Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Eight hundred and four golden wood materials, eyes can create a seventh sense

The mystery of this place of Minglun Martial Arts School is not to mention that people with spiritual cultivation can feel different, even ordinary people, as soon as they step into this place, they can inexplicably feel their spirits uplifted and their blood surging , the secretion of hormones in the body is strong, the adrenaline is increased, and all kinds of endocrine in the body will be in a state of massive secretion and very coordinated.

This means that the Earth Qi has reached a point where it can completely influence people's consciousness, and even coordinate and guide people.

This situation cannot be created in the laboratory.

The current land of Minglun Martial Arts School is so profound that it is close to the blessed place of heaven and earth recorded in various ancient books. It is full of aura. As long as people step into it, they can be baptized by the aura of heaven and earth, and then reborn. The energy in the body is highly concentrated.

Su Jie accurately grasped Atlas' psychology, knowing that he was savoring this place carefully.

And Saffol seems to be intoxicated here too.

"Mr. Saffol, what do you think of this place?" Su Jie asked: "What kind of state has the atmosphere of kung fu and cultivation in this place reached? Do you think there is any other place in the world that can compare to this place? "

"Mr. Su Jie, this place is very wonderful. A magnetic field has been formed in the depths of the earth in this place. No, it should not be a magnetic field, but an information flow. This information flow spreads, oscillates, and drives Human consciousness can strengthen the control of the endocrine of the body, making the endocrine in a very excited and coordinated state, which is simply incredible. I have never seen a place where the flow of information is so coordinated with the human body. Moreover, these information streams sometimes explode suddenly and enter people's consciousness, making people gain blessings in an instant. If I have not guessed, some people who practice kung fu here will suddenly think Explosion, inspiration blowout, and improvement of the realm, that is when the information flow here explodes, which benefits people. Even in dreams, some people can accept the explosion of information flow and gain decades of hard training experience. This is in In your culture, it is called imparting kung fu in the fairy dream, while in our culture, it is called the blessing of the gods. In fact, these are the results of information intrusion into the brain."

Safur gulped in the air here.

In fact, what he absorbs is not the air, but the information contained in this piece of land and air.

In his view, the land was sublimated.

"That's right, computers can store information, so can land, and the capacity of land to store information is actually more magical than computers. The same computer, because the information stored in it is different, the value is also very different.

"Su Jie said: "The same piece of land will also have completely different values ​​due to the difference in stored information. Mr. Saffol, think about it, if the entire earth is in such a state, then human beings will not The speed of evolution will be accelerated. Moreover, the information storage in this place is actually still in a very primitive and ignorant state. In my ideal, it should be that people will be affected by the information flow of this place as soon as they step into this place. , Automatically start to transform the thinking mode, improve the consciousness, and reach the realm of the seventh sense. Even later, reach the realm of new humans. Do you think this ideal of mine can be realized? "

"Create a place, as long as anyone who steps into this place can gain a seventh sense, or even a new human being." Savor was still stunned when he heard Su Jie's ideal: "If before that, you said I definitely think this is a fantasy, but now, I don't think it is impossible. The information flow here is so strong, and with the increase of people's hearts, it has created a virtuous circle, but it is true. The information flow here is actually still in a primitive and ignorant state. If it can be transformed, it will be more suitable for the human body. However, if the information flow here is to make people reach the realm of new human beings, it may be impossible for the time being. However, there is an eye in this area, which is the place where the information flow is the strongest, if you can live and practice in this place, you should be able to get twice the result with half the effort."

"Zhanyan?" Su Jie was a little surprised: "Mr. Saffol, I didn't expect you to use this word. So, you also have a deep research on the way of Fengshui."

"After some research, I have actually been learning Odley's thinking mode. In a certain way, Odley is my role model, or the object to catch up with. The reason why he is so powerful is actually because of his deep I know the mysteries of oriental culture. And all his achievements in life are in the orient. In this regard, I also deeply study the oriental culture. It lags behind the West, but it is not as good as the East in terms of humanities and practice." Saffol said: "Actually, I met Odley not long ago, and even discussed some things with him. It caused controversy. "

"What are you arguing about?" Su Jie asked.

"The debate is whether the general trend will be biased towards the West or the East." Savor said: "Humanity has always had a leader. Thousands of years ago, it was actually the civilization of the East that overwhelmed the West. Silk and porcelain were imported into the West in large quantities, and the ancient Roman Empire was proud of wearing silk and using porcelain. But later, with the rise of Western science, it took the lead in entering the capitalist society, and the social form changed. These hundreds of years have been leading the development of human society. The Eastern world is just learning. It is still the same now. But Odley believes that in the future, the Eastern cycle will come again. Civilization has cycles, and each cycle alternates between East and West. However, I don’t think so, I think the advanced cycle in the West can go on for a long time, and the cycle in the East is far from coming, or in other words, it will never come.”

"Many Westerners think like you too." Su Jie said, "They even think that their own civilization will always be the most perfect. What do you think now?"

"Before that, I always thought so, but after I saw you, I felt that what Odley said made sense, but I still insisted on my opinion. I think that although you are very good, you In our class, stronger and better young people than you will definitely be born." Saffol said: "I have a hunch that something like this will definitely happen in the near future."

"I also believe that there will definitely be powerful people born in your class." Su Jie nodded: "This is likely to be the last glory, the last flashback. Moreover, I may be suppressed or even defeated. The darkest age before dawn, of course, if you want to defeat me easily, I am afraid it will not be that easy. If you want to shake my foundation, you will have to pay the heaviest price. Moreover, as my realm rises, all of you, I can see clearly."

"I know that to defeat you, the price I pay may be unbearable. This is not what I want to do, and I don't want to be an enemy with you. From the moment I promised you to come here, I have been a bystander. Let's Let’s not talk about the cycle of civilization, let’s talk about the eye of Fengshui.” Saffol said: “In this place, the flow of information is so powerful and fits so well with the human body. In this real eye of the formation, It must be very powerful. I think that if it is improved again, the people in the eye of the formation can definitely reach a mysterious realm. If I read correctly, this wooden tower is already the eye of the formation here. However , you don’t seem to have completely let it hit the information as a center. But, you should also start this experiment now.”

"That's right, this wooden pagoda is where the feng shui formation of this area is located." Su Jie nodded.

"Why use wood? Wood is frivolous, not strong, and it is difficult to gather gas. If you use stone, or even copper, or gold, you can better lock and store the information." Savor said: "All Among all the building materials, gold is actually the best, there is no one, but it is too expensive, in ancient times only real palaces and temples would use gold."

"That's true." Su Jie nodded, "In the past, gold was a symbol of wealth, and it also had a kind of mystery, but now, times have changed. A hundred years ago, gold had already withdrawn from the currency market. Commodity, not currency. Therefore, gold has gradually faded in people's minds, and it is not as sacred as before. However, people's information flow changes with the changes of the times, and this is the holy land of Zen martial arts. Zen pays attention to The most important thing is that it is erratic and cannot be contaminated with vulgarity, and the use of wood is the most suitable for the mentality of practitioners. Of course, real practitioners don’t care what materials are used for buildings, but most people have not reached this state.”

"I want to see how you can change Fengshui and concentrate your energy." Saffol used the words of Eastern culture. In fact, for a person like him, there is no barrier between Eastern culture and Western culture, and he can understand everything directly. , get the hang of it, know what that means.

Not to mention him, even a person with the seventh sense can do it.

"I really want to transform the core of this wooden pagoda. I hope that information can be gathered directly so that ordinary people can become the seventh sense once they arrive here and accept the information." Su Jie said: "You two can visit one time."

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