Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Eight hundred and eighty-three new technology life form mutation

The way of martial arts does not lie in fighting, but in the coordination of body and mind. A truly brilliant martial art emphasizes the unity of body and mind, the unity of man and nature, the resonance of the inside and outside, and the practice of spirit and body.

In terms of modern science, it is to use body movements to assist information in all aspects of the body to forge.

In fact, whether it is Taijiquan or yoga, these ancient secret arts focus on this, rather than fighting.

The ancients vaguely knew that in cultivation, the inside and the outside must be united, and all gods return to the original. The so-called hundred gods refer to the various consciousnesses in the human body.

God, not god of gods. It is the consciousness, the soul of the primordial spirit.

There are hundreds of gods in the body, which were described as miraculous in ancient times. In fact, in modern times, the most brilliant research on energy information of consciousness has proved that every organ of a person has its own thoughts. The whole person is a mixed and full of A logical whole is composed of many individuals, not a single one.

Adjustment, reconciliation, is the kingly way.

Su Jie is a pioneer in this area. Through various examples, he has been able to reconcile the consciousness of the body with his own soul to an appalling level.

Now, the practice system of the entire Diandao Group is not about control, but about harmony.

This concept is countless times better than the current research on new humans.

Zhang Manman made a move and passed the martial arts movements. In an instant, the harmony of his consciousness and soul reached an unimaginable level.

Therefore, at this moment, Zhang Manman's strength far surpassed this "alien".

So, with sharp information, it pierced through the soul guard of this "alien". It is very likely that the "alien" will be interfered with by Zhang Manman, and then there is a danger of being controlled by his mind.

So the "alien" made a decisive decision and used various methods to deal with it.

Originally, the "alien" wanted to arrest Zhang Manman, but now, he has seen that Zhang Manman's strength is really terrifying. It was terrible that they all miscalculated.

People from the International New Humanity Alliance conducted an overall analysis of the Diandao Group.

They felt that there was only one expert in the entire Diandao group, and that was Su Jie, and the others were very ordinary.


As soon as he met Zhang Manman, the "alien" knew that he had hit a hard nail. Running quickly is the right thing to do, otherwise Zhang Manman will really arrest him, and things will be bad.

Zhang Slowly does not want to let this "alien" go. In her opinion, the other party has a lot of secrets. This newly established International New Humanity Alliance still has many secrets behind it. If they don't dig out all of them, it will always be a hidden danger. .

Moreover, the International New Humanity Alliance, in fact, has a great advantage for the Diandao Group in terms of background, funds, talents, and equipment.

If this continues, it is not impossible for the International Alliance of New Human Beings to keep pace with the Diandao Group in the next few years.

If everyone develops peacefully, that would be fine, but this organization is overbearing. Even if you don't mess with him, he will still pursue hegemony, come to arrest you, and even study you as a test object, without any compromise room.

For such an organization, Zhang Manman is very clear-headed. Only when it is completely defeated and eliminated can it guarantee its own safety.

She shot now, extremely ruthless.


What she said just now, she has actually already started to attack, and every word has actually dealt a heavy blow to the "alien".

After she finished speaking, she moved again, with five fingers like hooks, grabbing and releasing, and grabbed towards the "alien" mask.

This "alien" was a brand new feeling. He only felt the darkness in front of his eyes. Zhang Manman's palm covered the sky and the sun, covering everything, not only oppressing his body, but also It also oppressed his soul, making his soul seem to have fallen into an endless nightmare.

What Zhang Manman performed was martial arts, but it was not pure martial arts, but body movements strengthened the connection between the spirit and the body, and a wonderful chemical reaction took place.

Originally, the strength between the spirit and the body alone is not very outstanding, but once they are added together to form a resonance, the power will be multiplied. Just like when sulfur, cyanide, mercury is burned, it becomes the "Pharaoh's snake".

Originally, Zhang Manman's own strength would not be much stronger than the "alien", but with the addition of the special martial arts body movements of the Diandao Group, a lot of information from the soul and the body resonated. In this way, The strength has increased so much that the "alien" can't understand it at all.

Under Zhang Manman's attack, the "alien" was almost unable to parry, let alone fight back.


As soon as Zhang Manman was caught, the "alien" tried his best to stop him, but it was of no avail. His whole head was hit hard.

Click, the mask of the "alien" shattered, revealing his true face. It was actually a young man, a very young man, about eighteen years old, definitely not more than twenty years old.

It is really surprising that such a young person can become the leader of the International Alliance of New Human Beings.

It can be seen that the current information technology can already create a "superman", and this alien is the product created by information biotechnology. Not inferior to the old super master.

If Zhang Manman hadn't mastered a more advanced technology from Su Jie, I'm afraid today would be really bad luck, and he would be arrested by the "alien".

But now, the situation is reversed, and it is Zhang Manman who arrests the alien.

"Come back with me." Zhang Manman grabbed the "alien"'s head again.

Zhang Manman has mastered some special methods that can interfere with the other party's brain nerves. As long as they use physical methods to cut off the other party's brain nerves and release signals, they will naturally be unable to make the other party's soul consciousness control the body.

In this way, the other party is equivalent to being completely controlled.

In fact, the human consciousness is also the soul, which is not in the human body. It is actually in a different dimension from the body, and it is not even in the same time and space.

This is also something studied by modern informatics.

Various evidences show that the human body has the concept of time and is restricted by time, but the human soul is not. The human soul can be separated from time and can receive past information and future information.

In other words, if it is strictly proved, it is actually completely possible to travel to the ancient times, or the future.

Because in ancient times, it was also a world formed by some kind of huge information clusters. If a person's soul travels to this information cluster, people have actually achieved time travel.

These are also scientific conjectures.

But it can be concluded from this that the human consciousness and body are not the same thing at all, but they are connected with each other through a certain key.

If the human consciousness wants to control the body, it first unlocks the authority through this key.

After unlocking this permission, you will get the control right of the body, and then transmit information to various parts of the body through the brain, and then complete the initial control right of the whole body.

That is to say, a person needs to go through many complicated procedures to make an action, a thought to reach the whole body. In the eyes of outsiders, a simple walk, step, and hand-holding is just a matter of one second. In reality, the human body and the consciousness have jointly performed many complicated calculations, compromised and cooperated with each other. Even three days and three nights can't finish the story.

And Zhang Manman knows how to cut off the key nerve of the brain, so that the consciousness and the body are disconnected, which is commonly known as "unplugging the network cable".

As long as the network cable of this "alien" is unplugged at once, no matter how strong his body is, no matter how strong his consciousness is, he will not be able to exert himself.

This is also the latest result of Su Jie's research.

Zhang Manman grabbed the head of the "alien" and was about to complete the moment of cutting off the nerves. Suddenly, some mysterious force seemed to be activated in the body of the "alien".

Stab it!

Zhang Manman felt that the genetic map in the "alien" was actually changing. In other words, this "alien" changed his life form in an instant.

In fact, there is not much difference in the genes of humans and gorillas, but there is only such a small difference, which is a huge difference, and the species are completely different.

Human genetics proves that as long as the genes are slightly modified, the life form of people will undergo earth-shaking changes.

Now, after some subtle and unknown changes have taken place in the genetic map of this "alien", the brain and body of the whole person seem to have changed a little.

A huge force burst out from the body of the "alien", directly shaking Zhang Manman's hand away.

Then, the "alien" yelled "Go!"

He launched a crazy attack on Zhang Manman.

Under this attack, Zhang Manman didn't know the situation. After dodging first, he observed the situation and then counterattacked. But at this moment, all those people retreated, and after the "alien" covered everyone's retreat, he jumped down and jumped off the building. This is a building with dozens of floors. Flesh and blood would surely shatter to pieces, but the "alien" had some kind of aerodynamic device on his body that allowed him to glide.

In the blink of an eye, it disappeared.

Zhang Manman didn't chase her either.

She passed this information to Su Jie.

In China, Su Jie knew the news almost at the same time, and because it was transmitted spiritually, the information was very complete, which meant that Su Jie personally experienced the battle from Zhang Manman's perspective.

"Temporary gene change? Although it is fine-tuning, it is impossible with current scientific methods. Gene change is a very detailed and long-term matter, and temporary change is illogical." Su Jie was thinking: "Could it be that some new life science technology has emerged?"

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