Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Eight hundred and sixty, completely compatible, calculating everything is exhausting

Although Lin Tang is relatively conservative, but after making a decision, he resolutely pushed Bao up. This style is the psychological quality necessary for a great trader.

Su Jie nodded, waved his hand, and looked ahead, as if he was building invisible building blocks in the air, but he was actually building a module.

This module is the consciousness module.

The human soul is a structure. It is the gathering of a lot of information and energy, Su Jie has been building a model for the human soul very early. At that time, the model has been immature, until now, finally began to mature.

Moreover, Su Jie has experience in "creating gods".

On the wooden tower of Minglun Martial Arts School, there is still a group of god-like things. A young man who practiced the Three Emperors Cannon Hammer had an adventure and the blessing of that group of information, and now his cultivation is extremely advanced . I don't know what tricks came out of it.

However, what Su Jie wants to build now is a "God of Wealth Module", and then completely integrate this "God of Wealth Module" into Lin Tang's consciousness.

This is also an experiment of his. If it succeeds, he will even be able to create a "Valkyrie Module" in the future and integrate it into a person's consciousness. This kind of fighting technique, practice, is simply like cheating.

Moreover, his research on the Valkyrie module is much more proficient than the God of Wealth module.

If this module mechanism can really be successful, it will be much more powerful than the technology of implanting chips in the brain. The era of chips has not yet begun, and it is outdated.

This is more advanced than biochips, not even a level of technology.

Create gods and fuse them with human consciousness. It makes people possess the power of gods, or in other words, people directly become gods.

This is the art of apotheosis.

Of course, this may not be successful, because the structure of human consciousness is actually very stable, but it is also very fragile. If it increases a little bit, or decreases a little bit, it will lose its balance and lead to a crash, just like a house of cards, taking away any A card, or the addition of a card, the result is unpredictable.

Therefore, Su Jie's transformation of Lin Tang now is actually quite dangerous.

However, on the road of science, danger is necessary. If you are afraid of death, then science will not be able to develop. Since the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the reason why science has developed so fast is that

In fact, it is inseparable from the sacrifice spirit of scientists.

Under the guidance of Su Jie's consciousness, the "God of Wealth Module" kept condensing in the air, while Lin Tang looked at the air, and Su Jie was pointing, as if he was completing an invisible sculpture. What are you doing, because he can't see at all, this is something in consciousness, and no instrument can detect it.

Perhaps, there are special instruments for examining dark matter that can detect large accumulations of dark matter.

The "spiritual energy" in human consciousness can be determined to be a kind of dark matter. Now Su Jie can use his consciousness to sense psychic energy, and even extract psychic energy, and then create information clusters, which are fused with psychic energy to create void life forms.

This is actually nothing new.

In the void, many information clusters are actually combined with psionic energy, but they don't have a carrier, and they don't exist for a long time, maybe a few days, or even a few seconds, or even a few milliseconds.

this is not

A miraculous phenomenon, but an extremely common one.

Psionic energy and information clusters form the soul, and the soul needs a carrier to maintain balance and stability. The soul and the human body actually have a mutual maintenance effect.

Without the human body, the soul floats in the air, and will soon disintegrate naturally. And without the soul, the human body will soon decay or decay.

This is a very common natural phenomenon, but for thousands of years, no one has been able to research what is the reason behind it.

However, Su Jie gradually understood now.

The human soul and body are a highly compatible consciousness community. The combination is very interesting and subtle.

Therefore, giving up the body and replacing it with a machine is actually a relatively wrong choice in theory.

Fortunately, Su Jie insisted on his own ideas at the beginning, and did not choose to replace some organs in his body because of his strength, not even a single bone.

In fact, the bones don't matter. The toughness of the current artificial bones is much better than the original bones. If it is changed, there is basically no risk of fracture. This is great for older people.

The elderly are afraid of falling and breaking their bones, which basically cannot be recovered, and their life expectancy will be greatly reduced immediately.

However, human bones also have their own consciousness, which can emit information clusters, and the information clusters even contain spiritual energy. In other words, any organ of a person is actually an independent living body.

Gradually, the "God of Wealth Module" established by Su Jie began to operate, and a large number of information clusters combined with each other in the air, just like billions of years ago, single-celled organisms were born in the ocean.

It didn't take long before a group of invisible things condensed and formed.

Although he didn't see anything, Lin Tang felt something very wonderful. He felt that there seemed to be an unparalleled wealth in front of him. As long as he stretched out his hand, he could absorb this wealth into his hand.

So, he stretched out his hand involuntarily, as if he wanted to touch this invisible thing.

"Not good." Seeing Lin Tang stretching out his hand, Su Jie couldn't help frowning, because he felt that although his God of Wealth module had been successfully established, he still needed to carry out in-depth measurement and repeated comparisons to compare with Lin Tang's. The soul conducts fit exercises.

It is as if a new drug needs to go through hundreds of thousands of clinical measurements before it comes out, and it can be administered to ordinary people only after it is confirmed that there is no problem with the data.

However, the situation was beyond Su Jie's expectations. Lin Tang's hand touched the "God of Wealth Module" and immediately merged into it, as if the "God of Wealth Module" was born to him, and now it was just returned . The fit is so high, it's just perfect.

In other words, Lin Tang is more suitable for the God of Wealth model than Mr. Mi.

"Such a thing would happen." Su Jie didn't try to stop it, but observed it carefully. This is a good thing, just like organ transplantation, there is no physical rejection at all.

According to his observation, Lin Tang and the God of Wealth module are merging with each other.


Lin Tang fainted, because during the fusion process of the soul and the God of Wealth module, the symptom of "six gods without a master" would appear temporarily.

Su Jie didn't interfere either, because he knew that the fusion process was almost done after a night of sleep.

"You seem to have mastered an amazing technique." At this time, a woman came over. This woman was very beautiful, her face was simply perfect, she was a big beauty that no one could ignore, and her appearance surpassed almost all the people in the world. beauties.

This is not a human being, but Xiaochen, an artificial intelligence robot, who has built a body for herself with new materials. Now this body is very powerful and energetic, and the energy equipment in it is also a real nuclear power battery, which can last for hundreds of years.

"Indeed, this is a brand new psychic information technology." Su Jie nodded.

"I'm studying the chips you got. There are indeed many new materials, some new materials, and even a series of resonance and absorption effects with dark matter. The company that can manufacture this chip has more technology than Typhon. It is very likely that Really leading the world." Xiaochen said: "However, through this chip, I started to design a new power system. Now it is just an idea. To be successful, you must have a huge research base."

"What kind of power system?" Su Jie asked.

"Of course it is an antimatter power system. The collision of matter and antimatter can generate huge energy, but it cannot be controlled. There are already many large institutions researching this." Xiaochen said: "However, they have not found the right one. Research direction, in fact, to control antimatter, you should also need the assistance of dark matter. I have already designed a set of blueprints. You can take a look when you have time."

"No problem. If this thing is successfully researched, I'm afraid our human energy method may change." Su Jie nodded: "However, this is not my research topic for the time being."

"I know that your research topic is the combination of psionic energy, information group, and human body." Xiao Chen said, "Just in time, I want to discuss something with you."

"Do you want to turn yourself into a real life? You are actually a huge mass of information. The carrier is a computer. In the computer network, a huge basic algorithm and energy are gathered together, and the information fluctuates and is arranged. The combination becomes your body." Su Jie said: "But in the final analysis, you are just an information group composed of algorithms, not a real life body. There is no spiritual energy in your information group. You I'm trying to make a chip that can absorb psionic energy and implant it into my mechanical brain, but I can't succeed, so you want me to help?"

"That's right." Xiaochen nodded. Her every move now resembles a human being. But these are not her emotional self-expressions, but anthropomorphic emotions based on algorithmic simulations.

In other words, all of this is an algorithm acting.

From Su Jie's point of view, Xiaochen in front of him is actually just a bunch of data, without any real feelings of his own.

But maybe that's not a bad thing.

"Have you ever thought that if you become a living body, your ability will be greatly reduced, and it is even possible that you need a brand new flesh and blood carrier, because it is actually impossible for a living body to exist in a computer network. Only Algorithm, once you inject psionic energy, you have to leave the network and look for a brand new body, and this mechanical body of yours cannot carry the soul. In other words, if you can’t find a body at all, it will perish.” Su Jie said.

"Really?" Xiaochen said: "But I want to taste what it's like to be a human being. I don't like to do anything. I have calculated everything. I can't find your natural and reckless behavior in everything I do. Feeling unrestrained. Think about it, if every thing you humans do, you have to go through precise calculations before doing it, wouldn't your life be very tiring?"

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