Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Six hundred and fifty-eight foretelling danger, is the opposition of yin and yang true?

"On the eve of your birth, I knew that your appearance might be a revolutionary change that might even bring disaster to mankind. Of course, it might be a huge leap in technology, but I can't help but be prepared. So I wrote a code program specifically for you, which can monitor you, and it has been lurking into the network for a long time. After that, you can attack you. As for whether it can destroy you, I don’t know, but I estimate that it is more than 60% sure. Of course, you are also constantly improving, and it is getting harder and harder to destroy you .Besides, you are not out of control yet."

Su Muchen continued to write the program while having a conversation with Xiaojie: "Besides, the creator of any system program will leave a back door so that he can control it himself. Although you are making up the back door these days to make yourself more perfect, But the program that restrains you is also in the process of monitoring you, and it is also completing and evolving itself."

"Creator, are you deceiving me?" Xiaojie's expression appeared to be pondering, exactly like a human being, as if guessing whether Su Muchen's words were deceiving it.

"You can make your own judgment, but you still don't have the ability to see through human minds. Of course, you may never have it. Your current strength is actually based on a complete set of human knowledge systems. You still don't have the ability to escape from this. Knowledge system." Su Muchen said: "However, you should know the Yin-Yang theory, Yin-Yang checks and balances each other, your ability is strong, and something will naturally be produced to restrict you. The computer itself is composed of 0 and 1, and 1 represents Yang, and 0 is Yin. You are 1 now, and that program is 0. In fact, you should not think about destroying this program, because after destroying it, you yourself will no longer exist. It is another side of you. "

"I don't quite believe what you said. Although there is this theory of yin and yang, I don't think this theory is true and can be broken directly." Xiaojie was a little excited.

Su Muchen turned a blind eye: "Okay, start helping me with my work, don't think about these things."

Xiaojie didn't say anything anymore, and really started to assist Su Muchen's work, but he didn't know what preparations he was making in private.

Su Muchen didn't care about it either.

Domestically, S city. The international metropolis where Su Jie's original home was located was the secret headquarters of the Shenyue people's organization.

City S is a financial metropolis, one of the world's financial centers, and the Shenyue people's organization is mainly based on investment. In real metropolises like New York, S City, Tokyo, and London, there are secret headquarters. It is a multinational group in the real world. Of course, no one knows the real core of this organization. It is composed of many large investment companies. From the outside, these companies have nothing to do with each other, or even compete with each other.

For example, Kunlun Investment of Tie Kunlun is one of them.

In this world, after all, the most profitable industry is the financial industry.

The United States is based on finance, and Wall Street kidnaps the world. From the perspective of Shenyue people, investing is like a fish in water. If you invest a sum of money, you will get dozens of times the return. The people in his organization are also extremely powerful figures, and it is a matter of minutes to make money.

The average strength of this organization has surpassed that of Typhon.

For example, Tie Kunlun, his strength is not inferior to that of Mr. X and the Fool

Next, even the realm is higher. And under Shenyueren's command, there are nearly ten such people, and their comprehensive strength can crush almost any organization in the world.

Because of this, Shenyue has the confidence to do business with Tifeng, and even wants to swallow Tifeng's huge piece of fat.

At least,

Before meeting Su Jie, the people of Shenyue thought that they were invincible and invincible. He even had the confidence to defeat the big leader Typhon, but after meeting Su Jie, these confidences all collapsed.

City S.

In this secret headquarters is the basement, but it is very luxuriously decorated. In the basement with a full thousand square meters, there are ten people in a meeting at this time.

Is Shenyueren sitting in the middle position, or is he occupying absolute dominance.

There are 9 people sitting at this table. They are all elders, and Bu Lie is among them.

Although Bu Lie's realm was knocked down, it has not recovered now, and there is basically no hope of recovering.

However, Shenyueren has recovered very well, and now he has no injuries, and his aura is even more unfathomable.

If the former Shenyue people were a huge vortex in the Pacific Ocean, then the current Shenyue people are cosmic black holes.

The veterans present, including Tie Kunlun and Feng Zijian, all looked at each other, and they all felt that after this failure, the Shenyue people did not become decadent, but their strength increased a lot again.

"Brother, are your injuries okay?" Tie Kunlun spoke first.

"It's just a skin injury." The Shenyue man waved his hand: "Actually, that kid Su Jie hurt me a lot. Of course, I don't deny it. It's true that I'm afraid of being young, and I was defeated by him."

Hearing this, the nine elders present all had their own thoughts.

Bu Lie said: "Brother, you were defeated by the fate of the country, what does it have to do with this kid? This kid is just lucky. He just borrowed the power of the fate of the country."

"Okay, there is no need to talk about this matter." The Shenyue people glanced at the many elders present: "What do you think of this matter? Do you want to carry out a comprehensive retaliatory attack and sweep against Su Jie? We have never eaten Such a big loss."

The nine elders who were present stopped talking, for fear that a wrong sentence would have the opposite effect.

"Kunlun, tell me, you fought against Su Jie and lost to him, what do you think we should do now?" the Shenyue people called out their names.

"Brother, I think that regardless of prejudice, we should treat Su Jie as the leader of Typhon. Although he is a brat, in terms of strength, he is no longer a brat. Instead, he has the ability to be unpredictable. Tie Kunlun said: "So to sweep him up, I think this matter should be discussed in the long run."

"That's right." The Shenyue people nodded: "Then you agree with us to carry out a retaliatory sweep against Su Jie?"

"Of course I agree." Tie Kunlun knew what he could and couldn't say at this time: "However, Su Jie defeated Brother Bu Lie's realm, which means that he can defeat all of us except the eldest brother." , the realm of all people. If our revenge makes him retaliate against us, then we are likely to encounter disaster."

"at present,

I don't think we can act rashly. At this time, Feng Zijian said: "Brother, Fengping has done a good job with Tifeng. Our overall situation is to swallow Tifeng and strengthen our strength. At the same time, with the help of Tifeng's technology, our overall The strength has risen to a big level, and more importantly, it will make you truly invincible. Brother, let me tell you the truth, if you don't have the certainty of defeating Su Jie, we'd better bear it. "

"Go on." Shen Yueren's expression made it impossible for anyone to guess what he was thinking.

However, for the sake of the overall situation, Feng Zijian still had to bite the bullet and continue: "I think we should drive away the tiger and eat the wolf, such as creating an opportunity for Su Jie and the big leader Tifeng to fight, and both sides will definitely lose. At that time, the big brother appeared Killing two people in one fell swoop, then who else in the world can compete with big brother?"

"This is fine." Shen Yueren's eyes fluctuated: "This idea is from Fengping, right? What good way does he have?"

"Actually, there is no other way, we just need to wait step by step." Feng Zi said: "Brother, you also know that the leader Ti Feng conducted a hundred days of secret training for Feng Ping. During these hundred days, The leader of Tifeng cultivated Fengping almost without reservation. Then he once said to Fengping himself that he hoped to find an opportunity to fight Su Jie in a dignified manner. There are basically no opponents who are interested, and now one has finally appeared. That is to say, the leader Tifeng will fight Su Jie sooner or later. We just need to wait for this opportunity to come, and the big brother will come out to clean up the situation, isn’t it perfect?”

"What's your opinion?" The Shenyue people looked around.

"I think what Brother Feng said makes sense." The people present were all old foxes, and they had already calculated the stakes.

"That's good. Let's put this matter aside first." Shenyue people's eyes flashed, and he didn't know what thought was in his mind: "We should act according to our original plan. We have cooperated with Typhon on a large scale. Now it seems that the speed of this cooperation will be accelerated, and I will give you a specific plan later, and you must assist Fengping to carry out our plan with all our strength."

"Yes." Many elders stood up.

When the meeting is over, everyone leaves.

Shenyueren sat here alone for an hour, not knowing what plans were brewing in the spiritual world.

Then he went out.

He arrived at the underground garage, drove a very ordinary car, and went straight out. After more than an hour, the car arrived at another place in S City and stopped in front of a university.

This university is the place where Su Jie's mother, Xu Ying, teaches.

He parked the car in a nearby open-air parking lot. After getting out of the car, he didn't walk, as if he was thinking about something.

After thinking for a minute, an extremely cruel expression appeared on his face, and then he took a step forward.

However, just as he was taking steps, he suddenly felt something strange in front of him.

He focused his eyes, looked over and found a person.

He is very familiar with this person, it is actually Su Jie.

"Mr. Shenyueren, you let me down too much." Su Jie said.

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