Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Chapter Eight Hundred and Fifteen: What is the Spirit? Life Forms the Inner Heaven and Earth

"This is similar to the philosophy of Zen." The little apprentice said: "Zen also emphasizes that the spiritual mountain is in your heart, and all things and phenomena are born from the heart. However, this is idealism, and in the real world, materialism is still the core. Important point. However, you have combined idealism and materialism and communicated with each other, which is difficult to achieve. In fact, I have not explored my own spiritual world. However, I am still interested in the spiritual world of the mason I am very curious, because I have entered that world by myself, and I feel that the world is extremely grand, magnificent, and even more colorful than our real world, which cannot be imagined by my own spirit. I once mastered Tell me, when he was young, he met some real practitioners, who actually made up a world in his own mind. The more perfect the world, the stronger his own strength. "Heaven and Earth". After reaching a certain level of practice, one's own "inner world" can form a cycle, and even when one can absorb "heaven and earth aura" from the outside world, that person will become a fairy, and can do all kinds of incredible things. This is our Taoist supernatural power practice method. I always thought it was a fake, but now it seems that there is some truth in it. Moreover, I have seen some ancient books record that the cultivation reaches the end, and it can even be swallowed and absorbed. Some foreign worlds are incorporated into our own world, and finally all the heavens and myriad things are one. Is that stonemason also practicing this kind of practice?"

"It's interesting."

Su Jie didn't expect that this little apprentice actually came up with a brand new idea.

I have been studying how consciousness processes information, energy, and the relationship between them, and I am also understanding and proving the laws of information clusters, dark matter, and quantum entanglement in this world.

However, even he is still not very clear about the information clusters in this world, absorbing dark matter, and forming a world, because up to now, he seems to have not discovered this kind of virtual world, and there is no entity to study it.

With the appearance of "Mason", Su Jie discovered that there is really such a "virtual world" similar to games that exists in the real world.

It's just that he encountered resistance when he wanted to enter this "virtual world of the game", and he couldn't penetrate his consciousness. Up to now, he couldn't find the void coordinates of this world and enter it with his spirit. See what vast things are contained in this information group, whether it is richer than the real world.

The "inner heaven and earth" mentioned by the little apprentice is actually an idea put forward by ancient Taoist practitioners.

The one person Su Jie remembered was Duan Fei.

Duan Fei is immersed in his own spiritual world. He imagines the real world as a world of immortals, with monsters, demon gods, evil things, fairy arts, Taoism, etc., and he has been brainstorming and perfecting it.

In the past, Su Jie actually looked at Duan Fei as if he was crazy. But now, Su Jie feels that this is actually a kind of exploration in practice. It is undeniable that Duan Fei's practice has grown extremely fast after he entered the play.

It's just that this kind of disadvantage is also very deep.

The world view formed in the virtual mind is separated from the real world, which makes the spiritual world lose the support of the foundation of reality, and it is as false as a castle in the air. It can be penetrated by people and break the support of the psychological worldview. In that case, one's own realm cultivation will disappear in smoke immediately.

And Su Jie's mental state, supported by the real world as the foundation, is extremely solid.

However, since Su Jie came into contact with Savor's Fudo Flow, he discovered that people are in a certain mental state,

Can absorb a certain kind of dark matter.

In this way, he immediately thought that in the state of Fudoliu, absorbing dark matter to strengthen the soul is actually a relatively low-level absorption method.

In fact, the human brain keeps generating information, and most of this information dissipates, without forming a fixed information group. If a fixed information group can be formed, according to the operation of the information group, a large amount of dark matter can be absorbed, and the speed of growth will be very fast.

In other words, the richness of a person's spiritual world directly determines the strength of his conscious soul.

To use a fashionable saying, it is "brain supplement is good for body and mind".

In fact, under the extreme lack of material, a rich spiritual world can indeed make up for many defects, people's sense of well-being, and even the lack of nutrition in the body can be largely made up for.

However, Su Jie still lacks specific research on the structure of the spiritual world, what kind of structure is needed to absorb dark matter to a greater extent.

Just like what kind of planet has the possibility of species evolution, what position and orbit of the planet will give birth to life faster.

In fact, it is very appropriate to use the planet as a metaphor for the human spiritual world.

The material structure of many species on the planet is equivalent to a lot of information in the spiritual world of people.

Su Jie has reached the present, and through thorough research, he already knows that the human mind, or the human soul, is an information cluster, plus some unknown dark matter, entangled with each other.

This kind of dark matter, in ancient terms, is "spiritual energy". Whether a person is smart or not depends on the amount of "spiritual energy" contained in his soul at the moment when his consciousness is born.

Although Su Jie still doesn't know what aura is, it's not bad to classify it as a kind of dark matter.

There should also be a variety of dark matter, just like the periodic table of elements in the real world, all matter is a compound composed of elements in the periodic table of elements.

As for dark matter, if it can also arrange the periodic table of elements, then the "spiritual energy" in consciousness must also be a type in the periodic table of elements.

It's a pity that human beings don't know anything about dark matter, just like people in the feudal era in ancient times, they don't know what elements exist in the real world.

With Su Jie's current scientific research ability, it is impossible to know what dark matter is, how many types there are, and the kind that can make up for human consciousness.

However, it can be inferred and demonstrated that through a series of means, the human being can increase the concentration of "spiritual energy" contained in the consciousness at the moment when the fetal consciousness is born.

For example, Zhao Jie, before his mother gave birth to him, he was born in a dream, so the amount of "spiritual energy" contained in his consciousness and soul can be ten times stronger than that of ordinary people.

And people who have passed the training of Fudo flow, the "spiritual energy" in their conscious souls is also increasing. All these signs indicate that through a series of coincidences, people can evolve in consciousness itself, and then make people's The body is also evolved.

Since ancient times, people have also tried to increase the "reiki" in their souls through exploration and practice.

Whether it is the East, the West, or the primitive tribes around the world, there are practices. There are various methods of practice, some of which are effective, and some are not effective, but there is no scientific method to summarize and summarize.

Su Jie now wants to summarize and summarize a technology that can directly absorb "spiritual energy" and increase "spiritual energy", so as to improve the quality of people's souls.

Ji Fei proposed a concept of "Containing Dao". This formula is very complicated to convert. Even Su Jie, it is actually difficult to really know how much "Tao" a person contains.

However, converting the "spiritual content" in consciousness into it can be regarded as adding a branch to the formula of "tao content".

"Yes, assuming that there is a dark element in dark matter, it is called 'spiritual energy', and it is named this for the time being. Then whether people are smart or not, and their evolution and development are all attributable to the amount of this spiritual energy. In this way, this assumption Logically, at least it can be justified." Su Jie was thinking.

"Mr. Su Jie, what are you thinking?" the little apprentice asked.

"In estimating the amount of spiritual energy contained in the human soul, I found that the word soul is also used very well. The soul, the most important thing is the spirit. With this thing, there is life. Without this thing, it is death. Things. The soul is the information cluster. You can use this analogy to compare a person with a computer. The human body is the hardware. The system is the soul, and the current that gives the system to run is the spirit. With the current, the computer can run When people wake up, the program will be activated. The death of a person is basically due to the dissipation of the spirit. I must capture and study what this spirit is. In fact, we are in contact with this spirit all the time. You and I, face-to-face communication, talking, and thinking are all supported by this spirit, but we don’t know what structure it is at all. Is it a particle or a wave? Or something else.”

Su Jie's mind was activated, and he was still thinking hard.

"Mr. Su Jie, you don't look like a practitioner at all, but like a scientist." The little apprentice said: "Now I understand why you are so powerful. I have really learned a lot from you. I Now I’m starting to think and comprehend, and I hope you can help me answer any questions you have in the future.”

After speaking, he turned and left here.

"This son will surely have the fate of disturbing the situation in the future. There are two fate lines on his body, one is good and the other is bad. Even I can't see what path he will take in the future. Now it seems that it is in the future. Go in a good direction, but there is no guarantee that you will not be stimulated and go to the bad side." Su Jie looked at the back of the little apprentice leaving.

The current age of this little apprentice is the same as that of Su Jie when he first came here, he is fifteen or sixteen years old, but the current strength and achievements of the little apprentice are much better than himself at that time.

At least he was an ordinary person back then, but now he has the eighth sense.

If in another seven or eight years, the little apprentice reaches his age, it may be difficult to predict how high his achievements will be, but in the turbulent future, there will definitely be a place for this person.

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