Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Seven hundred and forty-fifth, there is a sudden sound and a small sound, and there is a warning sig

"Everyone's actions will bring disasters to the world, or promote the progress of society, and so will you." Su Jie said: "Your father, the Shenyue people seem to have greater ambitions, and they are unscrupulous, with the intention of swallowing the country and invading the world." If I hadn't taken action to suppress it, I'm afraid it would have caused some terrible disasters. And I see you, deep down in your heart, his ambition will only be bigger. The truth in the Tao Te Ching is to be quiet and inaction , Indifference stretches, you don't seem to be able to do it."

"In the Tao Te Ching, there are chapters on Dao and chapters on virtue. The chapter on Dao is enough for people to cultivate. As for the chapter on Virtue, it is for others to practice. Dao is different from people. Dao is the foundation, and virtue is the rule of man. If all Cultivation, then neither fish nor fowl." Kagura Mai has her own different views.

"Recently, you have discovered some truths and meanings, and you and this samurai sword are entangled with each other, and your thinking has injected some unknown changes into the samurai sword. It is also worthy of deeper research. Legend has it that in ancient times, A truly spiritual sword will automatically warn its owner when it is about to encounter danger, pop out of the sheath suddenly, or make a sound. There is a poem that says it well, every night Longquan wall rings. In fact, there are some subtleties The reason is that under the resonance of information, physical magnetic resonance is triggered." Su Jie looked at Kagura Mai's samurai sword, which was always by her side, forming an extremely harmonious connection. Su Jie has never seen this kind of connection between people and objects.

It can be seen from this that although the strength of Kagura Dance is far inferior to Su Jie, in some aspects, it actually has great research value, and it is very likely that it is a breakthrough point for some kind of research.

"Automatic early warning, there is." Kagura Wu said: "However, this is all a spiritual induction, not the physical unsheathing and long beeping. If this is the case, it will be the supreme realm I dream of. .This kind of realm is just a conjecture. In reality, it is impossible to achieve. You are a scientist, do you also believe in such nonsense?"

"Really?" Su Jie just smiled: "I came here today, although I used you as a bait, but this bait will not let you be in vain. If you have any questions about cultivation, you can ask me directly. I will answer them one by one for you. Recently, I fought against Mr. Typhon, and even though the results were evenly divided, I also realized a lot of things, and these things are very valuable."

"Really?" Kagura Wu was very moved when she heard this. In fact, the deeper the cultivation, the more doubts there will be. Only a muddleheaded person has no ideas.

But those who have reached the realm of new human beings have more doubts and want to explore the truth. There are ten thousand times more doubts than ordinary people, and they will always have distress in their hearts. The distress is what the truth in front of them looks like.

The same is true of great scientists.

Powerful people's desire to explore the truth, their thirst for knowledge, is ten thousand times stronger than that of ordinary people.

This is their powerful motivator,

It is also the source of their distress.

Not to mention Kagura Dance, even Su Jie has many doubts and needs to be answered by others.

Right now, Su Jie was sitting on the ground, answering questions about Kagura Dance practice. In fact, in the process of answering the questions, Su Jie himself refined what he had learned, and by the way, understood what Kagura Dance thought.

Su Jie has never underestimated this woman. This woman's genes are so powerful and her talent is so high that Su Jie has never been able to reach her so far.

No one stronger than her has been found yet.

Shenyueren herself has an invincible talent that has been rare for thousands of years throughout the ages, and Kagura Wu has a higher talent than her father.

The innate starting point is far above Su Jie.

This kind of people's ideas are easy to burst out of inspiration at some key nodes.

When Su Jie was answering the difficult questions of Kagura Dance, he was also exploring the woman's thinking mode, ideology structure, and piercing through her talent data.

It is difficult to quantify a person's talent by data, because it is an ideal thing.

But to achieve Su Jie's research achievements, consciousness can also be expressed by scientific models. Since it is a scientific model, there must be a lot of data to quantify.

Su Jie gradually observed, figured out, and then modeled Kagura Dance's consciousness talent. With this model, he could conduct research based on this model and finally mass-produce it.

It's like observing a building, drawing out graphics, understanding various materials and architectural styles, and mechanics principles. After making drawings, come back to build.

Su Jie has always wanted to study the Kagura Dance, but there is no chance. This time is a good opportunity to model her innate consciousness structure in its original form, and at the same time absorb the essence of it according to this module, making her own The consciousness structure is also optimized.

During the research, Su Jie discovered that Kagura Dance's consciousness module structure is indeed superior to his own. Although Kagura Dance's practice is not as good as his own, it has many advantages.

Su Jie didn't think that he was the one with the first talent, first kung fu, first consciousness, first means, and first supernatural powers.

He has always believed that he actually has many shortcomings, and he should try his best to make up for them.

In the years to come, existences stronger than themselves will definitely be born in the entire human race, and these existences also constitute the history of human evolution.

In the history of human evolution, I am probably just a group of relatively outstanding people. In the history, I will leave a name in the future.

It is this kind of mentality that can maintain Su Jie's continuous progress.

"The ideological structure of Kagura Dance is really good..." In the depths of Su Jie's brain, a module appeared.

This module is similar to the earth, and it is also the human consciousness structure module formed by Su Jie and Mei Yi. In their research, if human consciousness has a shape, then it must be similar to the appearance of the earth. This is formed by an invisible gravitational force, the weak automatically imitate the strong.

"Mr. Su Jie, I want to ask you, what is your analysis and understanding of our consciousness structure?"

At this moment, Kagura Mai asked a crucial question.

Su Jie knew that Kagura Wu wanted to ask this question.

On the ground, he drew a module with his fingers.

This module is similar to the shape of the earth.

"This is the structure of human consciousness created by me and Mei Yi. In fact, everyone's overall structure is similar, just like everyone else. We all have two shoulders and one head. However, although everyone's consciousness structure is similar, but In fact, within

Departments differ greatly. "

Su Jie pointed to the earth-shaped consciousness structure graphic and said: "You can think of this thing as the golden elixir of ancient practice, or it is on the shallow surface of the consciousness sphere. It is a combination of various emotional information, such as joy, anger, sorrow, joy, etc. The personality cultivated by the day after tomorrow. The middle layer is the understanding and exploration of life or death that exists in oneself, and the deeper layer is the various cognitions of the truth of the world. And at the core, it is the control of oneself , The ingestion and discrimination of various information in the void, seeking good luck and avoiding bad luck, the so-called luck or luck, and the inspiration to analyze the world are all determined by the structure of consciousness.”

"To put it simply, when a person sees any object, at the first glance, the understanding of this object emerges from the depths of his heart, which is determined by the structure deep in the core of consciousness. Absolutely, looking at the poems of "the mountains and small", some people perceive the truth of practice from them. And more people just think it is majestic. The derivation of these different perceptions is talent. It is also the key to determine a person's success or failure, even related to the form of human life.”

"So, the structural form deep in the core of my consciousness has a very unique response to all things, or I have a special talent for weapons?" Kagura Wu said.

"That's right." Su Jie nodded, "However, what is the structure deep in the core of consciousness, I am also speculating and rehearsing now, just like the depths of us humans, in fact, we have not been able to truly explore what is in the depths of the earth's core Material structure, no specimens were able to be collected."

"However, you have already been able to make changes to the depths of the core structure of consciousness. Only then can the control of the body increase step by step, and eventually unlock many abilities, and even interfere with the combination and editing of genes." Mai Kagura said.

"That's right, we are a bit like ancient Chinese medicine now. We know what herbs can treat what diseases, but they are all based on experience, rather than really understanding what the molecular formula of the herb is and what bacteria it targets." Su Jie said: "This is also mine. Doubt, I have to figure out the most original combination form of human consciousness information.”

"Your project is too vast. Basically, you can't complete it alone. I feel that you are like the ancient genius doctor Hua Tuo and Bian Que. They have a vague sense of what the future of medicine looks like. Yes, but no matter how talented they are, they may still be able to establish a modern medical system on their own, which is unrealistic. Our current exploration of consciousness is actually at the level of ancient medicine. It seems There is a long way to go to explore the road ahead." During the process of asking Su Jie for advice, Kagura Wu gradually changed her view of Su Jie. When Su Jie told her the secret of cultivation, Kagura Wu really felt that Su Jie He is a great explorer who groped hard, exhausted his energy and painstakingly in establishing a consciousness research system.

Under Su Jie's guidance, Kagura Wu gradually solved her doubts after many days of thinking. She became clearer about some things deep in her heart, and her cultivation base was also growing. She felt that her control over consciousness was more profound.

Moreover, the relationship between her and the samurai sword engraved with the Tao Te Ching has also deepened. Although she doesn't understand the extent of the relationship, she feels that this sword seems to be much more lively.


At this moment, there was a slight sound from the knife body. It seems that some kind of crisis is about to come.

(end of this chapter)

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