Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Nine hundred and thirty eighth, the big move is completed, the success of the new drug is doomed

Wang Tong's strength is indeed very strong. Among the international new human headquarters full of experts, the only person who can suppress him is Ou Deli. However, many giants underestimated his strength, thinking that even if he is strong now, he is not much stronger.

But now Wang Tong kills ordinary new humans as easily as chickens and ducks, which is really terrifying.

This time, it also established Wang Tong's position in the alliance. Although the forces around him have suffered heavy losses, in the alliance, one's own strength is the key. In ordinary social interactions, it depends on who can form a group and who has more connections, but among the new humans, it depends on who is more powerful. powerful.

High-end confrontation is no longer about the number of people.

Because everyone's fighting is not about fists and kicks, but a mental contest, the invasion and control of thinking, even various martial arts movements, are actually tools to strengthen the spirit and thinking.

For example, Su Jie's "Five Sacrifice Divine Fist" is a set of five moves, which closely connects his own thinking information with the natural information of the universe, and even connects with various humanistic trends of thought to give off the strongest resonance. Before starting this action, One's own spiritual world can reach an incredible amplitude in an instant.

The amplitude limit of the spiritual world is much greater than that of the body.

Even if a person's body is stimulated by emotions, its potential will be doubled to several times at most.

For example, if a person is able to lift a hundred catties, and is occasionally stimulated to explode, he suddenly lifts a hundred and fifty catties. If he is stimulated with stimulants or even various drugs, he can lift two hundred catties, that is a miracle up. Of course, the strength of new humans and some cultivators has a greater potential for physical explosion, but it will not exceed a specific physical index.

Because the physical body is material after all, matter has a physical law.

But the spiritual world is different, and the expansion speed is unimaginable.

Theoretically, the spiritual world can expand infinitely.

An explosion of thousands of times is still a trivial matter, but it is not uncommon for the amplitude of thinking frequency to be tens of thousands, millions, or billions of times.

After all, the spiritual world is less physically restricted.

How big is a person's heart? That is infinite.

Therefore, whoever can expand his spiritual world to the maximum, whoever is among the new humans, is the overlord. On this point, Su Jie did the best.

Of course, Wang Tong also got the essence of it.

Although he is not as perverted as Su Jie,

But it can still deal with ordinary small characters with ease.

"I have to find a way to surpass Su Jie. According to the theory, I restrain Su Jie in numerology, and I am his nemesis, but now I am restrained by him everywhere. What is going on?" Wang Tong is also proficient in numerology calculations. , to capture information. But now I can't think of a reason why.

He didn't know that Su Jie could change his fate long ago. There was no conflict in numerology. He could change his fate at will, and it was ever-changing. Fate and numerology were in his hands, but they were just playthings.

This realm is no longer within his reach.

Suddenly, Wang Tong seemed to sense something.

With a flash of his body, he left the headquarters of the new international human beings and walked to the streets of Manhattan. He felt that someone was contacting him just now, it was a pure telepathy, and he was an absolute master.

Moreover, this person is definitely not from the International Alliance of New Human Beings.

It is really strange that there are such masters outside.

Sure enough, in the woods of the park, a man in black was waiting for him. This person, wearing a black hood and black clothes, is wrapped in black. Even the eyes, mouth and nose are wrapped in it.

This is somewhat similar to the ancient "night clothes".

However, the ancient "night clothes" still have to show the eyes and nose, otherwise, there is no way to see and breathe.

However, the safety performance is reduced a little. And this kind of "night clothes" that wraps the whole body is actually a new type of combat uniform made of special materials. It can defend against many attacks, resist the impact of bullets, and even isolate some poisonous gas and harsh pyrotechnic environment.

After wearing this kind of clothes, the safety performance is greatly improved.

In fact, the International Alliance of New Humans is also researching various types of combat uniforms. The Iron Man and steel combat uniforms in previous superhero movies can actually be realized now.

However, this "night suit" is obviously not a product of the International Alliance of New Human Beings.

"The mental fluctuations you sent out can actually penetrate through the protective layer of our alliance. There are really some tricks. Tell me, what is the purpose of contacting me?" Wang said.

"I thought the first thing you wanted to say to me was to ask me if I had registered with your International Alliance of New Human Beings." The man in all black made a dull voice, not sure if it was a man or a woman, He was mocking Wang Tong's dominance of the International New Humanity Alliance.

According to the law, all new humans must go to this alliance level, and then master all the materials and information, become its members, and have chips implanted in their bodies for tracking and control. This approach is of course beneficial to ordinary people, and can prevent the new humans from causing great harm and social fluctuations to ordinary people. But for the new human beings themselves, it is actually a kind of free imprisonment.

"If you are willing to join our International Alliance of New Human Beings, I promise that there will not be so many rules and restrictions." Wang Tong directly began to solicit.

"It's fine to recruit me. In this world, your International New Humanity Alliance is not the only one." The man in black said: "I came here today because I actually want to cooperate with you."

"What are you cooperating with? Let's hear it." Wang Tong was secretly observing and prying at the information about this person.

This person also let it be, and just said: "What is the key point of the East and West's struggle now?"

"Naturally, it's a competition for new humans." Wang Tong was very patient. "Which aspect is better in cultivating new humans, and the greater the number of new humans, this civilization has a huge advantage. Now it seems that the Western world has another aspect in this regard." Walking ahead, in fact, the concept of new human beings first appeared in the Life Science Studio of the Typhon Group, and the Typhon Group inherited the Water of Life project of the Cain Organization at first, to improve human genes. That At that time, it was still very naive."

"That's right, at that time ten years ago, Typhon's Water of Life project was just to modify genes. Later, the discovery of dark matter and the structure of the spiritual world confirmed the concept of new human beings. But Typhon's project at that time Research, a lot of information has been leaked out, and many institutions around the world are conducting the same research.” The man in black said: “Even now, some of the scientific research results you have studied have actually been leaked out, and the scientific research results of many institutions As a result, the level has been improved on a large scale. In fact, it is difficult to block technological things, as long as they are researched, the same researchers will be inspired and researched automatically."

"You have said so much, what exactly do you want to say?" Wang Tong asked.

"What I mean is very obvious, that is, for the entire Western world, the number and quality of new humans are considered to be crushing in the East. This is a human evolutionary revolution that is more turning point for humans than the Industrial Revolution. The West has won again. The only fear in the entire Western world is Su Jie. If it weren’t for Su Jie, then the new humans in the West would have directly occupied the East. Even you have to devote yourself to the West.” The man in black said: "However, in fact, the western society is paralyzed. In fact, the eastern world is holding back the big move. As soon as this big move is made, the situation will immediately begin to reverse. At that time, the western world will be crushed. You too I have underestimated the Eastern world. People in the Eastern world are good at forbearance, don’t like publicity, and have not learned from you to build alliances. That’s because their research directions are different.”

"Then what is their research direction?" Wang Tong really didn't know about this.

"In the eastern world, what is the most magical thing in ancient times?" The man in black said, "It's alchemy. The allusion that a chicken and a dog ascend to heaven is to eat the elixir and become a fairy, and the rest of the medicine, even a chicken and a dog can become a fairy after eating it." .”

"You mean, the eastern world is researching a drug, and after people take it, they can directly become new humans?" Wang Tong didn't know what the man in black was talking about: "It seems impossible. The birth of a new human , it is impossible to rely on drugs, it is mainly the creation of the structure of the spiritual world.”

"Why is this impossible?" The man in black said: "Can't information be contained in medicine? After taking medicine, those information will automatically combine with the human body, changing various information of the human body and tending to coordinate. Many Technology has shown that information can be stored in objects, and after people touch these objects, they can more or less unlock their wisdom. For example, some rosary instruments of real monks can open their intelligence after being obtained by ordinary people. Even It can also treat diseases, which is the function of storing and absorbing information. According to theory, in fact, a drug stores wonderful information, and after taking it with its own powerful medicinal effect, it can indeed make ordinary people reach new human beings. Realm. And according to what I know, this drug seems to be successfully developed. Once it is successfully developed, think about how earth-shaking changes will take place in the entire Eastern world? At that time, will the Western world still have an advantage? "

"How did you get this news?" Wang Tongmeng said: "We International Alliance of New Human Beings don't even know about this news, Dongfang has hidden it deep enough. Did Su Jie also participate in the research?"

"No, even Su Jie doesn't know about this matter. Those people in the eastern world are very deep. Of course, they have obtained a lot of technology through Su Jie. You must know that Su Jie's technology was given to the Eastern World for free. Last time Su Jie Zed obtained all the technologies in your alliance, and these technologies were given to many scientific research institutions in the east." The man in black said.

"Is it Mei Yi who is in charge of this project?" Wang Tong asked suddenly.

"That's right, he is the highest person in charge of the project. At the beginning, he was the highest person in charge in Typhon's life science studio. Later, he became a new human being with a higher and higher level. With the resources of the entire East They are all leaning towards him, so this thing is about to be successfully researched." The man in black said.

"It's obvious that you came to contact me. You want to obtain this technology from the East? Or destroy their technology?" Wang said.

"Of course it is to obtain this technology. Then destroy it, kill Mei Yi and those scientists, and destroy the data. We have occupied this technology, and we can develop our own contacts in the future. And you can be in the international community. In the new human alliance, thoroughly cultivate your own power. I know that you have recently lost a large number of companions. These companions are famous and powerful, but they are not very convinced by you. Your alliance is not very stable. Far It is far inferior to what I cultivated myself." The man in black said.

"What's your plan? Tell me." Wang Tong was expressionless. He knew that there was a mysterious force behind the man in black who was doing some mysterious things. However, to study this kind of technology in the Eastern World, he must obtain it. . In fact, even with the highest technology of the International New Human Alliance, it is very difficult to cultivate a new human, and the success rate is very low. It is impossible to be 100% sure, basically it depends on luck, that is, luck.

If the drug is really developed and can be taken, it will turn an ordinary person into a new human being, that is indeed too terrifying.

"A plan...we need to make a detailed plan, and we must rely on your strength." The man in black said.

"Yes." Wang Tong naturally agreed, this is a huge opportunity.

In a flash, a few months passed, and it was a new year.

Not many things happened this year. For many ordinary people in the East, it was a year to live in peace and enjoy the convenience of life brought by technology. The major event that attracted their attention was almost the commercial war between Diandao Group and some companies. However, Then it calmed down. Guo Bu completely succumbed to the Diandao Group, apologized, and ended in a complete defeat. This also caught many bigwigs in the business world by surprise. Only some bigwigs who are closely related to the Diandao Group, such as Liu Shi knew deeply that Guo Bu was not Su Jie's opponent at all, and Su Jie could turn them all on their backs with just one blow. These people fought with Su Jie, even if they hit a stone with a pebble, it wouldn't count.

And Su Jie's two babies are also growing rapidly. Compared with ordinary babies, their development is much faster, and their intelligence and physical strength have increased by dozens of times. Su Jie was a little surprised by this. But from his point of view, this is a good thing.

In fact, these two children are the real new humans. They represent the descendants of the new humans and the new humans.

So far, I haven't actually heard of any two new human beings who have given birth to offspring.

These two children, after hundreds or thousands of years, may be called ancestors, with the same roles as Adam and Eve. This is an iconic event.

"Mei Yi sent a message just now, and I hope you can go to his laboratory." Tang Yunzhi said while Su Jie was teasing the baby.

"I knew it should be almost the same." Su Jie stood up.

The laboratory he went to was not the life science laboratory of Diandao Group, but a secret national laboratory. Mei Yi came back that time to carry out the life science research project, and Su Jie was rescued by the official entrustment. For this reason, he also fought with some bigwigs from the Reaper Organization.

Mei Yi has been working on a secret project in the national laboratory, and Su Jie has not asked about it. This is an absolute secret, but what Mei Yi needs, Su Jie has always supported.

Su Jie obtained many technologies from the International Alliance of New Humans, and Su Jie also handed them over to Mei Yi.

In this way, within a year, scientific research has advanced by leaps and bounds.

Su Jie came out, Zhao Jie was waiting outside.

The two got into a car, which was tightly covered. Driving all the way, I don't know how long I wandered around, when I suddenly opened the car door, a huge underground laboratory appeared in front of me.

This laboratory is completely built in the mountains and can resist missile attacks, which is equivalent to the most secret and strong military base. Of course, there are actually many such bases in Siberia. It is very difficult to invade.

Su Jie didn't look much, and hurried into it with Zhao Yu.

Going deep into the seventh or eighth floor and directly reaching the depths of the ground, this is the project that Mei Yi is in charge of.

Mei Yi was also waiting at the door, and when she saw Su Jie, she rushed up to him.

Afterwards, the two went in, and Zhao Jie stood guard at the door.

Su Jie saw that in the center of the laboratory, there was a large crystal box. Inside the box, there was a medicine. This medicine was the size of a longan, and it looked like a crystal. There was haze flowing in it, and it seemed to be a legendary elixir.

"This is the new drug developed by our team. It has been successful in theory, but it has not been tested in clinical trials. It is useless to test on animals, because this new drug is aimed at humans. So I let you see if there is any problem. "Mei Yi said.

Su Jie looked at the medicine, and he found that it contained strong information, and this information was mixed with some dark matter. If ordinary people take this drug, it is indeed very possible to reach the realm of new humans, because once the information is combined with the spiritual world of a person, it will resonate with the information of the body, which is very similar to his theory.

"It's almost succeeded. I didn't expect you to hold back such a big move here." Su Jie observed carefully, "This new drug may be the crystallization with the highest technological content in history. Otherwise, you have captured dark matter and information. Combined together, biomedical technology is used. In this drug, many molecules are alive, and there are micro-nano chips. After entering the human body, certain programs can be automatically activated. Gene optimization."

"Then there is no problem?" Mei Yi said.

"There shouldn't be any problem. But this kind of thing is too heaven-defying, and it may be doomed." Su Jie said: "Anything that has a major impact on human society will definitely cause many variables. Under these variables, things will happen. A series of chain reactions."

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