"Why is your APP score so low? I logged in and immediately crashed. The technician's maintenance is not good."

Su Jie also took out his mobile phone to download this software, and found that it crashed just after logging in. After trying to get in a few times, he was so stuck that he couldn't help but give up.

Seeing such a situation, the boxing master Huang Dingyi also felt a little embarrassed, "My apprentice helped me do it, and the technique is not good enough."

"Let me help you recommend a team to re-build the app, to ensure that it will be smooth in the future, and there will be no possibility of lag. The maintenance fee is cheaper than those on the market." Su Jie immediately made a recommendation.

"Really?" Huang Ding said happily: "I also suffer from teaching promotion. I am good at playing kung fu, but I really don't know anything about these technological products. I spent a lot of money to make this APP. It cost more than 500,000 yuan to make it look like this."

"500,000?" Su Jie knew that he had been cheated as soon as he heard it: "Well, I'll contact you for you. How about paying after you're satisfied?"

"Really?" Huang Dingyi seemed to have been cheated many times, with lingering fears in his heart: "Then you help me make a new one? If it is done well, I can bring you more business. I have more than ten old friends. I also want to do this kind of work. I will also look for you for network maintenance in the future.”

"No problem." Su Jie immediately sent a message to the elder sister.

The old sister and her sisters used to start a company together. At the beginning, they helped people develop and maintain software. The business started very well, with a good reputation, and it was booming day by day.

Su Jie knew that at that time, the time period for developing an app on the market was very long, often taking several months, or even half a year, and the price was also very expensive, with a slightly more complicated one costing hundreds of thousands. The old lady and her team don't know what technology they used, the time cycle is greatly shortened, and the efficiency is extremely high.

However, after receiving a large order, it plummeted. I spent a lot of money and my reputation went bankrupt.

Su Jie didn't understand the reason at the time, but now it seems that Haoyu Group may have discovered the technical potential of the old sister company, so it secretly set up a trap, and finally made the company bankrupt, and then came out to be a good person.

This was what Su Jie heard Feng Yuxuan say at the beginning, and was robbed after it was recorded.

Now the more he knows, the more he thinks about it, the more he feels that the old sister's company is a pity, and the hatred for Feng Yuxuan of Haoyu Group becomes stronger.

The skills of the old sister and her team are very good. Although they are working for Haoyu Group now, she and the team also take on some private work to subsidize after work.

Although Su Jie doesn't know how to do this, it seems that Huang Dingyi's app is extremely simple, and the old lady can hardly do it without breaking a sweat.

It's a little money to pull a customer list for the old lady, and the maintenance fee in the future will also be a steady stream of income.

Seeing that Su Jie and boxing master Huang Dingyi actually chatted about mobile phone software, several young practitioners were dumbfounded, thinking that the style of painting was wrong, but they did not dare to relax, because Huang Dingyi's teaching style was very strict, and he would not move at all. They were just beaten with a stick, and sometimes their noses and faces were swollen, and they had no place to complain.

"time to eat."

When Su Jie and Huang Dingyi were talking happily, their mother Xu Ying exchanged across the yard.

"Excuse me, I'll go eat first." Su Jie hurriedly said goodbye.

"It's all right." Huang Dingyi and Su Jie added their contact information: "If you have time, come and communicate."

During the chat just now, Huang Dingyi felt that Su Jie, a young man, was very interesting.

This moment.

In the center of this manor, there is a spacious house where seven or eight young men and women gather together to discuss something. Among them is Xu Jiahong.

"The old man is really preparing for the funeral, so he invited Master Luo to help him look at the cemetery." There was a young man with a luxurious look, wearing a luxury watch, and playing with the keys of a sports car. He was incompatible with the ancient courtyard here. He was from the Xu family. junior characters.

"It is said that there are three masters in Fengshui, Numerology and Physiognomy in China, Beiluo, Nanmao, and Zhongma. I don't know if it is true." Another young man asked: "I heard rumors,

It seems that Haoyu Group's longevity achievement is to support Nanmao, which makes Haoyu Group's limelight the same for a while. This time, the old man spent a lot of money to invite Master Luo, and he repeatedly told us not to show any disrespect to Master Luo. Now the elders have gone to accompany him. We couldn't even go up to accompany the guests. "

"Why does the old man believe in Feng Shui so much?" A woman curled her lips: "Worshiping the ancestors, we women are not allowed to serve meals. What age is this? I really want to complain on the Internet."

"Be content." The other girl with a luxury bag in her hand was wearing bright lipstick: "Now, if you want to make a scene at this time, if the old man gets angry, your family will lose all property. Also, If Master Luo hears your words, if you are not happy, let alone the old man, even your father will drive you out of the house without giving you a penny."

The girl who spoke quickly shut up, for fear that others would sue her.

"Master Luo is not to be offended. Be careful what you say, and you must not say things like feudal superstition, or we will all be unlucky. The older generation believes in it, especially as people get older, they believe in this. Once you get angry in this respect If they were killed, catastrophe would be imminent, even if Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty was a hero, in his later years, it would be the disaster of witchcraft that killed the prince, set up a big prison, and killed tens of thousands of people." The older youth reminded.

"Jiahong, your house is really boring." The young man playing with the keys of the sports car said in a sultry tone, "I heard that your father actually went to find that bitch Xu Ying alone, and wanted to give her the share of the old man. The inheritance is monopolized, it is an asset of more than one billion, you really dare to say it, aren't you afraid of choking to death?"

"Everyone depends on their own ability." Xu Jiahong sneered: "Jiahao, last time you found two internet celebrities, you spent several million, and someone took a video and posted it on the Internet. The old man was so angry, do you want to wait a while?" Shall I tell you something about you?"

"You're looking for a taxi, right?" The young man playing with the sports car keys is called Xu Jiahao, who is also a junior of the third generation of the Xu family: "Don't think that I don't know about the things you did. You used the company's money to lend money, and you couldn't get it back. Swallowing up the profits of other businesses to make up for this loss is a big hole, and if the old man finds out, he might want to make an example of others."

"What evidence do you have?" Xu Jiahong didn't seem to care at all.

"Do you really want me to take it out?" Xu Jiahao is not a fuel-efficient lamp either.

"Enough." At this moment, a man about thirty-five years old spoke up. He was the older youth who reminded these people with the example of the scourge of witchcraft by Emperor Wu of Han just now: "You make trouble like this because you think your family is not enough. Is it chaotic? Our Xu family is now a big family and a big business, but in fact the industry we are doing is a sunset industry, and it will decline very quickly. How is Jia's mansion in the Dream of the Red Chamber compared to us? If it is said to be defeated, it will be defeated. If the old man is gone, We don't have any use for his contacts, and the business will be reduced by at least 40% to 50%. Can you still spend money lavishly?"

"Xu Jiaren, don't teach us just because you are two years older than us. You are so righteous every day, why don't you spend money in your own pocket secretly? You bought a manor in the United States a few days ago in the name of the company, but Later, I didn’t know how to operate it, so it became a private property, and the money was much bigger than ours.” Xu Jiahong didn’t accept this at all: “The little star you raised outside helped you give birth to two sons.”

"You've been promising recently." The older Xu Jiaren was a little taken aback. In his opinion, these younger brothers are all dudes who are easy to deal with, but he didn't expect that they are also a role in private, investigating his affairs so clearly Clearly: "Okay, now is the time for us to speak out together." Xu Jiaren said: "How many years has Xu Ying eloped? Why did the old man return her inheritance and even want her to come back to manage many things in the family business? Actually It is to borrow her knife to chop us. In fact, she is given one billion to say more or less. The most important thing is to let her enter the board of directors to monitor us. You must know that she helped the old man do a lot of things before. Many overseas markets were developed by her."

"In the end, the old man still wants her to work, but he also gave her some sweetness. But we will suffer." Xu Jiahong said: "The top priority is, we have to find a way to prevent this bitch from causing us trouble .”

"The previous generation had already made up their minds. As long as we get together, the old man will leave again. She will come for nothing. What can a woman do?" Xu Jiahao said casually: "We will still be our eldest and younger, just spend as much as we want. You are too worrying, at least in our generation, the Xu family will not collapse, we will be comfortable all our lives, why do we think so much?"

"I have no ambitions." At this time, a young man looked on coldly and didn't speak, but he didn't think so in his heart.

"Jia Zhi, why don't you speak? Come up with any ideas." At this time, the elderly Xu Jiaren saw Xu Jiazhi in the corner.

Although Xu Jiazhi disapproved deep in his heart, he didn't show it, but said honestly: "After the Chinese New Year, I'm going to go abroad to do a business, so I'll listen to you. That's it."

"Jiazhi, it's not good for you to be so clumsy. I heard that you took the company's business to some war-torn places last year, reselling supplies, and made a lot of money. You are so bold. You are making a fortune in silence. "Xu Jiaren's eyes were sharp: "Brother, you are silent and accumulating strength. Do you want to learn from Yongzheng? Yongzheng was the most inconspicuous in those days, but he had a deep scheming heart. In the end, he succeeded in seizing the throne and slashed and killed his brothers."

"Brother, don't scare me." Xu Jiazhi quickly lowered his head.

"I know you are resourceful, so hurry up and think of a way." Xu Jiaren seemed unwilling to let him go.

"I really can't think of any solution." Xu Jiazhi made up his mind to hide his clumsiness.

At this moment, a big man in camouflage uniform walked in quickly and whispered something in Xu Jiaren's ear.

"Understood, let's go." A cruel smile appeared on Xu Jiaren's face, and he clapped his hands: "Let me tell you a piece of news. Just now, Xu Ying sneaked back and brought her son. She came in and cooked for her mother and son in the outer room. It seems that I will see the old man later, what do you think should be done?"

"Damn it." Xu Jiahao spat: "It's fine that this bitch comes back, and he brought a little bastard with him. Could it be that he wants the old man to share the property of the little bastard? It's unreasonable."

"It's really possible." Xu Jiahong fanned the flames: "People will become confused when they are old. I know what the old man thinks. He thinks that we are unreliable. Only Xu Ying's management can make it to the next level. Has he forgotten that it wasn't Xu Ying's back then? Escaping marriage, we join hands with the Zhang family, how is the market so big now? Our Xu family can be ranked in the whole world."

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