Kung Fu Way: Point of No End

Nine hundred and fifty, get rid of the shackles, get into the ground and hide and seek

"Why, you guys who are at the top can't catch the two children?" Zhang Manman is not worried about the safety of the two children. Now the two children are more than one year old and can walk. , can run, can jump.

"This is not a simple child." The swordsman said between his eyebrows: "No one dares to underestimate Su Jie's child. This is also the first pair of children born by New Human and New Human. Between them and the new humans, no one has been able to give birth to real offspring. Therefore, these two children have great research value. Of course, arresting them will also be of great benefit to contain Su Jie."

"Aren't you afraid of death?" Tang Yunzhi said calmly: "Wang Tong has been defeated, and your Crystal Skull information group has also been swallowed up. Your operation this time has been a complete failure. If I were you, immediately Just put your flags to rest, hide, and continue to accumulate strength, instead of doing a desperate gamble and wanting to turn around."

"Really?" The bat-masked man was still staring at the two playful children, "We didn't lose anything. On the contrary, Su Jie helped me. Now the Crystal Skull information group has been greatly damaged. It is a great opportunity for us to get rid of control. Originally, the relationship between this information group and us was to use each other, restrict each other, and we were even restrained. Now that we have been severely injured by Su Jie, we can turn back and control those crystals completely. The skeleton has become our own, thanks to Su Jie."

"That's right." Long Zaifei also spoke: "Do you think that the Crystal Skull Information Group was created by us? It has existed since ancient times, but we found it, and it reached a lot of agreements with us. Of course The reason why our cultivation has advanced so rapidly is actually with the help of its computing power, but it has also formed something similar to a tumor in our spiritual world, trying to manipulate us, and we have to communicate with it every moment To compete, this greatly reduces our strength, but it also has the effect of training us. Now it can no longer restrain us. We have released the shackles. Every second, our strength will improve a lot. I I believe you two have sensed it too."

When Long Zaifei spoke, his aura rose steadily.

It seems that the seal has really been opened.

Tang Yunzhi and Zhang Manman saw all this and knew that what this person said was true.

This time, the organization's plan can succeed or fail, and it can take a lot of advantage.

The achievements of this group of people are inseparable from the Crystal Skull, but this is also a double-edged sword. The information group in the Crystal Skull wants to control them and wreak havoc in their spiritual world. The invasion and occupation of things.

But this is indeed the best kind of training.

"No wonder, no wonder you have to wait for Su Jie to win,

Just started to act, Su Jie smashed the Crystal Skull information group, and you have broken the seal, and your strength has greatly increased. "Zhang Manman said: "I'm thinking about a problem, that is, Li Fu and those people are extremely vicious and completely manipulated by evil thoughts, but you haven't, and you have remained sober, so you are not the same kind of people. "

"Of course not. How can we be manipulated by a small group of information? Don't say that this thing is not a god, even if it is a real god, it will become a dead soul under my sword." The swordsmith said between eyebrows: " As early as the very beginning, this thing tried to manipulate me. If I don't want to, it can't even try to invade my spiritual world, but I let it invade, and then use it to spur myself. Think about it, deep in my spiritual world There is a devil-like thing that invades all the time. As long as you lose your mind, or take a rest or relax, this thing will take the opportunity to occupy your spiritual world. How much pressure do you have? Such a great pressure How much potential will the human spiritual world explode over time?"

"Really? This kind of practice is really special, it can be said to be dancing on the tip of a knife." Tang Yunzhi nodded: "If my guess is correct, you should still have masters, go to the laboratory of new medicines, and steal new medicines. Do you have a multi-pronged approach? This is also your strategy. In fact, Su Jie has also thought about the relationship between you and the Crystal Skull Information Group. Your strength has greatly increased, which is also a good thing for us, because we also I've been lonely for a long time, and it's rare to have an opponent."

"Wang Tong lost, and he also failed to swallow Wukong's mask god, but these are not important. For us, it is also a well-calculated matter." Long Zaifei said: "Wang Tong's loss is a big deal for us. Good thing, we can successfully control the International New Human Alliance, and the Crystal Skull Information Group lost, and we released the shackles. In fact, we won the two battles. Then the remaining two battles, one must win , As for this, it doesn’t matter if you lose.”

"So, you guys are sure about obtaining the new medicine?" Zhang Manman asked, "Which master did it?"

"That's our chairman himself." The swordsman said Jianchi.

"Chairman?" Zhang Manman and Tang Yun couldn't help laughing after hearing the signing: "It makes your organization look like a company."

"Isn't the Diandao Group just a company?" The Bat Masker interjected.

"What's your chairman's code name?" Zhang Manman asked again.

"It doesn't matter if you tell me." The guest in the bat mask said, "His code name is Tai Sui."

"Tai Sui, this code name is interesting. Tai Sui is an evil star. The so-called life offender Tai Sui breaks ground on Tai Sui's head. That's it. Whoever touches Tai Sui will die. In medicine, Tai Sui is also called meat ganoderma. It is said that eating After that, you can live forever. This thing can be said to be a combination of life and death. It seems that your chairman is an oriental. It is amazing that an oriental can produce such a character." Zhang Manman said.

"Su Jie is also from the East." The swordsman said between his eyebrows: "He is now truly dominating the world, unrivaled. At first we all thought that Tai Sui could compete with him, but in the end we let Wang Tong test the waters like this. The discovery is also wishful thinking, only to arrest his children to contain him, he is not without weaknesses. Or he does not have any weaknesses, the weakness is the people around him. So we came to you. We are fighting a The time difference. Now Su Jie is too far away from you. I think he thinks that your strength has greatly increased, and it will not be a problem to deal with us, so he is so entrusted."

"That's right, it's really not a problem to deal with you," Zhang Manman said.

"Confidence is a good thing. Don't talk too much, let's start." The bat masked man took a deep breath: "I told you so much just now, in fact, to delay time and eliminate the crystal skull information in our spiritual world The remnants of the merits and virtues have now been completed."

His momentum is also rising steadily.

Tang Yun signed: "We also wait for your spirit to reach the peak, otherwise we would not talk so much nonsense with you. If you are not the peak, defeating you is meaningless."


The swordsmith nodded his eyebrows, he really didn't have much to say now.

He didn't know when, an extra sword appeared in his palm. This sword was neither long nor short, pitch black and not reflective. It seemed to be able to absorb all light. In the dark night, it merged with the night and came quietly. , to reap human life.

The sword does not have any light, but instead takes away all light.

The darkness immediately enveloped Zhang Manman and Tang Yun's signature.

The strength of the swordsman Mei Jianchi is basically one of the best even in the International New Human Alliance, especially now that the spiritual shackles have been eliminated, and he immediately becomes a Buddha.

His sword has been so miraculous that it uses light and darkness to create combinations, and the true meaning of all things is contained in it. One person attacks two people, completely enveloping them.

But the bat-masked man and Long Zaifei suddenly rushed out, aiming at the two children.

The two children were still fighting, and they didn't feel the danger at all.

They drilled around in the yard. The scenery in the yard is very good, with rockery, pavilions, and ponds. There are many koi swimming around in the ponds, and there are big turtles floating their heads listening to scriptures.

The bat-masked man and the dragon were flying at an extremely fast speed, and they grabbed the children one by one. With their methods, the two children had no reason to survive.

However, the moment the two children were caught, they actually went underground.

Immediately disappeared.

It seems to be the legendary earth drilling technique.

"What's going on here?" The bat-masked man and Long Zaifei were taken aback. They saw that the ground where the two children drilled was solid green bricks, without any gaps or holes. The child just disappeared out of thin air.

The Tu Xingsun in the myth is nothing more than this.

It is impossible for a human to drill directly into the ground. Even pangolins are not capable of disappearing so suddenly without any trace.

Then there is only one result, that is, two people are mentally fooled.

However, their spiritual realm has just got rid of the restraint of the Crystal Skull God and reached a peak, how could they be fooled?

"Come on, come and catch us."

On the ground not far away, two children unexpectedly popped up again, waving at the bat-masked man and Long Zaifei, without feeling any danger at all, as if they were still playing hide-and-seek with the two of them.

The two rushed out again, faster this time, but it was useless, because the two children went underground again and emerged from other places. It's like playing whack-a-mole.

"Could it be that this is virtual?" The bat masked man didn't act rashly now.

"It's not virtual. I can feel that the huge vitality in the bodies of these two children, as well as their spiritual world, are real bodies. Besides, we have observed for so many days, and we have collected every plant and tree here. , I am familiar with everything, even the earth qi, the secret passage, and the secret room are all familiar, can't you tell the truth from the fake?" Long Zaifei said.

"Then how do you explain it now?" The guest in the bat mask said, "There is no reason for a person to burrow into the ground and emerge again, unless it is a ghost."

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