Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Eight hundred and ninety-six, the last glory, the second spirit is in the clouds

"I don't pay attention to the control of the mind over the body. However, absolute indulgence is not acceptable. In fact, both have disadvantages and essences. For example, the body is greedy for comfort and enjoyment, and it is easy to be manipulated by primitive desires. But the human spirit is actually the same. The human spirit also has a side of contentment and enjoyment. If it is all based on its own spiritual world, it will be messy. Some people have a natural desire to destroy the spiritual world, and these must be eliminated. , A person’s practice is a process of performing a surgical operation, discovering errors in one’s body information all the time, and discovering errors in the spiritual world. Then find a way to correct it.” Su Jie said.

"However, if the spiritual world is flawed and the body's desire for information is also flawed and cannot be corrected, then what should we do?" Liu Guanglie asked.

"Then we have to turn to others for help. As a human being, it is impossible to rely on oneself alone. In fact, in this world, most of the achievements of people depend on others. Heroes also have to take advantage of the situation. The dragon can only stay in the snake's den for the time being." Su Jie said: "If I'm not wrong, the young man named Wang Tong is indeed very likely to be my so-called nemesis. He inherited my information and A contrary message was born, and I was born with a kind of resistance and disgust."

The fate between people is actually very wonderful. Some two people do not have any conflict of interest or contact, but at first glance, they feel that the way is wrong, and they hate each other deeply in their hearts. Anything feels disgusting.

This is actually a natural repulsion of the information in the bones.

This is commonly known as "horizontal inconsistency".

Su Jie and this young man from Wang Tong should be a typical "horoscope disagreement". Although Su Jie has never seen this young man, hearing his name, deep in his heart and in the spiritual world, a strange feeling automatically arises. An extreme disgust, this kind of emotion was born inexplicably, like a chemical reaction, my own spiritual world can't hear any information from the other party.

Su Jie keenly felt that this was his "nemesis".

I believe that the other party is the same as myself, and will be extremely disgusted when they hear their own information.

The fate between people is so wonderful. And it's not logical. Some people fall in love with each other when they see it, and entrust life and death if they can, while some people are not happy when they hear it.

However, although there was a feeling of exclusion and disgust in the spiritual world, Su Jie still treated it calmly. In the core of his spiritual world, he was actually very calm, like a thousand-year-old Xuanbing, calmly analyzing from beginning to end. , Computing, just like artificial intelligence, abandons emotions, and only chooses some things that are beneficial to oneself.

However, he is not abandoning his feelings, deep in his spiritual world, there are still rich feelings,

It's just that he has separated sensibility and rationality from each other, and they don't blend with each other. Yin and Yang are separated and circulated with each other, maintaining a very perfect balance.

"Then, the body of Wang Tong's young man is a natural material for martial arts training, but his spiritual soul is a natural scientific research talent? Now that the two are finally combined, can some unimaginable super powers be produced? Ability?" Liu Guanglie asked.

"In theory." Su Jie said: "If my guess is right, this Wang Tong, his genius level is so rare in the world, even if Shenyueren's talent is compared with him, he can only be regarded as a fool ...If you give him time to grow, I'm afraid it will really pose a threat to me. Moreover, his growth rate may far exceed our guess."

"I really can't be idle." Liu Guanglie sighed: "Originally, I thought that with you, I would be able to relax in this life and live a happy life, but I didn't expect that the world is changing with each passing day. If you don't pay attention, you will be surpassed. If you don’t bully others, others will swallow you up. For example, this foreigner martial arts school suddenly appeared out of nowhere, and quickly robbed our Minglun martial arts school of the limelight. If it wasn’t for you If you make a move, in the next few years, our Minglun Martial Arts School is likely to be directly suppressed and collapsed. We can't take it lightly."

"That's right, in the past, for thousands of years, our east has always been a feudal era, without any development." Su Jie said: "After a hundred years, due to external stimuli, we have made rapid progress, and now we have entered a new era. A brand new era. The speed of evolution is getting faster and faster, which makes people dizzy. In fact, no one knows what will happen in the future. But in fact, it is nothing if we look at the history, because the history of our human beings on the earth In fact, it is a product of accelerated evolution. No other species can evolve as fast as us humans. In fact, the real evolution history of our humans is only a few thousand years. In the ancient stone age, the relationship between humans and animals The difference is not very big. Human beings have not changed during the Stone Age for millions of years, but in the past few thousand years, human beings have learned to use tools such as bronzes and irons, and now use nuclear energy to fly out of space. For the long earth, it is actually an instant. I have been studying this matter all the time. The real evolution of human beings actually has three stages. The first is the sudden evolution from the Stone Age to the Bronze Iron Age. In fact, it is just a short period of time. Hundreds of years. This is too short in the history of evolution, and it is impossible to achieve this kind of achievement. Unless there is external interference. The second stage is just two hundred years from the First World War to the Second World War. The era has directly entered the modern age, and the industrial revolution broke out. The rapid progress of science and technology is not logical. The third stage is now. It has not been a hundred years, and it is only a few decades. From this, it can be seen that the wave of evolution It's early, what is the reason?"

"It may be the eruption of dark matter. In a fashionable word, it is the revival of spiritual energy." Liu Guanglie said: "We directly regard the spiritual energy of dark matter as the ancient spiritual energy of heaven and earth. For a long time, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, It has always been suppressed, but in the recent era, a periodic movement similar to the tide suddenly appeared, so a large number of human beings with high IQs were born. What do you think of this explanation?"

"I used to think so too, but I discovered one thing, which is not enough to explain the occurrence of this situation, that is, if the dark matter psionic energy is in a tidal periodic movement, it is now starting to blow out and is in the recovery of spiritual energy. In terms of the times, the beneficiaries are not only humans, but other creatures should also benefit. According to this situation, animals with high IQs will also appear now, in a kind of monster era. But from ancient times to modern times, animals basically There is no change, and their IQs have not improved at all. A tide of dark matter movement in the universe cannot only target a single species of human beings. Then there must be a deep-seated reason." Su Jie said: "And, in fact, in physics From a scientific point of view, this revival of spiritual energy, that is, the blowout of dark matter, is actually not a good thing. From a certain theory, this is a phenomenon of backlight, that is to say, the earth has reached the end of its life."

"What? The end of life?" Liu Guanglie was surprised: "No way, according to scientific research, the earth is still in its prime. It can exist for at least 5 billion years. The current earth has a history of 4 billion years, and it happens to be a human. A centenarian is at the peak of his career at the age of 40."

"That's right. That's the cycle of the earth." Su Jie said: "But it is not the case for life on the earth. Hundreds of millions of years ago, the earth was still a big frozen snowball. On the ground, everywhere It is an ice layer several thousand meters thick, that is the snowball earth, and there is no life at all. In other words, if the life of the earth is 10 billion years, it is impossible for the first four billion years and the next four billion years There is life. Life is a miracle, just like the peak of a person's career. In fact, the peak of a person's career is only a few years, and the earth is actually suitable for the outbreak of life, which may be hundreds of millions of years. It has been more than 500 million years since the explosion of life in the epoch. According to my estimation, the life cycle on the earth is only such a period of time. Now, we are at the end of life on the earth. Maybe in a few days For hundreds of millions of years, the earth is just like Mars, it is not suitable for habitation at all, and all life will be extinct due to the cycle. In the universe, most planets are like this."

"Your description makes me feel creepy, but it seems that the life cycle is very short, but for us, I am afraid there is still a long time, even if it is 100 million years, no, even 10,000 years , is enough for us humans to respond. I don't believe that after 10,000 years, humans will not be able to go out of space. Even a hundred years, I think a hundred years will be almost the same. According to this speed, I see a few Ten years will be enough." Liu Guanglie is very confident, because he is shocked by the speed of human evolution now. Ten years ago, there was no concept of new human beings, but now many secret organizations in various countries have begun to use Normalization of new humans.

"If this speed of development continues, after ten years, I don't know what kind of person I will grow up to be, but it's hard for me to see clearly whether this kind of development is good or bad." Su Jie is now very concerned about the future. Some information is also difficult to capture completely. There will be too much information in the future. If he rashly peeps and captures it, he may be directly exploded by the torrent of information.

The human spiritual world actually has a limit to the information it can accommodate. If you want to expand this limit, you need to transform the soul and complete a new module. Or it is a cleaning mechanism for the spiritual world, clearing some information and retaining some information.

However, the cleaning mechanism is actually treating the symptoms rather than the root cause, because in this world, people always receive more information than they clear, and people are receiving information all the time.

Therefore, it is still necessary to expand the capacity. This is like a computer. When there is too much information, it is useless to clean up the garbage.

Su Jie's spiritual world can actually hold a lot of information, and the speed of processing information is extremely fast. In addition, after the information is settled in his spiritual world, it can be fermented, refined, and can be repeatedly combined, derived, and changed. A more subtle comprehension.

This is human ability.

For example, the same article, after ordinary people read it, there is nothing to it, but if a person with good talent reads it, he can even comprehend an extremely subtle way of cultivation from it.

For example, classic books such as Tao Te Ching, Yi Jing, and Zhuangzi, everyone has their own unique views.

Some people can learn the principles of life from the Book of Changes, while others can invent how to tell fortunes from it. Some people can even comprehend kung fu from it.

In the final analysis, these are the ability of one's own spiritual world to process information, which is the foundation. In the words of metaphysics, it is "understanding", not the root.

The so-called root bone is a natural talent.

So in many games, "savvy" is one thing, and "root" is another. In the final analysis, "root bone" should be about the same as capacity, and "savvy" is about the same as refining and processing power.

For these, Su Jie has studied in detail, and his research on the human spiritual world and the physical body has truly stood at the pinnacle of the world.

"This information group, what are you going to do with it?" Liu Guanglie pointed to the invisible group of "gods" on the top. This information group was created by Su Jie. When the "Foreigners Martial Arts" was at its peak, this information group was almost dissipate.

But after Su Jie defeated Mr. Gamma, the information group recovered a bit, and even became more mysterious.

However, in Liu Guanglie's opinion, this is not enough. He knew that if he wanted Minglun Martial Arts School to not fall behind, it still had to rely on the evolution of this information group.

Therefore, he hoped that Su Jie would upgrade again.

This information group is almost artificial intelligence. After upgrading to an advanced level, it has many wonderful uses.

Su Jie also naturally understood what he meant. He also wanted to upgrade this information group and do some experiments by the way, which would also be beneficial to himself.

At the same time, he has a more important idea, which is to process this information group into a server similar to his own, for refining, computing, and storing.

He was going to try it out and see if he could do it.

His own spiritual world is temporarily unable to undergo revolutionary expansion, but it is still possible to re-open a "server".

If it succeeds according to his idea, then this group of "gods" is equivalent to a "cloud storage" of Su Jie, and all information can be adopted, collected, refined, and gathered.

Su Jie's temporarily useless information can be sent to this cloud server for storage, and can be refined by calculation. Deliver when available.

In this way, the burden on one's own spiritual world can be greatly reduced, so that one can go into battle lightly and carry out the research one needs.

Su Jie now has too many things to study. It is not only necessary to study life sciences, but also to study information, to study dark matter, and to pay attention to the entire social ecology and even the financial market all the time. It is simply too busy.

Moreover, there is no way for some information-based things to be assisted by artificial intelligence.

For example, artificial intelligence cannot absorb information from the future or the past in the void at all. This is a shortcoming, even Xiaochen can't do this, because she is not a living body and has no spiritual power.

Su Jie looked at this information group, that is, the "God" created by himself, and actually had some detailed plans in his mind, but he remembered some "Second Spirits" in fairy tales since ancient times, and he also created a The group resembles something like its own soul.

Very similar to this one.

Of course, the so-called "Second Spirit" is just imagination. Su Jie knows that with the ancient technology level, it is just imagination, and there is no way to create something that cannot be created in modern times.

Su Jie still habitually calls this thing "the second spiritual world" or "spiritual cloud server".

Liu Guanglie walked out, quietly watching Su Jie perform in this small attic.

I saw Su Jie shook his clothes, his whole body was buzzing, he was spinning around the room, and his feet were taking very complicated steps. It was like an ancient Taoist priest fighting to distribute energy, but Liu Guanglie was familiar with various methods of Taoism. Especially Bugang's method of stepping and fighting, he knows the mystery of it, but Su Jie is not any kind of Taoist method.


When Su Jie's whole body was flickering, stepping on the wonderful footwork, there was also a wonderful sound from Su Jie's body. At the beginning, this sound was like drizzle falling. , It seems that spring silkworms are eating mulberry leaves, and it is more like a wonderful fairy pouring and singing.

The sound reached Liu Guanglie's ears, and he was completely intoxicated by it, as various images flickered in the depths of his mind.

The sound can directly evolve into a picture in the spiritual world. This kind of technology is simply amazing.

Liu Guanglie knew that this was actually Su Jie's ingestion and adjustment of information, whether it was steps or voice, they were just means of refining and ingesting information.


Suddenly, Liu Guanglie heard a strong shock of thunder, all kinds of thunder one after another, it was the sound from Su Jie's body, this sound was transmitted to Liu Guanglie's ears, and the spiritual world saw a sea of ​​thunder, his whole body It seems to have reached the clouds, watching all kinds of thunder and lightning.

Then, the thunder changed, landslides and tsunamis, and the sound of volcanic earthquakes followed.

In turn, it turned into a thousand horses screaming together, a golden horse and an iron horse.

All kinds of sounds from the human world, combined with all kinds of natural sounds from the heaven and earth, burst out from Su Jie's body.

In an instant, Liu Guanglie almost thought that Su Jie was the epitome of the whole world, the whole world, the whole past, present and future.

In other words, he is the nature of the world, the world, the past, the present and the future.

I don't know how long it took before Su Jie's body stopped. All was silent.

All the information frenzy also stopped.

Liu Guanglie was shocked to find that the message on the small building seemed to be another Su Jie.

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