Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Nine hundred and forty-fourth, tune the tiger away from the mountain, the strategy of the empty city

It is a coincidence that human beings appeared on the earth. The appearance of living things on the earth is also a coincidence, and the cooperation of many factors is required for the birth of life. And the existence of the earth itself is also a coincidence, otherwise, with so many galaxies outside the solar system, why haven't we found a planet exactly like the earth?

In Su Jie's view, many coincidences combine to become a necessity, that is science. Science is a law made up of many accidental coincidences.

As for the appearance of the crystal skull information group, Su Jie also thinks that it is not impossible.

In fact, in the thousands of years of history in the East, there are not a few such information clusters, and even many gods in folklore did appear at a certain time. It was due to many kinds of coincidences that the information clusters gathered Formed, perceived by many.

However, with the passage of time, these information clusters have also disappeared.

At that time, it was impossible for people to grasp how to keep the information group for a long time, or even expand the information group.

Now Su Jie is ready. The Wukong mask god he created, under his influence, already has the ability to strengthen himself. It's just that even if Su Jie died, the Wukong masked god might disappear in the end.

At present, Wukong Mask God has not been able to truly separate from Su Jie and become a system on his own.

The Crystal Skull Information Group very likely achieved an achievement that even Su Jie could not achieve. Being able to exist automatically and grow gradually, it would be terrible if it did so, which meant that there would really be one more god in this world.

Fortunately, according to Su Jie's information, the Crystal Skull information group should be manipulated by others. But it cannot be ruled out that it is manipulating a group of people. It's just that this possibility is very small. If the crystal skull information group really has this ability, it should come to him, and even cause a lot of damage to him.

It can be seen that the ability of this thing has not reached this level.

However, this also sounded the alarm for Su Jie. The information group is very dangerous, even more dangerous than artificial intelligence.

Even if artificial intelligence is out of control, there are still ways to physically cut off the network, cut off power, blow up and so on. Moreover, if artificial intelligence wants to interfere with human society, it must use some media, such as controlling weapon systems, launching missiles all over the world, or controlling robots, and indiscriminately attacking humans. There are always traces to follow, and there are relative solutions.

But once this kind of information group gets out of control, there is basically no way to deal with it at this stage. Because this is not a conventional physical thing, it cannot be eliminated at all. Tangible things can also be destroyed. This kind of non-corporeal thing that is specifically aimed at the spiritual world of people is considered Su Jie.

In fact, there is no real way to eliminate it.

It can be said that since he created the Wukong mask information group, he opened Pandora's box.

However, if he doesn't create this thing, once someone else creates it, such as the current Crystal Skull Information Group, then basically there is nothing to play with. What artificial intelligence, new human medicine, in front of this kind of thing, are all There is no room for resistance.

Things that invade people's spiritual world are really terrifying.

"What we have to do now is simple." Zhao Yan heard Su Jie's analysis, and immediately came up with a countermeasure: "According to this speculation, arresting those criminals everywhere is actually a temporary solution, not the root cause. Only by destroying the source of this thing, arresting everyone in that organization, and then destroying the Crystal Skull information group, can it be done once and for all."

"This is the only way at this stage." Su Jie nodded: "Fortunately, the Crystal Skull information group can't invade the area of ​​Minglun Martial Arts School, because that group is the strongest of the Wukong Mask God information group." The place, last time I sensed that the people of that organization tried to invade there, and were counterattacked by the information, and it was automatically destroyed. But it did not hurt the root of the Crystal Skull Information Group. Then again, it was that invasion, I I have been researching these days, and I have captured some very important information from it. Now I am actually worried that this organization and the International New Human Alliance will join forces to invade our eastern world. That would be bad. That The scientific research capabilities of the institution are also very strong. If it is combined with the scientific research institutions of the International New Human Alliance to completely unlock the secret of the crystal skull, within a short period of time, the information group will completely skyrocket. At that time, the real It's disaster."

"Now the disaster has begun. Those scumbags are very powerful, committing crimes everywhere, and ordinary people can't do anything about them. Moreover, they are connected with each other and form an organization. Although until now, among the group of scumbags, No new humans have appeared, but I don’t think it’s far away.” Zhao Yu said: “At present, only by dispatching new humans can we firmly suppress them. Some sniping and other new humans secretly restrained me, so that I could not act rashly. More importantly, my main responsibility is to protect the safety of City B. I cannot leave here for a long time, otherwise there will be turmoil here, and that will be a real disaster gone."

"There are some people in that organization. They are all new humans, and they are very strong new humans. One of them is the swordsman Mei Jianchi. His strength is beyond your ability. In this world, no more than three people can beat him. Personal." Su Jie said: "It's very difficult for him to be in it. This person is elusive, and if he escorts those scumbags, it will be very difficult for new humans to arrest them."

"This is the information of one of the scumbags." Zhao Yan took out some information: "This person is called Li Fu. He was released after serving his sentence half a year ago. He suddenly gained super strength. In just a few months , can control the mind, and his physical fitness and various abilities are close to the standards of new humans. It seems that he has the tendency to become a new human. This person is the worst of all scum. He can even control facial muscles and bones , to change his appearance, it is difficult to capture and lock him. According to our speculation, he was the first person to contact the information group of the Crystal Skull God, received the empowerment from the information group, and may even have obtained the help of that organization , obtained some medicines and resources. In addition, the Crystal Skull God may have infiltrated into these big cities, first of all, City S, City G, City Z, and City H. Now there is some evidence that they have already infiltrated B City The city has begun to attack."

"Damn it." Su Jie looked at these materials and cursed, because in this materials, all kinds of bad deeds of Na Li Fu were recorded, especially now, after he gained the ability, he began to commit adultery. Ke, has many lives in his hands: "If the Crystal Skull information group is doing something beneficial to society, it may not necessarily destroy it, but now it is clearly picking out scum. This is intolerable Yes. The evil of human nature has been brought into full play. However, this man named Li Fu, I will go and arrest him personally. This person is the first to contact the Crystal Skull information group. In the depths of his spiritual world, there are many things worth capturing From my point of view, he has become the external tentacles of the Crystal Skull Information Group, which is very important."

"Now this person has been marked by us as an important and dangerous person. Thorn Butterfly has dispatched several times to capture this person, but this person is very cunning and has been able to avoid attacks. Every time he captures the plan, it seems that he can know it in advance. There is nothing you can do about the thorn butterfly." Zhao Yu said: "According to the truth, the thorn butterfly is now a new human being, and it is easy to deal with this person, but it is really not the same thing. Under the mental competition, the thorn butterfly even fell into a disadvantage. I was almost injured by this person a few times, and it is fortunate that this person is not a new human being, otherwise, the thorn butterfly may have fallen into his hands. However, this person may be promoted to a new human being at any time. Once promoted, It will be even more difficult to catch him."

"Of course, according to the general principle, the mental competition is not a new human, even if it is a master, an opponent who is not a new human at all. In front of you, you are just a child. But the situation is different now. In the spiritual world of these people, there is the assistance of the Crystal Skull Information Group, which means that you are fighting with the Crystal Skull Information Group. Of course, it can penetrate everything. Take the lead." Su Jie said: "This matter is indeed very difficult."

Su Jie doesn't really have a good opinion of the girl Cidie, because she is too arrogant and always thinks that she can control everything. Tao Group to contain.

Fortunately, the forces behind the Diandao Group are also very powerful. Tang Yunzhi is good at public relations, and he defuses some of the attacks of Thorn Butterfly one by one.

Up to now, Thorn Butterfly has no possibility of shaking the Diandao Group, so it has also stopped a little.

"It's not too late, when will you act?" Zhao Yan asked.

"Let's act now." Su Jie stood up, and disappeared with a movement of his body.

"Be careful, this may also be to divert the tiger away from the mountain." Zhao Yu hurriedly said: "Maybe just wait for you to leave, and then deal with your child. These are also within our consideration."

"Don't worry, I've thought of all this. What I want is for them to get away from the mountain. If I don't deal with me, I can't get their fox tail out." Su Jie's voice appeared in Zhao Jie's spiritual world.

"It's okay." At this time, Zhang Manman and Tang Yun signed out, each with a baby, and the baby was very strong. It's over a year old now. Already able to play and talk, no different from ordinary three or four-year-old children. Moreover, they walk very steadily, and their balance and jumping abilities are second to none. Some Lianjiazi who have been training hard for ten years can't match their balance, and they basically can't wrestle: "You go to your business, Su Jie will arrange everything Well, he knows that a huge conspiracy is about to unfold, and if this conspiracy succeeds, let alone our Diandao Group, even the entire Eastern World will soon usher in a catastrophe."

"Then how can we help?" Zhao Yan asked.

"So far, you are still unable to help." Zhang Manman said.

Zhao Yu carefully felt Zhang Manman's aura, and he was shocked to find that both Zhang Manman and Tang Yun's lottery were unfathomable now. Their physical fitness, spiritual realm, and even their aura, and their degree of fit with the nature of the world, are far superior to their own.

It seems that after they gave birth, their strength has been reborn, and it has been improved by more than one level. In fact, Zhao Yu is also very envious of them and Su Jie, because Zhao Yu has no descendants until now. It has not been able to solve the problem of the smooth birth of new human offspring.

"How did your strength become so strong?" Zhao Yan couldn't help asking.

"Then you have to ask Su Jie." Tang Yun signed: "Of course, we have completed some of the fetters left in our genes, the task of multiplying offspring has been completed, and the rest of our lives are our own. In this way, our spiritual world is unshackled."

"Well, anyway, be careful. Recently, I have also felt a strong atmosphere of conspiracy, because this year has been too peaceful, and nothing happened in the research and development of our new drugs, but it is precisely because of such calm that it is the layout of all parties. Prepare to start the big move." Zhao Yu left here while speaking, and he is also very busy recently, because of the Crystal Skull information group, he was almost exhausted.

He got first-hand information from Su Jie, and he wanted to report it immediately, and he had to go back to a meeting to do research on how to catch more and more scum.

Especially in some prisons, those vicious criminals who have lost their humanity are even more destructive and harmful after gaining superpowers while sleeping.

The point is, if these criminals are good at martial arts, no matter how fast they are, no matter how good their physical fitness is, they can be suppressed at will. But what they improve is not only physical fitness and fighting skills, but more importantly, mental strength. Once they learn mind control, it will be terrible.

In fact, there have been many examples of such things.

"I don't know if Su Jie can handle the Crystal Skull information group. It's really troublesome." After Zhao Yan left here, he sighed: "The evil in human nature is completely magnified by this thing."

At night, City S is still brightly lit, a city that never sleeps. Su Jie grew up in City S and knows the prosperity of this city. Especially ten years ago, this city became one of the world's financial centers, a super metropolis. The rich people here are superfluous, and a house can cost tens of millions.

And in recent years, there have been many entrepreneurs here, all of whom are young upstarts. There are the most technology companies, and there are not a few Internet companies. Most of them are young entrepreneurs who start their own businesses.

Lin Qin is the female president of two listed companies. She started her own business while she was in college, and soon got venture capital. With the help of investors, she completed the listing plan in a few years. Both of her companies are technology companies, one making small home assistance robots and the other Internet software services.

In fact, she is not a technical person. She studied financial management in college. She is very business-minded. She recruited many technical personnel and formed two companies. Under her operation, the company inflated like a balloon.

She is also one of the stars in the business world, and was named the most beautiful female president of a listed company last year. Still single, with countless suitors. Fortunately, she is not very old, she is only twenty-six or seventeen years old.

At night, she had just finished a meeting and drove back to her home.

Her home is very huge, a large mansion right by the river, with a full thousand square meters, all of which are automated technology systems, which cost her more than one billion. But to her, this is considered a small amount of money.

After returning home, she lay directly on the sofa, frowning and thinking about the news she had heard in the past few days: "It is said that there is a new drug circulating among the wealthy class. After taking it, there are many miraculous effects. I don't know if it is true or not. "

She is a newly promoted upper class, unlike Liu Shi, an old business tycoon who only knows what is popular in the upper class.

A lot of new medicines have been circulated from the International New Humanity Alliance, but those who can really afford and enjoy them are business tycoons. Upstarts like Lin Qin are a little bit worse in getting in touch with the real core things. The precipitation of time, but she is much stronger than ordinary people.

She has vaguely known some news about the new human beings, but she is not sure yet.

Just as she was lying on the sofa thinking, suddenly, her eyes blurred, and there was an extra person on the sofa opposite her. This man, with a lustful face, held a cigarette in his hand, took a deep breath, and spewed out second-hand smoke, which immediately filled the mansion with smoky atmosphere.

Lin Qin was furious. What she hated the most was a man who smoked and broke into her house suddenly. It immediately made her extremely vigilant.

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Li Fu." Li Fu crossed his legs and continued to smoke: "I know that your house has an alarm system and some automatic weapon defenses, but unfortunately these are useless to me. I have practiced some self-defense skills, but they are all pediatrics. I came here to tell you that you will be my woman, and your people, wealth, and company will all be mine in the future."

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