Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Six hundred and ninety-eight chapters: Absolute Suppression, Dragon Returns to the Sea 3 Turn Back

In fact, even for new humans, it is not an easy task to invade a peerless master purely with spirit. Of course, the master has prepared in advance and trained some kind of secret method.

For example, back then, Zhao Jie's Vajra Lion Roar was the first to destroy evil. Even if it was Su Jie's restraint, he directly broke it, and did not let Su Jie completely control his spiritual consciousness.

But the current Su Shilin's strength is many times stronger than that of Zhao Yu back then. To a certain extent, he is already a new human being. As long as he completes the restructuring of his consciousness structure, he can immediately step into the realm of a new human being.

And here, because of the injection of earth energy, his spiritual consciousness is actually almost the same as that of new humans.

It is almost impossible to defeat him with just relying on spiritual awareness.

If he was not in this place, Sun Pilong might use earth-shattering means to directly surrender Su Shilin, so that he would completely lose any ability to resist and follow him obediently.

But now, it can only be suppressed by force.

In fact, the higher the level of cultivation, the less he likes to do it, because doing it is an inefficient behavior.

Think about it, with a thought, you can use your consciousness to control others, making them obediently obey others, so why do you need to do it?

Just like in modern warfare, in fact, artillery, aircraft, and missiles are rarely used for bombing. They are all financial warfare and information warfare. When the financial war is launched, the enemy can be directly collapsed at the minimum cost, causing the enemy's financial collapse and chaos, while not only does not suffer any loss, but can also gain a lot of benefits.

Information warfare, on the other hand, can directly cause the enemy's communication and all kinds of things to completely collapse, and even life cannot be guaranteed.

Think about it, if all the networks are in chaos in an instant, the mobile phone has no signal, the bank cannot transfer money, and even various systems such as electricity cannot be controlled, then life will be chaotic in an instant.

Because of this, anyone with a little common sense will know the power of information warfare and financial warfare, which are much more powerful than aircraft and cannons.

In fact, consciousness control, interference, hypnosis, hallucinations, these things are also a kind of alternative information warfare.

In ancient times, this was tantamount to the means of strategists.

Strategists, demagoguery everywhere, relying on a three-inch tongue to persuade the king and manipulate the general situation of the world, is actually a means to influence the spirit and judgment. There are more or less some hypnotic techniques in it.

Monks and Taoists of all dynasties have been able to get into high positions and have influence on the kings, which is also a result of the interference of consciousness information.


These methods are far worse than those of new humans.

The consciousness interference of new humans has reached the point where they can control their thoughts at will.

It can even change people's thinking. In terms of Buddhism, it is to save the devil and make the stubborn stone nod.

For example, when Su Jie changed No. 1, he used various methods to completely convert this famous and vicious devil.

Of course, Su Jie's strength is not enough to convert "No. 1" with a single thought. He will use various means to break through the opponent's psychological defenses and make the opponent feel that after converting, he can improve his own realm.

In fact, it is not an easy task to completely transform a person's ideology.

Even Su Jie can't completely change Feng Hengyi and accept his ideas now. Of course, it wasn't that Su Jie didn't want to, but he felt that as long as Feng Hengyi didn't harm the society, even if he didn't keep pace with him, it was fine.

Su Jie is not the kind of strong person who must make people follow the rhythm of his thoughts.

On the contrary, he believes that people have many personalities and a lot of plasticity, and he himself is not perfect. Maybe a small person's achievements in a certain aspect are also worthy of his learning.

The so-called is that the inch is long and the ruler is short.

Su Shilin knew Su Jie's thoughts and character deeply, knowing a son like a father.

So in comparison, he felt that Sun Pilong in front of him and the organization behind him were extremely evil existences.

I must help my son, break this institution, and protect the safety of my family.

Su Shilin knew in his heart that whether it was himself, his son Su Jie, or his daughter Su Muchen, they were all being targeted by this organization. With the pissing nature of this organization, he would not let it go until his family was ruined.

The point is that there is no enmity between my family and this institution, it is just that this institution simply feels that things beyond its control must be taken under its command or destroyed.


These mental activities, that is, in an instant.

With a movement of Su Shilin's body, he attacked and killed Sun Pilong.

His fist was like an iron spear, with a slight shock, it pierced the air, and it was already in front of Sun Pilong. Sun Pilong is an old Taoist priest, but in fact Su Shilin has already seen that the opponent's physical fitness is basically a young guy. Because the other party's institution has already developed the world's top medicine, surpassing Typhon's eaux-de-vie.

Sun Pilong himself was the head of Tifeng's drug research and development laboratory. A long time ago, he did not know how much data on drug research and development he had.

Now Tifeng's water of life plan has actually been mastered by Sun Pilong.

Su Shilin's physical fitness is also extremely strong. He is a person who has been transformed by the Water of Life project. He has gradually overcome aging. Now he is in his forties. In fact, his physical fitness has been transformed by the Water of Life. After the renovation of the project, that is, no more than 30 years old, it is nearly 20 years younger.

Therefore, his current physical fitness and spiritual realm are all from the peak position.

Punch through the void.

Go straight to Huanglong.

To Sun Pilong's heart.

"Why bother? Moths jumping into the flames are killing themselves." Sun Pilong sighed, "You are not my opponent at all. You must support yourself. This is an act of hitting a stone with an egg."

During this sigh, Sun Pilong circled his hands like a Tai Chi, it turned out to be the Cloud Hand in the authentic Tai Chi.

With a slight movement, Su Shilin's boxing skills seemed to have been mired in a quagmire, unable to extricate himself, all his strength and kung fu were completely unable to move at all, and were completely melted away.

Su Shilin's boxing is like ice and snow, while Sun Pilong's boxing is like the sun, snow will melt instantly when it meets the sun.

At this time, Sun Pilong's counterattack also came up.

Sun Pilong's boxing method seems to be of the Taoist lineage. He can sway it freely and change endlessly. It can be rigid or soft, soft or hard, thin or thick, long or short, precious or humble, heaven or earth, It can be hot or cold, vast or small.

This is the characteristic of Tao.

The change of Tao, two extremes, yin and yang are opposite and transform each other.

Just this hand in hand, Su Shilin was extremely shocked deep in his heart, he never expected that someone would be able to express the Dao of kung fu so vividly.

All martial arts masters, their understanding of martial arts, and their combination of Dao and Kung Fu, in front of Sun Pilong,

Just the combination of kung fu and Dao, or kung fu to show the principles of infinity, tai chi, yin and yang, five elements, and gossip, even Su Jie is not as good as Sun Pilong.

This person can be said to have truly obtained the essence of Taoism.

In other words, it is the highest state of TCM theory.

Looking at the human body in terms of Yin-Yang and Five Elements, and scientific cell biology are two different worldviews.

However, Sun Pilong's boxing techniques and artistic conception did not have the slightest sense of disobedience.

In the momentary fight, Su Shilin's body swayed, almost fell down, Sun Pilong's technique destroyed the center of gravity, and he was at a disadvantage.

However, how could Su Shilin admit defeat?

With a tiger roar, his whole body seemed to swell a circle, and a stream of air appeared in his body, as if he really had the legendary internal force, but of course this was just another chemical reaction.

He activated some kind of secret method.

In an instant, Su Shilin's whole person became different, like a ghost, like a demon, like a fairy Buddha, like a Shura.


He exhaled and made a sound, as if a wave of air radiated violently, he punched three times, punched one palm and kicked one leg, progressively thrusting, chopping, sweeping, hitting, kicking, holding, kicking, kicking.

This is his trump card. As a dragon mask, it is called "the dragon enters the sea and turns back three times".

The dragon enters the sea with a majestic momentum. It rushes down thousands of miles like a flood. During the rush, it is absolutely impossible to turn back. If it turns back, it is almost impossible to happen, and Su Shilin made this impossible possible.

The dragon returns to the sea, look back, look back again, look back three times.

Every move not only takes people's lives, but also takes people's souls.

At this moment, his vigor and spirit began to rise, and he had reached the level where he could not lose to the new human beings.

"Good trick, the dragon enters the sea and turns back three times." Sun Pilong seemed to be able to speak after dodging again and again: "This is the trump card of your dragon mask. This kind of kung fu has deeply comprehended the way of spells, and some of them have broken the limit. It means, even, you can use the dragon veins here to do things to improve yourself, but it's a pity that you met me. Regarding the number of yin and yang, the operation of the Dao, you are not as good as a child in front of me."

Dodging three times and dodging twice, even Sun Pilong didn't move much, completely defusing Su Shilin's offensive.

Afterwards, Sun Pilong continued: "I'll learn from your move to see if it's yours or mine. I'll teach you the true meaning of kung fu."


Sun Pilong actually played the same trick as Su Shilin, and he also turned back three times into the sea.

Sun Pilong's whole body moved, not very fast, but a scene seemed to really appear in his hand. That is, the whole world was flooded. A dragon came down from the Kunlun Mountains, and with the help of the flood, it went straight into the East China Sea. When it returned to the sea, it turned its head three times in a row.

bang bang bang!

Under his ultimate move, Su Shilin retreated again and again, and he was about to be defeated.

Because he discovered that the ultimate move that he has been good at all his life, in the hands of Sun Pilong, is much better than himself.

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