Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Seven hundred and thirty-seven, ancient sages, would you like to be Shennong?

Sun Pilong's cognition is not wrong, and it is a universal truth.

During the evolution process of a species, once it has fully evolved and is essentially different from the original species, it will never be considered that the original species is the same kind.

This is a common phenomenon in evolutionary psychology.

Su Jie has long studied such a problem.

At the same time, he can also understand the mentality of Sun Pilong, a group of institutional people.

The purpose of this group of people is to collect new humans and people who are about to evolve into new humans, gather them together, make these people the same kind, and unify their thinking. Gradually, the number of new humans will increase and they will become a group.

This group is like the countless tribes of apes in ancient times. Suddenly, some of the apes evolved into modern humans. These modern humans gathered to form a country and began to conquer the world.

"Our purpose. It is to fear that people like you will appear among the new human beings, with completely different ideas and old and decadent ideas, so as to prevent the evolution and leap of human beings. This is a rebellious behavior that hinders the advancement of civilization." Sun Pi Longdao: "However, I think it is difficult for me to convince you now, but it is basically impossible for you to convince me, but I would like to hear what you have to refute me about this. After reaching our In fact, most of this kind of realm is a battle of ideas, not a battle of spirits. I think you can't do anything to me now, although you can use your consciousness to create many illusions in front of me, making me unknowingly Falling into it. However, you can’t invade my own spirit and control my behavior. Let alone knock down my realm. Just like the demon Bo Xun dealt with the Buddha, in front of the Buddha, many ghosts and gods, or Goddess, these Buddhas can also see, but the Buddha turned a blind eye, and Bo Xun could not invade the Buddha at a deeper level, so he could only give up in the end."

"That's true." Su Jie said: "Consciousness invasion is divided into many levels. Your self-awareness is very strong. Now I can only invade and confuse your superficial layer, but I can't invade your depths at a deeper level. You are suffering. The spiritual world that has been cultivated for more than 60 to 70 years is so strong that it is really difficult to break."

"That's right, you are now besieging the city with a large army, insulting outside the city, making all kinds of threats, persuading you to surrender, saying that as long as you surrender, you will enjoy endless glory and wealth, and on the other hand threatening to slaughter after the city is broken. I am at ease." Sun Pilong said: "However, as long as I just guard my own city, no matter how you use it, even if you stay behind closed doors, you will naturally be at ease, and when the waiting time is up, if you can't hold on, you will naturally retreat , the weather is calm, and I have survived the calamity. Your attack on me this time is a calamity for me, but it is also a great tempering for me. Young man, you can force me to reach this state , It’s new, but no matter how cunning the demon is, he can only convert to my Buddha in the end, and your fate is the same. Our current battle is actually a continuation of the battle in this myth.

The final outcome is your destiny. "

"Really?" Su Jie smiled: "You rely on nothing more than two things. First, your spiritual core is very strong. I can't knock down your realm like I knocked down the Shenyueren realm. Second, you are good at Use chemical drugs, if my body comes, you use poison, I am definitely not your opponent. Therefore, you have nothing to fear, and you are not afraid of large-scale arrests at all, because your drug technology is amazing, and you can even directly poison to death The people in the whole city are safe and sound. So, you are almost invincible in this world. You are just a hedgehog, which prevents me from attacking. However, the Buddha does not know how to use poison, so your analogy is still wrong."

"Using poison is just a means." Sun Pilong didn't care, and didn't care if it was some "rule of the rivers and lakes", he was not a character in the rivers and lakes.

"Actually, there is nothing wrong with your idea, but at this stage, it is a big mistake to use this idea. The new human and the old human are actually the same species, both psychologically and physiologically. Completely separate." Su Jie said: "We are actually just human beings who have just learned how to use tools in ancient times. At this time, you have to break away from the ethnic group and separate from the ethnic group psychologically. That is the way of self-destruction. For example, Chao, he learned how to build a nest and build a house. How did he do it? He taught all people to build a house together to resist the wind and cold, instead of thinking that he was superior to others, and he was no longer a human being, but a real evolution. Suirenshi learned how to make fire by drilling wood, and he also taught everyone to use fire to keep warm and deal with beasts. He will not think that he has evolved like you do."

"Youchao clan, Suiren clan" Hearing Su Jie's comparison to these two people, Sun Pilong was suddenly startled.

"That's right, we are just discovering some key things in the process of evolution. Just like Youchao and Suiren, we found that we can build houses and use fire. Humans can build houses and use fire. , This is a huge division. At this time, talents are people, not animals." Su Jie said: "I am willing to be the Youchao clan, and I am willing to be the Suiren clan. This is our spirit, and it is where our soul lies. During the evolution of our ethnic group, we have people like this. By the way, there is also a Shennong family who tasted herbs and cured the ethnic group. He is somewhat similar to you. He used medicine and discovered medicine. many functions, but what did he do, and what did you do?"

Sun Pilong listened quietly and did not refute, because he found himself unable to refute.

Su Jie continued: "Now, the overall evolution of our human race has actually reached a critical point. Just like in ancient times, the apes evolved into humans. Among them, there must be epic characters, and It is not a person who breaks away from the ethnic group and abandons the ethnic group. Sun Pilong, the history you talk about and the history I think, our essential difference lies in this. You use the history of evolution to convince me, and I will use the history of evolution to convince you , I think that in our era, there should be new Youchao clan, Suiren clan, and Shennong clan. At the same time, I also hope that you can become Shennong clan. The grasp of historical nodes, my calculations and guesses about the general trend are all above you. Especially the real boss behind you, the fundamental difference between what he thinks and my idea lies here. He believes that the new The difference between humans and old humans lies in the difference between humans and monkeys. And I think that our new humans are just ancient wise men. The difference between us and old humans does not reach the gap between humans and monkeys at all. Can we control our own destiny? We can’t control life and death, and we can’t even walk out of this planet. You are too arrogant. With a little bit of ability, you think you can do everything. Those whose eyes are blinded by power, poor man."

"Your metaphor..." Sun Pilong's tone was slow. He originally thought that his theory was solid and indestructible, but now that he heard Su Jie's words, he finally felt that Su Jie was also right, and they themselves, indeed, had something to say. You may have overestimated yourself.

In the blink of an eye, a gap appeared in his incredibly firm spiritual defense line, the city of the spiritual world, and the gap was still expanding, and even had a tendency to collapse.

A master's fight is no longer a confrontation of spiritual will, nor a confrontation of combat, but a contest of ideas.

Just like when Shangkara went to Nalanda Temple to debate.

Whoever can convince anyone will completely collapse and suffer a crushing defeat in the discussion.

Now, Su Jie has the upper hand.

Sun Pilong seemed to have seen behind Su Jie, the Chao family, the Suiren family, the Fuxi family, and the Shennong family. These ancient sages, their spirit, their will, and their deeds have been passed down from generation to generation. This is the torch of the wise men of mankind.

Youchao's ability to build a house is actually a very simple skill in the eyes of modern people.

The Suiren family drilled wood to make fire, which is even more ridiculous in modern times.

The drugs Shennong found were far inferior to modern chemical pharmaceuticals.

However, at that time, it was an epoch-making progress that turned beasts into humans.

And now the new human beings, why not?


Sun Pilong could almost hear clearly that some kind of rift seemed to be born in his spiritual world.

Su Jie asked him to change his mind and become the Shennong family of the new era. This seemed to directly break his defense line to some extent, because his instinct told him that this was his best choice in the future.

He is the descendant of Sun Simiao, the king of medicine. He has been a model of doctors since ancient times, but in the final analysis, the ancestor of doctors is Shennong.

Shennong's great feelings of tasting hundreds of herbs and treating the people are also what doctors care most about.

In the deepest part of Sun Pilong's consciousness, he had feelings for this aspect, and Su Jie broke the superficial shackles, releasing some inner feelings.

Sun Pilong's psychological defense began to collapse.

In fact, this is also a battle between him and Su Jie, a unique battle. The final winner is Su Jie.

Su Jie put his ideas in front of Sun Pilong through various arguments and hard facts, making it impossible for him to refute, and even broke the seal, releasing Sun Pilong's deep feelings. In this way, Sun Pilong will undoubtedly lose.

"This battle seems to be over." Su Jie sighed.

His body is actually in this city. At this moment, he is standing by a river, watching the rolling river flow.

[I have been thinking about this chapter for a long time, and writing it at this moment, I feel that the whole person has been sublimated. I saw someone in the book review said that Sun Pilong is very reasonable. Can't be persuaded. Now I use Su Jie's mouth to convince him. This chapter is also the essence of the whole book so far. This chapter alone, I think, is a peerless book, no matter if you agree with it or not, I agree with it anyway. 】

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