Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Seven hundred and twenty-two, convinced orally, capturing the dragon and controlling the crane to sh

Master Heishui is also an old fox, definitely the kind who doesn’t see rabbits and doesn’t scatter eagles. He came here this time just to see Su Jie’s skills. At least he can’t see anything now, and Su Jie is not in front of him either. Show what you can do.

But seeing the scene in front of him, Master Heishui also knew that he couldn't see through Su Jie's realm at all, the difference was too far, but if he didn't experience Su Jie's level, he would rather die than be reconciled.

Su Jie had already seen through Master Heishui's mind.

This strong man in the mercenary world is actually a martial idiot, and he has an extremely crazy obsession with the pursuit of kung fu.

If he could get into the depths of his heart, Su Jie felt that he could help Zhang Manman complete the acquisition.

"Master Heishui, before Mr. Tyfeng comes, I think we should have a private conversation." Su Jie proposed the idea of ​​a discussion.

"That's really great." Hearing that, Master Heishui agreed with him.

"I'll choose a place and communicate behind closed doors without any outsiders present." Su Jie said.

"This is not necessary." Master Heishui said to the three female apprentices behind him: "This is a rule of Chinese kung fu. In the past, no outsiders were allowed to be present when two famous martial artists competed. To prevent one party from losing face after losing, because martial artists can't afford to lose, as long as they lose one game, all the brilliant achievements of a lifetime will be wiped out. , this is still worse than the current top fighters in the world. Every match of theirs is under the eyes of everyone. Moreover, even if they are the number one in the world, they will lose. But winning or losing is nothing to them , In this way, the training of psychological quality will be strengthened instead."

"Understood." The three female apprentices all nodded.

"Mr. Su Jie, I know your good intentions, but I have already seen through winning and losing and life and death. There is no such thing as losing face. Losing to the strong is a valuable experience for me. I am very eager to lose to the strong. , let's discuss how to learn here." Every sentence of Master Heishui is very interesting. His Chinese is pronounced in Tang Yin, and every word has a very ancient vicissitudes, and it also has a very traditional charm. , Hearing his voice, it seemed that there was still some enlightenment in Zen Buddhism, and he suddenly became enlightened.

All in all, it is a kind of transcendent enjoyment to hear this Chinese Tang Yin, which spanned thousands of years and came to the Han and Tang Dynasties, the two most glorious eras.

Moreover, this kind of pronunciation also carries the unique cultural charm of Japan, the politics of a small country, the pressure of survival is huge, and it is necessary to catch up with strong aggressiveness.

At the same time, he is good at learning from the strong and going to certain extremes.

The charm of the big country and the big dynasty, the small country and the small dynasty are combined to form a special practice.

Every word of Master Heishui is for him to practice, which is equivalent to reciting mantras and scriptures.

He also incorporated the pronunciation of scriptures into it.

This is a unique practice.

This is also quite a profound inspiration to Su Jie. It is said that an inch is long and a ruler is short. Master Heishui's practice method is worth learning from. It is extremely advanced. Practice in life from the tone of pronunciation, Cleansing the body and mind is a kind of accumulation over many years, and it seems to have little effect in a short period of time, but if it takes one year, two years, three years or five years, the progress of kung fu and consciousness is extremely amazing.

"Well, let's compete here." Su Jie said: "Master Heishui, I admire you for seeing through success and failure. This is also the mentality that a practitioner should have. You are actually a true practitioner."

"That's good, I'll do it." Master Heishui said.

"No problem." Su Jie nodded.

Seeing that the two were about to compete, everyone dispersed, leaving an open space for Master Heishui and Su Jie to compete.


Master Heishui is like a real big chimpanzee with his head shaved, exuding an extremely wild aura, attacking violently.

His arms suddenly became very long. With one scoop, one grasp, one slap, one belt, one hook, one poke, one touch, one squeeze, he fully demonstrated various techniques in martial arts.

This is an ancient technique in karate, with the charm of traditional Chinese martial arts. There are snakes, cranes, praying mantises, monkeys, tigers, and many other boxing essences contained in it. The techniques are surprising, mysterious and unexpected.

Master Heishui's body shape, when everyone sees it, the first impression is that he is aggressive and forceful, and his boxing skills must be extremely strong, but now he is urging his boxing skills, it is actually small and flexible.

It gives people a feeling as if an elephant is learning from a sparrow and dancing on a tree branch.

Can an elephant dance on a branch? Of course it can't. But now Master Blackwater has achieved these two extremes.

When Su Jie saw this attack from Master Heishui, he just smiled slightly, raised his palm, and slapped down, blocking all the attack routes, and it happened to be on a burst point of Master Heishui.

Master Heishui's boxing method is like a gunpowder keg that is about to explode, but when all the air is sucked away, all the gunpowder can't react chemically, and it can't explode.

Master Heishui retreated again and again, because he couldn't resist this random slap.

Even if there are tens of millions of changes, it is still impossible to resist this beat that turns decay into magic.

At this moment, Master Heishui feels as if he is Sun Wukong, and Su Jie is the palm of the Tathagata. No matter how many changes you have, how much kung fu, I am this palm, you will not be able to resist, and you will be completely suppressed .

Master Heishui retreated violently, distanced himself from Su Jie.

In the current situation, the only option is to retreat.

Su Jie was still sitting without moving, and Master Heishui was already ten steps away from him. With such a long distance, it would be difficult to attack Mr. Heishui with weapons, let alone bare hands.

However, Su Jie's five fingers were like hooks, and he grabbed the void, covering Master Heishui vaguely from dozens of steps away.

In an instant, everyone was surprised to see that Master Heishui seemed to be attracted by some kind of force.

It seems that Su Jie's palm is grasping, and there is really some kind of magnetic force, or there is a small black hole in his palm, which makes Master Heishui's body move towards Su Jie's body in an instant without his control. The palm slid over.

This is no longer martial arts, but superpowers.

Kung fu is body movement, boxing strikes, and the combination of various movements to produce a full-contact and destructive blow to the enemy's body.

The essence of kung fu is contact.

It is impossible to cause damage to the enemy without touching the enemy.

Although there is also the "air fall" in judo, but it is only in an instant. However, the enemy's attack fails, causing oneself to fall down. it's the same.

But like Su Jie, if you grab him from a distance, that person seems to be sucked into a black hole, and you can't help but be sucked in front of you. This is not kung fu, but filming.

Or a so-and-so "Kung Fu master" and his apprentice are playing double-reed tricks.

But everyone present knew that it was impossible for Master Heishui to cooperate with Su Jie to play the double reed, especially the three apprentices of Master Heishui. They all opened their mouths, as if they felt that their worldview was shattered.

They have studied Kung Fu for many years. Although they learn Japanese karate and judo, they also know the basic principles of Kung Fu.

The essence is still a science of body movement. Although there are psychological reasons in it, it is not a superpower when combined.

But what Su Jie is showing now is super power.

Ten steps away, when Kong Kong grabbed him, that person was caught, and he was still a person.

This is simply "capturing the dragon and controlling the crane" in martial arts.

An even more shocking scene appeared, just when Master Heishui was three steps away from Su Jie, his hand happened to be able to hit Su Jie. Arriving at Master Heishui's body, Master Heishui immediately seemed to be pushed out by an invisible force.

Pushing and pulling like this, Master Heishui seemed to be manipulated by an invisible force field, moving forward and backward repeatedly.


"Oh, I bought it from Karma."

"God, is there really such a miraculous thing?" The eyeballs of the three female foreigner disciples almost fell out.

The young man Shiva looked at him, but he knew that Su Jie was actually using the method of consciousness control, and he was not really able to emit any magnetic field, inner strength, true energy, etc., all of which were controlled by Master Blackwater himself. Consciousness, let him go forward and backward by himself.

In other words, Master Blackwater is like a computer infected with a virus.

But in the eyes of outsiders, this is indeed either a liar or a superpower.

"Stop!" Master Heishui said fiercely.

Su Jie lowered his palm.

Master Blackwater immediately regained his freedom of movement: "Is this consciousness control? But I don't feel the slightest sign of consciousness being controlled. It seems that there is really a force in your palm that sucks and pushes me back and forth. .”

Master Heishui is indeed a peerless master, and he immediately knew that this was consciousness control and manipulation, not a special function in reality.

Of course, the control of consciousness information is actually a kind of special function.

It's just becoming more scientific now. I think this is a kind of parapsychological knowledge.

"This is a kind of ingenious invasion of consciousness. Kung Fu has reached a very high level, and it is necessary to enter this field. Simple physical movement is already the most primitive method. In fact, I also know that you also use psychological training to train your disciples. For the master." Su Jie said.

In fact, most good coaches put psychological training at the top of their list when training their students.

Even the traditional Kung Fu of Chinese martial arts is the same, stance is one of the most important psychological training.

"I am completely convinced." Master Heishui said: "I have decided that Heishui Security can merge with Diandao Security."

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