Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Seven hundred and sixteenth, refine again, dirty tricks need to be guarded

"I actually have such a day?"

He Dajue looked at his hands, and suddenly felt that everything was not important anymore, and his life reached its peak in an instant.

For practitioners, money, status, wealth, beauty, etc., are not as real as realms.

A true practitioner can do nothing, but he can sacrifice his life to improve his cultivation realm. This is the greatest obsession and pursuit. It is this obsession and pursuit that can make people practice Go further on the road.

It turned out that He Dajue was blinded by his obsession to control the world, making his cognition still on the surface of the subconscious, unable to break through to the most critical thing deep in his heart and find the secret of life and death, but now Su Jie broke his His obsession made him go deep into the middle layer in one fell swoop, which can be said to have proved the Arhatship in one fell swoop.

The realm of the living dead is actually the Arhatship in Buddhism.

The so-called arhat fruit is to kill all afflictions and understand life and death.

However, this is the highest attainment position of the Hinayana, and a series of opportunities are required to enter the Mahayana.

Su Jie is well aware of the practice of any religion, and also knows the advantages and disadvantages of the practice, and some things that confirm scientific consciousness, energy, and information have unearthed a lot of valuable things.

In fact, the ancients were much inferior to modern people in terms of natural science, but in terms of the science of virtual consciousness, there are many leading situations. These may be two ways of evolution of civilization, but in the end, human beings chose to use natural science to evolve.

In other words, use natural science to carry on the transition.

Ultimately, after the natural sciences are highly developed, it is still necessary to return to the study of consciousness, which is where the life of human beings lies.

"So you have broken through the realm?" Lin Lin, Meng Meng, and Xiao Hu looked at it, and they all felt a distinctive aura on He Dajue's body. Originally, He Dajue was just a powerful businessman. But now, he is a grand master who is astonishing in the past and the present. His temperament has changed so quickly that it is amazing. Even ordinary people can see a big change.

They are envious, as long as they are practitioners, they all know the importance of this realm, which is the watershed between ordinary people and "superman".

Practitioners who know a little bit, and those who have stepped into the world of practice, all regard people in this realm as gods.

Su Jie used to be the same.

Even now, it is difficult for him to mass-produce this realm.

He Dajue had this strength himself, and was sealed away consciously.

Su Jie just broke the seal.

However, this experiment of unlocking the seal has made him understand the superficial layer of human consciousness more deeply.

In short, the superficial layer of human consciousness is a huge maze, and there are even many organs ambush on every road of this maze.

If people want to explore the depths of their own consciousness, they must bypass these mazes, avoid layers of killings and traps, and finally find the right treasure.

This is somewhat similar to tomb robbery.

It is not so easy to go deep into the emperor's mausoleum.

In the process of searching for his heart, He Dajue was set up by outsiders on the superficial level of his consciousness, causing him to lose his innermost direction in the process of searching for himself.

But Su Jie broke his seal and gained valuable experience at the same time.

At this moment, he really understands how to help people find the deep level of their own consciousness, so as to elevate their realm in an instant.

In fact, it's that simple.

A kind of human perception, constantly searching for the true meaning of life, never stopping, in the process of searching, one truth after another is discovered.

And in the process of searching, there will be many difficulties and obstacles.

This is actually like a game, once trapped in a maze, you can never get out.

In fact, Su Jie's harvest this time is much greater than that of He Dajue. He helped He Dajue break the seal, which is actually tantamount to helping him thoroughly understand the human consciousness and spiritual world.

For the study of consciousness, he deepened it again.

Perhaps, the time for him to mass-produce the seventh sense is coming soon.

With his intuition, he felt that the mysterious organization might not be able to mass-produce the seventh sense, but they might have mastered some of its mysteries.

If Su Jie guessed correctly, this He Dajue might also be one of their test subjects.

"Mr. He, you still have to be careful. The person behind you has malicious intentions and treats you as a test subject. Once you are out of his control, you may encounter many unpredictable things in the future." Su Jie warning.

"I know." He Dajue said: "Right now, I have to do one thing, and that is to hug my thighs and worship a big Buddha to protect myself. Mr. Su Jie, the Diandao Group is the big Buddha I want to worship. I don't know Mr. Su Jie Can you accept my refuge?"

"We point out that security itself is doing security work, as long as we are responsible for security issues, we can follow up." Su Jie nodded and said: "Okay, this time the matter is over, I originally wanted to go out for a walk, Find a few people to look at their psychological activities for research, and unexpectedly there are unexpected gains."

While speaking, Su Jie stood up and was about to leave. When he left, he patted Xiao Hu on the shoulder again: "Work hard, I will remember you, you are extremely calm, and you are a good bodyguard candidate. Now your The price of your strength has increased a lot, but it is better to complete this security task first."

Then, he said to Lin Lin and Meng Meng, "Don't worry, we won't raise the price."


At this moment, the two girls said at the same time: "Senior Su, can we join the Diandao Group?"

The two girls saw the great benefits and refused to miss such an excellent opportunity.

They even know that if they don't seize the opportunity this time, it may be difficult next time.

"Yes." Su Jie agreed very simply. In fact, Diandao Group is short of talents. If it wants to expand, it must have talents to support it. The more talents the better, especially young talents.

Although Su Jie is not very interested in things like power, wealth, and influence, he is also very rational and knows that he must have wealth, influence and power as a guarantee for his research with peace of mind, otherwise it is impossible to conduct research with peace of mind.

Scientific research is the most expensive project in the world, bar none.

It is also a symbol of power. Only a rich and powerful country can conduct scientific research.

In fact, scientific research is the work of a country.

If a person wants to practice Kung Fu and strengthen himself, he must have financial resources.

Similarly, if a country wants to strengthen itself through scientific research, it must have extremely strong financial resources to do so.

The strength of these two girls is not bad, and it is extremely rare to practice internal martial arts. Not to mention, they themselves seem to come from wealthy families, can afford bodyguards, and have huge business needs for Diandao Group.

In fact, Su Jie only needs to probe their consciousness a little bit, and he can spy on their family, life, and even all kinds of sexual desires, but Su Jie will not do this.

The same is true for He Dajue.

"By the way, the power behind the God of War Group is no small matter. Since it is determined to enter City B, I think the Diandao Group should be careful. There are many dirty methods in business, which make people hard to guard against." He Dajue said: "For example, I know God of War The group once competed with a foreign security company for a period of time, and then that security company unexpectedly broke out scandals one after another. It was the security personnel who robbed and kidnapped the employer, or sexually assaulted the employer, which made the security company collapse. I have always suspected that there are experts in the God of War security who can hypnotize people's behavior. They even control people's consciousness and behavior, making people do all kinds of things that go against common sense and go crazy."

"Is there such a thing?" Su Jie was on the alert: "If God of War Security repeats its old tricks and uses this method on our Diandao security, then there may be big problems. Once a security company has such a thing happen This kind of thing, even if it is just one, the whole company will collapse completely. Without any credibility, no one will rest assured to put their life and wealth in the hands of gangsters. However, consciousness manipulation is not something that ordinary people can do. Even people with the ninth sense may find it difficult to manipulate people’s consciousness on a large scale. Hypnotizing people can do it, but in the process of hypnosis, people are actually rational. If you let him strongly violate your own Reason, then his instinctive consciousness will produce extremely strong resistance, allowing him to wake up from hypnosis."

"Then how high does one have to be to be able to manipulate people into doing evil things?" He Dashi asked.

"That is a brand-new level of consciousness development." Su Jie said: "Of course, this state is actually difficult to explain. If you have the opportunity, you can go to my laboratory to attend lectures, or go to Minglun Martial Arts School to attend lectures. I will give lectures at the Minglun Martial Arts School."

While talking, Su Jie left here.

He decided to go back first, or hold a meeting to remind Zhang Jinchuan and others, and at the same time select talents and carry out large-scale training, so that some personnel of Diandao Security can greatly improve their strength.

Su Jie made another breakthrough in the stimulation of consciousness and human body.

He came out of the Zhangtian Group, looked at the big characters again, and the pattern of the palm holding the starry sky, and seemed to see the person behind the scenes of He Dajue.

The whole world is really full of hidden dragons and crouching tigers, and there are always many unexpected things happening.

Moreover, the world is changing with each passing day, new things happen every day, and new powerful characters are born, and I don't know where they are.

Even Xiao Jie couldn't monitor everyone's behavior and the changes they produced.

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