone cells that can heal quickly, the doctor's operation is far inferior to my own consciousness, as long as my consciousness is still there, this is a very small injury, and it can be intact in about a week."

"That's good, wait for us to take revenge on this son next time, so that this son will truly be beyond redemption." Shen Bo felt relieved, but a strong hatred followed.

"Are you disappointed in your father?" Shenyue asked.

"No, absolutely not." Shenbo was taken aback.

"It's normal to be disappointed." Shenyue said humanely: "I didn't lose to Su Jie, a yellow-mouthed kid, but to the entire national fortune. I know that if I use my own power to suppress the vitality of City B, I will suffer a huge backlash. Then Because of this, Su Jie’s child’s spiritual realm was so powerful that City B’s vitality poured into his spiritual world, making him improve his realm a lot in an instant. Fortune represents the fortune of the country, the fortune of the country is blessed, and hundreds of millions are united. If I can defeat it, I will have completely become a heavenly man. There is no one in the world who is my opponent, but my failure is also reasonable

. "

"I see..." Hearing this, Shenbo and Bu Zhixuan regained their confidence.

Shenyue people lost to Su Jie, it was a great shame and humiliation, but it was understandable and normal to lose to the fate of the country.

"Uncle Ren, after this battle, have you found some opportunities to suppress the fate of the country?" Bu Zhixuan said.

"I peeped the opening, in fact, since ancient times,

The general trend is irreversible, what is the general trend? The general trend is the national destiny, what is the national destiny? It is the order between people. With this order, the human heart will operate under the rules and order, and no one dares to violate it. Since ancient times, those who dare to challenge the order will die and will not end well, but right now, we are in an era of unprecedented change. In the next hundred years, or even hundreds of years, there will definitely be stronger existences that will change the order and laws that have not changed since ancient times. Shenyue said humanely: "I am following the general trend. This time I am not acting on a whim, but deliberate." Losing to the general trend of thousands of years, I lost pretty well. Do you think that Su Jie's child is really invincible? In fact, he also suffered more serious injuries than me, and he may even be close to death, he knew very well in his heart. My trick, Ten Thousand Ghosts, is not so good. What follows. Do you think he doesn't want to take the opportunity to kill me, or knock down my spiritual realm? In fact, he has also reached the end of his battle. As long as he lasts a little longer, he will show his true colors, and even make a fool of himself on the spot! "

"No wonder, no wonder he left in such a hurry, saying it was for research, but in fact, he already knew that he couldn't hold on anymore. It's a pity, if we can stay for a while, the situation will be reversed." Shenbo suddenly realized.

Bu Zhixuan also nodded again and again. He remembered that Su Jie left in a hurry. He must be going for an operation.

"It's better to die, but even if you die, I will not let your family members go. Let them live and die all the time." Bu Zhixuan fell to the realm of his father Bu Lie because of Su Jie , the hatred for Su Jie in his heart was hard to wash away.

"I can't stop him from leaving, and there may be other accidents, because many elders in city B are wary of me, and the luck of city B may produce other means to make me suffer. I have already seen through the hidden things." The people of Shenyue seem to be in control of everything: "Su Jie, a yellow-mouthed kid, has nothing. What I care about is not people, but the luck of B City."

"Next, we will wait for Uncle Ren to recover. We will make a comeback again." Bu Zhixuan said, "Sooner or later, we will infiltrate our business into City B."

"That's right." Shenyue said humanely: "Don't worry, I will fully recover in a few days this time. Not only will I fully recover, but my cultivation will also go up to a higher level. At that time, I will restore your father's strength." , as easy as flipping the palm of your hand."

"Great." Hearing these words, all the burden in Bu Zhixuan's heart disappeared.

"Let's go, let's leave City B. When we come back next time, it will be different from today." The Shenyue people glanced at the lights of Wanjia, and let the car leave the city quickly.

At the same time, Su Jie was also in the car, sitting peacefully.

"Su Jie, are you okay?" Tang Yunzhi was sitting beside him, watching Su Jie's expression.

I was often worried, thinking that after Su Jie received the crazy bombardment from the Shenyue people, it was impossible for Su Jie to be completely fine.

After all, Su Jie is only a body of flesh and blood.

"Hahahaha..." Su Jie laughed, and said to Mei Yi next to him, "Mei Yi, you are an expert in life sciences, do you think my body is okay?"

"Yunzhu, don't worry, Su Jie is fine." Mei Yi smiled and said: "His body structure is very different from that of ordinary human beings. It can't be seen on the surface, but if you check carefully, you can see it." Found the clue. The attack of the Shenyue people is indeed difficult to resist in the understanding of ordinary people, but he does not understand Su Jie's strength. However, after the Shenyue people return this time, his aura may be broken. , those subordinates will no longer treat him like a god."

"That's not going to happen." Su Jie said: "Things are not that simple. The moment this person failed, I had peeped into his thoughts in the spiritual world, and his thoughts also had some meaning. Let me say that I didn't lose to the luck of B city, and even the whole country. In this way, the subordinates will think that this is normal and will not affect his greatness in the slightest. In fact, what is he? How can he mobilize the national fortune to counter him? The transfer of the national movement is a real big event, or a national war , the world is in turmoil, and everyone is united to resist foreign enemies. At that time, the national destiny will appear, and he is a mere individual, even if he is stronger, it will not be the national destiny to target him."

"That's true. Some people like to be self-righteous, even if their realm is high." Mei Yi nodded.

"The realm we talk about is high, but in fact, if we zoom in, in the long river of history, in the evolutionary history of the ethnic group, our realms and achievements are smaller than dust. So the more knowledge I have, the more knowledge I have. The more you don't take yourself seriously." Su Jie said: "Shenyue people will tell their subordinates that I am actually injured much more seriously than him, and that I will even be in a dying struggle, and may die, saying that I was in a hurry. He left in a hurry, but he couldn't hold on any longer. These things, reflected in his subordinates' psychology, would indeed discover some tiny details. So the subordinates were convinced, and even believed that he had won this time."

"The problem is that we really want to leave for research. Once such a good research subject misses out, how many years will we have to wait for this opportunity?" Mei Yi smiled wryly: "This Shenyue man, in an instant, unexpectedly thought of such an opportunity. To cover up his failure, and to be able to justify it, and it really sounds like that. If I knew it, you could just abolish him. I think as long as his realm is still there, he can recover soon. When that time comes , making waves again, will also cause great social harm.”

"Don't you think this psychology is worthy of research?" Su Jie said: "His mental state is very interesting, and why his consciousness has such a high talent is much higher than that of Zhao Yu. In an instant, after some chances, I haven't figured it out yet. How can we abolish him? If we figure out his consciousness condensation process, this structure, can we imitate his structure, Create more new humans? This is a big thing about the improvement of our race, how can I easily destroy this precious experimental subject?"

"That's right." Mei Yi nodded.

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