Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Seven hundred and thirty-one hit the head and drink 1 stone to break the sky in the water

"Devil gods are born one after another, the world will be in chaos, and the world will not know what it will be like in the future." Duan Fei sighed: "However, I have come to the world with the mission of subduing demons and subduing demons. In the last fight, we can eliminate demons and protect the Tao, and save the common people."

"With this will, your future is limitless." Sun Pilong said.

Just as Sun Pilong possessed the middle-aged man and was talking to Duan Fei, a service staff came in suddenly.

This service staff is a very simple and honest young man, about the same size as Duan Fei, but his status cannot be compared at all. Duan Fei is already a strong man in the world, and behind him is the world's number one mysterious organization as his background. If he hadn't met Su Jie, he might have become the guest of many bigwigs in city b, and became a role like "Little Immortal Teacher". A very ordinary character, earning thousands of dollars a month, serving tea and water here, serving others, living a hopeless life day by day.

The fate of people, the gap is so huge.

"Both, what do you need?" the young service worker asked.

"Didn't I say that no one is allowed to come in without orders?" The middle-aged man possessed by Sun Pilong changed his voice, it was not an old voice, it seemed to be his true face. This is Sun Pilong manipulating him to speak, not using an old voice to avoid opening holes.

Both Sun Pilong and Duan Fei felt something was wrong about the young man's service staff coming in.

At this moment, the young man's service staff smiled. Looking at "Sun Pilong" and Duan Fei, his tone suddenly changed, and his voice was completely different from his. Possessed: "Sun Pilong, you dare to come here. I really don't know how to write the word dead. You still think that your strength is very strong. I can't do anything to you, so you have always been confident? Of course, you think you Possession is possible, and the use of consciousness is extremely clever and ingenious. This is equivalent to the realm of Bodhisattvas, with hundreds of millions of incarnations. I admit that your use of consciousness has reached this state, and you are indeed qualified to rule the world. But if you want to carry out this Conspiracy, you still have to pass my level."

"Su Jie, it's you..."

Immediately, Sun Pilong knew that this young service worker was "possessed" by Su Jie's consciousness, and the means were similar to his.

"You are actually able to carry out the possession and manipulation of consciousness from a distance. This kind of technology, you couldn't complete it at all, but now, you can use it smoothly. It can be seen that after you communicated with Typhon, you performed it again. Great breakthrough. I underestimated you." Sun Pilong said.

"This technology is indeed very clever,

But for me, as long as I master the main points, it is easy to do it. The key point is a kind of separation of my own information, the transmission of structure and media. "Su Jie said: "After fighting with you last time, I have already realized it, but it's not that the communication with Mr. Tyfeng this time is broken. I was looking for the location of your body, your body, if I am not wrong, it must be in China, or even not far from here, you use your own consciousness and information to lay out a lot of doubts, but these consciousness doubts In my eyes, it is nothing at all. My body has already gone looking for your body, I hope you can escape my capture, otherwise, this game is too simple and really meaningless. "

"Su Jie, you are really arrogant." Sun Pilong laughed: "Your little pheasant workshop is able to research the use of consciousness in this area, which is very good. It can be said to be a miracle, but That's it. The research on consciousness is still far away. I can tell you that the structural form of consciousness constitutes a real possession. It is completely possible to abandon one's original body and reach a new body , In Taoism, there is a word called reincarnation. Therefore, even if you find my body, it is of no use, because the place where there are people is my body. A little bit of spiritual light is not extinguished, and it is everywhere It is vitality, this is the most critical point, you have not comprehended this realm at all, how can you compete with me?"

"Nonsense." Su Jie smiled: "What is reincarnation? Even now, you are still talking about some unrealistic things here. I admit that your institution is outstanding in research on consciousness, but what is reincarnation?" According to my research, the human consciousness and the body have a symbiotic relationship and are entangled with each other. The body will send out a signal all the time to identify the information in the consciousness. If the body is gone, Your consciousness will be cut off from a fundamental logic that exists in the world. Do you know what that logic is?"

"You don't understand at all, your research is still too shallow. Also, your idea that we want to rule the world is too narrow." Sun Pilong said: "If we want to rule the world, the world will It has been ruled by us a long time ago. Of course, the whole world has been ruled by us now."

"I know that the entire human society, in your view, is actually a colony of ants kept in a laboratory. You are observing the structure of the ant nest and the social form of the ant colony, but the ants don't know anything about it. There is no master in the world, and you will only interfere with the development of the ethnic group at the most critical time point." Su Jie said: "Also, I can say with certainty that your research on the issue of reincarnation has found that If you make a mistake, you don’t dare to do experiments at all, you just speculate countless times in theory. For example, do you dare to abandon your original body now. The real experiment of reincarnation with the body? The consciousness is completely in another person Resurrect your body? I am sure you dare not. And I warn you, it is best not to do this, as the result of doing so will cause your consciousness to dissipate and the information to lose its fundamental logic."

When Duan Fei saw the conversation between the young waiter and the middle-aged man possessed by his master Sun Pilong, he knew what was going on. He seemed to hear a lot of information from the conversation between the two.

"Duan Fei, let me warn you that if you want to step into the realm of new humans, you must abandon this unrealistic world view, don't be unable to come out of the fantasy world, don't believe in any demons, ghosts, demons possessed. "Su Jie said: "You have been studying since you were a child. From mathematics, physics and chemistry to biological evolution, you have already told you what the truth of this world is, but you are still immersed in your own world and cannot extricate yourself. I know , your state, the spiritual level of living in an illusory world, makes your progress extremely fast, a thousand times faster than ordinary training, because you have entered the drama deeply enough. But, you must understand that deep entry into the drama, progress Quick, this is an advantage, but the disadvantage is that it is difficult to get rid of the show at the most critical moment. I think you also know that what is said in the Diamond Sutra, the Dharma should still be She, let alone illegal. Your method of entering the drama is like a big ship sailing on the sea, allowing you to quickly reach the other shore, but now, the shore is right in front of your eyes, don’t you still miss the boat under your feet and don’t want to go ashore?”

During Su Jie's speech, it became louder and louder, and finally, the whole room was filled with his thunder, which seemed to be the real Hong Zhong Dalu, unstoppable.


Su Jie's words were like a slap in the face, and they would wake Duan Fei up.

This is actually hitting and weakening Sun Pilong, destroying his hard work.

Still unwilling to go ashore?

These words kept echoing in Duan Fei's mind. Duan Fei's whole consciousness seemed to be injected with an incomparably vast information. There is a real basis in reality.

Duan Fei's original world view itself was built on castles in the air, all of which were fantasies and brainwashing, and then rely on his own brain to make up for perfection.

However, now that he was hit by this shock, he immediately crumbled.

At this moment, Duan Fei feels that he is like the moon in the water, thinking that he is the real bright moon in the sky. When the world is calm, the water reflects the moon and the waves are calm. .

But if at this time, a flying stone suddenly hits and falls into the water, one stone breaks the water and the sky, knowing that everything is illusory.

Su Jie was the one holding a stone and throwing it into the water to reflect the moon.

"I was wrong, could it be that I was really wrong?" Duan Fei murmured.

"You're right, you've actually done a good job. However, now you have to give up those things from before." Su Jie roared again: "I haven't woken up yet."

"Not good." Sun Pilong let out a long cry, and in this long cry, with incomparable magic power, the information and thinking were transmitted, which once again strengthened Duan Fei's crumbling world view that was about to be shattered: "Don't be bewitched by the demon god, this is you In the most critical moment in your life, you must hold on. If you can’t hold on, your practice in this life will be in vain. If you hold on and keep your Dao heart, you can become a fairy and Buddha. Demon gods come to confuse you , ruin your avenue, this is your doom, but also your opportunity."

"Whether it is a demon god or not, it is all fake. All cultivation is a psychological suggestion. Whoever has a deep psychological suggestion will cultivate faster. But the deeper the psychological suggestion, the harder it is to come out. This is the principle of complementing each other. Now, it depends on whether you want to struggle out or not. If you don't struggle out and are willing to sink forever, then it's up to you." Su Jie's voice was much louder than Sun Pilong's.

In fact, the two have already started to confront each other, and Duan Fei is the battlefield for the confrontation.

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