Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Six hundred and sixty-two apprenticeship sensation, waiting for new changes in Feng Shui

Tie Kunlun rushed to the wooden tower of Minglun Martial Arts School.

When he saw the Shenyue people, he was taken aback: "Brother, why are you here? No, no...you are not the big brother...you are the big brother... but...."

Tie Kunlun is also a master in the world, his strength is not inferior to Tifeng's elder Fool, Mr. X and others, and even the purity of his kung fu surpasses these people.

In fact, the Shenyue people's organization is more focused on cultivation.

And many characters in Typhon are more focused on fighting.

In terms of roles, the roles of everyone in Shenyueren's organization are practitioners and martial artists. And Typhon's organization is fighters, killers.

But now Su Jie prefers to be a martial artist more, because martial artists and practitioners, they create theoretical knowledge, which is more suitable for education and the development of humanities. In the past, Su Jie liked fighting and fighting, and he believed that actual combat was the most important thing. But now his mentality has changed drastically, which is a sign of maturity. This is also the reason why he wants to develop the entire organization of Shenyue people into educators of Minglun martial arts school.

Tang Yunzhi wanted to swallow all the organizations of the Shenyue people into the laboratory department, but Su Jie refused because he couldn't eat it. But Su Jie would not let this organization keep threatening him.

It is the best choice to bring these people into the Minglun Martial Arts School to teach and educate people and increase the vitality of this place.

Moreover, the thicker this place is, the more benefits it will have on Su Jie's spiritual world.

Tie Kunlun could tell at a glance that there was something wrong with the Shenyue people, but deep in his heart he couldn't believe it.

However, his realm has not been knocked down, just for a moment, he understands what the current state looks like.

"Aren't you surprised?" Su Jie looked at Tie Kunlun and said, "You were still in a meeting yesterday, but today you came back from City S and found that your eldest brother has changed into what he is now. That's right, I was in City S defeated him and brought him here. Because he should never, never should have thought of doing something to my mother. With such a heart, he can no longer be kept. But I just knocked down his realm. , and did not do anything to him."

"You..." Hearing Su Jie's words, Tie Kunlun thought of desperate thoughts for a moment, but then reason stopped him. He knew that he was not Su Jie's opponent at all. Su Jie's thoughts moved, It can turn him into a walking dead like an idiot, he took a deep breath: "Impossible, in S City, the strength of the big brother is not suppressed in all aspects of luck like in B City. You are in S City, Definitely not the big brother's opponent."

"Look for yourself." With a thought of Su Jie, the battle between Su Jie and the Shenyue people appeared in Tie Kunlun's mind.

In fact, Su Jie also has a video, but it is too troublesome, and the information transmission is incomplete, such things as momentum and psychology cannot be expressed through video.

It takes time to watch a video, but the transmission of information and thinking only takes an instant at the speed of light to comprehend it.

"What level has your kung fu reached?" Tie Kunlun was taken aback again. He saw that Su Jie seemed to have seen ghosts and gods: "Why is the eldest brother not your opponent at all in S City?"

"I can't explain that to you."

Su Jie said: "In short, you should know by now that your organization has lost its backbone and has fallen apart. I will tell you what you are going to do. You will continue to be the successor of the old principal. However, you and Everyone in Shenyue must worship the old principal as a teacher, and I will hold a ceremony. Let the well-known veterans in the martial arts world, and those respected seniors in City B come to witness, so that the name can be justified."


hear this,

Tie Kunlun was almost furious, but he suppressed it suddenly, nodded and said, "Okay, I'll just obey."

"It really is a talent." Seeing Tie Kunlun's impromptu response, Su Jie couldn't help nodding, "You know that resistance is of no benefit, it is better to obey, and your backer brother has fallen, you immediately want to find a new backer, you This person should not be underestimated. Old principal, it seems that you can take a break. This person can really bring Minglun Martial Arts School to a higher level. I decided to use all the resources of this organization to run it Minglun Martial Arts School and this place."

"In this way, the Minglun Martial Arts School may expand tenfold..." Liu Guanglie said, "It may cause some trouble."

"We are following the right path, to let people understand ethics and self-improvement spirit. The more expanded the better." Su Jie didn't care, he could control the situation: "Minglun Martial Arts School is to inherit the soul of a thousand years. Martial spirit and Minglun The truth is the blood of our China, and there is Han in Weitian, and there is also light in learning. The unique temperament of our nation, the brighter it is, the more hopeful it will be."

"Well said." Liu Guanglie slapped the table and stood up: "Actually, I founded Minglun Martial Arts School back then. So I started a career in this area, but the older I get, the more conservative my thinking is, I don’t have the same spirit as I did back then, and now I just want to keep my career.”

"This is actually a law formed by human beings through natural selection and evolution. After any creature gets old, its physical fitness declines. In order to survive, it naturally cannot be radical." Su Jie said: "The inheritance from generation to generation has already deepened. In the ideological structure, it is very difficult to change this. Even Cao Cao expressed emotion that the martyr is old and ambitious. He wants to motivate himself and keep making progress."

"I can still live for decades, and with my current regimen, I can still do a lot of things." Hearing what Su Jie said, Liu Guanglie regained his energy.

"Well, this time, I will be behind the scenes to suppress the apprenticeship, and not come out." Su Jie said, "As an inconspicuous person, I will avoid any criticism."

Su Jie likes to do things that a good fighter has no great achievements, and he doesn't like to show it, so although he has reached his current state, very few people know him, and it is only limited to some small circles.

This is in line with his style of doing things, otherwise he is too famous, and it would be too troublesome to be the focus of people everywhere. Especially in today's information age, as long as there is even a little bit out of line, it will be posted on the Internet, causing an uproar.

Not known as the best.

The last time Su Jie helped Minglun Martial Arts School fight, he also wore a Wukong mask. Now foreign social media are speculating about who this Wukong mask is.

That's how things settled down.

In front of Su Jie, Tie

The opinions of Kunlun and Shenyue people are not important.

As long as they kowtow to Liu Guanglie as their teachers, their status will be confirmed.

After this matter is completed, what kind of changes will happen to the vitality of Minglun Martial Arts School, and even the vitality of this place, Su Jie is very curious, and he is looking forward to this change in his heart.

The changes here are closely related to his spiritual world and consciousness structure.

Martial arts dragon veins will also produce qualitative changes.

In fact, every thing Su Jie does is to consider the long-term development. He wants to make the martial spirit here more profound.

Combining Minglun and Shangwu, this spirit is the spirit of China for thousands of years, understands the truth, knows etiquette, and strives for self-improvement.

If all the people in the world can understand relationships and practice martial arts, then the entire human race will have the hope of re-evolution, and this group will become bigger and bigger, and finally break out of the shackles of their own planet and improve the level of civilization.

One day later, City B.

Many elders have received the message.

They were all shocked.

Especially Shang Lao and He Lao, the two gathered together and were having a secret discussion.

"Unexpectedly, the people of Shenyue have been in this world for a lifetime, and they ended up like this." He Lao sighed: "Seeing that he is going to sweep the world, but he has taken a sudden turn, and now he has been knocked down. It can be said that the phoenix is ​​not as good as the chicken. And it is even more humiliating. What's more, he still wants to worship Liu Guanglie as his teacher. It seems that the power and organization he has built up all his life will be swallowed up by Su Jie. Su Jie's rise is unstoppable."

"My junior brother is too persistent. His talent is too strong. He has been going smoothly. How can there be no doom? My master once said that a person who is born with a great law must be restrained by a person with a greater law. Nothing can be said I am invincible in the world." Old Shang said: "Su Jie told me about the situation yesterday, and it was my junior brother who actually moved his family. This violated his bottom line, and actually violated the rules of the world. Only those in the dark world He only did this to help lawless lunatics. And legally speaking, Su Jie didn’t actually hurt him. Maybe this is a good thing for the younger brother. He should wake up. Maybe there will be a chance to recover again in the future. The holy place of practice takes care of the elderly, in fact, I really envy him that he can let go of everything and be at ease. Maybe, we will also go there for the elderly in the future."

"You see it very openly." He Lao smiled: "Yes, the Feng Shui pattern over there is very rich in humanistic atmosphere. And it is getting more and more magical. For those of us who practice, it is really good to live there for the elderly. It is of great help to the body and mind, especially with what Su Jie has done, I am afraid that there will be even more unbelievable changes in that place."

"That's right. In fact, he asked Shenyueren and Tie Kunlun to worship Liu Guanglie as teachers. It was not to humiliate them, but out of great consideration. If Shenyueren was allowed to control the Minglun Martial Arts School, the power of that place might even split, because The style of the people of Shenyue is not Minglun Monk Wu. On the contrary, it will weaken the vitality. Now that Su Jie has strengthened the humanistic spirit of that place, I actually agree with him in the bottom of my heart. And to be honest, Liu Guanglie’s contribution is indeed very important. Great." Old Shang said: "I'm going to go over to join in the show and witness a miracle by the way. The witness of the change in Qi will also be of great benefit to our practice."

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