Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Nine hundred and seventeenth inertia of fate discuss who will lead in the future

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Su Jie is talking with Odeli about a series of follow-up development plans of the International Alliance of New Human Beings.

He is here to negotiate this time, but also to exert pressure. This group of people in the International Alliance of New Human Beings is actually still in the typical Western thinking, in short, they are obedient to their morality. The more respectful and humble you are, the more it thinks you are weak and bully. On the contrary, if you put on a desperate posture, and you really have a few tricks, then they will look at you with admiration and think that you can be negotiated.

The future development of the International Alliance of New Human Beings is extremely important. Su Jie actually does not want this alliance to collapse, and a large number of new humans and scientific research technologies will spread out, which will cause chaos in the world. After countless ambitious people have obtained the technology, they don't know what earth-shattering things will happen in human society.

At that time, I don't know how many people will be called emperors and how many people will be called kings.

In fact, even if Su Jie has obtained all the technical data achievements of the International Alliance of New Human Beings, he would not dare to publish them all. Some technologies are too appalling. After being spread out, they will definitely fall into the hands of some ambitious people. inside.

There are also ambitious people in the East. Moreover, there are more careerists than in the West. Princes, generals, and ministers are better off. This sentence was the first to be uttered by the East.

Su Jie sometimes observes the luck of the east, and also vaguely feels that the great world is approaching, dragons and snakes rise from the land, and many peerless and handsome heaven's favored children are also being conceived, or they are about to be born.

In an era, many elite figures will always be born.

Even Su Jie knew that one day, he would be replaced by someone new.

But what needs to be done now is not to kill newcomers, but to cultivate newcomers. Su Jie has a long-term vision.

"Your method is not perfect. In fact, you are still free-range. It has not formed a relatively virtuous circle." Odeli said to Su Jie: "I think your Diandao Group is actually not as good as the structure of the International New Human Alliance. , Diandao Group actually grows so much, it all depends on you alone, such as the Big Three under you, in fact, their strength is obtained from your soul module blessing, you directly changed their soul structure. In addition , the new humans in your Diandao Group are almost all related to you. Even if it is your sister, you actually made the Nuwa module for her. Only now can she stand shoulder to shoulder with the giants of the International New Human Alliance. The group is still a small company. As for the International New Humanity Alliance, there is actually no leader, anyone can be missing, and it can still operate, and there is a constant injection of fresh blood. In addition, In the process of development, the technology will become more and more powerful, and the system will become more and more perfect. From a certain theory, the International New Humanity Alliance is much more perfect than the Diandao Group. This system is also It is more suitable for managing future human beings, what do you think?"

"I don't deny that.

"Su Jie nodded: "I am a scientific researcher, not a manager. The Diandao Group is a small group. In fact, it cannot lead and manage the progress of mankind. Scientific research, and then protect yourself. "

"However, when you are in your current state, your vision should be much broader. The pattern is the development of all mankind." Odeli said: "It is true that the Diandao Group cannot fulfill the responsibility of leading mankind forward, but you are not willing to let the international new The Alliance of Humanity is here to take on this task, because this is a conflict between Eastern and Western civilizations. In the process of the last civilization, the Westerners took the lead in the industrial revolution, and then took the lead, suppressing the Eastern civilization for hundreds of years. You are sure about such a thing I don’t want to see it. Compared with the industrial revolution, this revolution is vaster and more cruel. It is a revolution in the life form of the human body itself. Once it falls behind, the races will begin to divide, and one race will become inferior. Wait for creatures. So you are determined to prevent the expansion of the International New Human Alliance. I can understand you." Odeli said: "So, I recommend Wang Tong to be the CEO of the International New Human Alliance. In fact, I want to balance the differences between the alliance. Among them, the forces of Easterners and Westerners, this alliance, in fact, I want to create a community where the East and the West balance each other, entangle each other, have the right to restrict each other, and compete with each other. Both factions have their own interests and have their own ideas, and attack each other, but there is only one purpose, which is for the development of all mankind."

"This idea is very good." Su Jie nodded: "This is indeed an idea, so what do you mean, coach, you want me to join with the Diandao Group?"

"No." Odley waved his hand: "You can't join. If you join the International New Humanity Alliance, then the structure of this alliance will be completely destroyed. A balance will also be destroyed. The reason why I joined the International New Humanity Alliance is to do it as a balancer. When the western forces are stronger, I will strengthen the training of the eastern forces. When the eastern forces become stronger, I will It will strengthen the training of Western forces, and from the perspective of Eastern metaphysics, I am an existence that regulates yin and yang."

"No wonder, no wonder you have become so powerful." Su Jie's eyes were serious: "Deep in your heart, you have completely abandoned the construction of Eastern and Western civilizations, and you regard them as yin and yang, regulating each other. You are a Westerner , but do not think that Western civilization must occupy a dominant position. Although you are proficient in and love Eastern culture, you do not think that Eastern philosophy can be many years ahead of the world. One ebbs and another, Yin and Yang cycle, you put this international new human The alliance has become a place for you to practice, and in this practice, you have mastered a kind of balance."

"That's right, it's a kind of balance. In fact, you also know that your own way is balance. You are controlling a delicate balance between your body and the spiritual world." Oudry said.

"However, our balance is different." Su Jie said.

"What's the difference?" Odley asked.

"What you are after is an absolute balance, a perfect balance, which must always be in a stable state. What I pursue is a dynamic balance, an imperfect balance. In other words, a kind of elastic This kind of flexible balance is necessary. For example, who will lead the next round of evolutionary revolution, the East or the West? The last round was the industrial revolution led by the West, so the Western world has been ahead of the East for hundreds of years. It is not a kind of balance, and this round, if the East takes the lead, it will suppress the West for hundreds of years. It seems unbalanced, but

Compared with the last time, both sides are hundreds of years ahead, so it is considered even. "Su Jie said: "Actually, the balance in this world itself is an imbalance. If you pursue absolute balance, it is actually a wrong choice in itself. "

"In theory." Odley said: "Balance always has an amplitude. But this time is different. In the last industrial revolution, the Western world took the lead, but the Eastern world has a chance to catch up. But this time The evolutionary revolution, or the new human revolution, once missed, will never be able to catch up. The party that evolves successfully will continue to be the master of the earth, while the party that falls behind will become a disappearing race and will never have another chance Rise."

"Then you might as well give it a try." Su Jie said, "Let Dongfang's evolution lead by several decades first, and if things really change like this, then there is still a possibility of recovery."

"There is no way to recover it." Odley said: "We are not saviors, nor are we true gods. We are also a member of the evolutionary wave. Once something starts to move forward, it can no longer be stopped. If one party is really leading for decades, then there is nothing we can do about it. In the next few decades, we may also fall behind. For example, you, as I watch your fate, In the next three years, you will be suppressed and beaten by Wang Tong, and you will eventually withdraw from the stage of history, and may even be killed by him. This is how the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead.”

"You really saw my fate?" Su Jie asked.

"Yes, you are the best one I have trained so far. How could I not observe your fate? Generally speaking, the stronger you are, the more difficult your fate is, because a strong person, His energy influence will be great, the radiating area will be very wide, there will be many causes and effects, and the information will naturally be intricate, especially for you. Now your information is confusing and radiating. It is not my latest cultivation. It has improved a bit, and I can't see through your fate at all." Odley sighed.

"Could it be that my fate ended up like this?" After hearing this, Su Jie didn't panic at all, but smiled instead.

"In my calculations, or in my capture of your future information, it's like this." Odley said: "And up to now, it's actually still walking according to the information I've captured. But I know that maybe a miracle will happen."

"I don't believe in this fate either." Su Jie said, "But since it's the information you captured, then I'll treat it as one thing."

"Are you going to kill Wang Tong?" Odley asked.

"No." Su Jie said: "Actually, I am looking forward to him growing up quickly and killing me. Destiny is a law of the greatest possibility. In fact, it is still difficult to reverse. But for us, both A kind of practice, in fact, in Eastern culture, many things can change people's fate, such as doing good deeds and accumulating virtue. Even a single act of kindness can completely change fate. Destiny is also a kind of information, and information follows one's own In other words, the fate of an individual is, most of the time, determined by his own heart. Of course, there is also a strong external inertia."

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