Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Eight hundred and fifty-five shutting out, huge wealth is not a blessing

"So it is." Hearing this, Mr. Mi breathed a sigh of relief: "I always follow the original thinking, thinking that demons and gods are just people who are stronger than us, but have the same thinking as us. This It’s scary. If you compare them to internal parasites, there’s nothing scary about it. Indeed, we don’t understand their thinking, and they don’t really understand what we say.”

"That's not necessarily the case. In fact, many cells in our body are very cunning. To a certain extent, they can even know what we want to do. For example, when we want to do one thing, we will instinctively produce a tired feeling. I know that this matter is not easy to do, so I retreated. In fact, this is a physical resistance reaction, and I will compete with you." Su Jie said: "Actually, if you analyze carefully, every move, every thought, and daily thinking , Actions, all have very profound aspects, and you will find that people's self-awareness is playing games with body consciousness and even external information interference everywhere. Any behavior of a person is the result of a multi-party game."

"It makes sense, makes sense." Mr. Mi nodded again and again: "This is what a scientist said. I really understand now why you are so powerful, you have thoroughly analyzed every move and every detail of a person, and you understand many aspects. The results of the game, and then control these results, and choose the direction that is most beneficial to yourself. This is after penetrating the secrets of heaven, wandering between the gaps in the way of heaven, and truly achieving the state of mind described in Zhuangzi's Happy Journey. However, these I will ask you for advice later, please tell me about that thing in my soul now."

Mr. Mi thought for a while, calling this thing a devil is a bit of a distraction, and calling this thing the God of Wealth is a bit inappropriate. Because this thing is controlling my body, every time I make a sum of money, I have a huge sense of pleasure, which affects the body's immune system, and even this is the cause of my own cancer.

This thing must be eliminated.

"I know what you're thinking." Su Jie said: "For the sake of your own body, you must get rid of this thing. But you have to think about it clearly. If you get rid of this thing, you will lose the desire to pursue wealth, and you will lose your desire for wealth." If you lose your sensitivity and insight into the financial market and wealth, you will become an ordinary person, at least in terms of running a company, and even your fortune will fade away. Replaced by It is your company, group, and family that will slowly decline, and it is impossible to go further. Of course, even if you can make a choice and make up your mind to eliminate this thing, I am not sure whether this thing can be eliminated. Because I also I have never seen such a situation. I have never done such a thing. I am a doctor now. Facing an unprecedented case, although I have analyzed the principle, the actual operation is very different from the theory. You know this too."

"Will it have a great impact on my business, family, wealth, and fortune? Will it be the same as the Qi family father and son? Just die on the street?" Mr. Mi immediately had a huge conflict in his heart.

"That won't be the case. The Qi family and his son are backlashed by luck. It came very violently, and I didn't expect it. But you are different. According to my guess, after eliminating this thing,

Your business will fail investment after investment. If losses are incurred, the status in the circle will also be reduced. This is an inevitable phenomenon, because almost all the wealth you have now is brought about by this thing. Su Jie analyzed carefully. For him, this is also an extremely profound practice. He has already begun to understand the "secret" in the dark from the encounters of Mr. Mi and even Qi's father and son.

In fact, the so-called "heavenly secret" is just the greatest possibility of energy, information, thoughts, psychic energy, and other complex relationships, influencing each other and playing games with each other. It's not the kind of mysterious and mysterious things in metaphysics.

From Su Jie's point of view, "Tianji" is an extremely complicated math problem, which needs to be applied with various formulas to finally get the correct answer. There may be several correct answers, or even no solution.

The same is true for math problems. Some questions have no solution, and some questions have multiple answers.

"Is this the so-called lack of virtue? My current wealth is only worthy of the God of Wealth? Sending away the God of Wealth? I am an ordinary person. Then, will I become an ordinary person in the future? The so-called prosperity and wealth Is it Huangliang Yimeng?" Mr. Mi said.

"According to the result, this is the case, but it will not be so fast. Because the fortune absorbed by that thing is too huge, even if it is eliminated, some residue left on your body is enough to make you rich in your life, but it is not so prominent. For example, a A billionaire, after he dies, he leaves his property to a prodigal son, and it will be very difficult for that prodigal son to lose all his property in a short time." Su Jie said: "Even if you lose all your life. Now you choose, if you choose not to eliminate It’s also possible. But in the future, the body will relapse with many diseases, and the thing will grow stronger and stronger, and I don’t know what it will eventually develop into. For example, you and I will cooperate to really devour a lot of wealth in the capital market , so that your fortune will really rise to a higher level. At that time, that thing swallowed up this fortune, and there will be unexpected changes. To use a metaphor, this thing is just a caterpillar now, and once your wealth rises to a level, then Things will break out of cocoons and become butterflies. It may even swallow your own consciousness, replace you, and control your body. At that time, your temperament will change drastically. From the perspective of outsiders, you will also Change into a person. This is how I guessed. I don’t know exactly what it will look like. With my intelligence, it’s actually not enough to guess this kind of situation. This is much more difficult to guess than some physical phenomena.”

"Will you still devour me?" Mr. Mi hesitated at first, because it was unbearable for him to lose his current status and some wealth. Once a person has a social status and then loses it, the psychological gap is so great that it is more uncomfortable than death. However, hearing Su Jie say that this thing can devour his soul, if he doesn't get rid of it, he will really die.

"This kind of thing sounds too mysterious." Mi Weiyu said: "However, there are such examples in history. The most typical one is that some emperors are completely two people before and after they ascend the throne. Once they have When he came to the supreme power, his temperament immediately changed drastically. Before he ascended the throne, he was respectful and humble, which is simply a moral model. I think people's nature is easy to change, and it is impossible to pretend for so long. The most typical one is Wang Mang. Before, he was simply a saint. Words and deeds are moral enough to be holy, and you can never pretend to be fake."

"It can be explained in this way." Su Jie nodded: "However, no one can tell what happened in history, we can only speculate."

"I've made up my mind. I have to get rid of this thing. It's important to restore my original face. Wealth and status are important, but I already have them. I want to be my true self." Mr. Mi suddenly said: "Besides, actually I still have luck, the flying dragon is in the sky, and I can see the adults. I met you, even if I met a real nobleman, I want to hand over my life group and a lot of power to you. Your virtue is enough to suppress It will not make the life group go downhill."

"Dad!" Mi Weiyu was taken aback when she heard this, but when she thought about it, this is the only way she can do it now.

Getting rid of this thing is good for Mr. Mi's life. But the career will plummet, and at that time Mi Weiyu can hardly bear this kind of thing, and Mi Weiyu knows that with her own ability and prestige of contacts, it is not enough to support the Life Group until that time. Internal and external troubles come at the same time, and if I can't bear the collapse, I'm afraid things will get worse.

And if Su Jie is allowed to support it, the life group can even continue to expand.

After thinking about it, she even supported Mr. Mi's arrangement.

However, she came back to her senses later: "I finally understand that many wealthy people in the South are even willing to distribute their property to some Fengshui masters in the end. For example, the most typical one is that after a rich woman dies, the Fengshui master actually inherits it." Although she still failed to succeed, there were many such examples. At that time, every time I heard such news, I felt that those rich people were simply fools, and I didn’t know how such a person without IQ could Make so much money. I can’t understand that this kind of thing will happen, but now that it’s happened to us, I deeply feel that things are not that simple. By the way, you are not a liar, you want to use these Fengshui and numerology techniques, Scam our property?"

"Nonsense." Mr. Mi quickly refuted his daughter, for fear of offending Su Jie.

Su Jie was not angry at all, but nodded: "Your daughter still maintains a calm and skeptical attitude, which is good. In fact, I have no interest in your Mi family's life group. Integrating into our Diandao Group is actually a huge bad thing for us."

"How do you say that?" Mi Weiyu didn't understand.

"I know." Mr. Mi understood: "If such a thing really happened, in the eyes of outsiders, it must be you who controlled us with magic, otherwise how could we give you the control of the family property? That way , All the big capital will completely guard against the Diandao Group, even resist it, and may unite to kill it, because it is too terrible."

"That's right." Su Jie nodded: "So far, Diandao Group has developed fairly well, and I don't want to cause such a thing, so even if you offer your family property with both hands, I will refuse to let you in."

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