Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Six hundred and ninety-six: Tian Ji's horse racing is vicious against the whole family

Young Yan Mo was not surprised when he heard Su Jie speak, because he knew that Su Jie must have felt something, and when he reached Su Jie's state, he could even directly absorb information related to himself from the void.

"Then let me ask you again, do you know why we are still looking for you even though we are clearly not your opponent?" Young Yama asked again.

"Tian Ji horse racing." Su Jie said only four words.

"Sure enough, we use the weaker ones to hold you back, and the real masters are going to deal with your father. If you catch your father, I think no matter how powerful you are, you have to obediently bow your head and obey your ears , In fact, there is another point, we also sent someone to find your mother." Yan Mo said: "You don't seem to have any weaknesses, but your family members have too many weaknesses. So, you are full of flaws everywhere, probably the world is To be fair, you are given such a great ability, but you are arranged to have a relatively weak personality and a gene that cares about your family. If you can give up everything, then we dare not mess with you at all, but you have such a big weakness , it is impossible for us not to chase after you fiercely."

"Really?" Su Jie wasn't worried at all, but didn't move at all here.

"What? Are you not worried?" Yama asked.

"What you can count, I can't count?" Su Jie smiled: "The people of Shenyue wanted to deal with my mother, and I knocked him down, and now he is still here to repent."

"The Shenyue man is just a child. To the new human beings, he is indeed a child." Yan Mo said, "But don't worry, we won't do anything to you. In fact, the organization behind us is a balance of human beings." Organization, you also know that new humans are too strong, if they stay in society, it will cause great instability, so as long as they have reached the realm of new humans, or are people who are very sure of promotion, they should Gather together, don't just appear in the society, this is also for the consideration of the human race, in fact, you also understand this truth, so you run here, intentionally or unintentionally gather new human beings, do teaching, practice here, don't go out Make trouble out there, but the place you've built is just getting started, it's not perfect at all."

"So, you also want to include me in your organization and control it?" Su Jie said.

"It can be said that, but it can also be said that we are studying together." Yan Mo said: "Actually, your research on consciousness is also quite interesting, and it has been noticed by us a long time ago. And among our institutions, there are many people who surpass you." Doubling the theoretical knowledge of consciousness, don't you want to get it?"

"Of course I want to get it. Brainstorming is my strength, but I can share it with you." Su Jie said: "Actually, we can carry out data docking. Of course, I have a suggestion. The headquarters of your organization will move here. How about I join you?"

"Are you trying to steal the show?" Yan Mo knew what Su Jie meant: "It seems that you are very ambitious. Why do you think that your power can fight against the organization behind us?"


Su Jie said: "I have counted everything you have calculated." Of course, there are very powerful figures in your organization, even Mr. Typhon is extremely afraid. However, you seem to have nothing to do with him, the most you can do is attack the Typhon Group. You can't even do anything to him, why do you think that you can do nothing to get me? "

"So you think you are stronger than Typhon?" Yama asked.

"At least here, I'm better than him." Su Jie smiled lightly: "Okay, I won't talk too much with you, since you use Tian Ji's horse racing tactics, you poor horses, stay here Well, your own strength is very strong, if you can change your mind and become a martial artist and educator, I will be very pleased."

"Do you really think that I can be ravaged by you casually?" Yan Mo suddenly burst out with an aura that did not belong to him at all.

Behind him, there seemed to be a huge portal. Behind the portal, there was the endless Huangquan Road. At the end of the Huangquan Road, there were layers of hell, where countless ghosts and gods seemed to be imprisoned.

That huge portal is the gate of hell.

This is not the power of Yama, but the spiritual consciousness of another master, or in other words, the consciousness of his father who once served as the boss of the "King Yama" in the Death Organization in the dark world.

This former boss of the God of Death organization had died many years ago. When he died, even Su Jie's father hadn't made his debut yet.

Su Jie now knows that this person is not dead. Instead, he joined that mysterious institution.

This mysterious organization has the same idea as its own, to control the new human beings, so as to prevent destructive and uncontrollable disasters among the human race.

The power of the new humans is too strong.

The current Yan Mo, just like Tang Yun's lottery, relied on the power of Su Jie's consciousness to defeat Duan Fei.

Yan Mo was infused with consciousness by his father, and in an instant, he forcibly raised his realm.

"Interesting, it's really interesting. Your organization can actually use consciousness to such an extent that the utilization rate of consciousness information is extremely high. In comparison, I am still in the era of steam engines, and you have already reached the internal combustion engine. In this era, I am the first industrial revolution in the use of energy such as consciousness, and you are already close to the second industrial revolution. It seems that your background is indeed too rich, which explains why before The pattern of the dark world. In the world, with an organization like yours, it can explain many bizarre things."

Su Jie watched Yan Mo's strength rising steadily, but he was still not moved at all, as if he was admiring it, and he didn't stop him.


At this moment, Izanami, Danatus, and Anubis also violently raised their spirits, and the chemical reactions in each of their bodies reached a level where they were almost on fire.

Logically, their physical fitness cannot support such a strong chemical reaction.

However, now not only did he survive, but he was not injured at all. This is a very miraculous thing.

However, Su Jie knew that it was the special medicine developed by the mysterious institution to support the body's outbreak.

It can be said that this is a super stimulant without side effects.

All movements of the human body, even thinking, breathing, and mental activities, are actually chemical reactions. The more intense the chemical reaction, the stronger the explosive power of a person, and consciousness is the gate that controls the chemical reaction. If the gate is fully opened, a person will burst out with shocking power.

In fact, the power of consciousness has been recorded in very ancient practice.

As for Su Jie's initial cultivation skills, he focused on cultivating and strengthening his consciousness.

But when it comes to science, it is not these mysterious things, but the switch of chemical reactions.

Su Jie observed these giants of the death organization, and from their bodies, he grasped the essence of many chemical reactions that stimulate the body with consciousness in an instant.

Su Jie couldn't obtain these precious experimental data at all, so he could only guess and deduce by himself.

Because it is impossible for ordinary people to have such a strong chemical reaction, and there are not many giants like the Death Organization in Su Jie's laboratory.


These people also improved in an instant, their qi and blood boiled, and their spiritual consciousness reached the peak. Almost at this moment, their attack power and speed, and even their imposing manner, had reached the peak.

Yama roared loudly, as if the gate of hell behind him was opened wide, and countless evil spirits swarmed from Huangquan Road to occupy the world.

"Let's rest." Facing the attacks of many characters, Su Jie just said a word.

All of a sudden, the whole world seemed calm.

First of all, all of Yama's fist intentions, fist posture, and fist gods were all eliminated, and even the chemical reactions in his body disappeared. It seemed that a dam that was opening its gates to release floods suddenly closed the gates and stopped the flood discharge.

Immediately, there was no river downstream.

Not only Yama, but all people.

They seemed to be deflated balls, and they went limp. Yama, who was majestic just now, was also completely discouraged, without any strength at all.

"What is this?" Yama asked feebly.

"I cut off your information transmission with my spirit." Su Jie said, "At the same time, I suppressed the chemical reaction in your body. After taking it, I cried bitterly. This is not only a physical reaction, but also a kind of psychological dependence. Although the drugs studied by your institution have no side effects physically, they actually have certain side effects psychologically. It has caused extremely strong dependence. However, after you have made such a fuss, I have probably seen the extent of the research on consciousness by the organization behind you."

"Your victory over us is also in our plan, but at this time, your father has already fallen into our hands." Yan Mo said.

"How can it be so simple." Su Jie smiled: "After this battle, my father is very likely to fully understand the most critical node of the new human beings. In fact, I would like to thank you. If the organization behind you is right If I return without success, then I surpass your organization in terms of information intake in the future. Of course, your organization is indeed superior to me in terms of utilizing consciousness. It can be seen that no matter how powerful the world is, no matter how powerful It is impossible for an institution to study all aspects of a subject.”

Facing such a plan obviously aimed at himself, Su Jie still talked here and studied his knowledge.

At this moment, Su Shilin had indeed encountered an extremely dangerous situation.

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