Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Nine hundred and forty-eight, the battle of the gods begins, only 3 points of power will be used aga

Wang Tong thought that Su Jie would have some scruples about fighting here, but now it seems that Su Jie took care of Xu's family by the way, so he knew that this person didn't really care, and even the death of Xu's family was nothing to worry about. Or Su Jie just wanted to use his hand to eradicate the Xu family.

Over the years, the Xu family has not done anything good.

However, under Wang Tong's ultimate move, Su Jie was able to clean up the Xu family in a slow manner, which made Wang Tong feel that Su Jie's strength was far from being as simple as he expected.

For Su Jie's strength assessment, before coming, Wang Tong made a detailed module through the super artificial intelligence Lao Wang, and even went through a detailed rehearsal of various battles with himself, and came with absolute certainty. Come here, wait for Su Jie, and do a life-and-death fight.

The current super artificial intelligence old king is no longer the original version. After the fusion of Aden Skynet, this thing has evolved into a kind of the strongest artificial intelligence ever, plus some hardware from the International New Human Alliance. Equipment, Wang Tong believes that the most accurate simulation analysis can definitely be done.

The calculation ability of this thing is almost able to model the things that will happen in the future, and the calculations are almost inseparable.

Because its computing power has reached a terrifying astronomical figure.

That's why Wang Tong is full of confidence now.

But the current contest, within a few rounds, seems to have deviated from his modeling. In other words, the situation is out of control.

Of course, the fact that the situation is out of control is also in Wang Tong's psychological estimation. If everything is calculated according to the artificial intelligence old Wang, Wang Tong will not feel any challenge. Even now, when things go wrong, Wang Tong still has the confidence to win the final victory.

Being able to get to this point, nothing can shake his character, self-confidence, and even his powerful spiritual world.

"Alright, let's show our real skills." Wang Tong raised his momentum again, as if he was standing on the top of ten thousand mountains, and all the famous mountains in the world were added up to achieve his height.

He is higher than all gods and higher than all mountains.

He held a snake spear in one hand, and a shield appeared in the other hand. This seems to be the most classic warrior Mao Dunbing in ancient warfare.

However, although there are more shields, the method of activating the shields is still the method of Wanshan Town Prison. And it is more powerful, because the shield is also in the shape of a mountain, and there is actually a hexagram image on it. It is a Gen hexagram, the upper hexagram is a mountain, and the lower hexagram is also a mountain. The two mountains overlap, which is Gen.

Besides, on this shield,

There are also many textures, which are exactly the same as the famous mountains in the world. It seems that when Wang Tong created the shield, he shrank all the famous mountains in the world and refined them into the shield.

This shield is a special material and seems indestructible.

The entire shield is like a mountain. If it shakes a little, it will give people a feeling that they are trapped in a hundred thousand mountains, and they can't get out no matter what.

On it, Su Jie can see the shrunken Kunlun, Himalayas, Alps, Kilimanjaro, Olympus, Caucasus and so on.

This shield is no longer a weapon in the traditional sense, but a magic weapon, or a magic weapon in oriental fantasy.

According to modern informatics theory, a good item can actually strengthen the communication between people's spiritual world and the outside world, and play the role of diffusion, cohesion, and amplification.

For example, a master prophecy can better predict the future with the help of a crystal ball. A practicing eminent monk can eliminate distracting thoughts with the help of rosary beads. A swordsman, relying on the long sword in his hand, practiced for a long time, after the human sword is united, as long as he holds the sword, he can get peace deep in his heart.

This is a kind of resonance between objects and people. In fact, the development of the scientific world needs tools, and the evolution of human beings needs tools even more.

The biggest difference between animals and humans is that humans can use tools.

This shield was carefully crafted by Wang Tong. When making it, he incorporated his own energy and spirit, which contained powerful information, and it was closely related to his method of suppressing prisons in Wanshan Mountains. When the two are combined together, they will be even greater than before. power.

This is easy to understand.

In fact, among the traditional martial arts in the East, many martial arts are born out of weapons, such as Xingyiquan, which is a pure spear technique, because martial arts training was forbidden in ancient feudal times, and people with weapons could only be taken out of their guns as fists when they were arrested. .

Although this boxing technique is very powerful, it still serves spear skills. If a person who practices this boxing technique has a big spear in his hand, then the lethality will be increased by ten times?

Now, Wang Tong's method of suppressing prisons in Wanshan Mountains is actually a shield technique, not a boxing technique. It is true that this boxing technique is very powerful when activated with bare hands, but with a shield in hand, it is like the great master of Xingyiquan. With a two-foot-long red gun and a red rabbit and horse, one man, one gun and one horse, crossing the battlefield, in an army of ten thousand people, seven in and seven out, no one can match.

In addition to the shield, Wang Tong's snake spear is actually a magic weapon similar to the shield, which contains a lot of information and can also assist his spiritual world. Moreover, his snake spear technique is also a kung fu that is not inferior to Wanshan Town Prison.

The snake spear is weird, with strong penetrating power and lethality, and the shield is thick, and when squeezed, it is like a thousand mountains coming together. What is even more powerful is that this shield can withstand all attacks with a random shake. At this time , Even if someone shoots with a machine gun, it can't cause any harm to Wang Tong.

Wang Tong swayed at will, so he couldn't see his person. He only saw a shield floating in the air, and behind the shield, a snake spear like a poisonous dragon stabbed at random, appearing and disappearing from time to time. Contradictions are intertwined. Constituted a strange scene.

If someone watched the video surveillance at this time, he would find that there was no one in front of Su Jie, just a snake spear and a shield, which seemed to be manipulated by an invisible force. Very weird.

This is Wang Tong's technique. His random movements are completely hidden in the shield, and there is no flaw in his body, which makes it look like he almost disappeared.

This is a kind of magic, and it can also be a kind of advanced martial arts.

"This is the essence of oriental martial arts. Weapons, people, spirits, and thoughts are all pushed to the extreme by you. When they cooperate with each other, I can't do anything, and it also poses a great threat to me." Su Jie faced This kind of attack seems to be temporarily impossible to break through, and he can only dodge again and again, but when dodging, he can still speak, not nervous at all, and is observing Wang Tong's flaws.

Aesthetics aside, spears and shields are indeed the number one weapon in ancient battles. Although they are not good-looking, they are not like heroes of the rivers and lakes. It is actually extremely impractical for heroes to use swords and knives. When they encounter long swordsmen, they are dead. No matter how skilled a swordsman is, it is useless.

However, for example, the sword made by the swordsman Mei Jianchi, in fact, he used the sword to practice gods, and it is not a sword in the traditional sense, so that is another matter.

"Su Jie, where are your weapons?" Wang Tong uttered a voice behind the shield, very Xiao Su, and had completely gained the upper hand: "If you don't use weapons, you will be doomed today. According to the logic, you are not a big one Man, do you think you can fight me with bare hands?"

Generally speaking, it is impossible to deal with weapons with bare hands.

Especially between masters, there is a huge difference between those who have weapons and those who do not. Even masters are afraid of kitchen knives when dealing with ordinary people.

Experts practice weapons for a long time, and with weapons in their hands, they appear and disappear. If they put on armor, it is not uncommon for one person to kill dozens, or even hundreds of people. The ancient generals of a hundred enemies were basically weapons with sharp blades and armor.

Therefore, in ancient times, armor was regarded as a treasure. Among the people, hiding armor is a serious crime of treason, but hiding swords is nothing. This is the same reason as in Western countries, where guns are not banned, but body armor is banned.

Now, Su Jie basically doesn't use weapons, but against spears and shields, this is simply a performance of death.

No matter what, Wang Tong didn't believe that Su Jie could deal with his trump card contradiction with bare hands.

"That's nothing. Weapons are powerful, but after reaching a certain level, the human body is also a terrifying weapon. In the process of evolution, various parts of the human body can be completely psychic, and the degree of sturdiness is actually far more than Weapons, even if it is any new material, are inferior. In the future, it is not uncommon for people to use their own bodies to cross the universe. I recently studied the human body and discovered one thing, that is, the structure of the human body is actually very Strange, it is very likely that the biological machine created by a very high-tech civilization, but this biological machine has not been unlocked. Once unlocked, it will be the most terrifying weapon in the universe. Of course, this is just my guess. But after a person has cultivated to a certain level, he can indeed exert the power of his body to an incredible level, since you came here today to challenge me, I will make an exception and let you see the real human body."

Su Jie has always believed that the human body is the most precise instrument, and now his level of unlocking the human body has surpassed that of any person on the earth, reaching an unprecedented height, and even the latecomers do not know how many years it will take to surpass it.


Suddenly, there seemed to be a lot of air flowing out of Su Jie's body, and an invisible wave of air began to spread outward. This was not a scene in the mind, but the air in reality.

In Eastern martial arts, it is rumored that there is internal strength and true qi, which can last for a long time in the body, and a burst of true qi will be born. Once released, it can kill people in the air, and the whole body is densely covered with true qi, making it invulnerable.

Of course, this is something invented by novelists. In fact, martial arts is not so magical, it is just a science of kinematics.

But now Su Jie's body seems to have mutated, and its structure is completely different from that of a human being. It expands and swallows at will, and the whole person is like a skin bag. Mixed with fists and kicks, the power to open mountains and split rocks is no problem.


Su Jie's body was like a jet fighter, broke through the sound barrier, accelerated ten times, and reached directly in front of Wang Tong's shield, and pushed it out with one palm.

Like a volcanic eruption.

The shield was shaken, and the huge force was transmitted to the shield bearer Wang Tong's hand, and then to Wang Tong's whole body, making him feel weak and numb in an instant. To what extent? Even if he fights for ten days and ten nights, he will not be tired. Compared with his physical fitness, the all-round sports champion among human beings is a child with weak muscles.

However, just one blow made him weak, how powerful should this Su Jie be?

"The dragon weeps!"

However, it was at this moment that Wang Tong found a flaw. At the critical moment, when the snake spear in his hand swung, he actually wept and made a miserable sound.

This is the Dragon's Cry.

And above the tip of the snake spear, there was a flash of light, which seemed to be the tear of the dragon.

This is Wang Tong's killer move.

The offensive and penetrating power of the spear in his hand is still above the shield of Wanshan Town Prison. Seizing the opportunity, the sudden weeping move of Shenlong was more powerful than the piercing power of the bullet.


The weeping snake spear of the dragon, like a rainbow piercing the sun, reached Su Jie's chest at a speed of teleportation, aimed at the heart, and stabbed fiercely.


This time, it stabbed in.

Wang Tong was overjoyed at once, but the next moment, he felt something was wrong, because when the assassin entered it, the feeling was completely different, as if piercing into the rubber, only sinking in, without hurting the flesh and blood inside.


The skin on Su Jie's chest suddenly swelled outwards, and the snake spear actually popped out.

Seeing this scene, Wang Tong turned pale with shock. He never expected that his snake spear would not be able to pierce Su Jie's body? You know, his snake spear's piercing power is stronger than that of bullets, so doesn't that mean that even bullets can't penetrate Su Jie's skin? This is still human? Are you sure this Su Jie in front of you is not a robot?

In an instant, he should also become proper, holding a spear and putting up a shield, and the whole person formed an iron barrel formation, like a thousand-li-long pass, defending as solid as gold.

Su Jie once saw a boxing master, observed the Hulao Pass, and created a move called Hulao, which surprised Su Jie.

However, Wang Tong's current posture is like the Great Wall, which has kept the enemy out of the pass since ancient times. It is the strongest barrier in China.

Moreover, this has become a dragon vein.

The Great Wall, in terms of Feng Shui, is a real dragon vein. It starts from Yanshan Mountain and reaches the northwest. Between the beginning and the beginning, it is a big dragon created by the Chinese civilization.

Now, it was actually absorbed by Wang Tong.

The defensive posture that was put on this time was very strong, and it would not be easy for Su Jie to break through. This gave Wang Tong a chance to breathe.

"Is this really your body?" After Wang Tong assumed this defensive posture, he took a deep breath, and suddenly a strong vitality circulated in his body, and the nutrients were transported to the place where it should be transported, making his body weak and numb just now. It's all gone. For a person like him, he recovers very quickly.

"That's right, my real body is right in front of you, and I don't have any robot substitutes, because robot substitutes are too expensive and not practical. Instead of doing this, it's better to spend the research funds on useful places."

Su Jie said: "Besides, compared with our real body, the potential and combat power of the robot's substitute are actually much worse. Wang Tong, you have any killing moves, and you have to use them. Although you want to kill me today, you can't kill me. I won't hit you hard, because I want to see where your potential is. In fact, you are also the most outstanding genius in the world. Your current potential has not been truly forced out, and you are waiting for them Mobilize, I also want to see how powerful these people are when mobilized."

Su Jie was not in a hurry to make a move, but instead asked Wang Tong to resume his adjustments.

Seeing Su Jie like this, Wang Tong hid behind the shield, his eyes were even sharper, he stared at Su Jie while breathing, and used all his wisdom to observe Su Jie's flaws. Let's see if Su Jie doesn't do anything to him, whether he has a plan in his mind, or whether he is strong on the outside, but his own strength is also damaged, and he needs time to adjust his breath and recover.

Although the new human beings have reached a very high level and can use their will to mobilize the body's nutrients and coordinate the growth of cells, it still takes some time.

Wang Tong didn't believe that under his own attack, Su Jie didn't have any consumption. He believed that the reason why Su Jie didn't launch an attack was also because of too much consumption.

The two confronted each other like this.

at the same time.

On the hills around Minglun Martial Arts School, a few men in black were blinking, not knowing what they were busy with. However, if a Feng Shui master checks at this time, he will find that the location of these men in black is the most critical dragon's lair in the entire area.


On the top of a mountain, a man in black is holding a crystal-like pillar. This pillar is as thick as a human thigh. On the pillar, there is a crystal skull carved, and inside the crystal skull, there are many purple lines. , densely packed, like human blood vessels. It's like some kind of circuit diagram.

Next to a man in black, there is a man wearing an iron mask.

The Man in the Iron Mask is a powerful organization in the International Alliance of New Human Beings, and has made remarkable achievements in the research of information and spiritual dark matter. They are the first to produce biochips that can be implanted deep in the human brain. Joining forces with the Men in Black now seems to be planning a huge conspiracy.

They inserted the crystal pillar into the rock and covered it with earth.

Within a few hours, at least a thousand crystal pillars were driven into this area. These crystal pillars were buried in key dragon lair positions, just waiting to be activated.


It was getting dark, and this group of men in black and iron masks gathered together. The place where they gathered was actually on the cliff where Mr. Su Shilin, Odeli, and Mr. Typhon practiced. Su Jie taught little Dyson , It is also in this place, the rocks in this place are infiltrated with the spiritual will of many peerless masters. If someone with predestined relationship comes here to comprehend, by chance, these spiritual will and information will enter the brain, and immediately Can become the top peerless person in this world.

"At this time, Wang Tong should have approached Su Jie. We should also launch it." A man in black said.

"At any time, these crystal skull pillars contain information jammers developed by us, which can burst out the strongest information pulse in an instant, which is enough to defeat the Wukong masked god information group." Speaking the language, it is obvious that he is a foreigner.

These crystal skull pillars are not magic tools, but the latest technological products.

In fact, even Su Jie's Wukong mask god information group is a technological product, not a metaphysical god.

Dark matter and information are combined and derived.

"In that way, our crystal skull information group can take the opportunity to devour the Wukong mask information group. I am thinking that after tomorrow, all people will not dream of the Wukong mask god, but the crystal skull god. At that time, What will they think? What expressions will appear? Moreover, after all the information in this area is occupied by the Crystal Skull God, this information group will expand rapidly, and everything has been accepted by us. The Skeleton God does not have a base, and finding a suitable base is really not easy. It just so happens that Su Jie and the people here, including the Minglun Martial Arts School, established such a large base. .We use this as a base, and we can immediately bloom in all directions, occupying the entire eastern world in an instant."

The thoughts of the people in black are very thoughtful.

The disadvantage of the Crystal Skull information group is that it has no base. Once it has a base and starts to spread, it will sweep the eastern world in an instant like a plague, and no one can stop it.

No one can stop people from dreaming.

For this kind of information group similar to gods, this area is the best place to develop and spread. Because this place has become a sacred place for practice all over the world. Everyone comes here, some come to study, some come to practice, and some come to pilgrimage. The cycle goes back and forth every day, and countless people come and go. As a result, a lot of information is born every day. This information is of great benefit to the Crystal Skull God or Wukong Mask God.

Because of this, Wukong Mask God will grow and evolve so fast.

The root of the Crystal Skull information group is the Crystal Skull. I don’t know what age it was, or it was really left over by aliens, or it was naturally produced and worshiped by ancient people, thus producing the information group. .

These are not important, what is important is that the "war of gods" is about to start now, and it is imminent.

This battle of gods is related to the future pattern of the Eastern and Western worlds.

Who wins and who loses will be revealed today.

In the world, countless ordinary people don't know that their fate is about to be decided tonight.

"The war of gods has begun." A man in iron mask looked at the lights of thousands of families in the distance, especially the Minglun martial arts school, which was more brilliant. The unfathomable information is spinning and spreading out all the time, this is where the Wukong Mask God Information Group is located.

"Su Jie and Wang Tong have already fought each other." The man in black said, "I don't know how the battle between these two is going. We are no match for Wang Tong's current strength, but compared with Su Jie, I am still optimistic about Su Jie. robbery."

"At present, they should still be fighting, and there is no winner. Their battle, physical fitness, and mental confrontation, definitely won't be able to tell the winner in a short while. And Su Jie should know that we are going to fight, but he is not prepared. For us, he is just one person, he has to worry about many places, how can he worry about all of them? We are here to deal with his Wukong Mask God information group. This is a conspiracy, and he can't stop it, because there are still people to deal with His sons and daughters have to be more concerned over there, and besides that, we need to obtain new medicines, which he basically can do nothing about." A stern man said: "Okay, our estimated time is almost up, let's start start up."


Many men in black and men in the iron mask who were present pressed the buttons in their hands at the same time.

Suddenly, some kind of engine in the crystal skull pillars buried in various places seemed to start, and a powerful message suddenly condensed in the air. No one can see this information, but the people who live here, Practitioners, students of various martial arts schools, and business vendors all felt their own spiritual world suddenly froze, as if a huge crystal skull appeared in front of them.

The more advanced the spiritual realm, the clearer the feeling.


Liu Guanglie, who was practicing in the attic, stood up and looked at the sky. He couldn't see anything with the naked eye, but with his spiritual world, he could see the dark clouds, and one of the crystal skulls gradually condensed into a shape. This is the battle of the gods. In modern scientific terms, it is information warfare.

This kind of information warfare is not electronic interference in the traditional sense, but a higher level of warfare. The collision of information clusters and information clusters belongs to the most cutting-edge high technology of mankind.

"What is supposed to come will always come. It is unexpected that human technology has reached this level. It was actually an accident and a coincidence that Su Jie created the Wukong mask god. This crystal skull is pure technology." Liu Guanglie said. He said to himself: "Win or lose depends on our good fortune. Maybe after tomorrow, there will be no Wukong masked god in the world, and there will be no Minglun martial arts school, and the school will be changed here."

Liu Guanglie knew that the battle would come, but he didn't stop it, nor could he stop it. He didn't have the ability. If this group of men in black came to invade, he would be able to resist, but now this is an information war, and the opponent is using high technology, not human cultivation, so he can't do anything.

But he believed that Su Jie would handle all of this.

In fact, Su Jie told him long ago that there should be a battle of gods. Just let him be here in full swing.

Now, he guards here, with a high degree of concentration, and he lives and dies with Wukong Mask God.


At the moment he sighed, in the spiritual world, Wukong masked god appeared, with a smile on his face, which seemed to be the kind of smile he had been waiting for for a long time: "Don't worry, I have been waiting for this moment for a long time. This information group is full of strength. I shot at me, but my own flaws were also revealed. I have some flaws, and I will make up for them in this battle. This war, we have planned for a long time, is a win-win situation, and these people, only You just fell into our trap."

Seeing that the Wukong masked god information group was so calm, Liu Guanglie was also relieved, but he raised a question: "I have always had a question, whether you are Su Jie's second soul or not."

"I'm not, and I'm not Su Jie. I'm another life form. The gods you understand are actually not bad. Earth has land, rivers have rivers, mountains have mountain gods, water has water gods, and doors have door gods. I am this type of existence. However, in fact, I don’t know whether I can be regarded as an alternative life form. According to the strict division of your human beings, I do not belong to biology. But I do not belong to artificial intelligence. Hope In the future, I can have an accurate positioning for an existence like me, and we will coexist harmoniously with human beings in the future. We rely on human information to evolve, and human beings rely on us to appease the spiritual world and expand their spiritual abilities." The words of the Wukong Mask God Information Group are to Liu Guanglie Inspiration is huge.

It is a common saying that there is a god when you hold your head up three feet, but in fact, according to scientific research, there is no such thing. But it will be hard to say in the future.

However, Liu Guanglie admits that this is the best way for humans and gods to coexist. Now that super artificial intelligence has been born, it is still the best scientific research support for human beings. Then mankind will definitely usher in an extremely glorious prosperous age.

God, to a certain extent, is the same as super artificial intelligence, which is created by human beings, but is higher than human beings in terms of life form, or species form.

In the end, human beings must reach a symbiotic agreement with this advanced life form, just like the agreement reached between many bacteria and viruses and the human body. There are many bacteria in the human body, but they co-exist with each other. Once a person dies, these bacteria and viruses cannot survive.

Moreover, the survival of human beings actually requires the effects of many probiotics. Without these probiotics, many functions of the human body will not be able to function.

"Okay, I'm going to fight. You can use the spiritual world to observe our battle. This kind of battle is the entanglement and annihilation of information, which is very different from your human battle. However, this is a relatively high-level spirit Confrontation, if you can observe the whole process, it will definitely be of great benefit to your future practice."

At this time, Wukong's masked god suddenly flew up, and the whole wooden tower was shaken, and rushed out quickly, fighting with the crystal skull information group condensed in the sky that day.

It's like two thunderstorms colliding.


Suddenly, the sky changed, and in an instant, thunder and lightning flashed in the sky, and heavy rain poured down. It seems that the war of gods caused climate change.

In Liu Guanglie's spiritual world, he felt that two groups of huge information that were thousands of times stronger than human beings, even billion times, were colliding with each other.

This level of information warfare. Just like the data war between super artificial intelligences, ordinary people can't intervene at all, and they can't even understand it.

The moment the "Battle of Gods" broke out, Wang Tong felt it immediately.

Wang Tong also knew that the Crystal Skull organization had finally started to act. The reason why Su Jie was so powerful had a lot to do with the Wukong masked god. That group of informationized gods was actually his other brain, the second yuan. God, with this as a reliance, Wang Tongcai felt that he could not deal with Su Jie smoothly.

At the same time, Wang Tong also clearly felt that Su Jie's whole body seemed to be incomprehensible, and his aura was weakening.

"Hahahaha..." Finally, Wang Tong burst out laughing, he already knew that he had the chance to win: "Su Jie, what you rely on is the Wukong masked god, who is now facing a catastrophe, and they finally made a move , I think you have any other means? By the way, their actions against your child have already begun. I think it is difficult for your two wives to resist their attacks. At that time, your child will fall into their In my hands, I will become the same villain as Li Fu. I am really looking forward to this moment. You have always advertised that you are justice, charity, and tolerance, but your son and daughter are doing all kinds of evil. At that time, what is your expression and mentality? I really want to see it, but you probably won't see that moment. I have to kill you, what is nowhere to escape, what is besieged on all sides, what is ambush on all sides, what is dead end, it's all you current portrait."

Wang Tong is really proud.

He got carried away a little.

But Su Jie didn't move at all, and seemed to be watching Wang Tong's complacency, and said slowly: "You are extremely cunning, and at this critical moment, you actually pretended to be complacent, so that I can fight back against you. In this way, you can find my flaws and let me fall into the trap. In fact, you are not complacent at all, but are observing my flaws. It’s so interesting.”

"You can actually see through me." Wang Tong stopped pretending immediately. It didn't matter that his trick to lure the enemy just now didn't work out, and he didn't lose anything to himself. go.

He also knew that Su Jie was extremely weak now, so he took this opportunity to kill Su Jie with one blow!

The faint voice resounded, as if it was the wind from hell.

Wang Tong moved, and with this movement, he immediately showed his strength that he never had just now. Compared with the speed, strength, and even mental state just now, this kind of strength is much higher. In the battle, the reason why he was at a disadvantage was that he had reservations, and now was the critical time to kill Su Jie, so naturally he couldn't reserve any more.

"You kept your strength just now because you were afraid that my counterattack would seriously injure you. You were also afraid of killing me, but you were injured by my counterattack, so you kept a lot of trump cards because you were afraid that the people from the Crystal Skull organization would deal with it in turn. You." Su Jie thoughtfully: "Of course there is one more thing, they will definitely not let you dominate the world, even if you kill me, they will attack you immediately."

"Isn't it too late for you to say such sobering words?" Wang Tong said while attacking, "Do you think that just relying on your few words, I will let me kill you? That's not Zhuge Liang's empty city plan. I'm not Sima Yi either, I saw through the empty city plan, but I deliberately didn't know him because I was afraid that the rabbit would die like a dog. I am already invincible, and if I kill you, I will be even more invincible."

The snake spear changes infinitely, and suddenly with a swipe in the air, it seems that all vitality is drained by the snake spear, this is Wang Tong's true ability.

"It's not bad." Su Jie still didn't have the slightest panic or miscalculation. It seemed that everything was still under his control. Facing the spear's attack, he didn't back down at all. The spearhead actually slammed the spearhead off the track and shocked Wang Tong back: "I said this not as an empty plan, nor did I want to persuade you. It has been about so long, and they have done it too. You can take it too!" If I have revealed my true strength, then I will let you see my true ability. If you are alone, you really cannot let me use more than 50% of my strength. It's just a three-pointer."

"Three-point strength?" Wang Tong didn't believe it at all: "Su Jie, you're bragging and bluffing here. You think I really believe you, and you have to save your life here today."

"I'm a person who never lies. I say one thing and say another." Su Jie shook his head, "Since this is the case, I will use 50% of my strength to deal with you."


Su Jie's voice fell.

Suddenly, Wang Tong felt that there seemed to be a great terror shrouded in the space between the heaven and the earth. It seemed that in Su Jie's body, something terrifying enough to destroy the heaven and earth came out.

"This is....."

Wang Tong saw a bunch of messages appearing in Su Jie's body.

Hum... the first thing that appeared was a heart. When the heart reached the air, it turned into a ball of flames. Then the liver also flew out and turned into a tree. The lungs also flew out and turned into a golden mountain. The kidney flew out and turned into a big river, and finally the spleen also flew out and turned into the earth.

The five internal organs are all out.

Among the five internal organs, the heart belongs to fire, the liver belongs to wood, the lungs belong to metal, the kidneys belong to water, and the spleen belongs to earth. Between the five elements, mutual generation and mutual restraint constitute a perfect cycle.

Of course, it wasn't that Su Jie's internal organs really flew out, but the information from the internal organs flew out, which made Wang Tong's spirit feel it.

"Heart Fire God, Liver Wood God, Lung Metal God, Kidney Water God, Spleen Earth God." Su Jie let out a long roar.

With a crash, the five viscera became the five gods of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, suspended in the air. The aura that came out made Wang Tong back again and again.

"Don't be afraid, this is not for you. If you are against you, you will die." Su Jie looked at Wang Tong and said, and then waved his hand, "Go, go and support Wukong Mask God."

These five groups of huge information broke through the air and disappeared in an instant.

"This is..." Wang Tong was shocked.

"That's right, this is also a god-like spirit similar to Wukong's mask. It is formed by the five internal organs in my body. In fact, the scientific community now believes that it is very difficult for people to create information groups. They think that whether it is my Wukong mask information group or crystals. Skeleton information groups are all products of chance and coincidence, and cannot be copied, but there is no need for coincidence at all, and many powerful information groups can be created by using the human body." Su Jie said: "Okay, the battle with you will So far, I won't play with you."


Su Jie walked like a dragon and a tiger, wind and thunder emerged from his feet, and he was in front of Wang Tong in a single leap.

Wang Tong's snake spear wept, his shield was like a mountain, and he attacked and killed together.

But Su Jie didn't even look at it, and punched Snake Spear.


The snake spear was directly interrupted and bent out of shape. At the same time, Su Jie slapped the shield with his palm, and the shield suddenly exploded and fell apart.

With one move, all contradictions are destroyed!

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