Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Seven hundred and sixty-three, step by step disintegration, the time and space are finally determine

Sun Pilong has completely surrendered to Su Jie, he really has nothing to do with Su Jie, if this continues, he must go crazy, because he can't recognize the truth of the whole world at all, even worse than Duan Fei, Because Duan Fei at least still has a world view, and he has made brain supplements, and he is even unwavering in the world view he knows. In this way, his psychology is very firm. No doubts.

Do not doubt yourself.

But now Sun Pilong is exhausted. Although he is a top expert in this world, he can't bear this kind of time and space changes. Sometimes it is a scene, sometimes it is a place, and sometimes it is the experience of a few days ago.

Not only is the space line chaotic, but the time line is also chaotic.

In this way, the blow to his mind is unprecedented, even more terrifying than the realm of knocking him down.

And after going through this series of events, Sun Pilong knew that it was actually not impossible for Su Jie to defeat him, it could even be said to be an easy task.

Now, he has fully understood the gap between himself and Su Jie, which cannot be calculated by Tao at all.

Even, in his mind, now Su Jie's strength can completely keep pace with "Head". It is not yet known who will win the battle between the two.

"What exactly happened?" Mr. Cong and Yan Luowang were puzzled now. The three of them were discussing how to deal with Su Jie, but Sun Pilong suddenly vomited blood and then yelled. Neither of them knew why he lost his nerve.

"The current situation, is it real or not? I can't tell whether it's illusion or reality." Sun Pilong looked at Mr. Cong and Yama.

He didn't think the scene before him was real.

"Su Jie, don't tease me anymore. I am completely convinced. From now on, I will join your camp. Up to now, my head still hasn't come to save me. It can be seen that you have completely controlled the situation, even if it is me No matter how hard you struggle, it won't help." Sun Pilong said calmly.

"Are you crazy? Haven't your mind recovered yet?" Hearing this, Yan Luo Wang was taken aback: "The head has personally repaired the defects in your consciousness. It's not too late to mend it. Your spiritual defense line was broken by Su Jie. But the head made it up for you personally. Now you have a situation again. Haven’t we already calculated it thoroughly? In Japan, it is not Su Jie’s territory. In Japan, we have absolute strength.”

"That's right, Sun Pilong, our plan is foolproof." Mr. Cong said, "The Kobayashi Ikjue I cultivated represents the spirit of the entire bottom of Japan, and Kagura Mai,

In fact, it represents the noble class, since ancient times, the highest priests and warriors. If she can combine with Kobayashi Yijue under our control, then we will completely change the national destiny of the whole of Japan. This kind of achievement and influence of fortune is definitely not comparable to that of Su Jie running a small martial arts school. We changed the conflict of the entire national class. "

Mr. Cong's plan is very huge.

His ideas are also very clear.

In fact, if that young man is combined with Kagura Mai, it can indeed have an extremely profound impact on the national fortune of the entire Japan.

And as the promoter of this matter, the benefits obtained are limitless.

That young man is called Xiao Lin Yijue.

"Didn't Xiao Lin be knocked down by Su Jie?" Sun Pilong said: "Yes, this happened a few days later. Let me tell you, maybe I just saw a lot of things that will happen in the future Things. That's why I lost my composure."

"What did you see just now?" Mr. Cong hurriedly asked, "What will happen in the future?"

"I saw that Xiao Lin Yijue was abolished. He was knocked down." Sun Pilong said: "And we were all arrested by Su Jie."

"Really? Come in as soon as Xiao Lin wakes up." Mr. Cong's heart moved, and he called out quickly.

Xiao Lin felt that the young man was practicing outside.

His palm, which was cut off by Kagura Mai, has long since recovered.

"Is it okay? It seems that it really happened in the future." Sun Pilong thought to himself.

All of a sudden, this young man spurted out a mouthful of blood, and his aura suddenly declined, and he fell into a lower realm for no reason.

"What's going on? What happened?" Mr. Cong stood up abruptly. This young man, Xiao Lin, was his most important pawn. In the mysterious organization he was in, he was also a more important experimental product than No. 1. Even the person in charge of the Japan region is in the realm of new humans. This is the result of spending a lot of energy and resources to cultivate.

If there is a problem with this person, it means that all the plans will fall short, and it is basically impossible to find a person like this again.

You know, Kobayashi is not only a new human being, but also a person who represents the fate of the bottom class in Japan.

Once the realm is lost and abolished, Mr. Cong's plan will be ruined immediately.

Mr. Cong didn't know why such a thing happened.

"It seems that we are still in hallucinations. In fact, the three of us have been captured. Now we are really in the Minglun Martial Arts School." Sun Pilong was completely sure of his own time and space.

He blurted out this sentence, and suddenly the world wobbled in front of him again.

Back to the wooden tower of Minglun Martial Arts School.

Facing young Shiva, Mr. Cong, King Yama, and Liu Guanglie.

"Congratulations." The young man Shiva said: "Sun Pilong, you have finally confirmed the time and space you are in, and you have finally confirmed that you want to follow us instead of going with that organization. Since you want to understand Then, you can see the real time and space clearly."

"The hallucination just now brought me back to a few days ago. It wasn't caused by Su Jie, but by you?" Sun Pilong asked.

"That's right." The young man Shiva said, "Maybe you have to ask, why am I so powerful, but it's actually very simple. First, there is a flaw in your own mind that allows me to invade. You were the first to be broken by Su Jie." Second, these days, you have fallen into a strange circle, unable to determine the time and space you are in. As a result, your cultivation has dropped again and your consciousness has become confused. Third, this is the Minglun Martial Arts School , I am operating here, borrowing the power here, it is normal to suppress you."

The young Lord Shiva is here, and indeed he can exert several times the power of consciousness.

The martial arts luck in this land is now closely related to him.

"Sun Pilong, are you really going to betray the head?" Mr. Cong already understood what happened, his face changed suddenly. If Sun Pilong betrays, it will deal a heavy blow to their organization.

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