Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Seven hundred and ninety-nine psychological surveys, scientific and technological beliefs 2 conflict


The practice of internal boxing is different from ordinary boxing and fighting training. What is emphasized is a high degree of combination of consciousness and body. It is not something that can be obtained through hard training. On the contrary, the harder you practice, the more likely you will make mistakes. , leading to physical impairment and even insanity.

Moreover, since Su Jie conducted in-depth research on consciousness information, he discovered a problem. Many traditional martial arts practices that have been handed down are full of mistakes and loopholes in terms of the combination of consciousness and body.

Just like many traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions that have been handed down since ancient times, if you really follow this prescription to boil medicine for treatment, it will be murder for money.

The same goes for Kung Fu practice.

An action, what kind of consciousness is required, what kind of mental activity is required, must be strictly deliberated, and there must be no mistakes in the slightest, otherwise it will be in vain.

Therefore, in this world, many people have practiced internal martial arts for ten years without any effect. And for some people, once the consciousness and movement are highly unified, practicing for a few days is much better than practicing for several years.

Even in the area of ​​Minglun Martial Arts School, in fact, there are very few practitioners of internal boxing who can truly achieve a high degree of unity of consciousness and body movements, let alone in other places.

Su Jie also had to be a little surprised that two girls who both entered the classroom appeared here at once, because the one who taught them must be an expert.

"Rong Jian, you can't do it." Zhang Ning's self-confidence almost exploded now: "I'll give you back what you just said, you guys from the fighting club will fight together, and I will fight ten."

"This man is too arrogant." Immediately, a few people from the fighting club couldn't bear it anymore and came up to start a beating.

"What are you doing?" At this time, a physical education teacher rushed over.

The scene was immediately shocked.

"Ms. Han." Some students went up to explain. The physical education teacher gradually understood what happened during the explanation, and looked at Zhang Ning very curiously.

This physical education teacher also practiced fighting. He knew how strong Rong Jian was. Now that Zhang Ning is playing with Rong Jian like this, how far should his kung fu go?

"Did you really defeat Rong Jian just now?" the teacher surnamed Han asked.

"If you don't believe me, you can try again." Zhang Ning said calmly: "If he attacks Minglun Martial Arts School again,

I will still be rude to him, hit him once when I see him, although this may sound like a hooligan, but Minglun Martial Arts School cannot be insulted. "

Judging from this sentence, this Zhang Ning is a loyal admirer of Minglun Martial Arts School.

"Come with me." The teacher surnamed Han said to Rong Jian and Zhang Ning.

Seeing the teacher leave here with two people, the excitement was over, and everyone dispersed, but many students who had good deeds took videos and spread them wildly on the circle of friends and many forums.

Fighting and contests are the most powerfully spread in the media.

According to people's primitive psychology, there is a gene eager to conquer the same kind by force.

It was handed down from the ape-man. In the ape-man era of millions of years, there was no morality, only the value of force. Whoever is strong can have more food, territory, and more mating rights.

Even in modern society, this gene has not been obliterated.

All in all, this time Minglun Martial Arts School is in the circle of institutions of higher learning, and it has become a little popular again. The same martial arts kung fu also aroused the topic.

Su Jie felt the luck fluctuations formed by streams of information.

The two girls were also about to leave, but Su Jie stopped him: "Student, wait a minute."

"Is there something wrong?" One of the slightly taller girls looked at Su Jie. Tilt your head slightly.

In fact, these two girls are extremely tall, and their appearance is also upper-middle-class. Standing together is very eye-catching, and of course they are easy to be approached by others. It's just that the temperament of these two girls makes ordinary people feel ashamed, discouraged, and dare not Go up and strike up a conversation.

"Don't you think Zhang Ning is a bit strange?" Su Jie asked, "I also learned Kung Fu and fighting. According to the principle, it is impossible to be so powerful at once. I can see that the two of you have also practiced Kung Fu. In fact, The skill is still very deep, I would like to ask, do you think in this world, is there someone like in martial arts novels, who can teach someone ten years of skill or a hundred years of skill at once, and that person can become a peerless master overnight? "

Su Jie is actually conducting an interview to collect psychological data.

Although Zhang Ning was the one who caused the soaring strength in an instant, he wanted to see how much this kind of thing would have an impact on the hearts of hard-working practitioners.

Let’s say, if one person practiced hard for ten years and almost forgot to sleep and eat, and finally achieved some achievements, but the other person was too lazy to work, and the mud could not stick to the wall, but in an instant, his cultivation level surpassed this. His will is as firm as steel For the hardworking people, how much of a psychological blow does this have on people?

Will the previous worldview be shattered?

Is this phenomenon beneficial or harmful to human beings?

Whether all human beings will feel self-defeating, these are issues that Su Jie needs to consider.

Although Su Jie has invented the ability to use consciousness to instantly improve a person, from body to mind, he has to consider other people's feelings.

Up to now, the consensus of the whole society is still that everyone is equal, as long as you work hard, you will have a day in the early days, and you are afraid of being serious about everything, as long as you are serious, you will definitely gain something.

However, this is just a simple moral view of people.

In fact, the advancement of science and technology will definitely destroy this morality of people.

Su Jie is actually very contradictory.

In fact, he himself believes that hard work will pay off.

However, scientific research shows that any human efforts are worthless in front of the progress of science and technology.

Nomads in ancient times, no matter how strong the bow and horse were, the Mongolian cavalry hit the Danube, but after Maxim's invention, they were overshadowed.

Su Jie himself is also a typical example of hard work and rewards.

He knows that this belief is actually the goal of human progress, even if science tells him that this is actually a false proposition, but if this belief once collapses. That would actually be a catastrophic blow to the entire human society.

"Teaching ten years of skill is just a novel. Do you still believe it? As a student of Q University, if you believe this, then all these years of reading will be for nothing." The tall girl said.

"Then if such a thing really happens, what will happen to your mental state? I can see that the two of you have sacrificed a lot of your own things in order to practice and achieve achievements. Moreover, you have sacrificed so many things now, It is indeed an achievement, but now if someone can directly achieve the achievement of the two of you without any sacrifice, what do you think?" Su Jie asked.

"There is no such possibility. It is not social status and wealth. Kung Fu is Kung Fu. It must go through a series of practices such as pain, suffering, comprehension, etc. It is absolutely impossible to achieve it overnight." The slightly shorter girl said.

This girl is actually not very short, about 1.75 meters. If she wears high heels, she will be considered outstanding.

"I said this classmate, are you conducting a survey on social psychology?" The tall girl is 1.8 meters tall, especially her legs are extremely slender, which makes people look pleasing to the eye, but the tall girl also feels that, Su Jie was really investigating them, not taking the opportunity to strike up a conversation.

"Almost." Su Jie nodded: "I'm from the School of Life Sciences. From what I saw just now, how do you explain Zhang Ning's matter? He didn't seem to be Rong Jian's opponent at all yesterday."

"I also feel strange about this matter, but you can see that the two of us know kung fu, don't you know kung fu too?" The shorter girl has an oval face and a very delicate face, but there is a resolute look between her brows. This kind of people are people who have strong self-control, are very focused, and can make great achievements: "Attention, the Kung Fu we talk about may be different from what you think of Kung Fu. It is not those routines, movements, or some famous teachers inherited."

"The kung fu you mentioned is the unity of body and mind, and the realization of form and mind. The so-called body movements are form, and mind is one's own thoughts. Every movement needs corresponding thoughts and cooperation. After the two are united, After practicing for a long time, on a certain day, the whole person will suddenly undergo a qualitative change. In traditional martial arts, this is called gaining inner strength. If I read correctly, the two of you should have reached this level suddenly in the sky. The state, so after being brave and diligent, the ability is much stronger than that of ordinary people, and it is not inferior even in the face of fighters." Su Jie can naturally see the state of the two girls.

In fact, when practicing traditional martial arts, the consciousness and the body are unified with each other. This process of running-in is a painful process that requires patience, spirituality, and insight.

This is actually one of the most critical points in yoga practice and spiritual practice in many religions.

Academically speaking, Su Jie is a key point for self-awareness to initially control the primitive consciousness of the body.

Once a person has completed this key point and can initially control the body's primitive instinctive consciousness, then the person's control over the body will be greatly increased. Once this step is completed, the next progress will be very fast. Practicing for one day is equivalent to ordinary People practice for several months, and even professional players train for several months.

In fact, this is the realm of "an" in Minglun's seven characters.

The so-called is as stable as Mount Tai.


Because of the instincts of the human body, there are laziness, pain, and various emotions, which are all big winds and waves that hinder practice.

If a person can calm down these strong winds and waves, it is tantamount to sitting on the Diaoyutai.

"How do you know?" The two girls were shocked. Indeed, they are gods. Suddenly, the state of the whole person is completely different. This is a common change in both psychology and body. They did not tell others, but only in their hearts There are only a few, how does the student in front of me know?



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