Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Six hundred and ninety, the times are changing, air transport is accelerating, information is fast

"Why didn't I find a master." The young Lord Shiva said. His current cultivation base is not what it used to be, he is really close to the new human beings, and he has broken his knots. He will definitely be qualified to be promoted to the new human beings in the future, but he seems to find that although these foreigners are powerful, they are not so powerful. It didn't reach the level of the peerless master that Liu Guanglie said.

He has already seen that among this group of foreigners, there is a black man with a relatively thin body. His strength is in the realm of the seventh sense, and it is very pure. Another way.

In fact, the seventh sense is a powerful intuition. This intuition has a very strong control over the body, and can also control many chemical reactions in the body, and then enhance physical fitness, surpassing ordinary people.

However, this intuition can be obtained through many methods, and it is not unique to China. Basically, there are several popular cultivation methods in the world to obtain the seventh sense. The first is meditation and enlightenment. The second is to be strongly stimulated in the midst of life and death, suddenly comprehend the secrets between life and death in an instant, and then explore carefully, maintaining this state for a long time. After Su Jie and Feng Hengyi fought, they reached the realm of the living dead, and it was the same.

And the third way is to rely on long-term drug stimulation.

The most powerful thing is that some people are born with the intuition of the seventh sense. This is true supreme genius.

Although Su Jie had never seen this kind of person himself, there was one in Typhon's secret information.

In fact, up to now, Su Jie's research on consciousness has long surpassed all previous understandings. Now that he recalls his previous conjectures, he feels that he is extremely naive.

In fact, whether it is the seventh sense, the eighth sense, or the ninth sense, they are all acquired states. In theory, this state can be achieved quickly or quickly dropped.

In Buddhism, that is to turn back.

"It's just that the thinner old Hei is a master of the seventh sense. Of course, in the eyes of the old principal, this kind of master is actually nothing more than ordinary." The young man Shiva said: "How can you be a peerless master? Two words?"

"There is a peerless master." Su Jie said: "Of course, he is not here, but he used his own consciousness to cause a slight large-scale influence in the spiritual world of these people. There is indeed a problem with strength and coaching. Without a large number of coaches with the seventh sense, the eighth sense, and even the ninth sense, it is impossible to be worthy of the current status of the Minglun Martial Arts School. The old principal, I seem to remember not long ago, When the leader of a certain country came here, he once wanted to see the martial arts of Minglun Martial Arts School and let his super agent take action, but in the end it was Tie Kunlun who showed his skills, so he didn't lose face."

The reputation of Minglun Martial Arts School has spread all over the world.

Even the official channels in many countries already know about this holy place of Kung Fu.

In fact, before the Minglun Martial Arts School, the Shaolin Temple on the mountain here was already famous all over the world, and many heads of state had also been here.

"There will be more and more things like this in the future, and Minglun Martial Arts School can only win, not lose, and win beautifully." Liu Guanglie spoke while looking at the big concrete platform where a group of foreigners were broadcasting live. , clamoring, provoking.

Many coaches from Minglun Martial Arts School heard the news, and they were all eager to try. However, they also spotted Liu Guanglie, and Liu Guanglie stopped him with his eyes.

Liu Guanglie knew that even the black foreigner with the seventh sense on the stage was not something the coaches in front of him could handle.

Now Minglun Martial Arts School has a coach of the seventh sense, and that is Lu Shuai, the only one. Xu Changshou's original successor has left.

Lu Shuai was cultivated by Su Jie recently, but the seventh sense has not been completely stabilized yet.

Because Lu Shuai achieved his seventh sense by luck,

It was during cultivation that he let go of his whole body and mind, and it happened that a wave of beneficial information combined with his own spiritual world, which made him reach the seventh sense.

This is equivalent to stepping on a large pile of gold when you go out.

"God Shiva, you go to the stage and defeat these people. However, you have to be careful and guard your spirit tightly, because there are really peerless masters who will stimulate you mentally. This is a game." Su Jie said: "This game is actually to suppress the spirit of Minglun Martial Arts School and destroy the people's hearts and connections here. As long as Minglun Martial Arts School's reputation is bad, the atmosphere here will be weakened." Su Jie said.

In fact, the reason is very simple. For example, if the reputation of a certain place for killing tourists is spread, many people will stop coming, which will lead to the decline of the whole place, and the people who live there will gradually become unlucky. On the contrary, if a If the place has a good reputation and many people go there, then that place will develop rapidly, and the people in the whole place will benefit, and their spiritual energy and wealth will increase.

People, names, and places actually have a huge connection.

As for Minglun Martial Arts School, it is based on the rise and fall of martial arts, and it cannot tolerate the slightest failure.

"Since you say that, there must be peerless masters secretly manipulating it. However, I have made up my mind that teaching here is also to let these foreigners see our Chinese Kungfu." Personally, he doesn't believe in evil.


Just when this group of foreigners was clamoring to the extreme, the young man Shiva jumped onto the concrete platform and said to many foreigners in English: "Come on together, don't waste your time."

While speaking, he had a very arrogant attitude, and pointed a middle finger at the camera of the foreigner's live broadcast.

His demeanor is very ferocious, and there is an aura of a god of destruction on his body.

Shiva himself is the god of destruction, and the young man of Shiva has the essence of Shiva, otherwise, he would not have created his own Aurora fist.

He knows that foreigners are now live broadcasting on foreign social media, challenging Minglun Martial Arts Academy, and even live broadcasting on multiple social platforms at the same time. This has a huge influence on foreign social media, because this is an extremely hot topic in itself .

The young man Shiva saw the title of the foreigner's live broadcast, "Challenge the Minglun Martial Arts School on the live broadcast, beat them to the ground!"

This topic of the live broadcast has increased the topicality of the live broadcast and caused a huge impact. Suddenly, countless people watched it on foreign social media, even those who are not interested in kung fu, they also like to watch fights, especially Challenge authority.

Moreover, live broadcasts on social media are often more sensational, and even compared to the regular boxing championship competition, the World King of Fighters competition is more topical because it is more down-to-earth.

The young man Shiva himself is still young, and he is deeply aware of the spread of Internet media, so he is so afraid of Xiaojie.

Now, he pointed the middle finger at various live broadcasts, and even singled out a group of people, which immediately caused a frenzy on many social media. Not only was he not scolded, but many people immediately became fanatical about him Emotions.

Originally, this group of foreigners was clamoring here, live broadcasting, and no coach from Minglun Martial Arts School came up to accept the challenge. On the Internet, it immediately aroused great criticism. In addition, many people with ulterior motives on the Internet were playing the rhythm, Explain how Lun Martial Arts School deceives the world and steals its name, how it is a liar, which will do great damage to the reputation of Ming Lun Martial Arts School.

Su Jie's spiritual world could keenly sense that following the live broadcast of these foreigners, the energy of Minglun Martial Arts School and even this place fluctuated violently.

"If it was in the past, there would never be such fluctuations in the Qi of a place because of a few things." Su Jie observed this situation, and he was researching it quickly in his heart: "Wonderful, as expected, the Qi is actually a kind of information, and the current Network broadcasting and other communication media enable the transmission of information to reach thousands of households across oceans in an instant, and these people have a good or bad impression of this place in the first place in their hearts. This This kind of information, when passed on, will cause fluctuations in luck. This is also the era of network informatization, and it can even affect the luck of a place. In fact, this is not counted. In the era of network informatization, the speed of information dissemination can even Affecting the rise and fall of a country, in many small countries, changes are actually fermented from the Internet at first, and they become out of control in an instant."

Su Jie discovered that there is a great relationship between ancient qi numbers and luck and modern information dissemination.

It can be seen from this that these mysterious and mysterious things in ancient times are actually just information.

Consciousness spreads information, people accept it quickly, and are blindly and passively manipulated, or used, or quickly fermented, and finally a huge storm is brewed, and the same is true for success and failure.

Su Jie thought about it again. In fact, many public figures, such as celebrities, have worked hard to build a good reputation for decades. Within hours, the future and destiny of this celebrity or public figure will all be ruined. This is also the power of the rapid dissemination of information.

In this way, Su Jie became even more vigilant. In this land, not only him, but also many kung fu people, and even the kung fu culture that was established with a thousand years of Zen Buddhism, but the modern information society spreads , it will be destroyed very quickly.

Maybe Su Jie was sleeping, and something like this broke out here. When Su Jie woke up, the reputation of this place at home and abroad would be ruined, and it would never be restored.

This is somewhat similar to practice.

Even if it takes decades of penance to practice, one careless thought will completely ruin one's cultivation.

"Don't need them..." At this time, when the young Lord Shiva came on stage to challenge this group of foreigners, the thin old black stood up and faced the young Lord Shiva.

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