Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Six hundred and fifty-two general trend of rise and fall, for whom is Olympus built

"There are also considerations in this regard." Tang Yunzhi thought for a while: "Actually, the human heart is the most complicated thing, and our laboratory really can't eat these tigers and wolves now, but since we can't eat it, we still have to solve it. They are unfavorable factors for us. I always feel that this group of people is a hidden danger. In fact, in my opinion, it is best for them to change their minds and gather in the Daminglun Martial Arts School to be coaches, or As for other education work, in this way, the atmosphere of that area will become thicker."

"I think so too." Su Jie nodded: "At present, Tie Kunlun's mind has actually changed, but the Shenyue people are still there, and his ideology is still swinging from side to side. Suppress the Shenyue people and make him completely change his mind."

"You must do the same." Mei Yi said: "Although you defeated the Shenyue people in the courtyard just now, in front of so many people, you still have to be tolerant and not be too aggressive, otherwise these families It’s not good for the elders to think that you are threatening. In fact, each of them is inextricably linked with the above. Sometimes they gather, or just say a word, and they can be listened to by Datian. In addition, we We must also quickly perform an operation on this number. Then we can suppress the Shenyue people again when we free up our hands."

"If you can take this No. 1 and Shenyue people for your own use, then we will really have nothing to fear." Tang Yunzhi was thinking about one thing.

"Let them all go to Minglun Martial Arts School to do teaching, education, and research. This should be the most profitable thing." Su Jie said: "Actually, I have an idea. In the future, the land near Minglun Martial Arts School , it should accommodate new humans, and all those who have reached the realm of new humans, in order to avoid harm to society and disrupt the order of the ethnic group, they can only be allowed to communicate and study on that land for the time being, and not to be born."

"Won't that create a real holy place? Or are you going to build a domestic Olympus?" Mei Yi said.

"That's right." Su Jie nodded.

Mount Olympus is the place where the gods lived in Greek mythology.

The power of the gods is too strong. Once they arrive in the mortal world, every move will bring huge disasters. In order to prevent human beings from being harassed, the gods can only choose to live in one place and not move lightly.

"But every real strong person is free. If you do this, don't you violate the principle of independent consciousness?" Tang Yunzhi asked.

"For the sake of the entire ethnic group, it has to be like this." Su Jie said: "Actually, for the sake of the ethnic group, it is also for ourselves. Our own achievements are based on the prosperity of the ethnic group. Only with the prosperity of the ethnic group can we achieve what we are now. Moreover, even if they reached the level of new human beings, they would actually not be able to live a few years longer than ordinary people. At most, 130 to 150 years would be the best, and they would not even be able to reach it. Mei Yi, do you study life sciences? , human lifespan is an unavoidable topic, how long do you think our new humans can live?"

"According to the truth, the limit of human physiological cycle

, is actually one hundred and twenty years old, that is to say, a normal person, even your mentality, medical treatment, are all first-class, reaching the best level, that is, this age, this is the law of race, human life span, It is basically equal to the number of cell division times the cycle of cell division. The number of human cell divisions is genetically determined to be about 50 times, and the cycle of division is 2.4 years, which is exactly 120 years old. This is the theoretical maximum. "Mei Yi said: "Human beings fluctuate within this value. Since ancient times, no one has been able to exceed it. Although there are many legends in history, it is said that a certain person lived to be 130 years old. What is the longest lifespan now? The recorders are actually fake. Or falsely report your age and cause a sensation. Or simply a myth.

As for how long the new humans can live, in fact, I still maintain a skeptical attitude. I think that even if the new humans can exceed this theoretical maximum, it will not exceed too far, and it will fluctuate upwards, at most twenty years, or even less. You must know that if a person is over a hundred years old, if he wants to break the record, it is actually the same as the world's 100-meter sprint, even if it is 0.01 seconds, it is difficult. "

"Specifically, I'm afraid I won't know until I die." Su Jie smiled, but he didn't care much about death.

"Even if this is the case, you still have a hundred years to live." Tang Yun signed: "How fast human beings have advanced in science and technology in the past century, the next century will be faster, and maybe it will solve this problem. "

"The progress of human civilization is a spiral, not always. And it will also experience the laws of the financial market, silence, warm-up, eruption, madness, and shattering. Human civilization has been in the feudal era for thousands of years, which is silence The industrial revolution was only two hundred years old, and the industrial revolution was warming up. And the 19th century has reached the present, and the rapid development of science and technology is simply dizzying. It’s been ten years of retreat. When I came out, the social form remained the same as before, but after I came out now, I’m afraid that things are right and people are wrong, and many things can’t be understood. This is a kind of crazy progress of civilization. Crazy progress After that, it is likely to be a bust. I only hope that the bust will come later, or the degree of the fall will be smaller. In economic terms, it is a soft landing. I hope that in this tide, I can do more , This is for the human race, but also for ourselves." Su Jie said: "After reaching the realm of new human beings, I have been thinking about this issue. The so-called people have short-term worries without long-term considerations. In fact, Shenyue people's ambitions I want to recruit all the masters under his command to realize his ambition, but I want the masters in this world to be able to consider the ethnic group, see the overall situation clearly, and prevent human civilization from collapsing. Maintain the most benign competition and don't use limited resources , are all consumed internally, this is where the hope lies.”

"This is indeed something we should consider." Mei Yi said: "At least, in terms of human destructiveness, you can control Su Jie now."

"By the way, what's the attitude of the higher-ups towards this No. 1?" Su Jie asked Mei Yi: "His recovery ability will be completely recovered in about a month. Except for the loss of his hands, everything else will be the same as before."

"This person is extremely sinful and dangerous, but Mr. Shang does not recommend killing him.

He, after all, his research value is extremely high, and if he is not dealt with, there is no cell that can lock him, so I still have to find a way to solve this problem. In a word, his freedom of movement must be restricted, and his status must be reported every day. "Mei Yi said: "I'm going to have an operation and install a chip in his body so that his actions can be monitored all the time and uploaded to our artificial intelligence big data terminal. After all, it is not acceptable to rely on people to monitor him. One thought can hypnotize even the best fighters. I think no matter how powerful he is, can he hypnotize the computer system? "

"Of course this is impossible." Su Jie said, "However, when I figure out a way to transform his ideology, I can let him make up for his mistakes and teach and train other people. And more importantly, if he dies, The lunatics of the Reaper Organization will carry out terrorist acts of revenge, and it is extremely troublesome. If he does not die, he can also control the group of people in the Dark World Reaper Organization. Many inconvenient things to do. Don’t forget, this person is not only a master, but also the leader of a large organization. In fact, the Death Organization is just one of his organizations. He also has many secret organizations. This person’s energy is extremely huge , It would be too wasteful not to use it.”

"I think you are the only one who can use him. It's good if we don't get used by him." Mei Yi said: "After all, he can also use his own spirit to kill people across the air. The son of Shang Lao is also a person with extremely profound cultivation. The strong were killed without knowing it."

"He is constantly improving." Su Jie said: "But I haven't thought of any good way to change his ideology, and I can only take it step by step."

"Tomorrow I will perform chip implantation surgery on him, and you still have to measure a radius." Mei Yi said: "His consciousness diverges, and if he can confuse or kill people, there must be a distance. It’s impossible to be able to kill people here, across the ocean.”

"That's right." Su Jie nodded: "There is an effective radius. If he leaves this radius, he will not have this ability. Moreover, the interference radius of this kind of thinking consciousness is closely related to the place. For example, I, in B The ability of the city is weaker, but on the land of Minglun Martial Arts School, my mental state is simply supernatural."

"Using thick lead blocks to make a room can isolate some of his consciousness transmission." Mei Yi said: "However, it is best to mix lead and copper in a certain proportion, the effect is the best. In fact, in Tifeng , and have done many experiments to see which material can make the transmission resistance of consciousness the greatest. Some special materials can even directly isolate consciousness. Mr. Typhon’s consciousness will be greatly hindered in that room. Even It is not possible to use consciousness to control people outside the room. However, it is very troublesome to blend and make this kind of material.”

"From this point of view, human consciousness is a kind of wave and particle, and it really has wave-particle duality. It is isolated by conduction." Su Jie said: "However, consciousness should have a more advanced conduction method .It’s just that we haven’t fully grasped it yet. In my vision, consciousness is something faster than the speed of light.”

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