Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter 793 Consciousness is not human, blue-faced fangs predict life and death

In terms of current science, there are many unsolved problems, dark matter is one of them, there is also antimatter, and many other magical things.

Many laws of physics break down when it comes to dark matter.

Moreover, dark matter occupies a very large proportion in the universe and is not known to people. If the soul is really a kind of dark matter, then the next research topic can really enter the age of mythology.

Su Jie, Ji Fei, Mei Yi, Su Muchen and others are all top scientists in all fields.

Su Jie is good at life sciences, and Su Muchen is good at computer artificial intelligence. Combining the two, there are great opportunities for breakthroughs.

"There is only one thing I want to do now, and that is to spy on my sister's future, capture her information from the future, and see what she can research in the future." Su Jie said: "This thing is in front of her. On the other hand, more information can be obtained. It is a pity that my own information is repellent. Otherwise, it is okay to capture my own."

Su Jie immediately began to fall into deep contemplation.

He didn't even have time to take a sip of water.

For him, research comes first.

Su Jie's thinking and the core of Su Muchen's consciousness suddenly merged together, and immediately in his spiritual world, the structure of the core of Su Muchen's consciousness appeared.

Everyone's consciousness structure is very different, and the gap is much larger than the body's DNA.

For example, the genes of humans and gorillas may differ by a few percentage points. However, the structure of consciousness between people can differ by several times, even dozens of times, or hundreds of times.

Su Muchen has an extraordinary talent in computers. Her consciousness structure is very special, and she has an optimized structure for artificial intelligence computers.

Su Jie has now established a module in his own spiritual world by obtaining her ideological structure, and immediately knows why this structure is talented in computers.

The consciousness module established by Su Jie discovered that Su Muchen's self-consciousness is almost a very simple and closed perfection, and a very balanced formula is formed by two extreme information.

Some are similar to Tai Chi, Yin Yang Fish.

There is yang in yin, and yin in yang, but yin and yang are distinct,

mutual circulation.

In other words, in Su Muchen's consciousness structure, there are two kinds of information, one kind of information is existence, the other kind of information is nothingness, existence and nothingness constitute each other, very much like 0 and 1 of a computer.

The 0 and 1 of the computer itself are yin and yang, and they are also existence and non-existence. 0 means no, 1 means yes.

Now, Su Muchen's own consciousness structure is close to the original structure of the computer itself. In other words, Su Muchen's own consciousness structure is the most primitive and oldest computer, the ancestor of computers.

Su Jie hadn't studied the consciousness structure of his sister Su Muchen in detail before, but now that he has done in-depth research and built modules, he has discovered many brand new things.

There is still such a structure of consciousness in the world.

This kind of consciousness structure is already very different from that of ordinary human beings.

It can even be said that it is not human.

Although the gap between people's consciousness is large, there is always a boundary line. Although this boundary line is far greater than the gap in DNA, it also has a certain degree.

Now, Su Muchen's conscious soul has surpassed this level. In other words, in terms of soul structure, Su Muchen is not human.

In other words, Su Muchen himself is a special computer.

This kind of consciousness structure is simply unprecedented, at least Su Jie has never seen such an example. However, now Su Muchen is a living person, definitely not a computer. Su Jie and she came out of the same mother's womb.

That also means that Su Muchen's consciousness structure is actually a mutated form of human beings. This mutated form gives her an extraordinary computer talent. No wonder she can create a super artificial intelligence like Xiaojie and Xiaochen.

Su Jie doesn't have this kind of ability, Mr. Tifeng doesn't have it, and even "Head" doesn't have it.

Su Jie obtained the consciousness structure of Kagura Dance before, knew its strengths, absorbed the essence, and made his consciousness structure stronger and more perfect. Even Su Jie also absorbed the consciousness of Mr. Typhon, Odley, and even the "head" The structure, synthesized by oneself, and step by step improve the structure of one's own consciousness itself, which is the essence of the soul.

However, now that Su Jie has obtained Su Muchen's consciousness structure, he is unable to learn it, because this structure is so peculiar that it is difficult for Su Jie to change himself in a short time.

However, this is also an extremely rare experience for him, and this experience can make his consciousness sublimate to a higher level again.

Human physical ability cannot be improved endlessly, but human consciousness can.

This is also a manifestation of justice in heaven.

It is impossible to confine a person to a small body.


After Su Jie obtained Su Muchen's consciousness structure, he built a module deep in his spiritual world, and then he began to use this module to capture future information.

In fact, this is the same as fishing, which is a technical activity.

Human consciousness, whether it is to capture the information of the past or the future, is not a simple matter, even the new human beings cannot do this kind of thing. In this world, there are very few people who can capture the information of the future. Most likely three or five.

At least, it is very difficult for new human beings such as Zhao Yan, young man Shiva, Sun Pilong, Mr. Cong, and King Yama to do this.

In the process of capturing future or past information, it is very dangerous, and it is easy for harmful information to invade one's consciousness. This leads to confusion of thinking, insanity, madness, and even "evil spirits".

However, Su Jie's thought defense mechanism and killing mechanism are very powerful, any harmful information can be wiped out and smashed immediately.


At this moment, his spiritual world is a different scene. His spiritual world shuttles and swims in a completely different time period.

During the swim, countless light clusters flickered around him, and some of them hit him, as if they were going to hit him into the core of his consciousness.

These are some phenomena in the spirit.

From the eyes of the people around, Su Jie just closed his eyes and didn't know what he was thinking.

Ji Fei's practice is extremely high, he is already at the peak of the ninth sense, and he is still a little short of breaking through to the realm of new human beings. He knows that Su Jie is traveling in consciousness.

Just like a person sailing to the depths of the sea to go fishing, it is actually extremely dangerous. If you are not careful, you may be capsized by a storm, or you may encounter a huge sea beast and swallow it directly.

Ji Fei absolutely cannot do this kind of consciousness travel, and even dare not even think about it.

"Huh?" Su Jie continued to travel in consciousness. Suddenly, he felt a group of information that was very attractive to Su Muchen's ideological structure colliding towards him. I have some feelings, and it is obvious that this group of information is also related to me.

Su Jie violently opened his consciousness, brought this mass of information into his spiritual world, and unfolded it all at once.

Suddenly, a picture appeared in his spiritual world.

This picture is very strange, it is something that will happen in the future.

This was on the top of a very high building. A young man wearing a mask suddenly pushed his sister Su Muchen's back. Su Muchen fell from the top of the building. The frightened expression on his face made Su Jie deeply Shocked by it, while he was standing on the roof on the other side, watching the masked young man push Su Muchen down, and he couldn't save him at all.

This masked young man, with a blue face and fangs, is very strange, and he doesn't know what kind of monster it is.

Moreover, after pushing Su Muchen down the stairs, the young man with the green face and fangs mask looked at him, his eyes were also extremely vicious and ferocious, with the meaning of killing.

Su Jie could clearly feel that the young man with the green face and fang mask should be six or seven years younger than himself.

And the group of information that I captured should be a few years later, three years to scan, and five years at most.

"The head said that he saw his nemesis. Could it be that this young man with a blue face and mask with fangs is my nemesis? Will he even kill my sister in the future?" Su Jie suddenly woke up from his consciousness travel.

He digested the mass of information, thoughtful.

"What's the matter? What did you see? Is there any information about our research?" Su Muchen asked immediately. What she cared about was whether Su Jie could see the key research breakthrough.

"No." Su Jie waved his hand: "Where is it so easy? Technology information is the most difficult to capture. On the contrary, things that are related to our life and death are easier. I saw a very strange picture."

While speaking, Su Jie directly transmitted this information through his brain, reaching the spiritual world of his sister Su Muchen.

Su Muchen accepted this message and trembled violently. After all, it was about her death.

"Is this true or not? Will I die at the hands of this kid in the future? It's a pity that I didn't see the real face of this kid, otherwise I would know who he is right away?" Su Muchen's voice was a little harsh.

"Future things may not necessarily happen, they are just a possibility." Su Jie said: "Of course, the information I captured is very likely. Since we know it in advance, we really need to be prepared. I The captured information is that this person is wearing a mask, and in this information, it is impossible to peel off his mask and see his true face."

"According to his figure, you can also build a database and search." Su Muchen said: "We must find this person. I have a huge database here. Even with a single hair, I can find any corner of the world." everyone from here."

"It's all trivial." Su Jie didn't take this person seriously: "We saw this matter beforehand, so this matter can be avoided, and the future will not go in this direction. This is definitely not fate So don't have any psychological burden, and you don't necessarily have to pay attention to this person, we can do whatever we want."

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