Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Eight hundred and nineteenth, the blessings are exhausted, can there be luck

However, all high-ranking officials and nobles, the rich and powerful, the more wealthy and powerful they are, the more they know that in this world, there are many things that cannot be done as one likes. Wealth and power depend on fate, and what fate is, fate is at the key point Above, the turning point of life, that kind of erratic choice.

Therefore, these people like to seek advice from people with profound Taoism.

This is certainly a feudal superstition, but if it is to be explained by science, it is actually a kind of future informatics.

Of course, there are very few so-called "skilled" people in this world, and most of them are liars, and even if they really have some "skilled" people, it is actually impossible to really peep into the various trends of future information.

Of course, Su Jie was an exception.

Liu Shi already knew that Su Jie was an expert, because counting, Liu Shi was also a practitioner. In the past, Liu Shi's practice was so-so. He practiced Taijiquan, practiced meditation, and spiritual practice. If you can't get on the stage, it will be regarded as a joke by a real expert.

However, since he came into contact with Su Jie, Su Jie actually used the blessing of spiritual consciousness to make him break through the realm and become a living dead. In this way, he also became an "expert". I was so impressed.

Moreover, since Su Jie abolished the Shenyue people, Liu Shi has also started to call the wind and call the rain, accepting the influence of many Shenyue people, and began to form his own power, and his status in the business world has risen rapidly.

He himself is a bigwig in the business world, but he is just the latest to rise, and his foundation is a bit shallow. Although the Internet industry he works in is in the forefront of the world, its background is not as deep as some traditional industries.

However, Su Jie was not interested in paying attention to these things. The middle-aged man in front of him asked him about his next choice. Su Jie knew that he should belong to Liu Shi's circle, and he had a good relationship with Liu Shi. intercourse of interests.

Moreover, one billion is "nothing" to this person. It can be seen that this person's energy is also very large, and he has a considerable influence on society. A group of individuals with greater influence.

In a species community, individuals are similar in life form, but in fact, the impact on the development of the community is very different.

This is especially obvious in human society. Some people disappear in obscurity, even if there are hundreds or thousands, it will not have any impact on human society. People disappear, which may affect the development process of the entire human society.

Although it sounds cruel, it is the truth.

This is also the ancient theory of luck, people with high luck will shake the world with every move, and people with low luck will be unknown, old and dead, and no one cares about them.

This middle-aged man still has some good luck, Su Jie can even tell it directly, at least tens of thousands of people depend on him for food.

This is equivalent to having a lot of luck. The fate of this kind of person has great research value.

Su Jie immediately used his spiritual world to absorb the future information of this middle-aged man. There are many kinds of information entangled in each person's future. The choice you make in a single thought can determine your future. which way to go.

In an instant, Su Jie discovered the possibility of the two biggest paths for this middle-aged man.

The first way is to give up doing this business, but the next way is to gradually decline, and finally be robbed of the business share by others.

And the second way is to advance bravely in the rapids and face the difficulties. The next business will enter a brand new industry and be reborn from the ashes. However, Su Jie saw that this road was very dangerous, and it was easy to lose money and go bankrupt. Moreover, this middle-aged man basically chose the second road, and within a year, or even a few months, he would be completely bankrupt.

"It seems that he is good at measuring characters." Su Jie said: "The character of the sky, a man, it is difficult to get ahead. The next two roads for you are not easy to walk. There will be great dangers. If you don’t do anything and keep to yourself, in about three to five years, you will be squeezed by others and slowly decline.”

"Impossible!" Hearing Su Jie's words, the middle-aged man couldn't believe it: "According to your words, you are dead anyway?"

"That's about it." Su Jie nodded.

"There is no such thing as a unparalleled road, why don't you give me a way to survive?" The eyes of the middle-aged man suddenly became sharp.

"In fact, there is a good way, that is, you give up all your business now. After cashing out, you don't make any investment. This money will never be spent in your life. You can honestly stay with your family, travel around the world, and have fun everywhere. Don’t bother with ordinary things.” Su Jie said: “This way, many disasters can be avoided.”

"This..." The middle-aged man frowned: "Doesn't this make me give up all my careers? You should know that at our level, money is second, and the most important thing is the career circle. The same two billionaires The rich, one has a career, one does not have a career, the energy and influence are completely different, money is useless sometimes, the circle is the most important. Once I give up, I will be considered as falling down."

When Su Jie heard the middle-aged man's words, he naturally understood.

For example, Liu Shi is now worth hundreds of billions.

However, the most important thing for him is to have a huge group. If he has nothing now, without his own team, contacts, and various relationships, and only has hundreds of billions in bank deposits, he is just a big fat sheep, and he will be left alone. slaughter.

Even the western elites, who are rich, powerful, and powerful, are still not satisfied, and spend a lot of money every year to establish their own security companies, which can rival the military system of the military.

"If you have money but no power, you're probably a big fat pig." The young man who tested the characters also understood: "However, since he said so, he can't choose the three roads. Isn't this a dead end?"

"There is no way." Su Jie said: "The saying that there is no unparalleled road to man is actually a metaphysical theory, not a scientific theory. Since ancient times, countless species have died out, and in human society, countless people have sunk into the bottom of the sea. I have been unlucky for a lifetime, and no one has turned around, so this sentence is just a comforting sentence, so that people have some psychological support in adversity. But in fact, most of the time, it is a dead end."

"Did you really see through his fate?" The young man who tested the characters asked, "What kind of method did you use?"

"This is a method for consciousness to break through the time gap and capture information, or to say, the exploration of consciousness information. Of course, you have not yet reached this state. You cannot understand what this is, because you have not yet reached the state of lifeless "Su Jie tried his best to use the words that this young man could understand to explain: "In the Diamond Sutra, there is no self, no one, no sentient beings, and no longevity. The so-called longevity is time. As long as the self If your consciousness breaks through time, you can absorb a lot of information about the past and the future. Of course, it is very difficult to break through time. Once you break through, you are already close to the Buddha, and you don’t care about yourself.”

"Taught." The young man who tested the characters was proficient in metaphysics, so he could naturally understand everything Su Jie said.

"Liu Shi said that you are omnipotent." The middle-aged man said: "It is fate that I can meet you here this time. Can you help me? I can pay enough price."

"You don't suspect that I lied to you?" Su Jie asked.

"There is no need for this. I probably know who you are. Even Liu Shi's property, you don't like it. How could you look down on my little wealth? Moreover, your methods are so overwhelming that the entire city of B All the veterans regard you as a god. Although your Diandao Group does not have a huge reputation in reality, it has actually begun to span all major industries. In fact, I am more or less concerned about the dark world. At least I know a little bit, because I am abroad and have many industries. I also hired your security guards, who are very professional. Anyway, I am also your gold medal customer." The middle-aged man began to make connections.

"Indeed." Su Jie nodded: "But I have to tell you, your luck was very good in the first half of your life. Working with relatives is very hard. Because of this, deep down in your heart, you are very afraid of falling into class. You don’t want to live like that again, and you don’t even want to think about it. When you turn eighteen, you You suddenly rose to prominence and won your first pot of gold. In fact, your first pot of gold was not very glorious. Now every time you think about it, you still feel a little uneasy, so you pray to God and Buddha everywhere, do good deeds, and try to make up for it. The first After the pot of gold, you were out of control. In two or three years, you have completed the primitive accumulation of capital, and in the next twenty years, you have finally entered the upper class. Take out your history, too. A good legend, although it is not as good as Liu Shi, but it is also very great. It can be said that it has kept up with the tide of this era. But you have to know that there is a limit to luck in a person's life. Exhausted. And it is a lot of overdraft. Sometimes, blessings have to be paid back."

"In the first half of my life, I was able to succeed in anything." The middle-aged man nodded: "However, I don't believe you said that my luck is exhausted. I also met a master recently, and he said that he can help me pass on to others. Blessings are for my own use. But I am still thinking about it, and I feel that this matter may hurt the peace. I am afraid that there will be retribution in the future. I would like to ask, what is blessing, and whether it can be passed on. That The master is practicing here, and his Taoism is extremely high, I wonder if you have seen it?"

"Sweeping people's luck has existed since ancient times. In fact, my school also has some secret methods that have been passed down since ancient times, but I haven't tried it. I don't know if it will work or not. But you said there are such people here? I would like to know Who is it?" A strange look appeared on the young man's face.

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